the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“You said you are there when someone is near-death. Well i have been many times. Have i seen you? No. Nor do i expect you to remember me out of the tirllions of people. Maybe i wasn’t dying enough? Nevertheless...you said you would. I will not persist if you don’t want to. I just think you look cute for a death god.” I mean have you seen the others? Only Vados is so-so
"Well, i AM in your inbox no? Or didn't make it to first three?"
“Well you can get a kiss from me if you want.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“I have been close to you(death) multiple times. Kissing it though?That would be a true tale to tell. How many saiyans can brag about that? So the answer is yea, i want to.”
"Well, i AM in your inbox no? Or didn't make it to first three?"
“Well you can get a kiss from me if you want.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“Aaaah i know about Namek! Well i wasn’t there but heard about it...”, he coughed a little as he said. He had gone there during a time travel once but it was not to be told, even if it was legal. 
“As for Vegeta, i...was told as well. To be honest with you i have no idea how i came to be. I have saiyan blood but never met my real parents. Maybe my mother or father got sent away like goku.....I thought to ask Shenron but...maybe it’s better to never learn.”, he stretched a little as he thought about it, eyes closed. 
“Anyways, you are here on work but you seem free enough, for a while at least. I’ll help you gther the dragonballs, what do you say?”
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“Is there a universe that is NOT fucked up? I’ve been to a lot, there is always something to ruin the flow. In many ways from many angles. I would be surprised from a normal one.” 
“I didn’t know death had to keep people dead. Isn’t that too much work to do? When do you even relax?”, he changed the subject to the most interesting part. “One would expect there would be someone else do that part. A Keeper or something. Damn you are a busy woman...god-black-death-thing.”
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“Isn’t scaring people off your job though?”, he asked confused. “At least you do have a sense of style, i have to say. As expected of the death god.”, he added without waiting for her to answer. It...didn’t really matter after all.
“Shenron?”, his eyebrows raised at the realization. He should have guessed. “Well he is a creation of another God, so...i guess you should talk with them, not Shenron. Plus, your job is to kill people, not making sure they stay dead. No?”
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“Who would have though death would be a redhead.”, Reif exclaimed with a small laugh, sincerely amused! Death was a concept that had almost lost it’s meaning nowadays. No mistake to be made, people feared death, dying was not nice. But the warrior blood running through his mortal body made the young half-breed strangely allured to near-death situations.
After all, it did make him stronger. Some could say it was like an addiction.
“But why is Lady Death in the mortal realm? Here to reap someone’s soul? Or just on a stroll?” He had completely forgotten by now how the conversation even started.
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
Well that was one way to pique his interest. He couldn’t feel her ki at all, as she was a god. But she had no reason to lie, no?
“And why would i not want to meet you? Gods aren’t senseless, no matter how strong. If they were like mortals there wouldn’t be a universe left.”, he commented. If she had ill intent it would have manifest by now. But she was just chilling around, so obviously that was not the case.
“Perfection is dull though, right? If you can’t get any better, if you can’t improve in an aspect, then what do you do to pass your day? What is the motivation of your existence? Trying to achieve perfection, then in that we agree.”
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“Ah. You are a goddess....makes sense..”, he mumbled as his last words as he sighed. Gods were always weird, one way or the other. He didn’t know her rank, but she was either a low god and still should be treated respectfully, or a high god and should be treated cautiously.
“You would be surprised by how good some mortals are in it. I am just untalented in that aspect. Could be my saiyan part.”
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
“That...that doesn’t count, alright?....But it is indeed a talent. I don’t understand how some people do it...”, he scratched his chin in thought. Last time he tried to pretend to listen he fell asleep.
“You were listening! So I’ll do it.” //I don't know what, just wanted to say hi
“I always pretend I am listening actually. But okay, do it.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
Gohan and videl c1?
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
Jeez...too smart for a ten year old.... He thought s he looked at her with the corner of her eyes. Or is it simple curiocity? 
“Cannons are machines that can shoot objects at high speeds. Um...we were doing the experiment outside the city but it went slightly wrong. I admit to my mistakes!”, he made a small bow with the last words. He was making things up as he talked, he felt he was making things more complicated by the second...a drop of cold sweat run down his face
“Huh...ah....it’s, the others stayed to fix the problem with the machine! I came alone to see if anyone got hurt...and pay for the damages...” She did say he didn’t have to pay anything but....let’s be honest she was a kid, her parents would not be too happy to see this when they returned...
☀️ //hi o.o
(Hey there :3)
Samantha was outside in the backyard of her house wearing her bathing suit as she was relaxing in her honey pool that two of her closest friends got for her a while back, and was enjoying the sun beaming on her while wearing sun screen, of course.
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“Man, I always love the summer time. As much as I love all the other seasons, summer is my most favorite cause of my birthday.”
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
Ahh....too many names. He always hated that part! It was too much information for one person to keep, most likely he would have to forget the information of a previous world he had been sent to. Oh well, inevitable.
“I see. Magnolia.”, he answered taking a glance towards the town. A guild country? She did say it’s the strongest, so there should be multiple ones. “I am sorry to ask but, is your guild a mercenary one or a knight one or...a magic one?” He was hesitant to mention magic for a moment. There had been worlds that had hunted him down as a witch. He hoped this was not the case here. Either way if it’s the strongest guild, it should contain the most info. He needed to visit it asap. Although this world didn’t seem half bad....Grasslands, flower fields, trees, a blue sky....Not bad not bad.
Jumping down the pillar of time and space, the scroll leading him forward as the images of different dimensions and eras passed around him, too fast to form a sense. The light became brighter and brighter as it engulfed him, his eyes opening as soon as it disappeared, the blue sky around him, and the sign of land below him.
He stopped the fall by starting to fly, landing effortlessly on the soil, looking around him to make sense of the scenery. He was on the outskirts of a city, and seems he hadn’t been noticed by anyone. He wasn’t sure what kind of world this was really, and how poeple would react to a flying human.
The scroll disappeared from his hand in a purple aura. The saiyan was now stuck here till he found and eliminated the disturbances. “Nice life i lead…”, he sighed as he walked forward. First of all he needed to get more information about this world. His eye fell on a blond girl, walking the road towards the town as well. 
“Hey!”, he shouted as he sped up towards her. “Hey um….sorry to bother you.”,he smiled widely. “Could you maybe give me some information? I am new around these parts….i come from a far away continent.” He kept a respectful distance, trying to show he meant no harm.
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
[Text]: Hey that’s not fine! That’s the opposite of fine! I am sorry, alright? I’ll treat you to lunch...for a week! How does that sound?
[text] I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think he’d duck when the ball came at him, I’m sorry. (to Naruko)
[Text]: It’s fine, just don’t talk to me ever again.
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
Jumping down the pillar of time and space, the scroll leading him forward as the images of different dimensions and eras passed around him, too fast to form a sense. The light became brighter and brighter as it engulfed him, his eyes opening as soon as it disappeared, the blue sky around him, and the sign of land below him.
He stopped the fall by starting to fly, landing effortlessly on the soil, looking around him to make sense of the scenery. He was on the outskirts of a city, and seems he hadn’t been noticed by anyone. He wasn’t sure what kind of world this was really, and how poeple would react to a flying human.
The scroll disappeared from his hand in a purple aura. The saiyan was now stuck here till he found and eliminated the disturbances. “Nice life i lead...”, he sighed as he walked forward. First of all he needed to get more information about this world. His eye fell on a blond girl, walking the road towards the town as well. 
“Hey!”, he shouted as he sped up towards her. “Hey um....sorry to bother you.”,he smiled widely. “Could you maybe give me some information? I am new around these parts....i come from a far away continent.” He kept a respectful distance, trying to show he meant no harm.
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
I swear, if I hadn’t promised mother, on their DEATHBED, that I wouldn’t KILL you, I would KILL YOU.
Cooler, probably, to Frieza (via medicationlizard)
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the-crimson-saiyan · 8 years
The saiyan grabbed his head and sighed, he had messed up big time. At least she didn’t seem THAT surprised? That was good. Looked like a kid, so that could be why. 
“Are your parents at home? .....Geez i hope i didn’t do more damage....i just got some prize money...”, he asked lowering his head. Somehow he always had to pay for things he broke someow, although he was trying to be careful. It had become a norm lately.
“They are not...um. That’s a special one. It’s like....a canoball! Yea! We were doing an experiment with some canons!”
☀️ //hi o.o
(Hey there :3)
Samantha was outside in the backyard of her house wearing her bathing suit as she was relaxing in her honey pool that two of her closest friends got for her a while back, and was enjoying the sun beaming on her while wearing sun screen, of course.
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“Man, I always love the summer time. As much as I love all the other seasons, summer is my most favorite cause of my birthday.”
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