the-arch-elf · 3 months
Important Reminder
Conveyor belts are not a method of transportation for getting between the floors quickly. Stop riding on them, and please stick to taking the stairs or the elevators.
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 6 months
yo. b-man. are you still caesar on discord? because it just occurred to me that the ides of march are coming up and. uh. well. we all know how THAT went for caesar 😬😬😬
I can confirm I am still Caesar on Discord! Now that you mention it though, should I be worried?? The Ides have already passed, so I'm sure I don't need to worry about anything, but now you've got me thinking about it...
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 7 months
Santa doesn’t know you can change your profile so I’m trying to convince him that he’s talking to the real Caesar
@the-arch-elf hey man
why are you Caesar
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the-arch-elf · 7 months
But the bow looked so goood 🎀🥺
It’s the ✨yassification✨, Bartholomew
Oh. Did it actually look good?
Be honest, because the reindeer were laughing at me too. The reindeer. Have you ever been laughed at by reindeer?? I'm being bullied in my own workshop.
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 7 months
Was no one going to tell me I had a bow stuck to the back of my beret or was Santa just going to keep laughing at me all day
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the-arch-elf · 8 months
Curtis, no. Don’t go anywhere yet, I’m bringing you shoes
Bye bye shoes, RIP curtis’s toesies
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I'm ready to go ‼️
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the-arch-elf · 8 months
How many elfs have Tumblr accounts?
Well, it’s hard to say.
We’re all over the place, and honestly, Elves blend right on in so it can be a little hard to keep track of how many Elves there are on Tumblr. Any blog could easily claim to be an elf and we wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s a gimmick or real!
The best way to tell is to go with your gut feeling.
Elves often leave a little touch of magic, especially on things they love, so if a blog feels especially cheerful or whimsical then there’s a good chance you might have stumbled across an elf’s account!
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Quick reminder to please be careful when setting off fireworks, Elves. We don’t need a repeat of last year.
Happy New Years!
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Just wanted to ask, did you get the cookie? I tried to write your name in frosting but it did NOT come out that well 😅 🍪
I did! Santa gave it to me after he got back. (I think he was a bit concerned as to how you would know me though.)
You did an amazing job with it, Q. It looked great! Thank you. Really, this meant a lot.
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
How was Christmas for ya, Bernard? I hope it was way less stressful than you imagined. Maybe got a break from Curtis? As If that would ever happen.
Surprisingly, Christmas went off without a hitch! No problems with police or Calvin family drama or magical malfunctions. It was a completely calm night! A little too calm, and if I'm being honest, I'm worried. This has to be some sort of calm before the storm.
As for Curtis, I really don't have a problem with the guy. He's eccentric (and that's putting it lightly), but he's nice to be around! On that note, he told me he was working on some sort of rocket powered roller skates?? He said it would help elves get around the workshop faster. I told him, "Curtis, that's a bad idea."
He seems excited to make them though. I just hope he doesn't go flying out the window again.
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
merry Christmas Bernard! ❤️
I hope you’re a lot less stressed than you were. I know you now have next Christmas to think about, but I hope to see you at the party tonight!
💜, alice
Merry Christmas, Alice!
I’ll see you at the party as soon as I figured out where Curtis has fallen asleep at.
Oh, but don’t forget to get some of Judy’s hot chocolate while you’re there! It usually goes fast, so get it while you can.
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Woo! Christmas Day, merry chrysler. How’s it feel? I hope you’re gonna take some time for yourself, you did SUPER this year 😁 great job
Merry Christmas!
It’s a huge relief to be finished with the holiday crunch time. Mrs. Claus made everyone promise to take a break so work for next year's Christmas season doesn’t start until tomorrow, which gives me some time to get paperwork done. (And there's plenty of that to do!)
But thank you! I wouldn't have managed this alone though. All the Elves played their part in getting everything ready in time, and I'm extremely grateful for their help!
Maybe I should make them something as a 'thank-you' gift..?
Merry crisis, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Merry Christmas, Elves!
Good job getting everything completed in time, Elves, I knew you could do it! You’ve all worked really hard so every department gets an extra week to turn in their seasonal reports.
Quick reminder that the Christmas Party will be this evening, and that’s when we’ll do the gift exchange.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking my required five minute vacation.
Happy holidays everyone!
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
if I were to say, leave out a specific cookie with a note that it’s for you, would Santa get it to you? I may or may not have left one out and wanna know if you got it- (sorry I send in so many asks, I hope it’s not uncomfortable)
Oh. Uh, this has never happened before.
As far as I know, the Big Guy’s done it in the past where he picks up cookies intended for Mrs. Claus, but I’ve never— There’s never been one for me, so I’m not sure. I bet Santa would though!
Regardless, thank you for thinking of me! That’s very nice.
Kindly yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Hey, hey! It’s alright! We found Santa.
After dispatching the entire E.L.F.S squad to search, it turns out a couple of the younger elves had asked him to stop by the ice rink to see their new tricks, and he had lost track of time.
Everything is back on track and going according to schedule, don’t worry!
Yours, Bernard
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
We are missing Santa
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
hi, Bernard! I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re doing amazing, even though it’s nearly Christmas and I’m sure you have a million things on your mind. Just remember to take a second to breathe every now and then!
💜, Alice
Oh! Why, thank you, Alice!
Santa is hours from flying out, and I don’t think I’ve stopped moving since I woke up this morning. This was the perfect reminder to get something to eat before the Kitchen staff start hunting me for sport.
And while I do that, I'll add breathing exercises to my to-do list!
Kindly yours, Bernard
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