the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
Yuzu gave a quick nod to let him know that she wouldn’t talk about Ruri. She knew it would be hard to find out anything about him without bringing up his former life in the XYZ Dimension.
“Well what do you like to do for fun?” Yuzu asked. 
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Shun almost laughed at the sheer absurdity of Hiiragi's question. It was so simple and mundane, yet for a moment, he didn't know how to respond. Hobbies were for civilians, not soldiers, and it had been years since he'd last considered himself one.
Still, it was obvious even to him how much effort she was putting into, and so, he saw no harm in humoring her.
“I enjoy spending time with my partner,” he stated bluntly. “I don't have any 'hobbies' to speak of. It's foolish to spend time on something else when I should be preparing for the war, but... before the invasion of my home, I was into weaponry of various kinds and tactical warfare. Ironic, isn't it?”
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Their food arrived at last and without any semblance of hesitation, Shun dug in, wolfing down his ramen like a starving man. He only looked up from his bowl when he had already finished.
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the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
            “Kurosaki?” Reiji glanced back at him from the view.  The other seemed quite distracted somehow.  “Would early in the morning suit you?  I rise early, but I can rise earlier.”  He knew about Shun’s sleep patterns and doubted he would be significantly disturbed.
              “As well, you’ll have to begin setting up a proper schedule soon.  I suspect you’ll quickly become very busy with what we’ll have to do.  You can speak to my secretary.”  Reiji was in a way looking forward to the war effort becoming public news so that he could focus 100% of his efforts on it instead of also running Leo Corporation.  And renaming Leo Corporation to something more tolerable.
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             “We have long days ahead of us, Kurosaki.”
There was something grounding about the way Akaba's voice cut through his thoughts, effectively pulling him out of his memories that had become painful.
“Yeah, early in the morning works. We can start tomorrow.”
At Akaba Reiji's next words, however, his features darkened slightly. While he had agreed to let Akaba's doctors look over and gradually treat him, that didn't mean Shun liked the thought of a bunch of strangers poking and prodding his body as they saw fit.
“Fine,” he huffed. “But no anesthesia. I don't trust them enough to not mess with my brain while they're at it; I've seen what you did to that pathetic trio.”
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the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
             Rin’s brow furrowed as she tried to remember everything in detail.  “No, there was one other girl there, and she looked a little like me.  She had been there longer than I had.  Her name was Ruri.”
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              Captivity had been exhausting, with their attempts to pump her for information about Yugo and keep her from escaping, but Ruri had managed to bear it all with a grace that Rin didn’t have.  “She was about the same height as me, with long dark hair.”  There was something about the other’s bearing that reminded her of Ruri.
             “As well, they kept us in one of the towers in the old building.  It had been retrofitted to keep high interest prisoners.  I would watch the soldiers train, I could probably give some details on their training regime if you wanted them.”
Shun hissed in a sharp breath at the mention of Ruri's name. It had been logical, of course, that the two prisoners knew each other, but hope had always been a painful little thing to eat away at his heart. It almost ached to think about how the girl in front of him might help him learn more about Ruri's whereabouts – because he was so certain he'd only reach another dead end and be disappointed yet again.
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Regardless, he asked, “This 'Ruri'. What do you know about her? She wasn't present when I arrived to free her.”
His tone was deliberately neutral; he wouldn't show any further weakness in front of the girl he was about to train, wouldn't undermine his authority with his own hands.
And so, he didn't ignore her next words in favor of learning more about Ruri's fate, didn't brush them aside as though the information she offered wasn't vital to Standard's war effort.
“Give me those details,” he, therefore, commanded with a curt nod. He wouldn't let either topic slide.
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the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
[’sup :P I’m still around. And I still enjoy RPing as Shun and having him mentor Bracelet Girls :P]
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the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
Yuzu looked at the pain in his face and she could tell that she had said something wrong. “I’m sorry. I thought I would try and get to know you a little bit more.” Yuzu stated as she looked down at the ground to avoid his gaze.
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“Don't pity me,” Shun scolded, as always quick to regain his composure. “You can ask me a different question if you're that curious. But Ruri's off limits. Got it?”
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He wasn't exactly keen on talking about himself, on sharing memories that had been carefully preserved and locked away. But if telling some harmless stories made her more productive, he'd be stupid to refuse. She was, after all, one of the centerpieces in this war,  the act of onto her alone enough to put a dent in the enemy's plan.
It was one of the vital steps to ensure Ruri's safety at least temporarily.
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the-evolving-falcon · 5 years
                  Rin opened her mouth to answer with her name, but waited and answered, “Yes, I’m prepared.  I’ve been waiting since being captured for a chance to fight back- some way to take it to them after all they’ve taken from me.”
                      Her eyes were determined, harsh.  Rin had had to fight for everything she had ever gotten until now, and she wasn’t prepared to give up and die now.  Yugo needed her, and besides, she liked living for living’s sake.
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                      “Teach me how to take it to them,” she requested.  “I know about machines, that’s my biggest strong point.  When me and Yugo didn’t have anybody else, we learned how to maintain electronics and bikes to make money.  Eventually, we built a d-wheel of our own.”  That, at least, was something she could be proud of.
Shun liked the look in her eyes, the cold fire. It resembled the fire burning in his own, a fire that would obliterate Academia by itself if given proper direction.
“We already have the best mechanics in Maiami. But if you managed to build a functioning D-Wheel from scraps, that'll make you useful in emergencies. When something needs to be built or fixed with minimal resources.”
It wasn't like him to be so open about his plans and thoughts, but the girl in front of him was... different. 
A single knife amidst a pile of dull scrap metal. It was unpolished, still, rough around the edges. But with enough sharpening, he was positive it'd become one of the deadliest of weapons. An iron will and the strength of steel... Shun had a feeling that the girl possessed both in abundance.
“Your training will begin tomorrow, 7 o'clock sharp,” he announced. “But before I let you leave this room, I want you to tell me everything about your imprisonment. Were you being kept on your own?”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
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Because Reiji deserves all of the hugs!!!
Thank you very much @waronpa for helping me out with the shadows <3
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
Rin yelped at first with the patdown before realizing what they were doing- then she begrudgingly allowed them to continue, wincing as the bugs were cut out of her skin.  It didn’t particularly hurt, but the thought was the same.
Although she wasn’t sure where this was, beyond Standard, the atmosphere was the same, that of a military operation.  She watched their surroundings as closely as she could manage to try and gauge what level of technology they were operating on.  It seemed pretty fancy- the other had a keycard in his pockets, she noticed.  Perhaps not out of the frying pan yet.
In the office, Rin leaned against a chair but didn’t sit.  “War?” she had heard plenty of Academia propaganda on that subject- it was what substituted for entertainment in the Academia.
She grit her teeth.  This guy didn’t mince words, but she couldn’t stand to be intimidated.  “I understand.  But there are things that I want too- and I think we can make this good for both of us.”
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“The Synchro piece they called me, right?  They said that at the Academia too; that I was part of some bigger whole that they needed to reunite the dimensions, and that it would likely kill me.  I don’t want to be the Synchro Piece anymore.  I want to fight on my own behalf, so I can keep living and protect my home.“  Her grip tightened on the chair.
“And there’s someone I have to find- his name is Yugo.  He’s from Synchro too.  If I’m not there to look out for him, he’ll get hurt.  We’re a team,” she continued, “So if you can do that for me, I’ll share everything I learned from the Academia and fight against the Academia with you.”
He gave her a curt nod, pleased that the girl had no intention of being a dead weight or damsel. It would make things easier, make giving her some awareness of the role she was to play less of a chore.
„You're Rin, right?“ He asked, not actually waiting for an answer as he couldn't bring himself to care whether he'd remembered her name correctly.
„If you work hard, no one'll call you a piece anymore, myself included. And if you do as I say, you won't get killed by Akaba Leo either. That being said, I can't have you running around like a walking target right now. From what I've seen, your dueling's solid, but if you want to be able to protect yourself from getting captured again – let alone protect another – you've lots of training ahead of you. Are you prepared to commit to that?“
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At the question, golden eyes bore into amber ones, scrutinizing them for the slightest hint of defiance or hesitation. If she wasn't willing to compromise or see reason, he'd have no choice but lock her up until the war was over. He couldn't have a stranger jeopardize Ruri's safety because of a simple ego trip, no matter how important the girl considered hers to be. And should that time come, Shun'd be the last to hesitate.
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
“Acceptable,” Reiji replied.  At least until he could convince Kurosaki to undergo any necessary surgeries.  He couldn’t imagine the last time Kurosaki had had dental care or a bone properly set.
As for training
 he would have to add it to his schedule, unfortunately.  He could see Kurosaki’s point, but that didn’t make it any less unpleasant.  Reiji had never been physically strong, and he had struggled with activities like that even as a child.  Reira was naturally more able than he was.
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“I’ll clear a time slot for training,” he replied finally.  “Usually Reira’s hour is in the evening, but I’m sure we can make arrangements so I can see both you and him.”
“We can exercise at a different time of the day too.” he said, both, expression and voice softening by a minuscule amount, so it was barely noticeable. “You don't have to sacrifice time you'd otherwise spend with your brother.” He hadn't expected Akaba Reiji to care about his younger brother, not with how detached he always seemed. Then again, the same could be said about him, about how his abrasiveness didn't usually make people think of him as someone close with his younger sibling, who was a girl on top of it.
As he gazed at the night sky, he couldn't help but think that it had been prettier in his own dimension- not because of the lack of light pollution in the ruins of his home, but because of the company, because of Ruri's warm form being pressed against him.
“Do you know any constellations, Nii-san?”
“When would I have had the time to study them?”
“How barbaric!”
It was then that for the briefest moment, the breeze wafting from the ocean sounded just like Ruri's laughter.
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
“Duel!” she shouted in unison, taking back her duel disk and snapping it back on as fast as she could get to it.  She was jittery with excitement- it was a shame they had taken Ruri from her, she was sure that Ruri could hold her own too.  She was finally getting out of this hellhole.
Although it was only one turn she got in before the device began to blink, an Obelisk mook that the man had defeated got a swift right hook when he tried to grab onto Rin.  Nasty bastards, she thought.  Back in the City they had at least known when to call it quits.  It was part of how she had ended up here, thinking that the enemy would just give up quietly, and she didn’t intend to make the same mistake twice.
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When they were enveloped in blue light, Rin finally relaxed for a moment, rubbing her right hand.  “Who are you?” she asked.  “Where are we now?”
To be ripped from one’s surroundings with neither an explanation nor any means of exerting control over one’s circumstances had to be a disconcerting sensation, but Shun couldn’t quite afford to harbor any sympathy for Ruri’s Synchro counterpart, impressive hand to hand combat skills or not.
“Be quiet for a moment,” he demanded, taking a firm hold of her shoulders, and nodded for one of Reiji’s female scientists to approach, the woman in question wasting no time patting her down –  first, with her hands, then, with three different electronic devices.
“Sir, I have detected two bugs and one tracking device under the Synchro piece’s skin.”
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“Remove them and perform an analysis- now.”
Shock and nervosity permeated the examination room, doctors and researchers alike bustling about, gathering their equipment and tuning it for the situation at hand, whereas Shun stepped behind the girl, twisting her hands on her back and holding her in place for the doctor approaching with an anesthetic spray and a scalpel to perform his task.
Having removed the foreign objects with one precise cut each, the doctor handed them to a researcher standing in wait right next to him, and only then dabbed the cuts with a cotton swab and covered them with a band-aid.
“Everything’s alright, Sir. The jamming levels of this room were high enough to intercept the transmissions attempted,” the head researcher ultimately announced, and Shun’s ears picked up on a collective sigh of relief, his own posture relaxing slightly as he released his iron grip on Ruri’s Synchro counterpart.
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“Good. Keep the devices active and feed them false data. If we manage to fool Akaba Leo into believing we escaped to Synchro, that should buy us enough time to adjust our own plans.”
‘Now that we’ve obtained the Synchro piece in Ruri’s stead’ were the words left unspoken before he continued, “Once the devices are transmitting again, I want you to report the current state of affairs to Akaba Reiji- doesn’t matter whether in person or in written form.“
The staff responded with a firm “Yes Sir!” already bracing themselves for an inevitable all-nighter; anything for the sake of Standard’s war effort.
For now, an immediate crisis was averted, allowing for Shun to address the girl’s questions and concerns for the first time since her arrival. Had he been anyone else, he would be apologizing for having handled her so roughly, for not having offered a single word of understanding and comfort.
But war had bled him dry of compassion for strangers, and his priorities lay elsewhere. Instead, he motioned for her to follow him to an adjacent room containing a desk, a computer, and two chairs opposite one another.
“Have a seat,” he instructed, taking the chair facing the computer screen for himself.
“My name is Kurosaki Shun, second leader of Standard’s army, Standard being where we are right now. Let me warn you in advance that I’ve no comfort to offer. Eight weeks from now at the latest, this dimension will be in a state of war, and I won’t tolerate but a single instance of misconduct or disobedience.” 
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“Am I understood?”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
When Shun got closer, she stepped back, unable to keep him away from her.  She hissed but examined the device- it looked like a miniature duel disk.  Some sort of teleporter?  Which meant this was probably more than some sort of desperate attempt at rescue.
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Eyes shining, she looked up at the other.  “Where’s my deck?  Let me fight, we can take them together!”
For now she settled for cracking her knuckles.  If this guy softened them up, she could probably sucker punch anybody who got too close.
He definitely liked the girl’s feisty attitude, wrong target or not.  Handing her a duel disk and the deck he’d stolen back along with Ruri’s, he asked, “That yours? You won’t be fighting for long, but even if it isn’t, this is still better than being unarmed.”
As the Obelisk Force units surrounded them, he couldn’t suppress a scoff. Did they really think that this made them more intimidating to someone who’d by now wiped the floor with hundreds of them?
“They’re not known to play fair once things don’t go their way, so good instincts there.” He praised quietly, which he realized was rather uncharacteristic of him.
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“But now, Battle! .”
One by one, the Obelisk Blue fell victim to the vicious assault of Blaze Falcon and finally, the device around the girl’s wrist began to slowly blink.
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
“On several conditions,” he replied.  “I want you to adhere at least in the general sense to ethics- reality may be harsh but we’re meant to be in the moral upper hand.  As well, you’ll need to provide me with accountability.  I want to know what you’re doing and how you’re training them so I can make sure that we’re not wasting time or materials.”
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A pause.  “My third condition is that you take my doctors’ advice and tend to your body well enough to begin healing.  Before you protest, know that if our chief training officer suddenly dies or requires hospitalization, then the war effort will be severely impaired.”
“If you can provide me with my conditions, then I’ll put you in charge of the Youth division, which is our oldest and most experienced 8 soldiers.  Once they’re trained, they can serve as aide de camps to both you and myself.”
He didn't bother mentioning that the Resistance had always been morally superior to the Academia bastards; that none of them killed or injured for fun, but he still gave Akaba a curt nod.
“Fine. But in return, your doctors won't be using anything on me that'll knock me out or otherwise impair my functionality. I can't train anyone if I can't move around freely and as long as they're not up to par, Standard'll need me in fighting shape at all time.” For a moment, he paused as well, his gaze becoming more intense as his eyes bore into Akaba Reiji's.
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“And I want you to meet me for some exercising in the evening. It's common knowledge to go after the leader first. Now, obviously, I'm going to shield you to the best of my ability. But you've to toughen up for the worst-case scenario of one of those bastard catching you by surprise.”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
Another pause as he thought how best to convey this information to Kurosaki.  This was sensitive information, but it would solve the root of their issue for now.
“We are not totally at the mercy of Academia on the time of their arrival.”  His scarf blew in the wind, looking out over the city he loved.  Every single person an individual, going about a unique life.  Perhaps it wouldn’t last much longer.  He had seen photographs and videos of Heartland both before and after the decimation.
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“How much do you know about the Synchro Dimension?” he asked, before continuing, “It was invaded long before Heartland in a mostly bloodless manner.  They use Synchro as a base of manufacturing and warm bodies- this was most likely how they triumphed over the militaries of Xyz so soundly.  But there are members of an organization similar to your Xyz Resistance that I had written off before your arrival.  I had thought that they would be unable to fight off the Fusion soldiers, but your arrival has somewhat changed my mind on what can be achieved.”
“Currently, the plan is to funnel money, food, and weapons to the Synchro Uprising so that they continue to hold the Academia’s attention.  I believe that this is a win-win scenario; if they are lost, we have more time with which to prepare, if they hold their own, we have more allies.”
As someone who'd pried every sliver of information about Standard, Akaba Leo, and Ruri out of the enemy- and still not ended up with enough, Shun obviously didn't know about the affairs of Synchro, making him even more attentive as Akaba began to elaborate, telling him about possibilities he hadn't known existed. The power of intel of knowledge... for the first time in a while, he had the pleasure of being exhilarated by it.
“I like your way of thinking, Akaba,” he decided after a moment of taking in his words completely. “Those rebels could be useful indeed and they should buy us the time to drill the proper standards in our general army too. I still stand by my words about a small unit of cannon fodder, though. At least until the rest of our future army's strong enough to handle them. You never know when they decide to do some recon work here- and if those soldiers return unharmed, Akaba Leo'll be sure to strike immediately.”
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He didn't know when it was that he'd started speaking in first rather than second person, when he'd decided to get personally get involved in Akaba's plans. But now that it'd happened, there was no backtracking from Shun's end – not as long as Akaba didn't betray the hint of trust he was now extending to him.
“Will you leave them to me, then? Standard’s soldiers and their training, I mean.”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
Shun took an abrupt step closer to the girl, completely disregarding her words as he grabbed her wrist and attached a miniature version of the dimensional travel device they had recreated in Reiji’s labs without the function that’d cause it to self-destruct upon arrival, setting its coordinates to Standard.
“Quiet now, you’re probably bugged,” he hissed, tapping his foot impatiently as the device hadn’t even begun to blink yet.
“There he is! And he’s trying to take the girl! Stop them!” As if on cue, five Obelisk Force units had picked up on the girl’s voice, now closing in on them rapidly.
“If you want to get away from here, then stand back, “ he barked, activating his Duel Disk in a smooth motion and preparing to face the fifteen soldiers all at once.
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“Stay back,” Rin growled.  Time was fluid in this place- she knew they were attempting to keep her and Ruri disoriented so their attempts at escape would be easier to foil, but she knew it had at least been a few months, and so she had gotten used to the rhythm of this place.
A strange man in a purple coat turning up and threatening her with Xyz monsters was definitely off rhythm.  It was now that Rin wished she still had her cards or some sort of weapon with her.
“Who are you?”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
 He considered what Kurosaki said, naive as it was.  Kurosaki was a child playing soldier after all, he had no official training in tactics.  “Where do you suggest we get enough soldiers to use as ‘cannon fodder’, Kurosaki Shun?  As we are now, we are horribly undermanned.  Every soldier counts when there is such a deficit.  In Standard’s first world war, 12% of the soldiers died- we simply cannot afford to toss away lives.”
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“As well- would you consign large numbers to the same fate that befell your comrades?  Do you not think they have their own lives with their own comrades?”
He let the pause sink in along with the chilly night air.  “I know what I am doing, Kurosaki Shun.  Perhaps there is large room for adjustment, but do not take me for a fool.”
“I'm not,” He stated calmly, though his expression darkened again. “But as well-conceived as those plans of yours may be, they're worth nothing if the enemy doesn't give you the time to act on them. Why do you think our numbers were decimated so fast- because we were stupid? You know how easy it was for me to crush your best people. So think again.”
He paused, looking down on a city he would never come to care about.
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“We're obviously not going to toss away lives unless we have to. But if we focus our best teachers and resources on everyone, then we won't end up with a single decent soldier ready to stand up to Akaba Leo when the time comes. What we need the most right now is time. Time to act on a plan that's actually foolproof. Time to train soldier no resources and instructions are wasted on. If you have a better idea to make that happen, then tell me.”
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
“Tin soldiers?” Perhaps he would indulge Kurosaki for now.  Maybe he could even get useful information out of him for once.  “Then, Kurosaki Shun, tell me.  If you were put in charge of the Lancers- what would you do?”
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He gently unhanded himself from Kurosaki and stood up.  “Let’s walk and talk.  Have you seen the observation deck of the Tower?  During the day it’s open for tourists, but it’s empty now.  A good place for talking alone.”  In this was an implicit deal; if Shun could show Reiji that he could be trusted, Reiji would place more responsibilities on him.
He gestured for the staff to clean up what was left of dinner.
“I haven't seen it, no,” he said, surprised at Akaba's abrupt change of attitude. Perhaps, the man could be decent after all when he was trying to.  As he followed him to the through the hallways and into the elevator, he began to talk, “First of all, I'd have them work on the basics; improve their stamina, strength, teach them proper combat stances and get rid of any excessive movements that may cost them their lives. Your duelists are wasting way too much time and energy the way they duel right now, and I'd be stomping that out of them.”
The cool night air was pleasant on his face, so clear and untainted by the dust that'd been forcing him to always cover his nose and mouth back in Heartland.
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“After that,” he continued, “I'd split them into two groups –  the first'd be taught to throw themselves at the enemy for as long as possible until they inevitably die, the second, more capable ones'd be turned into specialized units and trained on a field modeled after their own hometown. Of course, that plan's just for the case Akaba Leo attacks in the next few months. Should we have more time than that, then I'd of course gradually raise the standards of the general army and make them amount to more than mere cannon fodder. This is just for the worst-case-scenario, something we should always be prepared for.”
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