You are not unlovable
you are not broken
you are not a failure
your brain chemicals are just messed up. you're doing amazing, don't let the dark thoughts possess you.
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I don't get comments on my stuff or anything but still time for the occasional rent lowering gunshots. Easiest thing to go for is that we're pro-endo, we have multiple fictives, and like half of the system doesn't have roles. If you are upset by any of that not so kindly fuck off :]
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It's been a while since I've seen a post like this, so... Here's some tips for figuring out who's fronting if you're having trouble!
Try calling yourself by the names of selves you suspect you might be until one of them clicks and feels right. (Or get someone else to do this to you.)
Set up a personality quiz with your system – with different alters as the results – and take it!
Consider how you'd feel if you were told you absolutely were not (insert headmate here). Would you be frustrated? Upset? Would you instinctively push back against that assertion? If so, this is probably a good indicator that you're that headmate.
If you keep descriptions of your sysmates, read through them and see what you relate to, and if you ever feel like anything is referring to you specifically, or that you wrote something.
The previous suggestion can also work for journal entries if you keep track of who wrote what.
This is not an exhaustive list; if you find a different method that works better for your system, use it! And remember, if you feel deep down like a specific system member... you probably are that system member. Good luck figuring out who's fronting and who you are!
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ok but legitimately i think the reason why kids aren’t taking internet safety seriously is because the people who are telling us not to put our personal information out seem so out of touch. no one acknowledges the possibility of meeting very real teenaged friends online, they always say that everyone you meet is a 40 year old white man in disguise. because they aren’t acknowledging things we know are true, it becomes a lot easier to dismiss the rest of what they’re saying as well. internet safety lessons absolutely must keep up with the times and acknowledge the internet’s capacity for good if you want kids to take to heart warnings about its capacity for bad.
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the-ice-cream-squad · 11 days
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My system when we're co-fronting
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the-ice-cream-squad · 19 days
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We need this hat
I can't decide which is a funnier mental image, wearing this hat almost every day or wearing it once every four or five months
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the-ice-cream-squad · 20 days
Unsure why, but I spawned with a subtle Southern accent for reasons none of us can explain
*ok so I can't think of the best way to phrase this but. do you have an accent. context is one of our guys is very British but not when fronting
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the-ice-cream-squad · 20 days
rule 1 of playing a ttrpg is have fun and be someone else <3
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the-ice-cream-squad · 20 days
i love plural folk btw :3
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the-ice-cream-squad · 20 days
i love plural folk btw :3
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the-ice-cream-squad · 20 days
kinda find it interesting how like, my headmates act very similar to me but I can differentiate who is who based on voice and emotions, when they front it just feels like I'm watching someone else speak for me and hearing their voice as well. we all share memories albeit with some greyouts/small brain fog but we just, exist! different lil guys in day head.
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the-ice-cream-squad · 21 days
when will anti-endos learn that when they break our dni, we're just gonna instantly block them. they never click links. they love calling any information that proves them wrong misinformation so they can hold onto being hateful.
you can be a system for reasons other than trauma, deal with it.
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the-ice-cream-squad · 24 days
"endo safe" with no "anti endos DNI" as in I literally don't care if anti endos interact but you start shit with the others interacting on my posts I will bite back. My posts are a safe place for endogenic systems, and I'll protect my own on my territory.
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the-ice-cream-squad · 24 days
Intersex plurals are so cool. I hope every intersex plural has a good day today
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the-ice-cream-squad · 25 days
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the-ice-cream-squad · 25 days
btw if i haven't replied to your messages and you see me posting on here that's just cause i'm a bad person and a terrible friend. hope that clears things up.
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