cryostasisslumber · 2 years
Life Update
LOVIES! It has been way way to long. I've had a LOT of crazy things happen in life on top of my laptop taking a crap on me. When it died so did the rest of Winter's Shadow along with another story that I had pretty much finished. So I got even more depressed and devestated and just gave up.
I am back! I hope to post more regularly. I don't know if I'll be able to continue Winter's Shadow, at least right now. Unless I get some real inspiration or enough feed back to want more. Until then I'll be working on other things hopefully. I have really gotten into Vegeta from DBZ as well (I know I know lol). So who knows, maybe I'll venture out into some of that territory too. I'm still getting out of my comfort zone with all of this so we will see.
I appreciate you all, especially those of you who've read to this point. I'll finish this out by saying that it's always darkest before the dawn. Things may be hard now, but they will eventually get better. Life is slowly getting better for me, so if we stick it out together it'll get better for you too. <3
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cryostasisslumber · 2 years
Hello Lovies!! It has been aWHILE. I apologize. I've had a lot going on in life.
I've hit a block with my current story Winter's Shadow. I'm not quiet sure where to go with it or how to continue at this time so I'm going to shelf it. UNLESS it starts gaining more traction and people want me to continue, then I'll force myself to think more on it. But right now I'm going to take a step back and let it sit for a bit and come back with fresh eyes.
I do have something else that I've been working on that I'll probably start posting. It's a weird one in my opinion, and it's different. It's kind of dark too.
Other than that I'll be trying to get active on here again and I'll start trying to post one shots or shorts too!
If you have requests or anything you want me to try please let me know!! <3
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cryostasisslumber · 3 years
Winter's Shadow : Chapter 3
Hello lovies!! Chapter 3 is here, and I will be trying to stay on an at least once a week posting schedule. I have a few other pieces in progress as well and life has been crazy! I hope you enjoy! If you want added to the tag list just let me know!
*Bre is the main character’s name, you imagine it as your name or any name you like! I just used Bre!
*WARNINGS: Torture, mind control, descriptions of injuries, curse words, sad boy hours, amnesia, demonic(ish) theme at times if you squint, violence, insinuated SA, mentions of blood, capture/captivity. (If I have missed any PLEASE let me know)
*IF YOU ARE A MINOR DO NOT INTERACT 18+ ONLY. YOU are responsible for your content consumption*
Bucky was snapped back to the present when he heard your voice calling out to him, "Buck...Bucky please wake up love." He must have passed out again from the pain or the exhaustion he couldn't tell them apart anymore. He slowly lifted his head and met your gaze, "There he is." You smiled weakly at him. You could have sworn there was the hint of a smile on his lips when you heard Rumlow, "Alright who wants to go first, any volunteers?" You held each other's gaze willing the other to shut up as you both said "ME!" to avoid the other having to go through more torture. This being the first 'double failure' and first time you both cracked at the same time, neither of you knew what to expect. Just then the door opened once more, and a man you didn't recognize walked in. Bucky's face dropped and drained of color. Rumlow smirked and leaned in, "That's right, you guys fucked up." Bucky finally looked to you, confusion all over your face. Before he could utter a word, the man walked right over to him and smacked him..hard. You shrieked at the sound; Bucky stifled a growl. At the sound of your shriek the man turned around and appraised your appearance much the same way Rumlow did. "Don't think I forgot about you darling. So....nice....to finally meet Shadow. Although..she isn't here right now, is she." He questioned after stepping close enough to caress your face. Bucky struggled against the restraints once more, "Pierce! Leave her out of it. I failed, not her it was my fault." He pleaded keeping the base in his tone despite the look of horror hidden behind his eyes you hoped only you could see. 'Pierce' as Bucky called him smirked as he turned around, "So. It's true then. You've cracked..again. Much to my surprise, the reason right behind me hmm?" Pierce spoke directly to Bucky confidence oozing from him. Bucky widened his eyes slightly, realizing all to late that he should have kept his mouth shut. He locked eyes with you again, "NO! No, no please." he begged looking to Pierce now. He simply patted Bucky's cheek three times lightly, smirked and said, "It'll be alright. Neither of you will remember come this time tomorrow. Be that as it may, you still need to learn your place." Bucky looked to you once more, you already smiling to him tiredly, "It's okay James." "I'm so sorry." He said in an almost whisper.
Rumlow walked over then and hoisted a bucket above your head, without warning ice cold water rained down all over you. You shuddered and shivered, gasping for air. "NO PLEASE" Bucky plead on deaf ears. You looked to him, "Look away James, there's nothing you can do, please." He hated that feeling of Deja Vu when you said those words. Why! Why is there NEVER anything he can do! You're being punished AGAIN for his stupid outbursts. Rumlow replaced the bucket by the door and came sauntering back with two large cables. Smirking at Bucky while attaching one to each chain on your arms. Bucky wanted so badly to fight, to try to break the restraints, to yell, scream, threaten Rumlow's existence. But he couldn't. He could only sit back in utter silence, heart shattering every second as to not make things worse for you. He watched you, neither of you breaking eye contact. His eyes pleading, screaming how sorry he was. Yours answering back with love and adoration, understanding and not a trace of hatred or blame. You'd gladly accept the punishments if it spared him. Rumlow stepped away, strode over to Bucky's side holding either side of his head so he could not turn away. "Do it." Pierce said standing on the other side of Bucky. One of the scientists in the corner of the room flipped a big lever, surging the power in those cables to life. With a quick hum of power, you were suddenly writhing in pain, trying to push off of the wall struggling against the chains. You tried SO hard to not scream, you didn't want to put Bucky through anything more than necessary, so you just gritted your teeth and grunted. "Up it." Pierce said with the raise of an eyebrow. Bucky wished he could trade places with you, he would do anything to get you out of here. The scientist turned a dial, louder humming was followed by you finally having no other choice but to scream. The sounds that came from you should not come from any human; Bucky was shattered. Your head rolled back, and your eyes went completely black, just as they had during the mission. Black fog began to emit from your hands, your body was trying desperately to heal you as you were literally on the verge of dying. Bucky had to close his eyes, he knew how much you hated this side of yourself, you never wanted to willingly show him...you didn't want him to remember. Pierce was thoroughly enjoying himself, impressed to see Shadow in the flesh. "Impressive huh sir?" Rumlow gloated. "It took many many trials, many experiments, but the serum finally held." Rumlow was elated. Bucky's eyes snapped open, 'Serum', he looked to you then heart breaking all over again. He knew better than anyone how much you must have had to go through during the trials of a serum...and seeing how you came after him there had to be some super soldier serum in there somewhere. That would explain why you were the only other one to come back from 'hell'...how you could take one hell of a beating and bounce back albeit a lot longer on the healing side than him...things made sense and he couldn't breathe...he didn't want that for you..but at this moment he was glad, he was sure that was the only reason your heart hadn't exploded from so much electricity.
"Enough." Pierce commanded and the lever was turned off, you stopped screaming, steam rolling off your body as you twitched hanging slack against the wall. Bucky was sobbing at this point, he was sure that even with any amount of the Super Soldier Serum, you couldn't have survived that. If SHADOW made an appearance to SAVE you, he doubted you survived. He unblinkingly watched your chest for any sign of life. "PLEASE love, PLEASE. BRE PLEASE" He thought to himself, almost willing the words to carry over to you telepathically. Rumlow and Pierce also seemed to become nervous, "Perhaps we over did it. Shame." Pierce said slapping a hand on your shoulder as he turned to walk away. Bucky had about abandoned all hope when you gasped for breath. Your head lolling side to side, shoulders and chest heaving to get as much oxygen into each breath as you possibly could. Bucky couldn't believe his eyes, "Sweets, look at me!" He called out. You lifted your head, fighting your own internal battle. Your eyes shifted from all black to normal in quick successions, your face contorted in pain, fighting to keep control. Pierce relented another slap to Bucky's face willing him to shut up. Your head fell slump again, grunting as you fought for control of your own mind. "Get the book." Rumlow ordered one of the scientists. "NO!" Bucky shouted only to be met with another slap, this one splitting his lip further. "You will learn your place, Soldat. Don't worry you won't remember this in about twenty minutes." Rumlow spat. "Consider this your lesson Asset, you will watch as we bring Shadow back. Your 'Sweets' is gone, no more failures. Or next time will be much worse for the both of you. Don't forget who you belong to." Pierce said to Bucky inches from his face. Rumlow now stood in front of you, with that damned red book open. Bucky was coming undone, there was nothing he could do. He couldn't watch the terror in your eyes as Rumlow began the string of trigger words for Shadow. Knowing he was getting the chair and would be next was almost a solace for him at this point. He just wished you didn't have to be along on this fucked up roller coaster.
"тень(shadow), сумерки(nightfall)" Rumlow began to chant out. "NO, NO, NO PLEASE!" You began to fight hard against the chains begging for him to stop. "SWEETHEART DON'T LISTEN!" Bucky yells out to you. "зима(winter), непрозрачный(opaque)" he continued. "PLLEEAAASSSEE!" You screamed so loud your throat bled, your vision getting cloudy with black smoke. "BABY PLEASE, FIGHT!" Bucky continued to try to reach out to you, fighting his restraints, earning another slap from Pierce. "почерневший(blackened), душа(soul)" You just screamed at this point, writhing against the chains, burying the medal into your wrist, blood trickling down your arms now as you desperately try to get away. "FUCK YOU! STOP! LEAVE HER ALONE! PLEASE!" Bucky desperately screamed to Rumlow. Looking like an animal caged. "гнаться(chase)" "STOP!" You pleaded as your eyes continue to shift back and forth, blackened to normal, you could no longer see, your limbs getting heavy, your eyelids getting heavy. Bucky thrashes against the chair, "NO! BRE LISTEN TO ME! DON'T GIVE IN!" He begs. "разбитое сердце(Heartbreak), двадцать(twenty)" You struggled less and less, at this point your entire body was so heavy, your mind was in such a fog you couldn't think straight, you were just in total and shear panic. "BABY I KNOW YOU'RE SCARED, DON'T GIVE UP! PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE! STOP!" The sound of yet another bone crunching backhand echoed in your mind. "пробуждать(awaken)." Rumlow uttered the last word, your entire body going slack. "NOOOOOOO!" Bucky screamed as loud as he could, breaking apart at his seams. Blackness consumed you now, you couldn't speak, you couldn't move, you tried to scream, and nothing came. You were suffocating, banging on this invisible wall in front of you. You could see Bucky sitting in the chair, utterly defeated, horrified, dejected. You were dying to reach out to him, to comfort him..you couldn't. Suddenly a dark deep laugh erupts from deep within your chest, you watch as your gaze meets Rumlows, "What is happening?! I'm not moving!" You easily break the chains on your feet, then your wrists, gracefully gliding down the wall to kneel at Rumlow's feet. "NO! No! What the hell?!" Behind you the laughter sounds again, echoing in your ears, vibrating you to your core. "Soldat?" Rumlow questions. "Готов соблюдать(Ready to comply)" Comes from your throat, blackness envelopes you, as you drift off trying desperately to open your eyes. Your eyelids getting heavier and heavier, then nothingness.
Bucky POV:
He knew he shouldn't give up; he'd find you again...he'd find himself again. He had to. They can't win, neither of you are just some weapons, a pawn in their game of dominance. It had to end eventually...right? He sat back; eyes averted to the floor blood trickling down from his mouth from the many backhands he earned pleading for you. All he could do was watch in horror as you slipped away. You were still in the room, kneeling in front of that prick Rumlow, but you were long gone. All he could do now was wait for the excruciating solace of his turn. Winter would take over, he'd sleep, he'd see the horrors of what his body was doing as he screamed silently in his mind, until he found you again. Until that light ignited in his chest, opening the door ever so slightly allowing light to illuminate the darkness, and he'd fight like hell to find you again. He had to. "Oh now, don't look so put out Soldat." Rumlow pouted, patting Bucky on the back. You now stood stock still, almost a statue against the wall. Arms crossed at your back; feet firmly planted apart.... the perfect soldier. It tore his heart out of his chest, knocked the wind out of him when you looked down to him and there was nothing. No emotion...nothing in your face...your eyes cold.... empty. You looked away, straight forward once more, awaiting your next order. Pierce walked over to you now, circling around you, looking you up and down. Bile rose in Bucky's throat at the hunger in Pierce's eyes. He couldn't bring himself to picture what he knew Pierce was going to do to you next. And he'd be helpless once more, he thought to himself selfishly hoping that by then he'd be long gone as well. A statue in his cell, awaiting the next orders. "Open up pretty boy." Rumlow ordered, shoving a mouth guard into his mouth as he pushed him flush with the chair. Bucky's breathing began to pick up, he was ready this time, but he was still never prepared for the utter pain of his brain being set fire. His body convulsing as his screams ripped through the building. No reprieve until his mind was mush, until he was fried into nothingness once more. The crown piece lowered as the scientists fit the chair and its appendages to Bucky. Rumlow leaned down close to Bucky's ear and whispered, "Hail HYDRA." with a smirk just as the machine whirred to life and Bucky began screaming loud, he was sure his chest would burst open.
Finally, after hours of the chair, he was foggy. His body buzzed, on fire and he hurt....to his core he hurt.... physically and mentally. He didn't know where he was, what his name was, what was happening. He no longer spewed curses at Rumlow and Pierce when they asked if he knew who he was, who the woman across the room was, who he belonged to. He no longer spat at them as soon as the whirring of the machine let up. He now looked to them, utterly broken. The man who he assumed was a soldier, pulled out a red book and walked to him. "Ready now, turn it back on." The man ordered. He began moving back once more, "NO PLEASE! NOT AGAIN! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE DOING THIS PLEASE!" Bucky plead in a hoarse raspy voice his throat on fire and tears streaming down his face. The machine whirred to life, he was once again set on fire, and he screamed. "тоска(longing), -a heavy weight sat on his chest - ржавый(rusted) Семнадцать(seventeen) - NO! He felt foggy despite the effects of the machine - рассвет(daybreak) печь(furnace) девять(nine) - His body felt heavy, his arms and legs were heavy. NO PLEASE! Blackness began to creep into his line of sight - доброкачественный(benign) возвращение на родину(Homecoming) - NOO PLEEASSEE STOP! He screamed tasting that familiar copper taste trickle down his throat. The blackness was almost entirely enveloping his vision, he couldn't breathe - Один(one) - his eyes began to close, he was sure he was still screaming but he couldn't hear it anymore, there was no fight left in his body. A loud low growl erupted from his chest, followed by ice in his veins. - Грузовой вагон(freight car) - He drifted, no longer hearing, no longer seeing...floating.... lost...panic encasing him. He can't move his body any longer. "Soldat?" He questioned. "Готов соблюдать(Ready to Comply)." Vibrated from within him, then nothingness. He was now an unwilling passenger in his own body. He could see and hear, feel, everything.... but he could do nothing to stop it.
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cryostasisslumber · 3 years
Winter's Shadow: Chapter Two
Hello! I am SO sorry it has taken so long to post again! I have combined part 2 and 3 to make it all just chapter two for this one to make up for it! <3 So it is kind of a long read, sorry to those that don't like that!
I have actually gotten a few likes on chapter 1 and I could not be more excited! Thank you!! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know! Be gentle on me, but feedback is welcome and appreciated! <3
*Bre is the main character’s name, you imagine it as your name or any name you like! I just used Bre!*
WARNINGS: Torture, mind control, descriptions of injuries, curse words, sad boy hours, amnesia, demonic(ish) theme at times if you squint, violence, insinuated SA, mentions of blood, capture/captivity. (If I have missed any PLEASE let me know)
*IF YOU ARE A MINOR DO NOT INTERACT 18+ ONLY. YOU are responsible for your content consumption*
Just then the door to the room burst open as the man from the roof sauntered in, followed by two scientists. As soon as they walked in Bucky tried to sit up but was stopped by the restraints of the chair. "Rumlow." He almost growled as he spat the man's name. "Ah, Soldat, hello again." He said almost sing songly as he made his way over to the space between you. "I see you're finally awake pet." Rumlow said as he tilted his head, eyes roaming from your head to your toes and back. You were all too aware at that moment how exposed you were. Your tactical gear stripped leaving you in a camisole and boy shorts. Your cheeks flushed as you tried to curl into yourself, remembering all too well the late-night visits to your holding cell by Rumlow. His hungry gaze only broken by Bucky struggling against his restraints once more, "Don't touch her!" Rumlow raised his eyebrows and chuckled as he slowly turned to him, "Oh, I plan to more than touch Soldat." He almost laughed then as Bucky snarled from the chair desperately trying to break the restraints. "As you both know, you're due for punishment. Not only did you fail in both sides of this mission," He lectured as he started to pace, stopping in front of you now. "You also broke, disobeying direct commands." He spat right at you, staring right in your eyes. He brought his hand up and gently stroked your cheek taking his hand all the way down your throat to your shoulder to your chest. You whimpered as you looked away trying to pull against the chains. At that same moment Bucky is spewing curses and staring daggers at Rumlow. "STOP! LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yelled so loud you felt it vibrate your bones.
Rumlow simply chuckled as he leaned in and licked a strip from your neck to your temple. You wretched and Bucky's wrists were bleeding at this point trying to break free, he wanted to snap Rumlow in two. He could remember all the times in the dead of night, hearing your cell door across from his squeak open. Looking over through the bars as Rumlow towered over you, cowering in the corner. Your voice echoing in his mind, "Please look away James, there's nothing you can do. Please." You tried to fight but had nowhere to go. Bucky could never understand how even in the depths of hell all you cared about was trying to comfort him. He could do nothing but either watch or cower in his own corner covering his ears and you screamed out. The sounds and things he seen those nights were enough to make him wretch although he had nothing in his stomach to dispense. Never in his memory had Bucky WILLINGLY wanted to end someone, but Rumlow? He wouldn't think twice as he squeezed the life out him little by little. Your voice snapped Bucky back to the present, "It's okay, it's alright." You squeaked at him, looking right at him sideways to avoid being any closer to Rumlow than you were forced to. Bucky's eyes widened, his brows knit together as he looked at you with so much sorrow and again, he couldn't understand why you wanted to comfort him in a time like this, he wasn't the being targeted by that monster...yet.
"I'll get you out of this, I promise you. I swear it!" Bucky pleaded to you still struggling against his restraints. "Now Soldat..tsk tsk..making promises you aren't able to keep." Rumlow put a hand to your throat as he turned his head to Bucky. "Such a shame, giving her that hope..just to have it dashed in her face." He sneered. "And you claim to be no monster." Bucky shifted his gaze from you to Rumlow, the look on his face sent shivers down your spine. Rumlow's grip on your throat tightened his fingers falling perfectly in line with the bruises he left yesterday on that rooftop making it hurt all that much more. As he squeezed a noise escaped your throat, a mixture between a whimper and a squeak. "You will sit back. You will shut up. You will OBEY. Or you will watch as I ruin her right in front of you, maybe even end her if I feel the need." Rumlow's voice low but full of arrogance as he directed these orders and threats at Bucky, each one with another squeeze to your throat. You tried like hell to fight the hot liquid pooling in your eyes, damn it all you did NOT want to cry while Bucky was already fighting so hard. Not wanting to watch you suffer any further, and ANYTHING to get that creep's hand off you Bucky locked eyes with you once more as he slowly sits back in the chair closing his eyes in defeat. "See? Was that so hard? Good boy." Rumlow almost cooed as he walked over and pat Bucky's cheek. His eyes snapped open as he watched Rumlow walk over to the scientists now as they began prepping the chair and other devices, you were sure.
"I'm sorry sweets, I'm so sorry." Bucky now pleaded low enough for only you to hear. The look on his face broke your heart, "No, it's not your fault James, not at all." You were desperate to comfort him, you so badly wanted to reach out and hold him. "If I didn't fail...if I could have found a way off that roof..." "NO" you didn't let him finish; you couldn't let him shoulder the weight of this situation all on his own. "I failed too, I didn't get the download, I brought us to the wrong floor." You were begging him with your eyes to just accept that this was not his fault alone. You went in as a team, you would face this as a team. You always did. He shook his head and shifted his gaze to the floor, "I will get us out of this. I promise I'll find a way to break you out of here." You didn't let him see as your shoulders fell, "I know Bucky, I know." He looked at you then with so much love behind his eyes, you never call him Bucky..always James...sometimes Barnes...just to patronize him but he knows it's your way of also showing him you love him. It became one of those "things", those inside things people have with one another. Never Bucky...always James or Barnes he smiled to himself. Bucky was reserved for serious moments, or times you really needed him to know you loved him.
(Bucky POV):
"Kneel!" The scrawny guard yelled down at him. "No." Bucky smirked. Bloodied already with his hands tied behind his back. Just as the word left his lips he was hit in the knees with a baton by another guard. Falling to the floor almost knocking the wind out of him, he was then pelted with an onslaught of feet and fists. Batons and pistol grips. He wasn't sure at this point as he curled in on himself not able to fully protect himself from the onslaught. When would he learn? His smart-ass mouth earned him more beatings and punishments than he could count. He fully expected to be hauled off to the chair, any time his boyish charm surfaced, his smart-ass ways from before his fall came out, they would cart him down the hall and fry his brain. He hated it, but sometimes it was better than remembering his life before all of this...remembering the torture...how long had he been here? He couldn't remember, but it was hard to concentrate as he was mercilessly beaten. It finally ended with a final kick to the ribs which by then he knew were broken. The guards spat at him and cursed at him in Russian, one cutting the bindings on his wrists before walking out and slamming the door. He laid stone still for a moment taking a mental note of his injuries this time. He could wiggle his feet, so no broken ankles, he moved one leg at a time, no broken bones but definitely deep bruising. He straightened out, FUCK that hurt, yeah for sure some broken ribs and bruising up the spine at the least. Stretching his arms out in front of him he popped his right elbow back in place with an audible grunt. DAMNIT! Broken wrist on his right hand for sure, it should NOT be facing that way. He bit down on his shirt as he pulled it to face correctly as he screamed into the bunched fabric. Reaching over to his cot he tore some of the blanket, if you could call it that, and wrapped the wrist to hopefully give it some support as the Super Soldier Serum would heal it in a matter of hours. He rocked his head from left to right, definitely a concussion and a broken nose, a busted lip and eyebrow...all in all not the worst he's come out with.
As he was finishing taking stock of his injuries and slowly crawling to the cot for support to stand, he heard the door at one end of the hall being pushed open. Laughter from some of the male guards permeated the silence as they came down the hall. Bucky instinctively shuffled his back against the far wall, he learned making himself scares and hidden in the shadows was best around here. He couldn't really afford another beating before he healed. Just then coming into view he saw Rumlow and another guard, but Rumlow had you over his shoulder. Bucky's breath caught in his throat, he watched intently for any sign of life. "Please...come on love please..."He thought to himself. The other guard unlocked and opened the cell door as Rumlow walked you in, turned around "That was definitely more fun that the last time." as he smacked your ass and quiet literally tossed you onto the cot. Bucky's blood began to BOIL, he wanted to break Rumlow's arms but learned from the last time he even tried to defend you with just words YOU got the brunt end of the punishment that should have been his. So he bit his tongue until he tasted warm copper while Rumlow and the guard high fived and slammed your cell door walking back in the direction they came.
Holding his breath until he heard the door at the end of the hall slam shut, he exhaled as he jumped up wincing at the throb in his head and ribcage. He hobbled over to the bars of his own cell and watched you intently afraid to speak. What felt like an eternity, but was only a few minutes, you finally groaned and lolled your head to the side. Bucky let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and pressed his forehead to the bars. He could hear you silently crying and sniffling, "Hey sweetheart, look at me. Come back to me now, you can't leave me here." He pleaded with a hint of playfulness in his tone, hoping to calm you. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop aside from your occasional sniffle, he closed his eyes waiting...hoping whatever they put you through before this didn't injure you to badly as you were in the cell across from him, not one next to him to where he could reach through the bars and help mend you. "No....let me die in peace." You groaned voice hoarse from what he knew was hours of screaming. He internally winced at the thought, his heart broke for you watching as you slowly sat on the edge of the cot and put your head in your hands. "Let me die for you sugar." He coaxed hoping to hear you at least attempt to laugh. The one thing he knew he could do was get you to laugh, if he heard you laugh or even giggle, he knew you would be okay.... he knew he would be okay. "If we go down, we go down together Barnes." You quipped back stifling a laugh wincing at the pain everywhere. Bucky turned his back to the bars and slid down to the floor smiling to himself. "There she is." He smiled over at you. You smiled, although it didn't touch your eyes the way it normally does and put your arms out in a theatrical bow. Bucky sighed in relief; you no doubt went through hell not even five minutes ago...but it didn't break your spirit. You both shared an unspoken understanding that as long as They couldn't break your spirits, they couldn't break you. Bucky took a liking to you quickly, as you did him. You both had the same dark sense of humor, spit fire head strong sometimes reckless personality with little self-preservation. You both were a ray of light in a dark, dark hell.
Silence fell around you both and there was a heavy weight in the air, there almost always was after one of you were carted back from what you both just refer to as hell. Bucky shifted and turned his back to the wall now and leaned his head on the bars watching you closely. You again had your head in your hands, hair falling in front of your face so he couldn't see if you had any injuries. He knew you used your long hair as a shield when it was bad, or when you wanted to hide. He couldn't decipher which in this moment but somehow, he knew it wasn't the latter. Anger bubbled in the pit of his stomach; they could do whatever they wanted to him..he somewhat understood why he was there. Captain America's best friend...an unfortunate fall that left him on death's doorstep...it was a match made in heaven for them. But he could never understand why or how you ended up here, in the bowels of hell...being used and abused as he was. He was sure there were more, he knew there were as sometimes the other cells in the hall had people...but none came back from hell...just you...just him. You both were still getting to know one another, and between wipes it was like meeting each other all over again. Neither of you ever remembered long. Shaking away his thoughts he looked back over to you, still unmoving breathing heavy but no longer sniffling. "Sweets...look at me." He cooed at you in a low comforting voice. You didn't budge, it must be bad...you didn't even snap back at the nickname. Just as you only call him James or Barnes, sometimes Tinman or Cyborg if you were feeling really feisty, he would call you pet names. He knew it flustered you and got under your skin in the same way James or Barnes did him, but it was your "THING", that just randomly became a thing between the two of you. The ones he normally stuck with were 'Sweetheart', 'Sugar', and 'Sweets'. He reserved 'Love' or your first name for the same reasons and moments you reserved 'Bucky'.
A bit of panic started to settle in when he couldn't get you to reveal at least your face, and he couldn't reach out and touch you to soothe you either. "Please love, I need to see." A hint of panic in his voice as he tried to hide it but failed. You sighed heavily, "No. I can't do that to you. You already took a beating it seems, split lip and eyebrow again. I can't be the cause of another beating when you undoubtedly start shouting at the guards." You quipped back almost harshly but he could hear the smile in your voice. "I promise I'll be a good boy, no matter how bad I want to wring all of their scrawny necks. I just need to see you, let me help you." He pleaded. You could never deny him, not when he sounded so determined and quiet honestly scared. You slowly raised your head and moved your tangled hair away from your face pulling away the strands that dried to your face in caked blood. There was again a very heavy silence over the corridor as Bucky drank in the extent of your face.
He sucked in a breath as he stood grasping the bars of his cell so tight his knuckles were sure to burst through his skin. You couldn't meet his eyes; you knew it was bad without having to look in a mirror. You could feel it. "I uh..." you clear your throat, "I'm one to talk about split lips and eyebrows huh?" You try to joke, feeling it fall flat. Not the time. After more silence you finally peer up at him, your heart wrenches at his expression. He's as still as a statue, the bars creaking under the strain of his medal arm, but these weren't normal bars...neither of you could figure out exactly what the reason he couldn't break them was, you surmised maybe somehow, they programmed the arm? You weren't sure. "A little worse for wear huh?" You tried to joke again voice cracking from overuse. As soon as it left your mouth you wanted to take it back, his eyes snapped from the cuts and bruises right to your eyes. His mouth a tight line, his nostrils flaring..you swore you could almost see steam coming out of his ears. "It's not funny Bre." Oh, ouch...the first name...he was dead serious. You slowly stood up trying your hardest to hide the wincing from the pain, you didn't do the best job as you couldn't even stand upright all the way. Bucky watched and every wince and stutter of your body to stand his stomach churned. He threw himself away from the bars into the middle of his cell fists at his side, clenching and unclenching. He gritted his teeth so hard he was sure his jaw would break; he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to breathe. "Buck..." You knew it was serious, you needed him to calm down before he did something stupid. Hearing you say his name like that, his shoulders slumped forward he dropped his head a little and let out a heavy sigh. Once he had his bearings, he finally turned back to you and walked back up to the bars. "Alright, come on love." He beaconed you with a wave of his wrapped wrist. You slowly inched your way to the bars of your cell, eyeing his wrist as you rose the eyebrow that wasn't split. He rolled his eyes, the hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth, once again you were worried about him. A stupid broken wrist that was almost totally healed already compared to your injuries. It was almost laughable in the worst way to him. "Don't." He warned as you opened your mouth to surely say something about his wrist.
You made it to your bars, still not standing completely straight left arm gripping the bars, right across your chest holding your side. You gave your best toothy grin which was mixed with a grimace of pain. "Alright sweets, like I taught you." He watched as you took a slight step back, a deep breath and closed your eyes. You wiggled your toes, one by one lifted your weight and wiggled each ankle, bent each knee, turned your torso at the hips left then right, tried to put your arms down at your sides then out in front of you. Wiggled your fingers, rolled your wrists, bent your elbows, slowly and painstakingly lifted your arms and tried to rotate your shoulders. You rolled your head from left to right and front to back, tried to wiggle your nose and eyebrows. It took what felt like forever to get through the entire painful breath sucking process, but you needed to comfort him and just did as he taught you. Bucky almost couldn't watch as you took stock of your injuries the way he taught you to, he could tell you were trying your damndest to hide how much it hurt but the slow jerky movements coupled with the winces and grimaces of your face, topped with the silent tears that spilt out of your closed eyes, he could tell. You exhaled a shaky breath as you gripped the bars again for support, Bucky let out the breath he was holding as well and waited for you to open your eyes, so he knew you were ready to continue. Once you finally returned his gaze he continued, "Good job sweetheart, okay now, report?" He gently coaxed you on. "Promise you will still be good before I go over this." You pleaded as your stare held the seriousness of those words. "I swear it sugar. I'll be good." He promised and he meant it, he knew if he retaliated or tried to stir up any shit, you would take the brunt of it. "Okay," you let out another shaky breath. You looked over your body as you reported, "Two broken toes, left knee was dislocated briefly so that's going to be tender, hips fully functional, at least three broken ribs, dislocated right shoulder, sprained right wrist not badly, one broken finger, over extended neck muscle on the left, no broken jaw, one broken tooth, broken nose... again (you say under your breath)... badly swollen shut black eye on the right, split left eyebrow, possible concussion." You said quickly as if each item you listed off would happen again at the mention. Bucky's breathing was quick and short by the time you were done, grasping the bars again as tight as possible as if he would float away if he let go. After taking another deep calming breath Bucky looked at you once more, "Alright then sugar. This is going to hurt like hell, but we need to get that shoulder back in place." He needed to just focus on what you needed right now, what he could fix in this moment. "I don't know, I can't...how" "Shh, hey look at me, you're spiraling. Deep breaths focus here." He called out to you pointing to his eyes. "I got you baby girl, just breathe. Like we went over when you had a dislocated elbow, remember?" He coached you on, talking you down from the ledge. He knew you were teetering dangerously on losing it, especially after what you just went through. Your body was on overdrive at this point and the adrenaline was wearing off fast. "Okay we're just close enough I can reach your hand, you're going to give me your hand love. Then I'm going to need you to drop to the floor and push off to the right at the same time. It's going to suck; it will hurt I won't lie. You already know this but look at me love. You can do it, you need to. It'll be worse if we don't fix it." You looked to him as he coached you so effortlessly, you had no idea how you would survive this hell hole without him. "You know we're going to be wiped after this right?" You say quietly slowly meeting his eyes. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, you just stared at each other...the silent understanding that you're not going to know each other again by morning. "Love, let's just focus on the here and now. Give me your hand."
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cryostasisslumber · 3 years
Winter's Shadow: Chapter One
Hello! I finally found the confidence to post chapter one! Be gentle on me, but feedback is welcome and appreciated! <3
*Bre is the main character’s name, you imagine it as your name or any name you like! I just used Bre!*
WARNINGS: Torture, mind control, descriptions of injuries, curse words, sad boy hours, amnesia, demonic(ish) theme at times if you squint, violence, insinuated SA, mentions of blood.
The sounds of sirens rang out in your ears signaling you to jump into your escape plan regardless of the fact you hadn't gotten the intel you were supposed to get. You pull the flash drive from the computer with a frustrated sigh, turning as a young agent runs into the room. "HANDS UP, DROP THE FLASHDRIVE!" He shouts as he raises his handgun level with you across the room. You slowly turn and give the man a smirk, you had to hand it to him, he was a brave soul...stupid...reckless...but brave. "Not going to happen, this is your chance to run." You reply coldly staring daggers at the poor man raising your arms slowly. "I WILL NOT WARN YOU AGAIN, I WILL SHOOT TO KILL!" He said with an ever so slight shake to his voice. You give him a smirk, "Your funeral." You quip as your eyes turn completely black tilting your head and raising an eyebrow. Blackness envelops the man's vision; he screams out unable to move. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?! PLEASE! NO!" He screams, his pleas only falling on deaf ears. All senses lost to him, he eventually can't even plea anymore as the air chokes in his throat. Gurgling noises are all that ring out in the room, along with a low almost growl like giggle from your chest. You shouldn't be enjoying this, you don't actually, but there is this part of you that is relishing in the life force being slowly sucked out of him and fed through your hands into your soul as darkness now enveloped your vision as well.
It seemed like almost as soon as it started it was over with a loud BANG, the bright lights of the computer room snapped back into your vision. You flinched with a "What the hell?!" Looking back to the man as he slumped to the floor. The arm holding the pistol lowers, a silver glint shines off of it as you lock eyes with him. All you can see are the steel blue eyes over the black face mask he always wore on field missions, it matched your own. His gaze flicked from the body on the floor to your eyes, you swore you felt something stir within your chest. No, that can't be..recognition? Is he familiar beyond being your partner on this mission? Before you pay those thoughts any mind he speaks, "You're playing with your food again." Turning as he reloads his weapon, "We have to go, NOW." You roll your eyes; he was nothing but if ever efficient. No play, no fun, all business. "I was just getting to the good part you know." He stops and turns to you once more causing you to almost bump right into his broad chest. He looks down straight into your eyes, "I failed." You stop dead in your tracks as a feeling of ice shoots through your veins, "I did too." You share a knowing look; you both knew you were to be punished for this...greatly since it was a double failure. He exhales a deep breath you didn't realize he was holding looking off into the distance. He looks down at you once more, those steel blue eyes hold something more this time. Recognition as well? Maybe. Fear, most definitely. You felt it too and were sure it showed through your own eyes. "I...I am sorry." He says to you still gazing right into your eyes. The Asset never apologized to anyone..hell he hardly ever spoke. "Not as sorry as I am." You look down then, feeling that tug in your chest again. You feel something hook under your chin as your face raises up, he placed a finger under your chin and was lightly rubbing a thumb over your cheek. Wiping the silent tear, you didn't realize had escaped. "I know you." He said, something behind his facial expression showed that his mind was also cracking..just as yours started to. "I know you too?" You say as more of a question, trying your hardest to remember something that was just under the surface.
Before either of you could say anything, else static rang out in your ears, "Asset, Shadow extraction in two, authorities alerted. Mission Failure, prepare to report." Again, fear flashed through his eyes, a shudder rolled down your spine as you shared the same look. You both knew without having to say, you both were going to be punished..severely...for this mistake. You could count on one hand the number of times you failed any missions, but BOTH of you failing? THAT was a first and neither of you knew what to expect. When one of you failed your specific task, you were punished, the one who succeeded was not but might as well have been as they were made to watch. You were a great team, their most lethal team. The Asset as he was almost always referred to as was in a sense your handler outside of the base. Once they discovered you worked together as well as you do, with your combined skills, they immediately began sending you both out on more dangerous missions almost weekly. You overheard on more than one occasion how the Asset had to be wiped after almost every one of your missions, you shudder at the almost physically painful memory of the chair. They didn't understand why, what it was about your partnership that cracked his brainwashing as often as it did. You were also wiped often, a lot more often than you cared for..but you obviously couldn't remember how often. Watching the tall brunette walk down the corridor headed to the roof, leading you to the extraction point, you wondered if he was the reason behind your more frequent wipes. You head began to ache at trying so hard to remember, the more it ached the more you remembered. The more you remembered the more you began to panic. Just as you reach the roof, sunlight suddenly pouring over you it hit you like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of you. You weren't supposed to be here, with him, with them...you weren't supposed to have these powers. You stopped dead in your tracks griping your head between your hands squeezing your eyes closed and falling to your knees.
The Asset heard your breathing become more erratic and your footsteps were no longer falling behind him. He turned around just as your knees hit the ground, confusion flashed in his eyes, but concern flashed in his chest. He felt it crash into him all at once and sweep from his head to his feet. "Shadow, report." He ordered his voice cracking. "My name is not Shadow. I don't know what it is. WHO AM I?!" You shout staring up at him a thin layer of sweat now glistening on your forehead. His brows began to crease together as he blinked faster, his own breathing coming in quicker shorter bursts as he watched you come undone. "WHO ARE YOU! I KNOW YOU! WE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" You continued to shout. Watching you unravel, it stirred something in his own mind. Hearing your cries just now echoed through his mind and vibrated his bones. He stepped forward, kneeled down to your level and put his hands over yours gently and uncovered your ears. You locked eyes, tears streaming down your face, fear evident in both of your facial expressions. A solemn understanding between the two of you. "I know." He said quietly. "It hurts trying to remember, my head is splitting. But I know...we don't belong here. This is wrong. What we are doing....it's wrong." Tears began pouring from his eyes as well, you both felt the same wave of terror, grief and confusion.
Before you could reply a voice boomed down behind him, "So sweet, so sad." The Asset stiffened as you both stood up, he instinctively pushed you behind him as he tried to shield you from the man standing no more than two feet from you. He kept one arm on your hip as you stood behind him trembling as you gripped onto the back of his tactical vest as if it was the only thing keeping you grounded. His grip on your hip told you the same, you were his lifeline at this moment. The man standing before you both, you couldn't place his name. He was the Asset's handler you knew that much, but he also held a darker meaning to you. His face illuminated by the sun beating down, casting devilish shadows across his face as he laughed from deep in his chest. The sound reverberating across the rooftop, sending chills to your very soul. "Time to go Asset." His tone flat, authoritative. The Asset stiffened as his grip on your hip tightened, digging his metal fingers into you to the point that you were sure there'd be bruising tomorrow. He was fighting an internal battle, the overwhelming part of his brain screamed to listen, OBEY. The other part, the unfamiliar part splitting his brain in two screaming to run, protect you at all costs, but run. Confusion clouding his mind, why he had this overwhelming urge to protect you he didn't know, other than coming to the conclusion that you were just as much an unwilling participant as he was.
"I will not repeat myself ASSET. You WILL obey." He stated louder in the same flat tone as he took a step forward, hand moving to his hip hovering over his firearm. As he stepped forward the Asset shifted you back a step, pushing you further behind him as he began to take a protective stance. You swore you heard a growl begin low in his chest as his eyes flicked from the man to each side. You knew he was scrambling to find a way out of this, an escape. The man stepped once more forward, 'tsk tsk'-ing as he did with his devil like grin deepening. "Soldat." As the word was uttered the Asset fell to one knee, his grip never leaving your hip bringing you down to one knee as his free hand flew to his head. "STOP." The Asset pleaded. "Вы будете подчиняться. (You will obey)" he said only a few feet in front of the Asset, towering over him. The Asset began to shake his head side to side, fighting for dear life an internal battle you did not quite understand right now. "No, please.... stop." The last word almost a whisper. "Соблюдай солдат. (Comply Soldier)" He spat. With that the Asset stopped moving, his hand dropped from both his head and your hip. He stood then to his full intimidating height and stood stock still. "Soldat." The man said once more raising one eyebrow. "Готов соблюдать.(Ready to comply)" The Asset replied in that cold flat tone you recognized all too well. "NO!" You screeched almost a whisper as you reached out to him. You stopped and clutched your arms to your chest as he turned to look at you, those ocean blue eyes that once held fear and understanding now a steel cold blue...almost like ice...void of all emotion.
"Now now little one. No need for the theatrics." The man said to you as he clapped one hand on the Assets shoulder. You fell to your knees gaze locked on the Asset as he stared back at you, no recognition. "Don't forget, please. Not again." You pleaded. The Asset raised one eyebrow as he slightly squinted his eyes. You swore there was a flash of something across his eyes, but before you could plead any further the man stepped forward and in two long strides, he scooped you off the floor by your throat. The toes of your boots barely touching the ground at this point, you fought and scratched at the man's hand as he gripped tighter. Silent tears fell from your eyes as your vision started to fog, static rang in your ears. "Back to the chopper Soldat." He ordered and the Asset obeyed with one last curious glance your way. You finally looked at the man choking the life out of you, desperate for air and you were met with a set of brown eyes devoid of all emotion except evil. "Don't worry pet, I'll make sure you're WELL taken care of. No more trouble, no more disobedience." He laughed as your eyes rolled back, tears spilling over. You couldn't hear if he was saying anything else, the last thing you saw before the fog took over was the Asset standing by the chopper fists at his side clenching and unclenching staring right at you.
Darkness...dark and cold...that's all you could feel and see as you finally started to come to. You cracked your eyes open, and you were instantly blinded by bright lights. Your head throbbed; your entire body ached down to the core. Slowly you began to find your grounding, lolling your head as you tried desperately to come to fully. You started by painstakingly wiggling your fingers and toes, "Like I taught you" rang out in your head. That's when you heard the clanging of metal, you tried to move your arms but realized they were above your head. Finally panic started setting in, the events right before you blacked out flashed in front of you. Horrified your eyes flew open as you struggled against your bindings. You were under a spotlight of sorts, arms chained above your head, feet shackled to the floor up against a damp cold brick wall. You felt the cracking of what must have been dry blood on your forehead. The bastard must have just dropped you to the unforgiving ground after knocking you out cold. Before you could gather the strength to scream out or struggle any further, more lights flickered on. Once your eyes adjusted you were horrified, the Asset was strapped to the chair mere feet in front of you. He was already awake staring straight at you, eyes half lidded, breathing heavy as he gave you a half smile that didn't touch his eyes. His eyes.... albeit they were red and puffy as he must have been crying at some point, were ocean blue once more...holding more sadness than you could ever remember. You took stock of his face, bruised and cut all over, a busted lip, he was shirtless and coated in sweat. "Hi sweetheart." He croaked, his voice gravely no doubt from screaming. Your heart lurched almost out of your chest. Memories suddenly hit you like a freight train, you breathed so deeply you thought your lungs would burst a sob catching in your throat. "James." You almost whispered as tears fell from both of your eyes. He halfheartedly laughed, "Anything but that love, 'Bucky' remember?"
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cryostasisslumber · 3 years
Winter’s Shadow (TIDBIT) (Work in Progress)
HELLO! I am new to letting others read my writing and I am COMPLETELY new to writing fics and things based off of characters and universes. But I LOVE doing it so I am finally going to branch out there and put some of my work out. BE GENTLE PLEASE, I am new. This is something I’ve been working on for awhile now, so here is a tiny tidbit from chapter one! *Bre is the main character’s name, you imagine it as your name or any name you like! I just used Bre!*
WARNINGS: Torture, mind control, descriptions of injuries, curse words, sad boy hours, amnesia, demonic(ish) theme at times if you squint.
 Before you could gather the strength to scream out or struggle any further, more lights flickered on. Once your eyes adjusted you were horrified, the Asset was strapped to the chair mere feet in front of you. 
He was already awake staring straight at you, eyes half lidded, breathing heavy as he gave you a half smile that didn't touch his eyes. His eyes, albeit they were red and puffy as he must have been crying at some point, were ocean blue once more...holding more sadness than you could ever remember. 
You took stock of his face, bruised and cut all over, a busted lip, he was shirtless and coated in sweat. "Hi sweetheart." He croaked, his voice gravely no doubt from screaming. 
Your heart lurched almost out of your chest. Memories suddenly hit you like a freight train, you breathed so deeply you thought your lungs would burst a sob catching in your throat.
 "James." You almost whispered as tears fell from both of your eyes.
 He half heartedly laughed, "Anything but that love, 'Bucky' remember?"
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