the-fallen-reckless · 5 years
a masterpost by noonymoon
sigils and runes – what are they?
sigils – what are they and how to do them?
crystals – a list of pastel aesthetic stones!
spells – i have a hard time with words…
astrology – what’s ASC, lilith and node?
astrology – natal chart ? birth chart ??
spells – tips for crafting your own spells
spells – spells can be anything
crystals – charging methods
where to begin with your research 1
where to begin with your research 2
spells – really simple spell for rebirth
crystals – which stone for meditation?
crystals – your first crystal selection!
spells – glamour idea: piercings
spells – tattoos and witchcraft
divination – which medium to start with?
crystals – how to do easy crystal grids
what do to when you don’t like tea!
spells – what’s important when enchanting
how to incorporate magic subtly into school
divination – what the fuck is .. tarot ??
water magic – some thoughts on magical water
crystals – can i use regular stone pebbles?
spells – put a hiding glamour on your grimoire!
color magic – different candle color hues .. ?
cleansing – low effort techniques
crystals – do cracks lessen their powers?
energy work – why grounding is important
grimoire – some pointers on usability
grimoire – some more pointers
grimoire – a lil guide by me, an adhd kid
astrology – what are the houses ???
divination – how to create your own tarot deck
spells – the difference: curses, hexes and jinxes
spells – what’s a binding spell ..?
spells – dumb question: can i hex myself ?!
energy work – overcoming an abusive mentor
spirit work – a few words on the Fae
spells – can i use a different language?
altars – what is possible ..?
does a witch have to like being outside in nature?
a few words on omens and signs
grimoire – what’s a book of shadows?
voodoo and cultural appropriation
what do i need to do for being a witch ???
how do i start being a witch ???
how to be part of the witchy community !
how to start being a witch, an example
spells – a ritual for getting rid of fear in the dark
divination – can i have more than one tarot deck?
can i be more than one type of witch?
divination – what’s the difference: tarot + oracle cards
divination – the difference: tarot + oracle cards
cleansing – cleaning and cleansing your apartment
energy work – enchanting an item with energy
altars – what’s that and why ??
crystals – stones for protecting your energy
herbs – what to do with them anyway ..?!
crystals – do i need to activate my crystal …?
grimoire – do i have to be artsy to have a grimoire?
how to explain witchcraft to your parents ..
crystals – stuff to know when purchasing stones
spells – some thoughts on the elements
crystals – healing your third eye chakra
spells – do i need a magical wand ?
water magic – storm water vs. rain water
spells – a few words on the beautiful rose
herbs – how to dry flowers and herbs
herbs – a few words on st. john’s wort
spells – can i make my own correspondences?
crystals and herbs for mental health and stomach
crystals – a few words on quality and prices
am i too young for beginning my studies?
how to be a cute magical girl witch
herbs – what can i gather outside in nature?
sigils – gym witch: does sweat work for charging?
don’t let anyone tell you who you are
some important tips and tricks
energy work – is feeling others pain possible?
divination – how to trust in yourself more
familiars – my cat did a thing: is it magic ?
familiars – some thoughts on magical pets
synchronicity – why you see your birthday on the clock
angel signs – asking for guidance
angel signs – the complete guide
don’t fear to begin.. all you can do is start
some witchy thoughts on the cold season
crystals – how to get rid of dirt on tumbled stones
smells and scents in witchcraft
witchy holidays – samhain and beltane
crystals and herbs for more energy and balance
energy work – my third eye hurts!
crystals – all about rose quartz
divination – my pendulum isn’t working well
crystals – an overview of some crystals
divination – which crystal for a pendulum?
uhh.. lucid dreaming vs. astral travel ???
some thoughts on dream walking
divination – how to attune your pendulum!
spells – how to enchant without many tools
crystals – for sex, libido and intimacy
do it yourself – all that glitters is gold box
do it yourself – pocket sigil wax seals  // updated on dec 9th 2018
altars – how to create a pocket altar
divination – some tarot decks for beginners
sigils – my sigils don’t really work
spells – some important views on witchcraft
meditation – i get sick while meditation!
deities – i feel my offering is not good enough?
divination – can i buy decks online?
energy work – cleansing yourself is important
herbs – some herbs for motivation and willpower
deities – i think a deity is reaching out to me?
divination – the strongest card in a tarot deck?
crystals – i’m a secret witch and i want crystals
astrology – some thoughts on what astrology does
herbs – a pointer for growing your own stuff
astral travel – some pointers to get started
meditation – it helps with focus and memory
astrology – how to easily read your natal chart  
spells – when it comes to replacing ingredients
sigils – how i create digitalized sigil artwork
i want to start witchcraft but i don’t know where
divination – noony’s favourite tarot decks
divination – can i only use the major arcana?
crystals – can i buy crystal jewelry online?
spells – is it morally okay to enchant gifts?
deities – how do i know that a deity reaches out?
personal growth – how to not be angry at people
moon phases - everything about the dark moon
personal growth – how to attract positivity and goodness
divination – can i use a spread multiple times?  // updated on jan 16th 2019
what can it mean being drawn to an element?
spirit work – a few essential and basic tips
soul work – some methods for doing soul related work
crystals – how to identify lemurian crystals
i am feeling spiritually drained and i have nightmares
crystals – ideas to protect your crystals from breaking
nature offerings – what to leave and not leave in nature
full moon eclipse – are spells recommended in such nights?
full moon eclipse – is charging recommended in such nights?
spells – what’s your take on these types of magic?
water magic – does moon water with a cloudy sky work?
low spoons – some methods to refresh your spiritual energy
secret witch – i can’t perform spells because i don’t have…
crystals – how can i learn more about crystals?
sun magic – how to appreciate the sun in many ways
soul work – is it possible to remember things or feel familiar?
witchy books – a few books that i can recommend
a few thoughts on the elements and our souls
anxiety – aroma therapy and some other pointers
spells – creative witchcraft is amazing
spells – all the things you can do with words
angels – some words on angels, spirits and guides
astral work – i’ve experienced a ringing in my ear
energy work – how to keep your third eye healthy
divination – tarot cards that pop up at you
crystals – this one crystal makes me nauseous
sigils – some cool things to know about them
crystals – why do i loose the crystals that i like the most?
spells – can you do any magic with clouds?
divination – some really good pointers for pendulum work
grimoire – read this if you are struggling with your grimoire
dreams – i am dreaming of having angel wings and flying
deity work – i want to do something nice for Aphrodite
spirit work – how can i find out about my spirit guide?
spirit work – thought on fae work for beginners
is it possible that certain months hold specific meanings?
spirit work – how did you know about your spirit guide?
divination – some of my favourite tarot decks
crystals – i always get a headache with hematite
synchronicities – what does the number 42 mean?
soul work – how do i find out how many lives i’ve had?
soul work – how do i find out more about my past lives?
divination – how long should i practice before digging deep?
spiritual growth – how do one get in touch with the higher self?
soul work – how do i find stuff out without divination?
mental health - can i still have intuition and magical powers?
angels – how to go about the whole angel topic
spiritual growth – what’s it like to feel the higher self?
spirit work – some words on deities, spirits and guides
soul work – how important your original soul self is
synchronicities – angel numbers and how to read them
altars – what can i put on an altar for spring?
cleansing – general thoughts on cleansing a room
witchcraft isn’t always doing spells and rituals - it’s much more
grimoire – of course you can have an electronic grimoire
astrology – basic explanation of the zodiac and chart
divination – example reading for how to do Lenormand
potions – some basic beginner advice for simple potions
personal growth – how to deal with anger and frustration
astrology – some thoughts on planets in retrograde
astrology – what are planetary influences?
spells – some advice on how to heal a broken heart
synchronicities – seeing your birthday numbers
synchronicities – seeing certain letters or initials everywhere
spells – gender validation spell for LGBTQ+ witches
soul work – does it work with only tarot cards?
flowers – and general thoughts on correspondences
herbs – do i have to pick herbs in some special way?
astrology – thoughts on compatibility and romance
shops – members of our community with witch shops
soul work – what is possible? past lives as animals?
crystals – to lift up someones vitality and mental state
manifestation – thoughts on my birthday manifestation
full moon – the moon and the energies of the zodiac
soul work – can you feel a soulmate somehow?
aphantasia – how to be magical nonetheless
magical girl – some cute magical girl content of mine
spells – some ideas for binding spells to prevent harm
water magic – some thoughts on moon water
cleansing – can i cleanse with candle smoke?
grimoire - group grimoire with trusted witches
updated on April 30th 2019
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the-fallen-reckless · 5 years
Wandlore: Magical Properties of Trees
Alder - PRESERVING - (water) oracular magic, seership, dreamwork, preservation, concealment, bridging worlds
Apple - SINGING - (air) protection, blessing, calling, sending, opening doorways to other worlds, love, inspiration, enchantment
Ash - JOURNEYING - (earth, water) calling, direction of art and craft, moving toward a goal, healing, crossing bridges to other worlds
Beech - LEARNING - (fire) solar and positive magic, the enhancement of creativity, learning, the search for information, books, languages Birch - BEGINNING - (water) purification, discipline, spells of youth and fresh starts, creativity, procreation, birth, renewal and rebirth Blackthorn and Plum - BLOCKING - (earth) protection, faerie magic, overcoming creative barriers, persistence, patience, divining of precious metals Cedar - CLEANSING - (air) enchantment, clearing negativity, dedication of sacred space, poetry, smithcraft, healing Cherry - DESIRING - (fire) protection, conflict, sex, attraction, assertiveness, aggression, love, confidence, daring, union of opposites, root chakra, healing of injuries from conflict or loss Chestnut - PRODUCING - (water) fertility, feminine powers, motherhood, the sea, protection of waters, reflection, introspection, meditation, abundance, nurturance, cleansing, relationships, especially mother and child Ebony - DOMINATING - (earth) leadership, domination, penetrating to the core of any problem, control, sexual assertion, aggression, concealing, revealing, healing dark diseases, dragon energy, seduction Elder - REGENERATING - (earth) enchantment, healing, protection, regeneration, wealth, long life, nurturing Elm - CONTAINING - (earth) healing, fertility, growth, rebirth, destiny, wisdom, metamorphosis, endurance Hawthorn - GUARDING - (air) fertility, rebirth, renewal union, wildness, human being as animal, detects magic, counter-jinxes, warding, sending
Hazel - UNDERSTANDING - (air) female autonomy, feminine power, magic of wisdom, beauty, charm, love, navigation, summoning, attraction, creativity
Holly - PENETRATING - (fire) protection, work against evil spirits, poisons, angry elementals, and lightning; averting fear, allowing courage to emerge, dream magic and eternal life, success in business or endeavor, hunting or quests Juniper - TRANSFORMING - (earth) transformation, transition, crossing to other worlds, cloaking, revealing, letting go, yin power, shadow, meditation, seduction, binding, geas, fate Lilac - IMAGINING - (air) magic of union, attraction, cultivation of creative bliss, intellectual pursuits, imagination, information, mental power, creation of harmony, travel, illusion, detection, writing
Linden - ATTRACTING - (air) creation, transmutation, illumination, love, attraction, binding, obligation, healing wounds, enhancement of beauty, peace
Maple - CHANGING - (earth, fire) control, finding, binding, transformation, creation, ambition, passion, revolution, rebirth, poetry, beauty, harvest, healing, abundance
Oak - OPENING - (fire) leadership, wise rule, personal sovereignty, authority, power, protection, sealing or opening doors, endurance, invocation of wisdom, fertility, abundance
Poplar - FEELING - (water) emotions, feelings, sensitivity, intuition, empathy, dance, instincts
Redwood - ASPRIING - (fire) striving upward, travel to higher spheres, drawing down power from heaven to earth, religious seeking, discipline, mystical union, wild animals, wisdom
Rowan - QUICKENING - (earth) unites fire and earth elements, bridges worlds, astral vision, protection, warding off evil spirits, averts storms and lightning (sudden disaster and struggle), brings peace, growth, fertility, rebirth; supports women’s autonomy, poetry, metalwork, geomancy, work with ley lines
Spruce, also Fir and Pine - TURNING - (water) battling evil, astral flight, cleansing, purification, creation, potion-making, witches brooms, transformation, shape shifting, wisdom
Walnut - ILLUMINATING - (air, fire) wind and weather magic, expansion, vortices, enhancement of the powers of breath, spells to conjure or avert lightning, hurricanes, or cyclones; teleportation, astral travel, knowledge, wisdom
Willow - WEAVING - (water) dowsing, divination, seership, rain-making, funerary rites, love, easing childbirth, fertility, healing, glamour, bewitchment, concealment, secrecy, germination, herb-magic, potion-making, melody and combination Yew - REMEMBERING - (air, earth) death, grieving, travel between worlds, ancestors, trance, seership, divination, healing, transformation, knowledge, eloquence, persuasion, mediumism, necromancy
Sources and further reading: Wandlore: The Art of Craft the Ultimate Magical Tool by Alferian Gwydion MacLir The Witch’s Wand: The Craft, Lore, and Magick of Wands & Staffs by Alferian Gwydion MacLir
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
my body may be a temple but i am the god to whom it is devoted
do not presume to tell me how i may decorate my altar
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
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Patrick STUMP
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
Sag, accurate as fluff
zodiac witch aesthetics
aries: candle magick, glamour spells, a super extensive online grimoire, loves pop culture witchcraft, big bonfires with friends to celebrate the sabbats, string lights hung up around their altar , online covens, palmistry
taurus: plants in the windowsill, a purse full of spell sachets, browsing the animal shelter thinking “is this cat my familiar?”, love spells, boxes upon boxes of tea on top of the refrigerator, wire-wrapped crystals, a home that smells like cranberries and acorn squash
gemini: pendulum readings, faerie gardens, an affinity for creating sigils, making witch tip masterposts, a pantry full of sweet magickal syropps, all-year beltane planning, always browsing etsy for beautiful wands and divination tools
cancer: excessive jars full of every type of moonwater imaginable, past life regression tarot spreads, messy and warm kitchen/cottage witchcraft, handcrafted appalachian cleansing brooms, collecting onion cutting tears for use in spells, folk magick
leo: emoji spells, carefully thought out offerings, always burning incense, always answers tumblr asks for tarot readings, an emptied out ice cream tub full of eggshells for protection spells, draws witchsonas 
virgo: beautifully arranged altars, forest witchcraft, “rose quartz is probably the answer”, browsing etsy for tarot card carrying bags, handmade sage bundles, jar spells, keeping witch materials in a thrift store suitcase under their bed
libra: grey witchcraft, pressed flowers in their grimoire, so much selenite, inability to decide what materials to use in a spell so they just throw in everything, attuned to the position of venus in the sky 
scorpio: so many craft store halloween decorations, polished carnelian, placing garlic EVERYWHERE in their house, sex magick, self-protection spells, makes amazing magickal teas and ciders, burning sage leaves with wishes on them
sagittarius: obsidian scrying mirrors, listening to witchcraft podcasts in the car, always willing to help out baby witches, moodboards, hexing corrupt politicians, red jasper bracelets, playing music during rituals, fire witch
capricorn: study sigils scribbled on the inside of their notebooks, solitary meditative hikes, tea leaf readings, keeping a piece of apatite inside their jacket, zombie tarot, rhaspodomancy 
aquarius: detailed dream journaling, analyzing the position of the planets on important days in politics/history, using latin in their incantations, always doing research, weather witchcraft, loves historic witchy art, wants to use witchcraft to make the world a better place 
pisces: bath magick, checking out every witchcraft book the public library has, spells protecting their family, rewriting their grimoire page 10 times because the handwriting doesn’t look right, sleeping with azurite under their pillow
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
hi everyone im still pissed we never learnt in school that shakespeare was bi and wrote the sonnets about a dude and a woc he was into
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
All of my other trans friends are in relationships but no one ever seems into me simply because I’m pre-surgeries and only a month on testosterone. Am I just a freak to everyone? Starting to think my transition was a mistake..
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the-fallen-reckless · 6 years
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FUCK CAPITALISM! This didn’t cost tax payers anything. You don’t need to be a governing body with a police force to do decent things.
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
I know the sun still shines when you’re not around
I’m taking it easy in the worst part of town
And now I find it wasn’t meant to least
I’ve one thing to say and that’s
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
I thought I found my prince, he was broken yes, still no less a prince I had thought; but he only ripped out the small pieces of my heart that I had left and trampled them into the dust. He lied and cheated, all for someone more blind to his abusive behavior than I. A young girl forced to grow wise before her time. And now, that girl whose innocence is lost has become a stone cold knight. Saving herself and no one else, commanding armies of dragons destroying those who step in her way. Growing into the hurricane feared by scum like him and wreaking havoc on the lives of those who dare to take advantage of the weak. Her father’s princess has cast aside her fluffy pink dresses for the dangerous elegance and poisoned charisma of the Queen everyone deemed so evil. But I ask you this, are evil queens not simply the princesses who had to save themselves?
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
For the first time since we met being dead seems so much more attractive than being alive. Because no one knows that without you I’m already a walking corpse...
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
I’m REALLY fucking over feeling unattractive because I’m not skinny
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
Idk rando poetry from being in my feels...enjoy?
I miss touching you
I’m aware you don’t need or want me to
But the longer I go
The more I know
I crave you
Not someone new
I miss your flesh benieth my nails
It would seem our love is on the scales
I don’t care what the cost
Our love won’t be lost
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
“Please don't leave me
I'm always saying how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me”
Fuckin Pandora got me in the damn feels....
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
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the-fallen-reckless · 7 years
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