Chris Paul hits the buzzer
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Road to the victory against the Houston…
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They don’t value you, it’s ok. God is bigger than them and he loves you the way you are 😌
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It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.
Bob Proctor
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“Everyone has scars. We just don’t all wear them on the outside.”
— Natasha Friend
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Move on....
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The Can’t Break You
You will meet some people in the journey of your life, it will be fun at the beginning and wish that those moments won’t end. You will be there for those people, giving them your all but my dear they are there just to use your soft heart. Give a helping hand where you can, give the last penny you have, support them at their lowest but when you need them they are nowhere to be found. It is not the end of the world but they are making you to be stronger for yourself. Don’t feel bad for using all your time and energy of showing them love and support but be proud of yourself that at some point you once made a difference in one’s life. THEY CAN NEVER BREAK YOU BUT THEY MADE YOU STRONGER. 
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