Aether Notes, from The Clan of The Stars
~Author(s): Niobe (myself), assisted by my good friend/star sister, Nebula -Page 1-
We have recently assimilated new dragons into our clan, as many have recently. An old Arcane spacecraft crashed down onto Sornieth, turns out that Nebula and I’s lovely star father tossed ALL of a species known as “Aethers” into space. They are paper eaters, and apparently had eaten the only instructions given to him by our father. Which were on paper. Paper that he surely must have known they would eat. Sometimes I wonder if I’m really blessed at all to share power with our deity. (Nebula speaking..er..writing whilst my sister is eating a snack, we are indeed blessed, Niobe is still getting over her whole self-crisis thing she had a year ago. Arcanist, if you are peering down as I scribble this, I apologize for my sister.) I will speak with Nebula later. Anyways, as I was saying, these spacebound dragons have finally returned to our grand home. The current population upon the ship is comprised of dragons who have never even touched the grass beneath their claws before. They’ve also never eaten a properly home-cooked meal like the ones our lovely leader’s family prepares each day. They were dazed and all very nervous as many of us in the Arcane Flight rushed to their aid. I personally was viewing the “shooting star” close up when it suddenly veered into the earth nearby. I requested Amethyst find Sunfire so that we could also provide first aid to any injured in the crash An interesting sight for sure, parents holding their mysterious six-legged fluffballs close to their chests as they were escorted to safe and dry land, young Aethers chittered and shouted excitedly as they pointed and stared at all of the dragons and flora surrounding them. Their very first time seeing Sornieth from a ground-level view. Many clans have offered to take Aether families in until they figure out what they want to do, and as always, Amethyst was happy to help out a poor dragon returning to or joining us here. As she’d done with our Obelisks, our Abberations, and the three newly christened clan members: all Undertides. The Undertides have only recently joined us, so it’s certainly jarring to have yet another new (technically ancient) species joining us. But I have to admit, I’m excited to see what these new friends have in store for us. Welcome to the clan, Skychaser and Starseeker, we are incredibly excited to bring you home.  (Nebula again! SO excited!! They’re so chattery and psyched about literally everything, just like I was!) ... My sister is still chattery and psyched about everything on Sornieth. Even if it isn’t new to her anymore.
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The clan's local mystically blessed dragons meet up to observe the mysterious bright light glowing in the sky beyond the Starwood strand.
Their report?
"Amethyst we need to send out a search party and warn our neighbors because we think a spaceship just crashed down towards the edge of the arcane domain."
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Funnier point about the news in my lore: So like I said, humans are canon in this lore, right? They live underground though, until the clan took them in, MG was used to just. Living in a cave. Obviously by now they’ve gotten used to life above ground with a clan of dragons, but a fucking meteor??? This poor human is gonna lose their diddly damn mind.
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No you don’t understand how badly fucked up my clan is but like in a good way. They’re all mentally ill and coping in their own ways, humans are canon in my lore and one of the Nocturnes adopted one. Niobe is still having doubts and struggles with her incredibly scary powers that good ol’ arcanist gave her. The abberrations, including the one who was almost killed like a bull in a bullfight but ended up befriending their possible harpy executionar, are all still adjusting to clan life. The clan JUST found out about undertides and have made progress in befriending three of them after the first one scared the clan’s fishermen out of their damn minds. The clan is debating moving closer to the ocean and out of the Starwood Strand because their ocean-bound clanmates can’t join them up here.
If we get an arcane ancient- If an ALIEN DRAGON just crashlanding FROM A COMET up in SPACE, everyone would lose their fucking marbles because this clan already has deep ties with the arcanist in terms of their special little blessed child and the two obelisks who were gifted with the powers of the moon and the sun, a dragon quite literally from the stars would cause them all to go bonkers. 
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I have polls now, time to ask the REAL questions >:)
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Psssst go read Mariana’s lore
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Plaguebringer and Earthshaker are just making enemies with the Clan of The Stars bc if either of my aberrations ends up part of the actual clan, and then there’s already the obelisks who fear their destiny.
“WHAT THE FUCK DEITIES” Amethyst screams at the sky as Niobe has a breakdown over her arcanist power blessings, the obelisks are shaking with fear over the reason for their creation and are all clinging to Rosemary, Evening’s heads shriek in retaliation because they are ANGRY AT THE SOUP MOTHER.
Arcanist gets a free pass because he didn’t intend to give the poor pearlcatcher all these emotions, he did it out of good will.
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So. Is there any headcanon that you have for your lore that you just…. forget isn’t canon? I’m curious, let me know.
And any canon lore that you forget is…. canon
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HELP.....im crying over the concept of the Obbies imitating Landorume, because he pretends to be a statue in order to guard the clan- AND JUST.....THE OBBIES TURNING TO STATUE TO TRY AND HELP HIM.....IM SHAKING THIS IS TOO CUTE
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ALSO ROSEMARY’S PILE OF BBIES HAS GROWN Meet twins Spring (left) and Summer (right).  I’m stuck on the fence of them being permababies or letting them become/start out as adults, so no lore for now. Other than whichever choice, they both came from the same stone, egg or otherwise.
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I just now realized Rosemary is the ONLY earth dragon in my entire clan. She’s over here like “The earth!!! Is speaking!! I can hear father calling to me!!! And the rest of the clan is all “lmao waht” Her adopted children can lowkey hear Earthshaker but they’re not of Earth element so it’s easy for them to ignore.
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FULL VERSION TIME: ____________________________
   Dreamer hadn’t expected what the newly dubbed Morning Glory would do overnight. Nobody had. Even as the Nocturne fruitlessly tried to lie that the human was a deformed centaur the seeds of discontent reared their ugly head.    Landorume stopped dreamer as per usual. What wasn’t usual was the small unknown creature. When Silverstich noticed the commotion and approached the small human, their grip almost punctured a hole in Dreamer’s wing. “What’s wrong with it?” Anathia griped from behind Landorume’s hand. The gaoler reflexively swatted at the velispun who let out a tiny squeak. “Everything’s wrong Leave that THING out of here. It could be diseased.”     Dreamer tried to soothe the human with a comforting pat. Thankfully (and infuriatingly) they didn’t speak a lick of draconian. Speaking of which, they let out distressed weird warblings while pointing at Silverstich. The pearlcatcher chucked and waved hi to the flailing human, trying and failing to calm their nerves. He  smiled a toothy grin but that only made Morning Glory sink their head into Dreamer’s folded wing. They started to shiver. Heck.    “Hey! Dreamer! Clanmates took bets on whether you were dead, I won against Prismarine.Got a toad out of it. So.. uhhh What’s that you have there?’ Silverstich pointed at the cowering person. Anathia took the opportunity to climb on Silverstich like a jungle gym. "He’s been lying about it being a weird centaur. I think it’s a cursed serthis or something. Whatever it is it’s UGLY.” “H-hey now… Morning Glory’s a very pretty.. (or handsome?) member of their species-”   Dreamer was immediately shut down by Landorune’s hefty sigh “He named it, now he’s going to get attached.  No getting to see if it’s goo or muck, huh?”    Dreamer cautiously walked past the Gaoler while Morning Glory glared daggers at Silverstich. Poor boy tried his best to assuage the little human’s fears and even tried to let them hold his pearl. That didn’t work. Morning Glory screamed like a banshee, waking up the ENTIRE den. Even Quilt, the lovable goofball of a wildclaw couldn’t cause Morning glory to relax. Their eyes were constantly drawn to Silverstich even when both of them laid down to rest.    Anathia chose to perch on Errapel, the bogsneak in the lair, for their nightly rotation. Quilt chose to lay a few feet away from his brother while perched in a shelf far too small for him. Silverstich Lay on his stomach with trademark pearl grasped in both of his back talons. He’d already started to snore. Calypso, a skydancer who dreamer was VERY fond of (but had yet to make the kiss), put his    What woke the nocturne was a wail from Quilt. The dragon pointed at the offender. Morning glory was prone, knocked on their ass, with brick in hand. Silverstich was shivering and wide-eyed; gaze locked on Morning Glory. Landorune Practically trampled Errapel. She was apologizing profusely to Anathia  who threw a slew of “I told you so"s at her.  Landorume Slammed the offending human into a wall with his hand. "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE POPPED THIS THING’S HEAD OFF.”   Erappel tried in vain to reach the creature in Landorune’s mit. Quilt  was hugging Silverstich a bit too tight. Anathia tried to climb Calypso, tripping him. Dreamer was barely able to process in time before the long neck of calypso would have fell on his head. He vaulted over Errapel’s wing only to be grappled by Landorune’s other hand. “M-Morning Glory Isn’t a bad person, they-” “Aren’t a person.” Landorune brought Dreamer up to his face. He rotated Dreamer slowly in his grip to see the chaos they wrought. Quilt was being patted by Silverstich as he repeated “You could have been killed.” at ad nauseam. Erappel rushed over to Calypso and Anathia, who had started arguing. She just about wrenched the two apart with a yell of “WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE PEACEFUL, DAMMIT. I DON’T CARE WHO STARTED IT. I’LL END IT."  Vintage, alerted by the shouting, came in to the chamber with a large group of dragons in tow. She cautiously walked to a corner of the chamber to examine Landorune’s catch. Disapproving
murmurs included. So many dragons were in the room, each with their own agenda and opinion. "SHUT UP!” The stern voice of Komar, the clan’s second in command, rung throughout the room. All went silent. Amethyst wasn’t too far behind. The leader examined the scene and motioned to Landorune. “Let Dreamer down"  He did as Amethyst commanded. Dreamer let out an ow. Morning Glory was Dropped as well. They Took a deep breath while clutching their chest.    Amethyst approached Dreamer and held out her paw. He never took his eyes off of Landorune. After an awkward clearing of her throat, Dreamer turned to Amethyst and furrowed his brows. She started to lower her paw in disappointment. Morning glory looked backwards at Landorune briefly before throwing themself in front of Amethyst. Arms out at their sides. They were shivering. Dreamer smelled mammal urine. Heck.   "Landorune? Care to explain why you were slamming this… harpy?….into a wall and grabbing Dreamer like a jungle fowl?” “It’s my fault. I woke up to quilt screaming (you probably did too.) and saw that thing near Silverstich. Quilt’s been saying it tried to kill his brother and I believe him. That thing’s been giving Silverstich the stink-eye since Dreamer brought it here. I should have been more stern.” “Nothing we can do about the past. Dreamer? Any thoughts on the matter?” Komar added. “Morning Glory wouldn’t… They saved my life. I-” Amethyst shook her head and took a step forward. Morning Glory shouted some angry nonsense at Amethyst. “Nothing coherent I see. If it’s a threat then do what you want, Landorune.” “No!” Landorune grabbed Dreamer.Dreamer struggled futilely. He was slowly rotated away. There were smaller thumps. A squeak. Landorune spoke: “Meat is meat.” Amethyst shook her head and took a step forward. Morning Glory shouted some angry nonsense at Amethyst. “Nothing coherent I see. If it’s a threat then do what you want, Landorune.” “No!” Several things happened quickly. Dreamer bit as hard as he could at his constraints. Landorune screamed. Morning Glory was dropped. Dreamer flew quickly to them. He grabbed them and flew away as fast as he could..Amethyst swatted angrily at him. Shrieks of dragons, equally outraged and fearful, followed him. —————————————————————————— Komar sighed and let Amethyst seethe. She would have likely (angrily)  told him to attend Landorune’s bleeding hand, anyways. The Gaoler used his front legs to grab his hand and examine the membrane. “Freakin’…. Stupid little…. That hurt! Komar! My wing!” “Your wing doesn’t matter. Good thing he bit deep. Trailing edge’s fine.” “But-” Landorune got cut off. “Grow some claws, Sunfire’ll take care of it. We need to find out where Dreamer went before he gets our den found out. Your little statue act will only get us so far if some roaming exalt patrol feels like taking pot-shots at local architecture.’ Landorune huffed while pointing at his overgrown claws. He mumbled but reluctantly shuffled past Amethyst and Erappel having a heated discussion. Anathia perched on Silverstich’s back while they antagonized Quilt. There wasn’t much Silverstich could do without harming them so there they stayed. ______________ SIlverstich was the one to seek Calypso out. He had gotten used to the feeling of Anathia climbing around him like an annoying ferret. When they fluttered off, he could see the skydancer doing damage control with VIntage heading the rear. She left the two to talk with a sympathetic glance backward. "Hey man. Sorry about that whole… thing. I-uh- Well, I’m sorry you had to wake up to this today. Dreamer meant well, I’m sure. He’s a kind guy, you know that.” Calypso apologized. Silverstich waived the thing off. “I’m more disappointed at this stage. ” He clicked his tongue. “You should probably go find him . I don’t think either of us want that thing trying to bash his head in. I’ll cover on the home front. With a solemn nod, Calypso weaved past the throng of dragons before finally taking to the skies with
a twirl. _____________________________________________   Dreamer had stopped in a field of marigolds. Morning Glory kicked a few before he stopped them. They watched attentively as he started to weave a few into a circle. He put the small crown on the humans head. They mimicked his weave impeccably. Soon Dreamer had a crown of his own. And of course Morning Glory didn’t stop there  Soon the field bore a bald spot that had a giant pile of flower crowns. Both of them were covered from head to toe in marigolds. Really it wasn’t hard to find either of them from the air.  Calypso discovered both of them collapsed in the pile of picked flowers. Of course. Leave them alone for two days and of course he managed to devastate a small flower field and cover a murderous animal in cute accessories. Calypso shook his head. He pulled a flower crown from the pile and a small avalanche of marigolds fell on the two. Both struggled awake, throwing the offending materials off of them. "If you didn’t want anyone to find you, maybe you shouldn’t have made a nest out of the local ecosystem.” Morning Glory let out some nonsense words while looking to Dreamer. He put his hand in a comforting gesture on Morning Glory’s knee. They narrowed their eyes at Calypso and nodded. Dreamer slid off the remains of the pile. “I’m glad it’s you who found me. Are the rest of them coming or?” Calypso shook his head. Dreamer continued: “ Good. Morning Glory’s a weird one. I met them underground. They managed to feed me enough bats that I didn’t die. They didn’t have to do that. They didn’t even have to free me from the hole I fell in. It’s where I’ve been for the past…” “Two weeks.” “Two weeks. I can’t understand a lick of their words but neither can they. They’d never seen birds, or trees, or even flowers. It’s why I named them Morning Glory. It’s.. It’s supposed to be ironic.I thought it was funny. They were afraid of them at first, I think.” Dreamer glanced backwards at Morning Glory. Morning Glory bit into an errant flower crown while looking at Calypso. Dreamer shook his head. They spat a few petals out. “I didn’t see you when we got back. Where were you?” Calypso reached to pat Dreamer on the head. He moved away slightly. Calypso drooped his wings. “Dreamer. Prismarine’s sick. She’ll be fine, the worst of it has passed, but she still needs some medicinal toads. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to greet you but you disappeared. How was I supposed to know to not go toad hunting that day?” Dreamer sighed “You weren’t. It just.. hurts. Sorry I wasn’t there for his sister, either.” “It’s fine. I was worried that they’d just off you when you flew off.” Calypso wrapped his tail around Dreamer tenderly. He nuzzled his husband. “Dishwasher?” Both dragons turned to Morning Glory (Who seemed proud at what they’d said). They cautiously approached Calypso and placed one of the many crowns around his antennae. “Morning Glory’s been trying to speak draconic the whole time we’ve been out here. They are SO bad at it.” Dreamer hugged them gently with his wing. “They’d be better at coatl.” Calypso mused. “I know! Maybe we should socialize them before taking them back.” Calypso nodded. Both of them spent the day trying to at least get Morning Glory to parrot ‘I’m sorry.’ but they kept on landing on 'Embalming’ instead. Close enough. To say their reception was warm when they flew back would be lying, but as long as nobody tried to hurt anyone they could at least work at getting the lair to be back to the way it was.
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-Clan Lore Masterpost-
An ever-changing, ever growing list of Lore for the Clan Of The Stars. Posts on this blog that describe the tales of our clan are linked here, in order of when they occur. This list is always being updated, always growing, and some works are still in progress, therefore they will not have a link until the content is produced. These range from fics to info posts, whatever applies to the important lore of this clan. ------------------------------------------- The troubles of Morning Glory and Dreamer- Dreamer returns to the clan, with his new human companion...things do not go perfectly. Vivienne and her gifted child- A small description of an artistic Imperial and her strange daughter. Rosemary’s awakening- The Obelisk sent home with the clan breaks from her stone prison, and discovers a new world awaits. A Letter to the Earthshaker- The Obelisks of Stars tell their plights to the deity who formed them from stone. Monsoon and the Serpent- A beast is lurking, for one lucky dragon to find.
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The obelisk fam! Wildfire, Rosemary (The oldest, their adoptive mom), Somber, and the triplets: Diadrae, Treeclaw, and Fruvrei! Who needs a destiny of death when you have five kids and a kickass clan to vibe with. This group are the six Obelisks mentioned in this post, the triplets are are actually all basics atm, those are just their gene plans...if I ever get my hands on the genes to make em’ happen.
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Group therapy with no therapist
Hello everyone describe your lore in 5 words or less.
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~A letter to the Earthshaker~
Your gift of life upon us is one we are grateful for, however, we do not want this fate. We are meant to protect others from a threat, but is that not what the deities are for? If there is a threat beneath, why do you lay the burden upon your children, why create new life if it has to lay down that life for the world?
We are not of your element, three of us belong to that of the great magic that is The Arcanist, one of us belongs to the blazing power of the The Flamecaller, and our leading dragon breathes the icey breath of The Icewarden. We do not wish to be part of an event that could lead to our death. We have taken refuge under the glittering wings of the Arcanist, in hopes that he shall keep us safe and sound. The clan we rest in has welcomed us, we are safe. We have a mother now, another Obelisk of your make, one burdened with your element, yet she begins to resent you as we do, in favor of protecting us.  The Obelisks of Stars deny your request to engage in bloody battle, for if you loved us, you would not create us to die. If there is a threat, you are responsible. Forcing dragons to fight for you does not match your caring nature. Why, Earthshaker, would you bring mighty beasts to life, just to leave them in charge of protecting other dragons against dangerous things, something you are meant to do.
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