the-garla-empire · 8 years
Sorry Paladins of Voltron, but there is a damn fine looking Garla Lieutenant - ah - I mean, Commander - who needs my full attention. ヽ(´∇`)ノ Don`t mind the two extra versions… I just couldn`t stop,…
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
i was on the voltron wiki for some armor references and i found this
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
Floppy Eared Galra Keith Head Canons
Because I needed them. @palidont got me hooked. And @ralligay jumped on the bandwagon with me.
(Co-written with @ralligay)
-When a Galrans are first born, they have floppy ears like a German Shepard puppy, but after time the straighten and perk up as they grow. 
-Keith on the other hand, had the misfortune to have one ear that did not do this, so he’s stuck with one floppy ear and one ear straight and perked. Making it look cute and ridiculous at the same time. 
-So when Keith’s come in for the first time years later after being a human, he thinks they both have finally perked up. But then one just stands to attention one day and the other continues to stay flopped over. 
-He’s with Pidge, Hunk and Lance at the time and they all just die laughing and Keith is doesn’t understand. 
- “What?“ 
-Lance is wiping away tears ”Oh God, you look so ridiculous but so adorable at the same time.” Keith is so confused before Hunk points at his reflection in the window and Keith just goes beet red because one ear is standing at full attention whilst the other is still flopped and limp on his hair.
-Both his ears however continue to drop when he is sad, and he has the whole puppy dog look down pat. (No matter how much he protests)
-Lance can’t let it go and starts up the nickname Floppy, which Keith completely detests. But it’s stuck now. He’d prefer it to Patches which he got for the skin changing, but Floppy is just mortifying. And Keith has to endure so many months where Lance wouldn’t call him anything else.
-Every morning, this is a burden he must bare. He often tries to get it to stand up, spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to get it to stand up, but he always has to give up and and go to breakfast in defeat. 
-It literally turns into the same type of conversation he had with the red lion the first time, “Right, okay. Come on, ear. You can do it. Stand up and we won’t have to suffer anymore… Come on, ear, stand up.“ silence "FOR THE LOVE OF VOLTRON, STAND UP, WILL YOU???”
WAY MORE BELOW THE CUT (Plus a bonus Klance round)
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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this has been done so many times but I had to get it out of my head~
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
me and @poisonjabs went from angst to crack so quickly holy quiznak
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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When your cat suddenly gets annoyed at you, for no reason. \( ಠ_ಠ )/
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
my one big quibble with Voltron’s writing is that the galra empire has apparently been going for TEN THOUSAND YEARS. 
like first off that’s an insane amount of time for a single empire to exist for, humans have only managed like one-and-a-half thousand year empires, and those are the record holders.
secondly: the galra empire has taken over a fucknormous amount of known space according to the altean star map. so the galra empire has lasted about as long as human civilization, and comprises most of the galaxy. 
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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// Dude.
ANYWAY, my concept of a bit of Galra formalwear. I think I went a bit nuts with the silverish chasing– Haxus isn’t one for bright colors, but a bit of metallic shine never killed anyone. The chains were a last-second addition *shrugs*
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
I am getting so many garla baby feels lately like
Imagine a garla parent making this deep growl of approval whenever there baby learns something, or play growls whenever playing with there kids
imagine a garla parent teaching there kid to walk to them and scooting back whenever they get close so that they have to walk more to get to them
garla parent that makes a clicking noise to get there youngs attention and that noise being refereed to with the same fear and respect as a human parent saying the kids full name in a authoritative tone
garla parents who act calm whenever they see there children fall down or something, walking over to them calmly and asking them if there alright(even if there screaming internally and shedding sclaes/skin/fur with worry), if they can walk and such, and only visibly freaking out if there kid says they cant move of if half there arm is bleeding.
Garla who are FEROCIOUS if they think there young is threatened, makes threatening a pack of lions young look like a relaxing pass time.
Garla kids who even if not wanted by the birth parents are quickly snatched up by a soldier or druid and treated with the same love and attention they would give there own young, even being understanding if they want to choose a different career path then that of there parental figures (though most of the careers are military based so the parental figure will almost always worry after there young)
I just want cute garla parents with there scaly/furry/purple children and them having happiness in family ok?
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
Headcanon time: Smol galra do the kitten curl when you pick them up by the scruff of their neck. Most of the time. There is a 10% chance they will just twist and bite your hand though.
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10% if you’re trained (and by trained I mean mother’s instinct) to handle them, 100% guarantee if you are Haggar. 
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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Sendak’s mom knew she was in for hell when she saw how big those feetzies were. 
This doodle is all @vrepit-sa​ fault. Actual Gremlin.
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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@ograndsovereign please, you’re giving @vrepit-sa a frightening
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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Someone get me out of this hellish rabbit hole please
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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       { … You paint happiness with the blood that stains your hands … }
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
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@vrepit-sa i cant believe sendak is dead
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the-garla-empire · 8 years
zarkon probably has the weirdest fucking fashion sense and no one can actually argue with him. his prisoners wear a unitard and a ripped crop top like what kind of fucked up aesthetic is that? his fucking outfit has boob lights. its not even an exaggeration he just want those bobbies lit up like
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if zarkon was human i bet he’d wear crocs with socks
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