the-clumsywitchtarot · 1 month
Hope dropping a link is okay, but can you do this Refresh Your Routine 5-card spread for me? I've been feeling stuck for a long time now. Thank you! 🖤 https://www.emeraldlotusdivination.com/blog/2018/03/29/tarot-spread-refresh-your-routine
1: 2 of Pentacles
2: Justice
3: 2 of Cups (Reversed)
4: The High Priestess (Reversed)
5: The Sun
With the 2 of pentacles, you should definitely allow balance into your routine, I see you being the kind of person that's all in when you create your routines, which isn't a bad thing. But I think you can sometimes create routines that are a bit too involved and you end up not being able to complete it and eventually just quit doing it all together. By creating balance in your routine you’ll be able to create a routine that is more realistic for you, or even by creating different routines for different times. For instance if you know you'll have more time on particular days, you can create a more in-depth routine for those days and create a simpler one for days when you know you will have less time. Also, if you have times when your energy isn't as high as others, consider creating a routine for those times too so that you don’t end up feeling badly for not sticking to any kind of routine. Or you could keep your current routine and just accept that it is okay if you don’t get to everything. 
Once again balance, with the Justice card coming out but not only balance, a sense of feeling like you’ve finally gotten the right routine(s) for you. 
Even though the 2 of cups is often associated with love and connection between two people, I think this is actually about you and self love. I feel like you've been putting in the work to love yourself more but you need to be reminded that it is okay to take a break. You don’t constantly have to be improving yourself. 
You can deepen your awareness of spirit in your daily routine by realizing that you and spirit are always connected. There is nothing you could or couldn’t do that would lessen the connection, of course doing certain things might make you feel more connected. But whether you decide to meditate all day long or just say a simple prayer before leaving the house you and spirit are always connected. For this card position I’m getting that you don’t need to force your spiritual practice on days that you’re just not up to it, if all you can do is utter a small prayer, you are still divinely connected to spirit. 
You can incorporate more joy into your daily routine by being more excited, even in a part of your routine does not go completely according to plan. For instance, if apart of your daily routine is making coffee but you wake up and realize your out. You can express joy for whatever you get to drink in its place. Lastly, realizing that even if something bad does occur that throws your routine off, the potential to experience happiness is always possible. 
I hope this reading resonated! ✨
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 1 month
Hi, hope you're fine. I would like to ask for a free spread reading about my future spouse, please
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Thanks in advance 😊
1: 5 of Cups
2: Page of Wands
3: The Hierophant
4: 4 of Pentacles
With the 5 of cups coming out, I feel like this is a person that has gone through a great deal of loss. As you may know, the traditional 5 of cups card has three cups that are knocked over and two that are still standing. I feel like your person is one of those people that would pay more attention to the cups that are still standing. They are a glass half full type of person rather than a glass half empty type of person.
For your physical connection, I don't think that either one of you have been with many people, maybe just some people here and there and I feel like the connections kind of fizzled out as quickly as they started or that the passion just wasn't there. Out of the two of you I think you have had the longest standing connections and that’s only because you put in the most effort to try and make it work. But I don't think that will be a struggle in this relationship. I keep hearing hot and bothered, lets just say I don't think you two will be able to keep your hands off of each other. You guys will learn a lot of new things together, they'll enjoy learning you and you will enjoy learning them.
I feel like this person might be somewhat traditional in their religious beliefs but if they're religion has a form of mysticism I think they will either already be learning about it or meeting you will trigger them to want to learn about it. I can see you two helping each other to grow in so many aspects, spirituality is just one of them. And what's so lovely is you guys won’t make each other grow through pain or strife, everything will be done in love between you two.
With the 4 of pentacles I see this being a long term connection, I don't think either one of you are into marriage in the traditional sense but you still believe in having some sort of ceremony to pledge lifelong love. I can see something like a handfasting ceremony to show your commitment to each other. And a vow exchange, so somewhat traditional but also unconventional at the same time. I feel that you guys will hold on to each other through thick and thin but fortunately I don't think you two will have many hardships (at least ones within your control) because you will work through issues so quickly. 
I hope your reading resonated! 🩷
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 1 month
To everyone that sent me in tarot spreads, I'm so sorry I didn't see the ask but I will get to them tomorrow!
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 1 month
In What Area of Your life are You Manifesting Unexpected Abundance? Pick-an-Image Reading
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Ace of Swords
6 of Cups
Knight of Wands
The Star (Reversed)
I feel like this is a pile that overthinks things, very much a what's going to happen next type of person regardless of whether things are going good or bad for you. I see an abundance of clarity and mental rest coming for you, I feel like you will finally come to a place in your life where you'll just kind of be like whatever happens happens. I know that I am taken care of regardless. I also see that you may be receiving financial abundance that will not just benefit you but also the people around you. But it isn't necessarily the money you will be giving to those around you but rather the gift of you being free (or mostly free) of financial woes. You'll be able to be a better person in your relationships because of it. Lastly, with the star in reverse, I feel like you will be given an abundance of energy to deal with things you may not have healed from your past that you once put down. Because they were too overwhelming but you are now ready to deal with them again.
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4 of Swords
8 of Cups (Reversed)
The Hanged Man
Queen of Pentacles
I feel like this pile is really stepping into their feminine energy, you're learning that you don't always have to work for what you want. And that sometimes you can simply set an intention and let what you desire come to you. Even though the 8 of cups can often be representative of someone not walking away from a toxic situation, for you I think this card is actually representative of you sticking to something and standing your ground. When you would usually just walk away as if you don't deserve to take up space. So for this pile I feel like you are drawing in an abundance of feminine energy and a hefty sense of self worth.
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7 of Pentacles
9 of Cups
The Moon (Reversed)
Queen of Wands
Firstly, I see that this pile has been working hard at something, for some it has been actual work, like working to improve your career. And for others I see that you've been working on improving yourself, either way I can see things all working out at once. You may have been thinking that you were making no progress then all of a sudden, out of the blue you might be offered a promotion. Or the sting from a heartbreak you've suffered will suddenly start to feel less painful. With the moon in reverse any illusions that were once present will start to fall away as well. In short you will receive an abundance of fulfillment for all of the work you've put in over the years.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 3 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Makes You So Loveable?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Two of Wands (Reversed)
The Devil (Reversed)
Ten of Swords (Reversed)
The Lovers
King of Wands
The Hermit
I didn't necessarily intend for these readings to be about what makes you lovable romantically but that is what came out. I see that you are someone that has great boundaries when in a relationship or you are currently working on developing strong boundaries before entering your next relationship. I see that you aren't someone that let's a relationship bind you or change who you are, you remain true to yourself and wish for the other person to do the same. That's one of the things your partner loves about you, you don't change yourself to please them and you don't expect them to change themselves to please you. You prefer a relationship where you can help each other grow and become better versions of yourselves but you aren't looking to remake them just as you yourself aren't looking to be remade. With the hermit I can also see that you aren't clingy in relationships and you enjoy your alone time and pursuing your own hobbies but at the same time you are still capable of showing love and passion towards your partner. I keep hearing that you are the dream partner! You're not detached but you also allow room for your partner to breath and not feel guilty for not calling or being with you every second of every day.
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Five of Wands
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)
Four of Swords
Four of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)
Ace of Wands
I see that this pile is willing to fight for what they think is right even if it is futile or unlikely to have the outcome you are desiring, you still go for it. I feel like some of the people that chose this pile are into activism. With the queen of wands and ace of pentacles in reverse I feel like you are someone that isn't super into material wealth and would much rather focus on what feels good to you. This is one of the things that makes you so loveable, you would gladly turn down an opportunity to make money if it meant compromising your ethics or hurting someone. Even though the four of pentacles typically means holding onto money, I can see this more so being about you holding on to experiences you've had and valuing that more than having lots of money. I feel like you have recently been gaining a new zest for life or something you've just discovered and it has made the energy you project even more amazing than your energy normally is.
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The of Cups
Ten of Wands
Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Five of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
The Sun
I see that this pile gives off a joyous energy no matter what they're going through, the three of cups is really standing out to me I can see you being the life of the party. For some of you this comes out in a very flamboyant wild way and for others it's like a get together just wouldn't be the same if you didn't show up. I see you being the kind of person that could even make a funeral more pleasant as strange as that may sound. For half of the people that chose this pile, your wild vibrant energy is what makes you loveable and for the other half that chose this pile your peaceful energy is what makes you lovable. I'm getting that some of you are like taking an upper and some of you are like taking a downer (in the best way possible).
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 4 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Will Your Life be Like with Your Future Spouse?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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5 of Cups (Reversed)
6 of Pentacles
5 of Wands (Reversed)
9 of Cups (Reversed)
2 of Pentacles (Reversed)
With the five of cups in reverse, the six of pentacles, and the five of wands in reverse I feel like you and your future spouse will end up working together in a field that helps people to overcome mental health challenges. So you two could be social workers, therapists, or something similar. But with the nine of cups and two of pentacles in reverse I see a propensity towards you two becoming unfulfilled in your marriage and being hyper focused on your work. This is something to watch out for but if you too try to maintain a balance between your work and your marriage, I think you guys will be fine. I don't see this being a whirlwind romance but rather a practical union between two people that know what they want out of life.
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Knight of Pentacles
Knight of Swords
3 of Wands (Reversed)
8 of Pentacles (Reversed)
7 of Pentacles
"Effortless" is what I am hearing for you and your future spouses life together, I feel like this pile has been waiting for their happily ever after for what feels like a while. And when you express what you want in a relationship people might tell you that kind of marriage doesn't exist in real life but I have a feeling what some people view as unrealistic will be your reality. I can see you two loving to be with each other and never needing a break from one another. I feel like you two will love each other's company so much that you'll even miss each other if one of you goes to the grocery store down the street and the other is at home. I also see money flowing to you guys easily, I don't think you'll be millionaires but I don't think money will ever be an issue.
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Page of Pentacles
King of Swords
9 of Swords
Queen of Swords (Reversed)
Knight of Wands (Reversed)
I feel like you two trigger each other but in a good way, not in a toxic way. You guys bring up each other's shadow but in a soothing way if that makes any sense, like you'll point something out to your future spouse or vice versa but you guys help each other through it. As opposed to some marriages where it's like you have issues, now fix them on your own. You guys will help each other to become your best selves in a loving gentle way. For some reason I'm really picking up on kids with this pile, if you choose to have them they will be so well adjusted, loved, and capable of understanding themselves. I see you guys being amazing parents, so much so that if you had strained relationships with your own parents it will bring you closer to them. Because by watching you as parents they will recognize their own parenting faults.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 4 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What do You Need to Release Right Now?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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The King of Swords (Reversed)
Seven of Wands
King of Pentacles
This pile needs to let go of feeling like they've never done enough. I feel like you are someone that is diligent and puts their time and effort into almost any and everything that they do. But I feel like you have a hard time letting go and will continue to overthink something long after it's been completed, agonizing over what you could've done better. For instance, if you turn in an assignment at college or university you'll be thinking about how you could've better written the essay only to receive a 100% on it.
On a side note, I also feel like this pile needs to start listening to their intuition more, you are wise. Of course be careful when necessary. But don't completely dismiss your intuition.
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Ace of Cups
Three of Swords (Reversed)
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)
This is a very interesting pile because I'm getting two different things for some people that will choose this pile I'm getting that you need to release feeling bad about how you express your emotions and for others I'm getting that you need to stop dismissing your emotions.
For the first set of people (those that are made to feel bad about how they express their emotions) consider ignoring those around you that ridicule you for either being too emotional or not emotional enough. Everyone expresses their emotions differently, you have to do what works best for you, if you are extremely emotional, that's fine. And if you are more reserved with your emotions, that's perfectly fine too, please do not let anyone pressure you into changing your emotional expression.
For the second set of people that may have chosen this pile (those that dismiss their emotions). You may need to learn that it is okay and safe to feel and that it's probably better to feel your emotions to avoid issues down the road. I'm not saying that you need to be a puddle of tears and snot, but consider taking the time to actually feel instead of just dismissing an emotion as soon as it arises.
For anyone that chose this pile, if you feel that you might need help consider speaking with a licensed therapist to address any emotional issues that you may have. And if that's the case I wish you all the very best and I hope you receive absolutely everything that you need. 🩷
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Eight of Swords
The Lovers
Queen of Cups
For this pile I'm getting that you need to release the feeling that you need to be perfect or fit some standard that is hard for you to conform to for a partner. This may be for an existing partner or one that you hope to attract. I mainly feel like this is about your physical appearance but I also see that you have some quirks that you feel like you need to hide in order to keep/make your partner happy. But what you don't see is that this person loves you for you, your appearance, those weird things that you try to hide from them, all of it. They find you captivating and they love that you're whole and complete. You're not draining to be around and in this person's eyes you are the whole package. Let's put it this way, if you were anything else in this person's life you'd be their favorite version of it, like if you were a city you'd be their favorite city. If you were a drink you'd be their favorite drink, etcetera, etcetera (a super weird way of describing how much they love you, I know but it's what I got 😊).
Stop thinking that you are not enough and need to be refined in some way to be loved.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the Best to You,
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 4 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Positive Changes Could be Happening for You in the Next 6 Months?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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The High Priestess
The World
Seven of Cups
Five of Pentacles
Eight of Swords
Before I even shuffled the cards I kept seeing a key, like a bronze skeleton key floating almost like in a video game selection screen. That sounds weird I know, just disregard it if it doesn't resonate.
I feel like your intuition will definitely be strengthened with the high priestess card. If you have been trying to figure out what witchy path best suits you, don't worry because there are many you could go down and still get the results you're looking for. With the world card I feel like you will be learning a lot about new cultures, I also feel like if you've been trying to get into a program to go abroad for a semester of college this will either come through. Or you will have an experience close to the one you would've had abroad but in a different place.
Trust that doors that cannot be closed are opening for you and your path is cleared.
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Ten of Cups
Seven of Cups
Page of Cups (Reversed)
Queen of Wands
Seven of Wands
If you've been trying to manifest love I feel like your happily ever after will be just around the corner 6 months from now. By this I mean 6 months from now you could be wondering "where the heck is my person?", then bam! Out of nowhere it's like they appear. You've put so much into bringing this love into this physical reality, praying, spellwork, meditations, you name it and I feel like it's finally finding its way to you! With the queen of wands I feel like this person will love your fiery nature or how motivated you are when it comes to achieving your goals. However, I do see that the work won't end once you've started a relationship with this person, you may be closed off emotionally and struggle to connect in that way. If you want to keep this relationship healthy you will need to address that but I feel that your person will be understanding as you are working through this issue. But if they sense that you've stopped trying to better yourself in this area they will withdraw from you and the relationship may end.
Take this time now to address any emotional issues you may have so that you can prepare to be a good partner. And also so that you can take better care of yourself.
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Six of Wands (Reversed)
Justice (Reversed)
Knight of Cups
The Sun
6 months from now I can see you realizing that something you thought you wanted, like really wanted incredibly bad but did not get. Was actually a blessing in disguise, while you only saw the good it would bring into your life, there were hidden aspects to this situation that you couldn't possibly have seen. I feel like this is something that just recently happened and you may still be sulking about it now. But in time you'll realize you only saw the glittery happy side of the situation but the divine saw it all. It reminds me of an iceberg where you only see a small amount of ice not realizing underneath there is an enormous structure.
Rejoice for what you didn't get and get excited for what is coming for you, what is actually meant for you.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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