Update of sorts that our beloved author has reduced her relation to cgr nowadays to just her spacehey account. The post itself doesn't have much to do with cgr itself, tho it feels a lot more like a proper end to the cgr saga than the fizzling out of flw imo.
Because the ccc deactivation thing has thoroughly scarred me, aside from the link I'll post a screenshot of the post below for archival purposes (I don't intend to ever, ever close this blog)
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also yeah I opened this in two tabs and (thankfully I guess) the background didn't load in one of those.
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The original video(s) have been privated (deleted?) on youtube so they aren't available anymore, but I think with this & the intro we're only missing up to like 2 minutes ("CGR: The Animation Episode 1" was I think about 10 minutes long)
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omg I thought this was lost in time, I forgot I had reblogged this (the 'keep reading' obv doesn't work but at least the animation is saved!)
☆ 塩素栽培バラ ☆ ☆  Chlorine Grown Roses ☆ Animation Intro
Sources for music and artwork under the cut:
Keep reading
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I have gone through what the wayback machine has archived. I clicked on almost every capture it had (tho after a while I started skipping out on the pages whose url already indicated that it was a regular review/chatter post).
So: Here's a list of "direct" links to character-critique-central's reviews of Chlorine Grown Roses:
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711040749/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/135818714480/the-new-my-immortal (Review of chapter 1 & 2)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711043251/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/135882705625/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 3)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711040754/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136064277600/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 5)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160710034543/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136079433915/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 6)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711044338/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com:80/post/136137558170/the-new-my-immortal?is_related_post=1 (Chapter 7)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711035004/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136221121225/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 9)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711050156/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136278213515/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 10)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711193454/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136340081875/the-new-my-immortal (Chapter 11)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160711044349/http://character-critique-central.tumblr.com/post/136391971405/the-new-my-immortal?is_related_post=1 (Chapter 12)
Chapters where I found a link for the post but the site hasn't been archived :( 4,7,8,13-21, 24-37, 40-45 (so if you go on the archive itself, don't get excited when you see posts for these. they don't work.)
on the topic of archiving: bless the anon that archived the original hacker chapter: https://archive.is/ZUSb4
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important note to myself: should I ever make a hyper accurate fanime adaptation, I should definitely draw Nagisa as the character he's called as in a chapter
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today I learned that the morganite wiki has been deleted. idk if this should make me feel anxious about the cgr wiki. like, the cgr wiki hasn't had any updates in like, at least four years, yet it is still up. so is a deletion even that likely?
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it's kinda sad/funny how the only statistics of cgr I have since my last spreadsheet vaporized itself is just. word count for outfit descriptions.
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it'll probably take another while for me to motivate myself to redo the statistics, but for now I managed to get myself to writing down the publication dates of the cgr chapters and the word count per chapter.
I'm just making this post because I find it funny how the chapter where the author's notes go "Oooh, this is where the plot really begins!" is the shortest chapter so far (321 words in total).
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you ever lay awake at 2am totally stoked bc you think it might be a good idea to turn cgr into an audio book
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I wanted to look smth up on my blog and while scrolling past I saw an old statistics post and realized since my laptop nuked itself I lost the file where I kept the statistics :/
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deviantart fixed its watch page so now it actually shows you what the people you follow post actually. this journal is from a few days ago (but I didn’t see it bc even tho I’ve recently been logging into deviantart, it didn’t show notifications).
...tbh I only wanted to post this now that I saw this bc 1. good to know that our beloved author hasn’t just abandoned the account entirely and 2. the character development of not minding reviews and parodies is making me feel things.
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just out of curiosity: what’s y’all’s favorite scene(s)/moment(s) in cgr?
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I have to get used to the name but yeah. She’s back, bitches. And chapter titles along with her.
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wonder if she still got her most prominent character trait- I am, of course, talking about her being good at breaststroke, what else were you thinking of?
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Spoilers for chapter 6!
I hadn’t made a post chapter 5 bc I was too preoccupied with the pear thing, so a quick few things for that as well:
“I woke up in the middle of the night the next night.” is the long awaited sequel to “next morning I woke up in the morning” and that pulls my nostalgic heart strings
the cover image made me expect more drama and conflict to happen between Azusa and Mariella, but it was just. A bit. More like a reminder that Mariella exists. She’s starting to give me Chiriko/Masahiko vibes i.e. being likable because she opposes Azusa and the not-that-popular Kura
I didn’t even register Haru as missing but again, my mind was preoccupied with nights and pears.
bit unsure why Azusa switched over to freestyle when she was swimming butterfly before. Sure, she is good at ~all the strokes~ but I do find it kinda confusing that she decides to fully switch over to freestyle
proms in japan. wow. I. I don’t think proms are really a thing in Japan. I could see Azusa or one of her friends organizing one, though. because america. Wait the only Americans are Azusa Akira and Luna-I think 
while still not being very accurate, I think it’s easier to think of yen as equal to cents. You’d have to check what the exchange rate in... 2009 I think (cgr was set in 2008 right) was; but something along 1000 yen is probably what to go for.
I didn’t know if Japan had Labor Day and was mentally all on “during that time frame is golden week wait how early in their school year are we” but I actually googled to check if it’s a different day and lo and behold, Labor Day in Japan is according to wikipedia merged with Thanksgiving in November. I didn’t expect flw to take place in autumn.
the transition from small talk to advice with Luna seems a bit abrupt and I definitely expected her to get the Hitomi/Sousuke treatment where she tells us in the next chapter about a male crush, and the next time we’d see him it’d be nothing more than a background mention. But no. We got something better.
Azusa changes into her bikini. There is no mention of her putting her club jacket or other stuff over it so. Did she just show up in nothing but a bikini to the meat? I mean I doubt it and sure I don’t need outfit descriptions for every single thing, but considering the track record I find it very unusual that there is not a specific line dedicated to Azusa wearing something over her swimsuit.
just because free is a series about swimming I immediately assumed the new characters would be swimmers for samezuka. Which is a kinda weird choice for my brain, bc only the first 14 (and last three) chapters of cgr really dealt with the actual swimclub it does have more of a focus now that Azusa’s in charge of it though
"Good lick samazuka!"
idk how swim meats work, are there really multiple participants from each school in all competitions (not counting relays)?
was confused that Rin wasn’t swimming against them in the butterfly race, but the ending of the chapter kinda explained that away so.
it’s nice that it’s not just Iwatobi winning with flying colors. double nice that a random unnamed school wins one race, too
Oliver also asserting his dominance breaking records. I am tempted to draw him t-posing.
My jaw literally dropped when I read that Luna asked Hitomi. Like. Listen. I ship HitoKim and we all know that would never realistically happen bc it’d be awkward to have the self-inserts of two friends date. The next person in line I’d ship Hitomi with is Luna and! That’s what we got!! It made me so much more emotional than any ShatterMi action could have ever done! BOY!
I’m not even salty that it sinks ConLuna bc I wasn’t that big on that one *shrug*
That Haru’s dead feels a little random but you know. Inciting Incident! I think that’s what that’s called. Haru dying is so we know that Mein Kampf gegen Azusa is serious business.
I’ve half-forgotten about him though. Come to think of it, didn’t CGR end with him and Rin leaving for Australia? Did they get back in between? Since they find it weird that Haru isn’t in Iwatobi, they obviously had to have returned at some point?
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olivers pretty cool man
Yeah, it’s cool that he doesn’t angst about his backstory at all. A nice change of pace.
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spoilers under the cut for those that haven’t read the new flw chapter
I love how this is barely connected to the last chapter. Like it’s been a while since I read it and only roughly remember it bc of the april fools chapter; so like. chapter 3: Chillin’ at some restaurant when detective kimmy informs us there’s a hitlist with Azusa’s name on it. Chapter 4: Azusa wakes up at home and goes hanging out with her friends.
Really hope it’s gonna come back as a gut punch like, you thought I forgot that hitlist? Oh no, this is gonna be full on Makoto-said-she’s-alive-but-you-couldn’t-hear-that
I like that there’s some fuel for my ShatterCon brotp, like sure it’s a rarepair but! Bros! I still do have to get used to Conchita's dyed hair tho lol
“Dark Angel” is no name. Like with Nymphnight and Darkfeather I’m literally not thinking of their surnames, but. A character who’s first name is “Dark Angel”? I was waiting for him to reveal himself as a Chunibyou but I’m still waiting for that sike-
On an aside I wonder how important Kiryu will end up being because Dark is Kurai which you know, Akamatsu connection, and Angel is, well, you know something’s up when a character shares their name with the author in some way hey I might be interpreting too much into it but all the Kims we got so far were protagonists
It’s interesting that they are from Samezuka, but is Mabel from there too? It was a pretty big deal that Chiriko was the first (and probably only?) female student there and even then she had yakuza connections.
the “sophomore” author note confused me a little bc I only know the term from manga translations (where they use ‘freshman’ for the first years and ‘sophomore’ for the second years) so.
Conchita: “We’re seniors!” Conchita is a second-year. I also just realized that Shatter and Esther were third years in cgr (going by their bow color at least), so. Did they graduate or repeat a year bc of their mental hospital stay. I can’t remember if this had been addressed before.
can’t believe Hitomi reinstates that she got a shitton of money from L’eau de Rose and gotten her own danganronpa mansion. I’m so expecting them to just shut themselves there and do murder games (and for the new characters to be the first victims)
pretty sure the halloween special was explicitly an alternate universe though, because Chiriko was alive (presumably)´and Chiasa and Masahiko were friends of Azusa and the gang.
dunno how much I like the maid not having a name. I’m just thinking of Anzu and Belle (though it’d make no sense for them to be here, Anzu is dead and Belle is probably traumatized from that murder) so idk if I should expect the maid to get more fleshed out in the future, remain an irrelevant aside or turn out to be in some way related to the Tachibana murder. Like. What if she used to be one of Azusa’s maids? What if she knew Anzu or Belle? This is a random faceless character and I’m already thinking about a plot twist that makes her important hrngh
I do like that we got description about what the renovated mansion looks like on the inside. It’s a nice break from only the clothes getting a paragraph description. It just makes it seem that much more like Hitomi got a Murder Mystery Mansion tho lol
love how we get the backstory of Oliver through a truth or dare. like. I like how it’s more interwoven into a casual conversation and not like “taking azusa aside bc sudden urge to tell the readers backstory”
and last but not least
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I’m sorry her pose just reminded me of that-
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