Do you have an adaptation you like just as much if not more than the original book? Tired of automatic claims that the book is better or people insisting an adaptation is bad just because it's different in any way? Is there an adaptation that you feel is underrated, or just makes you really happy? Is there a show or movie you love dearly, regardless of whatever it may be based on?
Boy, do I have the poll tournament for you!
The rules are simple:
Submit any screen adaptations that you think were just as good if not better than the books they were based on.
You can submit as many characters as you want but do it in separate submissions. Please don't spam one character a bunch of times in a row.
Only submissions through the form will be counted, not asks.
Generally, I'm focusing on TV/movie adaptations of books, but you can make a case for anything if you want.
TERFs, transmeds, exclusionists, and other bigots are NOT welcome.
Please keep in mind I am just doing this for fun and vibes! I will delete shit that doesn't pass the vibe check (things like Harry Potter) but I might also include things that didn't get a lot of submissions if the submitter can convince me with a passionate TedTalk.
I don't know if I'll do a traditional bracket or just vibe. Probably just vibe. I'll probably do little graphics though so if you have a picture you want me to use feel free to send something in or you'll be making do with whatever I find on Google.
I will try to reblog propaganda if I can, but I can't promise I'll see it all and if this blows up (which it probably won't, but who knows?) I might not even be able to reblog them all. I won't be reblogging anti-propaganda (aka "actually in this case the book WAS better because...")
Any hate messages will be blocked and ignored.
I will probably stop whenever I get Too Many Submissions, or in like, a week. Whichever comes first. This could either blow up or completely fizzle out.
I have tried to make this blog and post like five times and tumblr still refuses to put it in the main tags.
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