the-bunnys-code · 8 days
Lately I've been thinking and tinkering a lot with voice acting and the audio editing that comes with it. I've learned some things I can do with both Audacity and Reaper to help with the latter portion of it (i.e. noise removal and effects) but of course I've also been working on these characters' voices (and then some, particularly something that kinda rhymes with "then some" but that's besides this project.)
Regarding the characters' voices, I'd say I feel pretty good with most of the main ones. What I've been struggling a lot with lately is making particular voices sound different enough. There's some issues between characters like Roxanne and Vanessa, but before I even got to that, I was tackling the voices of Cassie and Gregory. My voice has quite a bit of range and is very androgynous, which is why I'm really able to do this project at all, but making two childrens' voices sound different was something I was really struggling with... until I had a thought:
What if I made Cassie non-verbal?
I think that this would actually be a good idea not just for the sake of making my life a tiny bit easier, but also because it's something that would really show Cassie's history with the place and the animatronics. With them being aware of her disability, it would show their relationship and possibly even open some doors for some interesting interractions.
I'll work with this idea some more and do some more research!
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the-bunnys-code · 25 days
Regarding @as-cruel-as-you-comic and @the-bunnys-code
They are still alive and well! BUT! Because both of them exist simultaneously (meaning I literally would not make this chage if only one of them existed) I'm gonna be "nerfing" them a bit. Here are the major changes:
As Cruel As You will no longer be a webcomic, but instead a frequently illustrated written work. This means that instead of drawing every little thing that happens and telling the story in comic form, the bulk of the details will be written in text, and that text will be accompanied with illustrations when I feel it is appropriate. The illustrations won't be few and far between, there will be lots! Still, it's SIGNIFICANTLY a lot less than a comic. I will be uploading it here and on AO3 once I figure out how to input images. I was going to make a transcribed version of ACAY on AO3 for accessibility purposes anyway, so this works out. Yes, it will still be mostly in black and white. Color will be used when necessary for storytelling. (Can text color change on AO3? Hmmm...)
The Bunny's Code will go from being fully animated to partially animated. It will most likely resemble animatics (perhaps with a few more frames) for the most part, but will have some shots fully animated depending on the scene.
Basically, for both of these projects, the changes will be utilized based on the scenes that they are portraying. Essentially, I'm playing it by ear, therefore I can't really give a precise answer as to how many illustrations ACAY will have or much of TBC will be fully animated. Either way, this is being done so that these projects will have an easier time coexisting while still getting their point across. As I always say, use your limitations to your advantage!
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the-bunnys-code · 4 months
Even though the concept of music is kinda further down the road than what I really should be thinking about right now... I'm still thinking about it, namely if I wanna include any covers of existing songs in the movie. In truth, I normally wouldn't, I'm a composer and I can do all original stuff myself, but I have a few things that are making me reconsider:
There's this one song that, if included in the movie, would be very fitting for the style of music and would also be a bit of a nod to the original games in a funny way (it's not Talking In Your Sleep. I doubt I'll include that one.)
I have been picturing this one song in a chaotic scene that I have always wanted to hear in a scene like that and honestly now's my chance.
I could even include motifs from Security Breach!
I really, really love Rebel Yell by Billy Idol so much so that I needed to start making a cover of it already and like at this point I may as well just include it. Here's the WIP if you're curious.
Like I would be stupid to make this while thinking about The Bunny's Code and then leave it out of The Bunny's Code. This project is technically a giant excuse to go ham on a soundtrack anyway (though I am very passionate about every department don't worry)
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the-bunnys-code · 4 months
Originally I wasn't gonna say anything cuz it's pretty mean and I really didn't have a reason to mention it but now I've realized that saying this might actually bring some people a little peace of mind about this project. It sure as hell would make me feel better if I was a follower of it, so here we go:
"uwu softboy" Sun is NOT going to be a thing in this project.
Actually, there will be no shipping at all in this project. Yes those two things are connected and you know it. The whole "uwu softboy" thing with Sun is more often than not connected to the self-insert / Y/N / OC shipping which I would not have a problem with if I still didn't see it after blocking, oh, I don't know, over fifty fucking tags. Like, look, I know it's because the Daycare Attendant has so many names and the self-insert / Y/N / OC also has so many names, as I've sort of just proven, but even then the folks who make this kind of content are also the type to post very suggestive, like borderline softporn art, UNTAGGED. Like yeah, I follow the "block and move on" policy like it's my religion, but holy hell having to block hundreds of tags and users just to see anything other than that kind of art in a single general tag about a character is a tad bit ridiculous I think! I'm not saying stop making that kind of content, you do you and all that, but sweet jesus I wish people had a little more respect for people who are uninterested, and in some cases, don't wanna see suggestive artwork of a feral oversized jester doll.
So... yeah, with that all being said, I'm basically making TBC Sun quite the opposite of "fanon" Sun. My solution to that is pretty much just make Sun a woman and give her a personality that's damn close to the one she had in Help Wanted 2. I actually decided to make her a woman a long time ago cuz I liked the idea of a genderfluid character that could switch between presenting more femme and presenting more masc (god I wish that were me.) She and Moon are the same person rather than two separate personalities so... make of that what you will.
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the-bunnys-code · 4 months
What the fuck is the fall fest in FNAF
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the-bunnys-code · 4 months
I'm so glad that Ruin and the Mimic are a thing cuz if they weren't I would've had to write the Aftons for this project. I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't like doing that back then. I felt like I was required to handle a sacred object that I barely understood and many, MANY people in my target audience are obsessed with.
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the-bunnys-code · 4 months
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I felt like drawing Monty. It's good practice!
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
Reflecting on this dream led me to asking myself, "If I could include any licensed song in this project, what would it be?" and so far I can't get past this:
I just woke up from a dream where I got a trailer out for this project and I remember zero details about it except that Heat of the Moment by Asia was used in it
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
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Kitty cat waiting "patiently" for food to drop from the table
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
I just woke up from a dream where I got a trailer out for this project and I remember zero details about it except that Heat of the Moment by Asia was used in it
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
I will not be doing livestreams of my progress on this project cuz I suck at streaming and I don't really think it's a good idea for me personally but even if I was a great streamer you all would fucking hate me cuz every time I had to do something with Chica I would just say this over and over again the whole time
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
sorry guys i was weeded
Why does everyone make the Daycare Attendant so smooth. That's a bumpy bitch have you seen her
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the-bunnys-code · 5 months
Why does everyone make the Daycare Attendant so smooth. That's a bumpy bitch have you seen her
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the-bunnys-code · 6 months
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Eclipse's design for the film! It's a little rough around the edges right now in terms of the fine details for a piece of artwork, but this will serve as a great reference for now! A more polished reference will definitely come someday, probably as a continued edit of this one.
I actually had a bit of a journey with this design, part of which may or may not have been experienced by the original designers. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the same thought process was had when creating the original Eclipse. Full story under the cut:
Let's begin with what I had to work with. First, I took a look at Eclipse's canonical design and identified which parts were from either Sun or Moon's designs.
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From top to bottom, we have some of Sun's rays, Moon's hat, Sun's right eye and arm and Moon's left eye and arm, and Moon's pants pattern gradually fading into Sun's pattern.
Beginning with what I knew I had to tackle first, of course the Daycare Attendant I am working with is not ruined, just mildly damaged from a fight, and even then, they are repaired and decide to remain Eclipse (for the most part.) With that in mind, I decided to create the first design as if they were completely repaired, something not seen until the end of the film. I could always wear them down a bit later, it would be easier to do it that way than the other way around.
I began from the bottom working up, layering Moon's design over Sun's and erasing the lower half of the pants until I had a nice fade between the two. This involved coloring over some stars with blue and then erasing once more to get the pattern you see now. Next, I erased Moon's right arm, making it so that the arms corresponded to the canon design. From there, I moved to the vest. For those who have not been following this project (or just missed the post in which I discussed it,) I added a vest to the Daycare Attendant's designs for two reasons: The initial reason was because I had designed the other animatronics to look more furry than robotic by removing the obvious creases between their joints and other articulations, but when I applied this same effect to the Daycare Attendant, they looked rather... bare. I added the vest to not only make them look a little more modest (sorry, I can't think of a better word for what I mean at the moment) but to also lightly imply their past as a member of the theatre, which is actually discussed more in depth later in the film. This is what the vest looks like in both Sun and Moon forms:
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I decided to apply the same effect to the vest that the pants had, so I erased a little bit of the blue vest from the bottom to give it a gradient. It sort of came out looking like a sunrise!
As you can see, I also added little sun and moon emblems on the vest for both of them respectively. I wanted this to reflect the shape of Eclipse's head in a way, so I started working on the face to establish that.
Eclipse's canon face/head is a little different than what I did. They have Moon's hat at the very top of their head with 6/9 (nice) of Sun's rays pointing out from either side. My Daycare Attendant has seven rays to make up for the fact that they're big and wide as I wanted them to be floppy rather than rigid, and Moon's hat is rather big as well. Before I even started, I sort of had an idea for how I wanted Eclipse's head to look. Where did I get that idea from? This, actually:
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This is the Utilidoor navigational decal for the Daycare... whatever that means! But that is what the Wiki said.
I like the way this thing looks, so I followed along more with this than Eclipse's actual design. I might try making it look more like canon someday in terms of ray and hat placement, but I like how it's obvious as to what Moon's hat is from the front. I also have to keep in mind that, as I said, my Sun's rays are floppy for expressive purposes. They sort of mimic cat ears in many cases, specifically the two on either side of the top one. I think that maybe a lack of one of those on Eclipse's design sort of signified that they were beaten up and had been through some tough stuff, kind of like how a stray cat maybe has a shorter/cut/missing ear or has an irritated ear folded over. I kind of like that for Eclipse's design.
With the shape of their head completed, it was time to shape their face a little more. I started with the eyelashes by making them so that they weren't perked up like Sun's but weren't droopy like Moon's, overall just a nice meet in the middle. For this reference alone, and just to make a cute detail, I made it so that they were grinning with teeth to sort of also be a midpoint between Sun's open mouth and Moon's close smile. It also makes them look a tad bit mischievous, but that's just a bonus! There was one thing that kept bugging me though, and it was the fact that the right side of their face was Sun's color and the left side was Moon's color. it's an eclipse, shouldn't the part of their face that's moon-shaped be moon-colored and the other part be sun-colored? On a separate layer, I decided to color it this way to see how it looked:
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I went back to the original coloring that was more closely inspired by the canon design. I could probably go on for a bit about some ideas I have about why this looks as wrong as it does, and it probably has to do with the imbalance of certain colors, but I don't want to think about it too hard right now. This is the part that I wonder if the original designer(s) went through, which would be very funny if they did (but also wouldn't surprise me if they didn't for some other reason.) Lastly in terms of their face, I kept the eye colors that corresponded to the colors of each design that covered each side of their face, and what do you know, it's just like the canon design too!
With that all said and done, I finalized the design with the emblem that reflected the shape of Eclipse's head, having four rays peeking out from behind a crescent moon.
And that's how I put together Eclipse's design for this project! Thank you for reading!
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the-bunnys-code · 6 months
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1 AM on Christmas day and all I can think about is this critter whose design I'm gonna have to translate to fit this project soon
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the-bunnys-code · 6 months
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Currently losing my mind over DJ Loaf.
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the-bunnys-code · 6 months
Some things I've been thinking about
Namely choices about the story. I don't really have time to make an actual video detailing it all, so I'll just post it here. All that matters is that it's documented. Let's begin:
Chica will not be infected with the Bunny's Code.
I've been thinking about the difference between Bonnie and Mimic's motives. I think that Bonnie's should be altered slightly to better fit what he really wants, which is to revert back to the old ways as much as possible. In other words, only Roxanne and Monty would be infected, thus increasing their chances of being decommissioned. Chica not being infected will put her at far less risk. So what makes her compliant with what's happening? So far, I'm thinking that she will be pretending to be infected, at least to trick the Mimic. Bonnie will converse with her in secret about the plan. The other part of the idea here would be that she is compliant out of fear, which not only highlights some parts of the overall theme, but for Chica personally, her anxiety.
2. Bonnie's motive has been changed slightly.
In the previous draft, I had it written that Bonnie was going to comply with the Mimic to get revenge on everyone, but I am thinking about changing it so that he wants to get revenge on Monty, Roxanne and Vanessa for leading to his replacement and near decommissioning (Monty for replacing him, Roxy for preferring Monty's company and talent, and Vanessa for reporting Bonnie's attack.) He also wanted Foxy, who was in a similar situation as him, to be proven wrong. He currently believes that the Mimic's plan is to use Gregory and Cassie to lure Vanessa into a fatal trap, but he isn't aware that the Mimic is willing to kill all three of them to bring the entire place down. In short, he's being tricked to an extent. Somehow, he thinks even the faux plan will work, but the Mimic is kind of legitimately insane, so... It wouldn't surprise me if Bonnie was also infected by the Bunny's Code at some point now that I've written it down and thought about it. Not sure if it's happening right now or if it happens when Bonnie realizes he's being tricked into doing something far more catastrophic than he initially agreed to (probably the latter.)
3. Cassie will sort of also be protagonist like Gregory, having her own resolution to her own story that is just as important and climactic as his.
Think of it as having two stories playing out at the same time that are also one in the same. They are happening side by side, but also overlap. Cassie's story, with her motives and her connections to the Pizzaplex, are just as important as Gregory's adventures into the unknown. Additionally, there are technically two major villains here, both of whom have different connections to different aspects of story and character. For example, Bonnie is close to Freddy, who is Gregory's companion animatronic, and Bonnie's conflict can be related to Gregory's in both comparison and contrast. Also, since Cassie is the one with the Faz Wrench, having her cure Roxy and then fight the Mimic alongside Eclipse and Roxy would be so cool and would be so cool and so cool and it's just like the game but Eclipse is present and it's so cool.
4. The physical appearance of Eclipse will actually occur.
What I mean by that is previously I established that the name "Eclipse" would be used by the Daycare Attendant (eventually) but the physical appearance of Eclipse (as in a combination of Sun and Moon) will never occur... BUT I have since changed my mind and decided that it will happen. Now you may or may not have recalled that Eclipse is canonically beaten to absolute shit in Ruin (as in they are in not good shape,) and I hate to break it to you... but the way I am thinking of having Eclipse appear is while DC is fighting the Mimic and taking some heavy blows that sort of damage them. Not nearly as severely as Ruin, but enough to make their cosmetics malfunction just enough... and to emotionally wreck them as they're being shouted at by the Mimic about how it's lived their worst nightmare.
So yeah!
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