the-arg-writer · 1 year
I have returned
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the-arg-writer · 2 years
Oh, um.. hello there! Thank you for the...green fairy? 💐?
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Can’t believe I spent all morning panicking about getting that puzzle made in time only for no one to be online or interact in any way until hours later
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
FFS you were SO CLOSE
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Oop I think I stumped my collective
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Arg players too busy memeing about the arg to actually progress
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
I have a parasocial relationship with my collective whoops
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
The players keep going off on tangents about my interests and I want to talk to them about it but I can’t
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Watching communities get built and knowing you helped create them is the sweetest thing
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
players made a google doc but i cant open it without going on incognito 😭
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
The collective found the thing we’ve been trying to show them for 2 weeks!! 
This is such a huge serotonin boost oh my god
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
When someone in your collect suggests something that would lead your group to the answer and everyone else ignores it and it doesn’t get done
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
When your 2 main players tap out for personal reasons so you don’t have anyone available who cares about your arg
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Watching your collective theorize and discuss the storyline you made is the greatest thing ever
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
Going down a rabbithole of research into making/planning another arg instead of focusing on my current arg and the last-minute puzzle that I have to release tomorrow
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
How to tell your players that they are doing the right thing to find more clues but the software they are using isn’t expansive enough to do it right
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the-arg-writer · 3 years
The process of dropping new arg clues when you have anxiety:
Design clue month(s) in advance
Push clue out of your mind until it’s closer to time to release
Overthink clue for a week and be unsure if it even makes sense
Panic for 30 minutes leading up to releasing the clue
Be disappointed that your players have lives outside of your game and that they don’t see your clue immediately
Decide everything is actually fine and wait patiently all day staring at your computer until they find everything you hid in your clue.
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