#bernard speaks
the-arch-elf · 9 months
No, you are not allowed to make bets on if Santa’s gonna fall off the roof this year
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ko-the-kreator · 2 years
Haha. Still alive still kickin’! Just wanted to post my addition to @xxxtoony-brosxxx // @reverie-bros-bank-n-studio-co //and @xxmelancholicworldxx ‘s Zombie AU.
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sturniolo-rat · 6 months
The special needs 6 year old I nanny for stole my phone and has been watching this one sturniolo edit on TikTok for 15 minutes. Then this conversation happened.
Kate: who dis?
Me: well this is Chris… and this one is Matt
Kate: Matt?
Me: yeah and the other guy is Chris
Kate: ✨❤️Matt❤️✨
She’s autistic and she doesn’t really show emotion usually, but…
She gave me the biggest fucking smile she’s ever given in her whole life.
Girlie really said Chris who???
Ive gotta make a folder of Matt edits without bad words now… send me some!!!!
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deareststurns · 18 days
Nick and his drama rn.
Listen I know I'm probably gonna get some hate for this but I don't even care tbh. Nick needs his shit clocked so badly and Imma do it (even if it he's not gonna see it I wanna inform you guys and just speak my opinion). Nick has been such a shitty human being recently. 1. I want to talk about how he is going to be the absolute downfall of Sturniolo's nation. He needs to start respecting his fans better number one, simply because without us he wouldn't be where he is now. I get that some fans go absolutely over the top and I get that, but saying his chat is “Helen Kellers” and just being downright negative towards them isn't okay. 2. I want to talk about how not just him but all of them have a tendency to not speak about anything. They choose to ignore everything. 3. Speaking of that lets talk about his abelist comment. Whether he had the intention or not for it to sound that way, it was damn right not okay to his brother at that too. Now Chris has mentioned he feels like he has ADHD or such, but he's not diagnosed. But still, that doesn't mean anything, it's still highly offensive to others. And I feel like if he DOES decide to talk about It 1. He's gonna act like he's hot shit and be all like “I don't care what you say.” or he's just not going to speak about it at all, but he needs to apologize to fans, and his brother in my opinion. I'm excited about Twitch streams with Nick simply because you cannot cut anything out and i do feel as though other things will be said and i don’t believe this will be the first or last time this happens. And speaking of Twitch streams, I feel like the energy is so much better without him there. That's just a hot take of mine. Matt is more energetic, and chris can honestly be more himself without Nick constantly talking down on him, they actually talk to fans more. And honestly, I'm a Matt girl at heart but I feel like he seeks Nicks's approval in stuff and just follows his lead in things. In my opinion Chris is the only real humble and grateful one of the group and I love that for him. And Chris I feel like is always the odd one out if that makes sense. Nick is highly rude to him. And I know that they're “brothers” and its going to happen but its like constant in Twitch streams. Anyways I just feel like I needed to speak on this because its been pissing me off.
All in all he just needs to calm his shit and what he says on stream and in general and they’ll be fine. 😬
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crabrat · 27 days
no no but think an au where gotham thinks alfred is batman
cause like gotham has known bruce since he was a kid hiding under tables at galas, they’ve watched him grow up and honestly to gotham he’s decently well adjusted-(they haven’t seen him at Gotham U the kids there know hes friends with harvey dent for fucks say and you can’t be friends with that man without having a bit of crazy in you)
they’re not going to assume that he goes out every night as a dressed as a humanoid bat-no the young lad was much too tired running Wayne Interprize and being depressed
alfred though? everyone knows alfred was in the secret service before Martha and Thomas died. and everyone also knows that they and the butler were practically married considering the way he was talked about in press interviews and through the rare press pictures people got of them
so in his grief the people think it’s very reasonable for the butler to have snapped and taken such a duty as batman up-as repentance as a way of avenging the late wayne’s as a way of protecting bruce
this of course is not official information but the people of gotham have some type of an unsaid agreement
whenever one of bruce wayne’s wards are taken hostage bruce wayne is noticeably absent and batman swoops in to save the day-as to not repeat the events of the part alfred must have made bruce stay put, safe, and gone to save his grandsons
when one brings up the age argument you’re likely to get a condescending look and the irritable response that alfred’s immortal
this is not further explains
it is simply a truth of life in gotham
moving on
people start to realize the amount robins match up with amount of kids brucie has and immediately come to the conclusion alfred has been training them to take care of gotham and make sure bruce is safe. this is a perfectly reasonable and ethical conclusion to most gotham residents the city moves on
when jason todd the second robin dies batman gets much much more aggressive people start sending very fancy cooking supplies and ingredients to wayne manor which could mean nothing
red hood emerges and starts using guns everyone thinks that he’s one of batman’s failed trainees as obviously alfred taught the kids to use guns even though he never uses them this is speculated to because of how the wayne’s died
naturally most anyone outside of gotham thinks they’re all mad but what else is new
alfred is fully aware of these rumors and sometimes likes to feed into it by “absentmindedly” spinning a batterang while looking directly into one of the press cameras at the most recent gala
this doesn’t actually change anything about the story except that it contributes to bernard’s first ever correct conspiracy about bruce being batman, all of bernard’s conspiracy forum friends want to kick him out for this wild even to them claim, tim has to try really hard not to start laughing hysterically
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dimpletheheck · 1 month
So this happened earlier...
Here's a lil comic depicting an interaction between my mom and I like an hour ago. enjoy!
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It's getting more and more difficult to not tell her😭💕💖
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quatregats · 9 months
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This quote is so funny but also like that is literally the most efficient summary of the difference between these books sdhfjhds
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thecynthh · 7 months
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matt’s biggest opp is literally the camera ☠️
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 months
idea: tim & bernard double date with damian & nika & nika just keeps bragging about the increasingly weird things she & damian get up to like "yeah he gave me a heart it was sooooo romantic <3" & tim has to decide whether it's more normal to come out as robin or just let bernard believe he just happens to have the world's gothest little brother
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the-arch-elf · 3 months
Important Reminder
Conveyor belts are not a method of transportation for getting between the floors quickly. Stop riding on them, and please stick to taking the stairs or the elevators.
Yours, Bernard
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chamiryokuroi · 1 year
My thoughts on Tim Drake: Robin #10 heavy spoilers under the cut
First of all got to say it wasn’t a bad ending if we consider they had to wrap up this arc in such a short amount of time, gotta give it to Meghan she managed to figure out a way to answer as many questions as possible and give us a relatively good ending for a series that I feel was canceled with no reason.
You can definitely feel that the story was planned to be done in more issues, the building blocks are all there for an amazing arc and it is sad we had to condense it all in one issue.
Now into a more in depth analysis of the comic of my favorite parts.
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The Labyrinth was such and interesting point I wish we could have seen more of, specially with the fact this is the cult if Dionysus.
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I absolutely adore the fact that Bernard is fully aware of Tim’s identiry because we get such funny interactions like this where Pie honestly thinks Tim is cheating on Bernard with Robin, and that panel of Bernard laughing because of that is one of my favorites for sure, boy is having so much fun, as he should.
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Now in a more serious tone, this two panels tells us so much of how Tim feels, how insecure he is of his own place, not only on his family, but in the world as a whole. That second panel specifically where we see Bernard having fun while Tim is just on the bg, knowing how hard it must be for Tim to wrap his head around his sexuality even now, a year after coming out and starting dating Bernard, this feels realistic, sometimes when you come out later in life it feels as if you do not fit exactly with the community, and it can be hard to find your place.
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If I had a nickel for every time a creepy cult tried to recruit Tim into their ranks I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it is weird that it keeps happening.
This is honestly another point that feels like it was meant to be explored for longer before the cancelation notice came. At least it gives us an explanation of why Kate was acting the way she was, it took me a while to get it but basically after Tim saved Bernard from the cult back in Urban Legends Kate went around hunting down those that managed to escape, one of them being the son of this man that appears to be the leader of the cult, the son then took his own life and Kate was taken into the labyrinth, were we know Tim was being pumped with some hallucinogen gas of some sort, depending on how long she was on the labyrinth before managing to escape that might explain her memory loss, again this is all theorizing with what we are given since there wasn’t much space for it to be explain as it should.
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And now we go back to Bernard who is looking around for Tim, going to all the people that knew him as Robin, and then those words “Tim takes care of everyone… but sometimes he needs someone to take care of him” hits me straight on the feels, Bernard is such a supportive boyfriend, he is definitely what Tim needs, someone that is there for him, not only for Tim, but also Robin.
Also the fact that Bernard is making his own homemade bat-signal with his hands is just adorable to me. Boy could had probably drove to Bruce’s house, but he doesn’t need Bruce’s help right now, he needs Batman.
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And of course Batman responds. Bruce why were you following Bernard? Anyways, yet another great speech from Bernard “I thought you might be a ghost. Or you weren’t real. But the truth is you look sort of normal. Like regular-people normal.” Leave it to Bernard to understand exactly what Batman is, just a normal man trying to help as best as he can.
And then he says Tim needs help, not Robin, Tim. This is just Bernard out right telling Bruce “I know, and I don’t care, because Tim is in problem and you got to find him”
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And then we get the best thing, Bernard, and Tim’s friends and family, rushing in to save him, just as he was losing hope of managing to leave the labyrinth alive. Absolutely in love with Bernard’s long ass coat.
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And then we get to my favorite page. The uncertainty if it is really him or another hallucination, the confirmation that it is him, it is Bernard, here to save Tim. The hug, the way Tim is holding Bernard’s face, the only thing that would had made this better would had been a kiss.
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And then we get to the ending, not much to say here, I just love these two pages, Tim just finally realizing he doesn’t need to be anyone else, that he can be himself and that he is right where he belong, and that he can be happy with that. The best ending we could have hope for with what we were allowed to have.
There are obviously many questions left unanswered.
What was exactly the Cult of Dionysus? Where did it came from?
What’s going on with Bernard’s parents?
What’s up with Moriarty? Who was his boss? What was his deal with Robin/Tim??
I am sad TD:R ended the way it did, had it been given the time to develop I feel it would had gotten better. But I am glad we managed to get as much as we did, now we just have to wait and see what will DC do now with Tim, and if Bernard will stay relevant or will they brush him under the rug.
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sturniolo-rat · 6 months
In a very real very grown person who’s had a lot of sex way I know for fact Matt would fuck you respectfully but in the most disrespectful way possible. I need him to be mean and nasty to me ASAP!
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st4rswrld · 9 months
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It has to be a crime to be able to look that good.
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sempermoi · 5 months
Probably because I'm already in an emotional state
But seeing the news that Bernard Hill died just had me sobbing for a moment
May he rest in peace
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starlightswordfight · 5 months
new headcanon dropped (HELP ME)
I like to imagine that while there might be a universal "standard" language to make interplanetary communication easier (ex: Koppaite text is also found on the S.S. Shepherd among several other places), everyone's accents and dialects are still different depending on their home planet!!
this in mind. it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to tell right away where Bernard is from. this is because he uses so much lingo from different places he's been to and pronounces certain words in a Variety of different ways that it can be hard to trace if you haven't known him long enough
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
You asked us to send you headcanons, so. I think it would be funny if, before he learned Tim was Robin, Bernard was a die hard Robin/Superboy shipper. It just has so much potential.
gonna be honest, the closest i get to consuming any bernard content is through tumblr posts. i have close to zero concept of him as an actual character.
i did see a post like this the other day though and thought it was really amusing. i think it's a hilarious concept, and can see it happening with other vigilantes.
imagine poor steph, having to listen to a friend talk about how they think spoiler and robin are 'an item', fresh off breaking up with tim.
or dick, talking to a co-worker at a temporary barista job he picked up, and she's going on about how when the teen titans were a thing, she always 'felt bad' for aqualad, because kid flash and robin obviously had something going on as they got older, and wonder girl.. well she was just too good for any of them.
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