the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Oi oi oi fic writers of the f1blr !
Summer is here, and the number of fics have been decreasing lately, which means one thing: we need a fic challenge 😄
This one is gonna be a little different though, as they’re is no secret gifter, no requests to enter 👀
The rules are simple :
- You must follow the prompt given for the challenge
- You can write as many fics as you want !
- One fic = around 1000 words
- Any motorsport fandom, any ship, any feel you want 👀
The prompt for this challenge is :
"You can stay here if you want to"
Here is the link for the collection !
You have until the 7th of August to submit your fic(s) in the collection, and the reveal will be done on the 10th of August !
Don’t hesitate to send me a message if you need more info or some help 💙
Have fun and see you on the August 10th 🎉
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
charles: let’s put some music… here you go!
charles: my bestie and your bestie! …[singing incorrect and indecipherable lyrics]
carlos: what… is this german, or…
charles: let’s stop this.
carlos: ok.
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
If you still take requests, I would love to read story where Lando and Lance break up and come back together:)
So I got about four anon's wanting a break-up and get back together fic.....it ended up as a 9.5k oneshot to include the things people wanted and might be one of the saddest things I've written! Prepare the tissues!
Trigger Warnings in the starting note on Ao3! Please read before reading all!
Prompts: break up/make up, Daniel confronting Lance, forced break up, still having feelings, injury/crash during race
Afraid of What We've Become (Undone)
‘You need to break this off immediately’.
Lance felt his heart in his throat. His stomach churning and his palms sweaty. He felt as if he was going to be sick as he sat in the head of PR’s office in the Aston Martin headquarters, staring at the series of pictures spread out in front of him and Lance wanted to cry.
When Martin, the new head of PR poached from one of the other teams, had called him in for a meeting the day after the last race, Lance had assumed it was about a post race comment or new interview commitment.
He never expected that he would be threatened by the older man who stood behind the desk, hands gripping the table and eyes burning a glare into Lance. A disgusted look on his face as he eyed him. Making Lance feel smaller than he had ever felt in his life
Continue Reading
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Tomorrow is race day ! Lots of us are probably extremely impatient, waiting to see our favorite drivers on track (for me it's waiting to see if Aston Martin can fight higher than P15 😭) So, in this situation, what could be better than a good fic to make us forget the stress ?
Well I have the answer for you, and it is a tumblr non-ship fic ! Say hello to www.tumblr.com by @lovefromhorsey, where you can see what our fave idiots would be like if they were present on this hellsite, and it is as good as it sounds like !
Enjoy it, and I wish you a good weekend and a good race 💙
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Good evening my dear readers ! I hope you are all doing well in this first week of May 💙
Tonight will be dedicated to an amazing lestappen fic by the great @altisssimozucca : the spleen of monte carlo (and how to deal with it)
Waiter!Charles is already interesting on its own, but with everything else this fic has to offer, it is just perfect, as perfect as the evolution of Max all along the story.
I hope you will enjoy it 💙
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Good afternoon little people from around the world !
I'm sure there is some brocedes fans among you, and I have quite a special fic to introduce you to 👀 So this is I've known hate (that's how I know I lied to you) by @gufettogrigio which is almost 2 years old now, but still hits in the feels as powerfully as the first time I've read it. Principally axed on how racism can appear in the sport, it manages to be an incredible fic that I sincerely advice you to check out !
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Hello my dears 💙
Tonight I'd like to present you a beautiful hurt/comfort sebchal fic, that broke and then mended my heart in the most incredible way, aka the falling and finding serie by Directionless_Foray. The very special writing style adds such a great atmosphere to the whole reading (and I would advice you to read more on this author because all their fics are amazing).
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did 💙
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
After last time's angsty fic, today will be two little fics to tend to your hearts 💙
The first one is a very sweet and light lestappen fic, involving soulmates laws and Coldplay ! Say hello to soulmates (or, max has a love-hate relationship with coldplay) by @altisssimozucca who is one of my favorite writers of this fandom, and this fic is one of my little faves and I hope you will enjoy it as much as me !
The second one is a little special, but it really stayed on my mind when I read it, and while preparing that post I happily re-read it again because it was so good : The Performer, a sebson spy AU by @theianitor. A real gem you should definitely check out !
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Hello my little fic readers, I hope you are staying safe and you know that you are loved and cared for 💙
Today will be about one of my favorite Hulk/Kevin fic in this fandom. I know what you're going to say, Nico and Kevin are not in f1 anymore, we don't care blablabla... Well yes and no, they're not in f1 anymore but they're still in our hearts 😌 And to celebrate that, what could be better than a hulknussen fic ?
A hulknussen angst fic mwahahaha
So let me introduce you to (Dis)closure by @charonaraccoon, an emotional and powerful work of art about one of the most iconic ships of the fandom ! If you can read fics tagged mature, then go for it, you won't have any regret 👀
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Good afternoon lovelies 💙 Who wants to read a well written and funny carlando fic ? I'm sure you do (and if not I'm sorry xD)
An analysis of inappropriate behaviour between teammates, featuring Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz Junior by @whitewolfcraft celebrated its anniversary a month ago and it still remains one very happy fic, a little crazy and very nice to read, especially when you know it includes George and a powerpoint 👀
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Let's revive that blog a little, shall we ?
Tonight, we revise our classics ! Either you are part of the numerous people that joined the fandom lately and never heard of that fic before, or you're a veteran and the words youtube and maxiel are already sending you in an excited fit. In any case, you NEED to know about one of the most complete and catching series of the f1 AO3 !
This is why I really want to introduce you to the YouTube AU, a big classic in your fic reading adventures, written by the lovely Mone aka @verstappened 💙 It can be a long read (especially if you do like me and read it all in one evening/night/morning), but everything is so worth it and I truly encourage you to check out that masterpiece !
Have fun discovering that special AU 💙
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
If you like ABO, click on this
1) OP is a queen for the ABO setting
2) every chapter is a little gem and there is enough for every taste
3) Lance/Seb, i have nothing to add this is already awesome
omega!seb helping alpha!lance through his first heat like lance would be low-key freaking out and seb is all like y’know what just sit down lemme ride you it’ll be fine DONT BITE ME
It turned out more sexy than funny but uhm- thats also a vibe 👀
Lance was sweating as he stumbled from the hotel in direction of the Pack Room. His skin felt clammy and his instincts were on edge, making him turn and growl at each subtle scent that passed him. Some people gave him funny looks but Lance didn't understand why, or how they could even know he was feeling bad.
Then on top of it all, he was refused entrance to the Aston Martin building Lance whined pathetically, wanting to go inside to hide in a room somewhere while the familiar scents of the team washed over him, but the security was adamant he wasn't in a fit state for that.
"What is going o- jesus Lance, are you okay?." A familiar voice spoke up behind Lance. Lance turned to find Sebastian walking over to them, the older man seeming concerned as he reached out to touch Lance's cheek. Lance whined, nuzzling in to the touch and begged Sebastian with his eyes to please stay.
"I don't feel good." He whimpered. Sebastian cooed softly at him and it only made the heat in Lance's belly strengthen, the young Alpha whining as he pushed into his teammate's arms. Sebastian tutted and gently stroked his hair, waiting until Lance had collected himself before speaking.
"You're in Rut, do you know what that is, Lance?" Sebastian asked softly. Lance nodded hesitantly, but then shook his head.
"No... I've always taken suppressants and I've never had my Rut before! It can't be..." he whined. Sebastian shushed him again, gently carding his fingers through the younger's hair.
"It will be okay, Lance. I promise." 
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Good morning my dear little fanfic readers ! Instead of sleeping yesterday, I read an amazing norstappen fic that you can totally add to your reading list 😍
This is Now I’m Your Daisy by @maxynorris, a flowershop!au full of emotions and laughs and flowers everywhere 🌼 It’s such a pleasure to read, even more with the lack of norstappen fics lately ! If you hate love but love Lando, this is for you 😁
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Tonight I want to share with you all my absolute favorite Maxiel fic !
It’s from two years ago, one of the first fics I’ve read in the fandom and it’s also one of the best I’ve seen
Three wishes for Verstappen by PoemAboutCitylights
Tumblr media
It’s a really funny cute fic, featuring idiot Max, Dan being a hoe (what’s new) and a lot of unknowing flirting and this fic is the reason why Maxiel will always have a special place in my heart ! If you never read it before, I’d advice you to give it a shot, you won’t regret it !
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
Lately, mallum fics have been losing their appeal against a bigger contender, the mick/callum fics. But as a fervent mallum shipper I won’t let that stop me from reading every single fic of my favorite ship and boy oh boy, when @formula1circus/sufferingcereal published her latest fic, I screamed !
I never was ready so I watched you go is a must for the heartbroken shippers that saw our two favorite idiots stop living together, it’s super well written and absolutely adorable, idiots in love, fix it fic, whatever you wanna call it, it’s a perfect fic that you should totally go read if you haven’t already !
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
First entry on the fics I’ve read that are totally worth reading : this little gem by @screwstyles/screwstyles
A maxiel fic, you would think it’s gonna be quite classic, with the number of fics this pairing has, but no ! IT’S FROM CHECO’S POV !! Genius 👀
I loved it, it’s a funny light-hearted fic with outsider pov which makes it super original and yeah, go read it it’s amazing
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the-f1-notebook · 3 years
New name, new look, new purpose 👀
From now on, I will share the good fics I’ve read lately or long ago, some writers deserve a lot more recognition than they get and some readers deserve to know where to look for ! This will include mostly the ships I like of course but you are very welcomed to send an ask with a fic you loved and you want to share !
Only love and appreciation to the writers in this place 💙
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