The bread and spread were a *marvel* to her as she ate, how interesting, how unexpected, how- ah, she greatfully accepts the canteen and takes a drink, contemplating his words.
"I have not," she hands the canteen back. "It feels... somehow familiar despite that..." she considers his question for a moment, crossing her arms. "....I can't say I know where I wish to go... I need knowledge but no idea where I may find it. And above that, I need away from the Imperium's grasp..." another contemplative breath, face pinched as she faces a universe worth if choices and not a clue what to choose...
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
Her eyes light up at the suggestion. And honestly, yes, she is quite hungry... "I'll do what I can," she offers with a smile. "I'm not good at much yet, but i'll try, and if you get sick of me or are in too much danger from me, I can leave." She offers that up a bit too easily, she is perhaps too used to her presence being a bother. "...and I am quite famished, actually..."
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
i wish i was a character on a silly tv show so gay people on tumblr dot com would psychoanalyze me for free
61K notes · View notes
Her footing is unsure, befitting one raised in guilded halls, Rishaeron's assistance is much appreciated. "... that can't be all there is." She speaks, nieve and hopeful. "There has to be a way to forge a future... the Imperium is dying from the roots up, I have seen it-" she trips and falls, yelping as she lands upon the dirt. She stands with a huff, wiping her hands off upon her cloak. "-...it's people are suffering. Suffering from a Imperium that should be protecting them, offering... contentment. Happiness. Protection. Of course we're losing worlds to an enemy that whispers sweet nothings to the common man, their options are continue to slave away and die, or believe whatever new lie is being whispered from the dark shadows of their hovel." The powerful have their fair failings and vices, aswell, she knows this. But still, the suffering must be redressed, lest the stagnation consume them...
"Whether it is possible or not, if I do not try then I'll regret it for..." hm. She pauses, concerned... ..."however long I live until im forced upon the throne, I suppose."
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
I really don’t want to be an annoying liberal 40k fan or whatever but it is actually distressing to me how many 40k fans are so openly transphobic, homophobic, racist etc but get a free pass because they’re ‘Roleplaying’ or ‘Keeping annoying people out of the hobby who want to make it worse’
My brothers in Christ, you’re falling for fascism hook, line, and sinker.
1K notes · View notes
"Everything's dangerous...." Auralia mutters, accepting his help.
But, interestingly enough, she takes a half step into the air. As if she could step onto nothing... "I need to see the universe. I need to know what i'm meant to do about it, how I could really help. Not..." she faux-gags, looking away. "Not whatever the Inquisition is doing. Or wants me to do." She goes quiet, conetemplative... much weighs upon her mind.
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
Auralia looks away, crossing her arms and pursing her lips together. She is not embaressed, she has never even heard of such an emotion. "...I've had instructors," she mutters. It's a half truth, the other half being of course they all died in some fashion or another while attempting to turtor the God-Emperor's Child.
She then reflects a bit, upon the Daemons, upon what she's experienced. "...the Daemons' motives don't make sense," she mulls over, "If they are emotion, they need things that can feel, they raze and take and leave nothing in the materium- but they... require living beings to exist in the first place..." thinking herself wise enough, she contemplates the meaning. "They can't just kill themselves out..."
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
oh no
what if one day, for 24 hours, everyone on tumblr turned into whatever their url is
211K notes · View notes
Got jumpstarted into rping again! If i owe anyone a responce just let me know!! <3
And even if we havent interacted before, send me a dm or something! Craving writting auralia again, and i miss Maeddrona, too.
0 notes
Auralia's brow creased, head tilting as she contemplated such weighty things. But what weighed most in her mind... "I know this is not a question about the Eldar, but... "Daemons"... I was never told of them, not until I ran from home. What..." she purses her lips, head swaying as she tries to find words-to parse answers herself. "What are they? I mean- they feel similar to the warp around them- but... maybe 'why' is better? Is there a why?" She looks up to her new companion and escort, gaze swirling with confusion and worry. "They're so possesive of mortals... so hungry ." Auralia shivers, shaking her head. "Full of hate and vitrol...."
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
Auralia takes his hand haply, smile only fading for a moment as he muses on the bleak future of her people... but then, again wide as she thinks- hm... She makes a bit of a face and looks up at Rishaeron. "I think i'll ask as I hear unfamilair words... what's a farseer?" She tilts her head and looks up at him. "Are they Psykers? Or- hm.." She contemplates, trying to guess the answer herself as she raises a hand to her chin, still walking.
"Specialized Psykers? The word seer-... something about thoughts? Or the future maybe? Actually-" she's a bit too talkative for her own good it seems-! "Do the Eldar interact with the warp differently than us? Do-" she catches herself, that is... a fair too many questions to answer all at once. "Sorry," she purses her lips and trys not to laugh.
A girl, robed in dark fabric and disguised by a hood, weaves through the crowd to find the meeting spot. She is unfamiliar with this world- with its locations, and daudling too long runs the risk of helpful locals offering her assistance.
Locals that could see the golden fringe of her black hair. The brilliant gleam of her eyes beneath the dark hood.
Locals that could tip off the Inquisition to her presence.
She was so close to leaving, to getting even further away, she could not risk it. She had already given her robes-shimmering golden things of fine silk made for her to wear in the Palace- to the governor of this planet. In exchange she received a contact, one that she was assured would discreetly take her off planet and away from the clutches of the Inquisition.
Ah, this was the place. Only a bit less seedy of a drinking establishment then the rest. Sit in a far corner if the room. She remembers her instructions well. Order two drinks and place these small drink stirrers in them, the iris crafted at the top is a symbol of trade in this system. Your smuggler will know what to look for and find you.
This is all new to her, but she can't deny how exciting it all was. To be on edge, to be dressed down in rags and ever conscious to never meet another's eye...
The thrill was intoxicating.
Now if only intoxication was possible off of this backwater swill...
47 notes · View notes
reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people
in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.
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Reblog if I’m allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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Heya friends, I know i have 0 following here, but im seeing lots of Blood for the Blood god going around and I just want to make sure the people in the wh40k community know why and dont think its just an annoying resurgance of the phrase from out of fandom.
Technoblade, a minecraft youtuber who used the term often, has passed away and a video was made yesterday (june 30th) announcing it with his permision. You are free to reblog and do whatever you wish with any posts made already! But just know lots of people are mourning in their own reblogs and posts.
Blood for the blood god, may god quake in its boots now that you have ascended to destroy the kingdom of heaven.
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Reblog this if you’re a chill roleplayer who doesn’t mind if your rp partners take multiple weeks, or even months to reply.
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Ace-Pride Lorgar
I won't draw as much for pridemonth this year, because last year I put myself under way too much pressure to do as much as possible. But one or two or possibly even three pride-Primarchs should be doable.
Starting off with one of my favourite Primarchs and my flag (well, half of it).
I'm headcanoning Lorgar as sex-positive ace. Not really interested and not feeling sexual attraction, but will have sex to feel close to his partner(s). Like any other shared activity.
Very heavy on romantic attraction, though.
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