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okay so im struggling to word this, but like, eye (descriptions?) but not like color or looks, i mean like when books says "her eyes fluttered closed", "half lidded" and stuff like that. i have no idea how to use these, and no idea how they work
Illustrating Emotion with Eyes/Eye Movements
Eyes and eye movements, along with other aspects of facial expression and body language, can play a big role in indicating the emotion a character might be feeling in response to something they're thinking or experiencing.
Eye movements can be divided into three types:
- eyeballs - eyelids - eyebrows
Here are some things eye movements can indicate:
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Eyes that brighten – acceptance
Eye contact – acceptance, admiration/adoration (prolonged eye contact), agitation (avoiding eye contact)
Eyes that twinkle – mischief, adoration
Eyes that harden – anger
Eyes that glaze over – boredom
Eyes that dart back and forth – anxiety, fear, disbelief
Eye that gleams – confidence
Eyes that glance furtively – desire, romantic interest
Eyes filled with tears – intense sadness or happiness
Eyes that look down/away – discomfort, guilt, uncertainty
Eyes that wander – boredom, indifference
Eye contact that’s broken – insecurity, discomfort, guilt
Eye contact that’s unsteady – vulnerable
Eyes that gaze longingly – loneliness, wistfulness, nostalgia
Eyes that seem to flicker or spark – rage
Eyes that are “doe-like” – innocence
Eyes that appear dull – stunned, exhaustion
Eyes that roll - annoyance, disbelief
Eyes that stare into the middle distance - deep in thought
Eyes that glance upward to right or left - thought
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Eyelids that widen – amazement/surprise/shock
Eyelids that narrow – suspicion, scorn
Eyelids that blink rapidly – appalled, disbelief
Eyelids that don’t blink – courage, determination
Eyelids that flutter – pleasure, coy
Eyelids that close – defeat, frustration,
Eyelids that clamp shut – anger
Eyelids that are half-lidded – pleasure, lust, desire, exhaustion
Eyelids that squeeze shut – panic, intense fear
Eyelids that close gently, lightly – relief
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Eyebrows that rise together – amazement/surprise/shock
Eyebrows that wiggle – teasing, suggestive
Eyebrows that draw/knit together – concern
Eyebrows that crumple/furrow – confusion
Eyebrows that rise in question – hopefulness
Eyebrow that rises alone – skepticism, satisfaction
Eyebrows that lower – wariness
Eyebrows that wrinkle or crease – worry
I hope that helps!
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So a exchange between Anne and Liz in chapter 40.
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Having fun writing a "big sister" Anna sort of chapter.
Actually in general I seem to enjoy writing Aragon and Anna themed chapters the most
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Next chapter of the magic AU:
Kat needs therapy
Anne has a bit of a temper
And Lina is definitely a mother.
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Literally forgot this side blog existed
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Mary sighed as she listened to Elizabeth yell halfway across the sitting room at—presumably—Jane, though the teenager really didn't care what the hell the younger girl did as long as:
A. She was bleeding or otherwise badly injured
B. She didn't bother her.
C. "Burrow" any of her stuff.
Not that Mary wasn't curious about why the younger girl was shouting so loudly that she could hear her from literally a corridor away but that was Jane's problem, Not Mary's.
After all, it wasn't her that had volunteered to babysit and Kat had been smart enough to go of with Cathy, Mae, and the other Jane into town for gods only knew what.
Not that Mary wanted to risk being around a screaming toddler either, but that was better than the spoiled demon spawn of Boleyn.
"Gods! I hate her!"
Elizabeth commented roughly ten minutes later after she stormed into Mary's room, earning a look from the teenager who had been reading over parchment of music tenor.
"and now you are lying to yourself."
She retorted, knowing that Elizabeth had defended Jane when no one else would but now that Jane wasn't her stepmother—though Mary wondered if, by definition, that was true—Elizabeth and her butted heads a lot more than they seemed to before.
"She has no right to tell me what to do!"
Mary arched a brow at this and refrained from rolling her eyes.
"oh and what was it that she told you? That you couldn't go riding? It's literally been pouring the rain all day!"
Mary stated, earning a look from her half sister.
"Well Cate took Mae with her and Mae is just a baby!"
Mary couldn't help but roll her eyes now.
"They were in a cart, Bess. Jay or Kat would take care of her while the other two goes to the shops and vendors. That is far different than you going riding in middle of all of this."
"if mum was here she would let me!"
That response made Mary want to laugh because after having trained with the rather idiotic Anne Boleyn, she could easily tell the girl that no, no she would not.
"well Anne is off with my mum on a scouting mission so you're stuck with me and Jane in the meantime and Jane is oldest so if she says no, it means no. Now pipe down before you wake Edward...Or the dead. Whichever hears you first."
Elizabeth stormed off then, slamming the door behind her in the process and Mary had to mentally count from a hundred just to ensure she didn't shout after the girl.
Please tell me I never acted like that.
She thought before summoning her fetch—which was currently a orangey color—and sent it off in a flash of Sparks and light.
I better see if Mum and Anne are done before Jane ends up locking Elizabeth in the basement or somewhere else far away from Edward. Last thing anyone needs right now is a crying baby!
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Preview of next chapter:
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Some world building, some stuff on Anna and some insight into her mind.
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So I have been hyperfixating on this lately I should probably tell you what inspired it.
So I was reading a book series that I loved in middle school (can I just say I was WAY too young to understand half of what I was reading back then) and I was scrolling through Tumblr and saw a drawing someone down of Anne holding a sword.
Also I was starting to play DnD with some guys from work around this time so my brain automatically went to "ooh imagine Anne as a warrior!"
I had gotten halfway through that draft before—while I was watching tv—I was reminded that Anne was accused of witchcraft and I frankly almost wrote her as to having a magical sword but I thought that was too cliche.
So Mage it was since I had started playing a mage in DnD.
The "folk of Sasāra" is based on the elves in the card game I started playing halfway through the planning process and the concepts I will explore in later chapters are basically based on the legends of people going to the land of fae and returning "out of time" and knowing things beyond most comprehension.
Also Aragon was originally the fire mage because her name reminded me of a dragon but I just thought it would be funnier to have Mary be a fire mage who has to learn to control her powers.
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So next few chapters will introduce Anna's abilities and how she learned them. Here is some places mentioned:
Hōra sasāra (or Sasāra for those who live/have been there)—land.of a mystic people who can shapeshift at will. They will sometimes form allies with people outside their plane if they are impressed enough with them.
Mount Agapatha—a mountain where it is said a fire mage died. Also where one of the portals to Sasāra is.
The Horaloka— the people of Sasāra.
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To those asking where this story is in full:
I'll slowly be copying it over to here though.
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Some info on blood magic:
It can be used accidentally if one is injured and so much as thinks of a desired outcome.
It can not save the dying.
It is "forbidden" because it had been abused in the past.
It drains the caster if they use their own blood.
Like all magic, emotions make it stronger.
One can use blood magic along with a fetch to form some pretty scary looking creatures.
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Mary could remember how it felt, watching her mother dragged out of the room to be tossed into the street. She had been only seven or eight at the time and had hidden behind a large drapery as she watched the whole thing. She remembered how that woman—Anne—had taken a seat in her mother’s rightful place, remaining silent during the whole thing.
She remembered the fall out, of being found by the self-appointed queen, of being ushered without a word from the room and having the door slammed in her face. She remembered crying herself to sleep that night.
She also remembered the cutting remarks of Anne whenever they would argue, remembered how Anne’s spawn had came along and taken her throne, her father, and everything else away from her. She remembered the resulting argument that had left her at Anne’s mercy.
She remembered how Anne had looked ready to explode and—besides anything else—had turned and walked out with an order for her to stay in her chambers.
Then she remembered the night she awoke to find someone clad in black silks in her room, hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She remembered being taken from the castle, all the guards seemingly unnoticing the commotion. Then she remembered how—once inside the wood—one of her assailants removed her mask and hood, revealing her own mother.
The other—who never spoke—just nodded and seemed to vanish into the night.
It had been seven years and still the memory of that woman had left her bitter.
Had her father even tried looking for her or had she stopped him? How did she feel that their last interaction was an argument, or did she care at all? It had been obvious to Mary that she didn’t care about anyone at all, other than herself and maybe that whelp she was carrying at the time.
So when the woman appeared at the keep’s gate, face pale and eyes bloodshot, Mary was all for sending her away, however, her mother seemed to have other plans.
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A snippet I found in the notes I wrote during lockdown:
Anne wasn't sure exactly what to think when she walked into Kat's room, only to find her sleeping with a large, silvery serpent coiled around her protectively.
Why a snake?
She couldn't help but wonder, though she had a feeling it was because any other thing would be too big for the bed and it would still offer Kat more sense of protection.
Too bad Lina got to em before I did. The bastards.
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Found the notes I hand written back when COVID was still a huge thing and everything was locked down.
Jane has a really interesting power that I forgot to include....and the explanation was interesting.
Also what happened to Kat in the tower was brutal. Like I didn't remember writing half of it.
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