Vince (10)
[9/14/16, 4:00:07 PM] Jak: the figure gathered itself and stood up, brushing off the dirt from the floor. He stared at the door for a moment before finally turning around to face the rest of the gang in the room. it was Jak, a 3 month older version of him that they were used to , but it was him. His hair was trimmed up. He was sporting a long white over coat, standard issue of the institute. Probably contained some kind of tracker on it. Jak stepped out of the darkness to reveal himself, speaking in a deeper, just puberty broken voice " Guys?? [9/14/16, 4:00:47 PM] Robin: Robin spins around to get a closer look. [9/14/16, 4:01:16 PM] Forge: Forge rolled over slowly, eyes red and brows raised high Jak? That you, boyo? [9/14/16, 4:02:05 PM] Jak: Jak looked around the room, clenching his head tight " fuck , which of you is screaming right now?" [9/14/16, 4:02:49 PM] Robin: “Jak?” [9/14/16, 4:03:25 PM] Jak: he looks up as best he can, ignoring the massive headache and rush of everyones thoughts " aye." he smiles at them [9/14/16, 4:03:54 PM] Robin: Robin runs to him and hugs him tightly. “You bastard, where have you been?" [9/14/16, 4:04:31 PM] Dagda: Dag glances up. "We'll look at that..." He murmurs with a wave, opting to stay sitting [9/14/16, 4:04:54 PM] Azuna: Azuna eyed Jak with an air of suspicion. "Good to see you." He said. He didn't get closer, merely stood back and stared at Jak's new attire. [9/14/16, 4:06:22 PM] Jak: Jak returned robins hug, a bit tighter then he intended, it had been long since he had contact with another like himself " They, snatched me the day we got out of the simulation. Guess they Didn't know I could do the thing with the mind that I can do. They added me to some list, some, threat list and I was monitored, for a long ass time. But I guess I did something right if I'm allowed back" [9/14/16, 4:06:53 PM] Azuna: "Guess so." [9/14/16, 4:07:20 PM] Robin: “What’s this?” Robin gestures to his coat. [9/14/16, 4:08:31 PM] Jak: " oh, OH" jAK GETS A LITTLE EXCITED " See., its flame retarded? is that the word? anyway, it prevents me from burning my clothes. My fire got stronger. watch." Jak lights a burning blue ball in his hand [9/14/16, 4:09:11 PM] Robin: “Flame retardant, hun.” Robin smiles at him. [9/14/16, 4:09:48 PM] Azuna: Azuna snorted quietly. That was more like the Jak he knew. [9/14/16, 4:10:17 PM] Forge: Forge, a little revitalized by the return of a fellow firebug, chuckled and watched Jak fiddle with his flames Aye, but did they make yer hair flame proof? I'd be more concerned with that, boyo. [9/14/16, 4:11:02 PM] Jak: " No" Jak sighs " that's why I needed it trimmed to be honest. " [9/14/16, 4:11:15 PM] Azuna: "Maybe they should make Dag more fireproof, given his magnetism to the stuff." He muttered, just loud enough to be heard. [9/14/16, 4:11:33 PM] Robin: Robin laughed. [9/14/16, 4:12:01 PM] Jak: jak looked around at everyone " Why is there so much yelling, btw?" [9/14/16, 4:12:28 PM] Robin: “We’re all a little… conflicted.” [9/14/16, 4:12:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna let out a quick, jarring laugh. It sounds empty. "That's an understatement." [9/14/16, 4:13:00 PM] Dagda: This message has been removed. [9/14/16, 4:14:27 PM] Jak: " No, I get that robin, but, Why... are you, guys all yelling at once?"  Jak still hadn't really gotten a grasp on hearing others thoughts [9/14/16, 4:14:59 PM] Robin: “We’re not yelling…” [9/14/16, 4:15:35 PM] Dagda: "Just makin' and ass of myself as usual Jaky boy" Dag says with forced cheerfulness. [9/14/16, 4:16:25 PM] Jak: Jak walks around the room looking around " No seriously, you guys are very, aggressive right now? Did something happen?" [9/14/16, 4:16:51 PM] Azuna: "I'll give you three guesses." [9/14/16, 4:16:58 PM] Robin: Robin is silent, watching Azuna’s reactions and realizing what may have happened. [9/14/16, 4:17:03 PM] Azuna: "No, I'll give you one guess." [9/14/16, 4:18:04 PM] Jak: " no reason to be rude, I just don't see why theres so much hostility towards me"  Jak picks up on the feeling of distrust [9/14/16, 4:19:07 PM] Robin: Robin is still silent, scared to bring up more conflict. [9/14/16, 4:20:23 PM] Azuna: "Forgive me, it's been a long three months, we're all a little high-strung. And in you come, dressed like you've joined the Institute A-Team. What the fuck is that about?" He was half-shouting by the end of this sentence. [9/14/16, 4:20:58 PM] Robin: Robin touches Azuna’s arm. [9/14/16, 4:21:31 PM] Jak: " Like I said, Az, It's flame retarded. It prevents me from actually killing myself when I light up a fire" Jaks voice is a little raspier now, breaking every other word [9/14/16, 4:22:22 PM] Dagda: Dag watches the exchange, his eyes narrowed. "Yeh do seem to have been treated a bit better than us though." [9/14/16, 4:22:29 PM] Azuna: "They could easily have given you something that didn't make you look like ONE OF THEM!" Azuna was practically shaking with rage at this point. Maybe it was unfounded, maybe not. [9/14/16, 4:23:40 PM] Robin: Robin’s grasp on his arm tightens slightly. “Az…” [9/14/16, 4:24:53 PM] Jak: " Look. I get it. But, don't you everEVER, say I've been treated better then you." Jak flinches towards robin and can tell that everyone is thinking the same thing. "traitor" pops up a lot in his mind [9/14/16, 4:25:42 PM] Robin: “We don’t know how he’s been treated,” Robin whispers. [9/14/16, 4:28:13 PM] Dagda: "Just sayin' that he dresses a bit smarter than we do. Also been given more chances to practice from what it looks like." [9/14/16, 4:28:20 PM] Azuna: Azuna's eyes turn cold. "All I see is another fucking white coat." His words are dripping with so much venom, he wouldn't be surprised if he started spitting the poison out. [9/14/16, 4:28:48 PM] Dagda: Dag frowns. "That may be goin' a bit far fearless." [9/14/16, 4:29:29 PM] Jak: Jak, being the asshole he usually was, flipped his coat inside out protruding a black lined inside. , but revealing many scars that weren't on his arms before, as he quickly covers back up and grins " better Az?" [9/14/16, 4:32:17 PM] Azuna: Azuna rounded on Dagda instantly, completely ignoring Jak, hissing his words. "I have absolutely no idea what he's been doing these past three fucking months. You know what I've been doing? THE SAME SHIT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 18 FUCKING YEARS. Every. Fucking. Day. Sleeping on the fucking floor, barely eating, acting as the walking pincushion. He spat this last word with hatred. [9/14/16, 4:34:13 PM] Robin: “Calm down, Azuna.” Robin’s gentle demeanor turned cold. [9/14/16, 4:34:41 PM] Jak: " Youre.. mind, is, stronger?"  Jak notions towards robin [9/14/16, 4:35:30 PM] Robin: “You’re not the only one who has neurological powers, kiddo.” Robin turned to Jak. [9/14/16, 4:36:33 PM] Dagda: Dag's frown deepens. "I ain't yer enemy darlin'. Don't make one of me." He murmurs to Az [9/14/16, 4:36:47 PM] Azuna: Azuna clenches his hand into a fist, and attempts to put it through the window in their chamber. Not even a crack. Blood could be seen dripping down the glass, his knuckles split. [9/14/16, 4:37:18 PM] Azuna: His form softened slightly, and he half-slumped against the window, breathing heavily. [9/14/16, 4:37:58 PM] Robin: Robin sighed loudly and held his fist in her hands, her eyes flashing green as she healed the wounds. [9/14/16, 4:38:21 PM] Jak: jak clenched his head again when Az slammed into the mirror " can you please, PLEASE not shout into oblivion az? " [9/14/16, 4:39:17 PM] Forge: Forge sat quietly in his corner, left exhausted both physically and emotionally from his previous encounter with Dag. He looked sadly towards Az and shook his head All walls crumble in time... He muttered [9/14/16, 4:39:40 PM] Dagda: "Well, if everyone wants to start playing the pain Olympics then by all means let's show off our scars, but I think we have better things to do with our time" Dag drawls, "like workin' out that plan we were talkin' about earlier." [9/14/16, 4:40:43 PM] Jak: Jak sits on the ground and just observes everyone as he tries to get a grip on his headache [9/14/16, 4:41:44 PM] Robin: “What do we have to go off of, exactly?" [9/14/16, 4:42:52 PM] Dagda: "Nothin' but theory and a whatever bullshit scraps of hope we can dream up darlin'" Dag snickers, "but sounds like more of a grand time then sittin' here and bitchin'." [9/14/16, 4:43:56 PM] Jak: " You're referring to a break out?" Jak looks at robin, no one said it particularly yet, but , he can pick up certain sounds from peoples thoughts, not very effectively yet but enough to hear some things [9/14/16, 4:44:32 PM] Robin: Robin says nothing to confirm or deny. [9/14/16, 4:45:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna sat against the window. "From what I've seen, outside of this room it's pretty much the same as how it was in that machine. Only difference seems to be the hallway directly outside of this room." He turned to look out of the window again. "And outside...It's completely different beyond the immediate forest. I wouldn't even know where to start." [9/14/16, 4:48:21 PM] Jak: " You know, You really just need to take out the glass there. Theres a direct line to another hallway through that and you wouldn't even be on camera. At least not until you reach the other hallway":  Jak pipes in half minded [9/14/16, 4:48:30 PM] Robin: “We can’t escape while we’re under their watch. I don’t want any risk of us being caught in another fucking simulation.” [9/14/16, 4:53:45 PM] Azuna: "Should we risk trying what we did the last time? Granted, we were given quite a good opportunity then, so I'm not sure." [9/14/16, 4:54:11 PM] Azuna: "Only time we'd have is if we take them by surprise, which is why we need to know the route beforehand." [9/14/16, 4:54:58 PM] Dagda: "And how are we meant to find that out?" [9/14/16, 4:56:30 PM] Azuna: "I don't know." Azuna threw a hand up. [9/14/16, 5:03:24 PM] Robin: the queen of calling updated the group picture [9/14/16, 5:07:49 PM] Azuna: The door hissed and clunked open yet again, the massive tumblers within retracting. A much smaller figure than Jak was thrown into the room, grunting as he hit the floor. The light out in the hallway had either burned out or was shut off, throwing the hallway beyond the chamber into almost pitch black darkness. It was a wonder how the scientists could see in such low light. This new figure, was not one our group had met before... [9/14/16, 5:13:13 PM] Vince: The figure stands up quickly, to start dusting himself off. He grumbled to himself, curses being heard under his breath. Letting out a sigh he turned to face the others in the room, nearly jumping out of his skin seeing the amount of people. [9/14/16, 5:14:16 PM] Forge: Forge raised an eyebrow and called out Evenin'. Good ta see a fresh face... I think... [9/14/16, 5:17:10 PM] Jak: " Hey there, no need to be afraid of us, well maybe except for az over there"  Jak speaks , noticing the uncomfort in their thoughts [9/14/16, 5:19:54 PM] Vince: A look of confusion walked across the kids face, as he starred at the other man. He wasn't exactly used to being in a room with this many people, well with this many people who aren't scientists. [9/14/16, 5:20:47 PM] Jak: " Oh don't let the coat fool you..."  jak looks at az " Im not one of them. Names Jak. " [9/14/16, 5:21:57 PM] Dagda: "Fuckin' fabulous," Dag mutters, looking the kid up and down, "babysittin' time." [9/14/16, 5:22:25 PM] Jak: " lay off dagster"  jak chuckles, cracking his first joke since he's been here [9/14/16, 5:25:25 PM] Vince: He raised an eyebrow at Jak, looking up and down at the other judging to see if he was a threat or not. "Vince." [9/14/16, 5:26:36 PM] Dagda: "Call me that again darlin' and yeh'll be scoopin' yer insides up off the floor with yer hands" Dag replies cheerfully. [9/14/16, 5:29:07 PM] Jak: " Finally, some cheer out of you losers. "  Jak nods to vince " so , what you here for? They didn't throw you with us bunch so we could make a new friend" [9/14/16, 5:34:48 PM] Azuna "Maybe they did. I'm Azuna. You can call me Az, if you want." Az stood and offered Vince a hand. [9/14/16, 5:35:23 PM] Tony: " oh. friendlier to him huh az?" jak chuckles [9/14/16, 5:35:42 PM] Azuna: Azuna merely shrugged. [9/14/16, 5:36:45 PM] Forge: The Scotsman piped up from his corner and gave an idle wave Forge. [9/14/16, 5:39:10 PM] Dagda: "M' Dag," the lanky Irishman chimes in from his spot on the floor. His smirk still in place, but still off compared it's normal state [9/14/16, 5:39:41 PM] Vince: Vince paused, taking Azuna's hand, giving it a quick shake. "um hello, nice to meet you." [9/14/16, 5:45:14 PM] Azuna: "Indeed. If only it were under better circumstances." Azuna returned to his spot in front of the window, and sat back down. [9/14/16, 5:45:59 PM] Jak: " don't mind az dude, hes an azhole" Jak grins [9/14/16, 5:46:41 PM] Azuna: Azuna sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "One of these days I'll get used to those." [9/14/16, 5:49:51 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, watching Azuna return to the window or what seemed to be a window? he couldn't tell with the other blocking it. [9/14/16, 5:51:50 PM] Jak: " So I hate to be the nosy type nut, what do you do man?"  Jak asks genuinely intrigued [9/14/16, 6:03:49 PM] Vince: Vince crossed his arm's and raised a brow at the other, attempting to make himself bigger and more defensive than his small framed allowed him. "No offence but I don't really wanna be showing what I can do to people I don't really know." [9/14/16, 6:04:43 PM] Jake: " What ever man, suit yourself"  Jak lights up an impressively large flame in his hand and tosses it passed dag playfully [9/14/16, 6:05:55 PM] Forge: Forge scoffed and chuckled incredulously at Vince, shaking his head Ya best learn to share quick 'round here, bucko, Ye'll be with us fer at leas' 2 weeks, minimum. [9/14/16, 6:06:52 PM] Dagda: "Not to mention we all have to start gettin' real friendly with those lovely little gifts of ours" Dag adds [9/14/16, 6:09:57 PM] Azuna: "Maybe a lot longer, if what we're planning works." Azuna mused aloud. [9/14/16, 6:11:35 PM] Jak: " Oh did I show you guys these?"  jak pulls out matching fire resistant gloves " these are also fire retarded too" [9/14/16, 6:15:43 PM] Forge: That's fire retardant, Jakaboy. The Scot smirked, leaning back against the wall [9/14/16, 6:16:44 PM] Dagda: "Lovely toys they seem to have given you darlin'" Dag calls from the floor as he lays back down, head aching from the beating that had occurred earlier [9/14/16, 6:27:22 PM] Vince: "Toys? they seem useful?" not understanding the harshness towards Jak. [9/14/16, 6:36:03 PM] Dagda: "Not sayin' they aren't kiddo," he replied tiredly, "just admirin' them.....not everything I say is meant to be a fight." The last part is muttered and slightly sullen. [9/14/16, 6:37:55 PM] Azuna: "Of course not." Azuna replied, seeming to regain some of his humanity. "We've just had a lot of those lately." [9/14/16, 6:43:00 PM] Vince: "I see" he replied, taking a seat on the ground still farther away from the others. Making I clear he didn't trust them yet, finding it best to keep his distance [9/14/16, 6:59:36 PM] Azuna: "We've...been through quite a bit. You'll have to forgive the harsh attitudes around here. We'll mellow out, just give it time. Tomorrow we can get back to you on something we've got in the works currently. Might even need your help." Azuna looked up, towards Vince. He shrugged, half a smile on his face. [9/14/16, 7:08:56 PM] Vince: Vince leaned against the wall he was closest to, uncrossing his arms to get more comfortable. "it's fine, I can't blame you guys for being tense. I mean we aren't exactly in paradise." [9/14/16, 7:10:50 PM] Azuna: Azuna looked around, as if seeing the room for the first time. "Huh, you're right." His tone had an air of teasing about it. [9/15/16, 11:55:06 PM] Robin: Robin smiled warmly at the new captive. “We’re glad to have another one on the team." [9/16/16, 6:06:11 PM] Azuna: Azuna cleared his throat, regaining his composure, and continued. "Indeed. The more the merrier, after all." He nodded. [9/16/16, 6:24:05 PM] Robin: “The more to help us break out of this place,” Robin added. [9/16/16, 6:35:02 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, starting to fiddle with the loose fabric on his jeans to keep his mind busy.
0 notes
Return (6)
[9/14/16, 2:21:19 PM] Azuna: It has been 3 months. Our group has not fared much better since their awakening from the Midnight Exigent machine, but they're making progress. The lone window in the confinement chamber, spanning most of one wall, gives a clear view of the outside world. Azuna is standing, forehead pressed against the window, humming softly to himself. The light in the chamber is still broken, so the only light is coming from the overhead waxing moon, nearly full. A dim, eerie glow is cast into the chamber, tinting everything a somewhat depressing blue hue. The Midnight Exigent has since been removed from the chamber, to no one's dismay.
Dagda, Forge, and Robin are awake as well, silent for the moment.
Despite the time that has passed, our group is still haunted by the events of a mere 3 months ago. Tasting freedom, feeling safe for once, only to have it ripped from their grasp.
Will they attempt another escape? Or have they, once and for all, accepted their fate? Time will tell... [9/14/16, 2:28:14 PM] Forge: Forge had sat idly in one of the chambers corners, quietly singing to himself by the flickering light he produced in his palm, the ember dancing about his fingers like a living thing
O' I know where I'm going And I know who's going with me I know who I love And my dear knows who I'll marry.
I have stockings of silk And shoes of bright green leather Combs to buckle my hair And a ring for every finger...
The Scot stared at his single hand and sighed, extinguishing the meager flame and rubbing the residual warmth into the stub of his missing left hand All five o' them... He almost whispered [9/14/16, 2:32:32 PM] Dag: Dag chews at his lower lip while stabbing more ink into the skin of his left forearm, hands twitching occasionally with nervous energy as he makes the designs in his arm permanent. "Gettin' a bit dull in here" he mutters to no one in particular. [9/14/16, 2:35:02 PM] Robin: Robin sits silently, hardly acknowledging anyone else’s presence in the room. She hasn’t said a thing in hours, and has rarely spoken at all in the months following their fake escape. [9/14/16, 2:36:46 PM] Azuna: Azuna sighs. It's been quiet, for everyone. He continues to stare out the window, observing the night wind move through the trees below. "A change of pace would be nice, yeah." His tone is half-dead. [9/14/16, 2:37:39 PM] Robin: "Would be nice..." Robin repeats, half mocking and have monotone. [9/14/16, 2:38:18 PM] Azuna: Azuna glances in Robin's direction, but doesn't say anything, and quickly turns his gaze back out the window. [9/14/16, 2:39:10 PM] Forge: Grunting, Forge hoists himself onto his one leg and hobbles along the wall until he reaches the window, staring out at the moon Aye, suppose anythin' ta break the mold, eh? Got any ideas, lad? [9/14/16, 2:41:56 PM] Azuna: Azuna opened his mouth, but thought better of himself. What he was about to say may not have garnered the best response. He put his back to the wall and sank to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest. [9/14/16, 2:42:21 PM] Robin: “We could leave,” Robin muttered. [9/14/16, 2:43:37 PM] Forge: A harsh, croaking laugh escaped the man's lips Oh tha'd be lovely, lass! Shame the las' time we did, it was a ruddy nightmare! He slammed his fist angrily into the glass, still bitter over the perceived escape from this clinical hell [9/14/16, 2:44:57 PM] Azuna: Azuna looked at Robin again. A spark of...something...flared in his eyes. Hope? Maybe. Couldn't have been a bad thing. He straightened his legs out, and an odd look came over his face. Wheels turning in his head, no doubt. It was the first time in months that he had thought about something like this. Incredible. [9/14/16, 2:45:02 PM] Dagda: "Not fer nothin' but it wouldn't be have bad of an idea to take things in a more stir things in that sorta way," he drawls, looking up from his work, "just sayin....dreams can come true if yer willin' to put in the dirty work." [9/14/16, 2:46:15 PM] Azuna: Azuna put his hands together and lowered his head slightly. His eyes darted around, as if he was trying to focus on something in the negative space in front of him. He was definitely thinking about something. [9/14/16, 2:46:47 PM] Robin: “What’s on your mind?” Robin looked at Azuna. [9/14/16, 2:48:07 PM] Dagda: Dag's eyes flick to Azuna as well, a shadow of the smirk he used to wear showing through slightly. "Fearless has a bee in his bonnet?" [9/14/16, 2:48:23 PM] Azuna: "I..." He looked up, locking eyes with her. The light in his eyes seemed to extinguish momentarily. "I don't know, something stupid." He dipped his head again. [9/14/16, 2:48:54 PM] Robin: “I could list off a thousand stupid things that we’ve all done before. Tell us.” [9/14/16, 2:49:16 PM] Dagda: "Nah, darlin'" Dag chuckles, "ain't stupid until it fails." [9/14/16, 2:50:38 PM] Forge: Unless yer one o' the White Coats. Then yes, everything is stupid. Forge scoffed and slid down next to Azuna Talk if ye wan' ta, lad. [9/14/16, 2:53:51 PM] Azuna: His eyes flared again. "Alright." He clapped his hands together, and smiled for the first time in a long, long time. "Let's try it." He stood and walked towards the door, locked tight for the night. He put a hand on the cold steel, shuddering slightly as he remembered what awaited him several times when he walked out of this door in the past. "You want to leave? This time, we're actually going to. But we need to plan." [9/14/16, 2:54:24 PM] Robin: “We could always kill everyone in our path.” [9/14/16, 2:54:56 PM] Azuna: Azuna chuckled darkly. "That is one option, yes." [9/14/16, 2:55:11 PM] Azuna: "I was more referring to our way out, though." [9/14/16, 2:55:49 PM] Forge: ...Lad, I hate ta be a downer, but I'm sittin' this one out. Forge's expression falls to a stone like seriousness, eyes drifting to the floor [9/14/16, 2:56:44 PM] Dagda: Dag gives Forge a disappointed look. "Yeh mean that yeh aren't up for a little white coat slaughterhouse? Way to be borin' darlin'." [9/14/16, 2:57:11 PM] Robin: “We don’t know what’s out there,” Robin said. [9/14/16, 2:59:29 PM] Azuna: "Which is precisely why we need to be hyper-observant for the next couple days. See everything. Security shifts, paths they take, doors, vents, anything we can use, you need to have an eye on." Azuna absentmindedly rubbed his upper right arm, psychosomatic pain flaring up. He took a shaky breath. "We still have...conditioning." He half-choked out the word. "You have to use that time out of this room to your advantage, as best as you can." [9/14/16, 2:59:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna turned to Forge, a pained look in his eyes. "Why stay? We're more than capable of getting out of here." [9/14/16, 3:00:22 PM] Robin: “We don’t know that. Maybe they made it easy on us last time.” [9/14/16, 3:00:56 PM] Azuna: "I don't doubt that." [9/14/16, 3:00:59 PM] Robin: “If everything was a simulation, we don’t even know if our powers are as effective as they were." [9/14/16, 3:01:45 PM] Dagda: "And who's to say we can't test that?" [9/14/16, 3:02:01 PM] Forge: The Scot looked up at Azuna, his gaze harder than steel Lad, look at me. Look. At. Me. I'm half a bloody man with useless bloody powers. Because, guess what! These walls won't... His words are punctuated by hard strikes to the wall fuckin' BEND! [9/14/16, 3:02:41 PM] Robin: “We can’t just bust out right now. Like Az said, we have no idea where the exit even is..." [9/14/16, 3:04:58 PM] Dagda: "So we start somewhere," Dag chimes in, "we find out what we need to know and make a fuckin' plan. Better than wastin' away in here." [9/14/16, 3:06:00 PM] Azuna: "You shouldn't give up before the fight even starts." Az knelt down next to Forge. "I'm standing by what I said. We're more than capable of getting out of here. Every night for the last 3 fucking months, I've looked out that window and I've wondered what it really feels like. You, none of you, can tell me you haven't thought the same thing." He looked to Robin. "We may not know where the exit is, we may not know the true extent of our abilities, but that doesn't mean that we can't figure it out. We literally have all the time in the world. Dag's right, we have to at least start." [9/14/16, 3:06:30 PM] Robin: Robin nodded. [9/14/16, 3:08:20 PM] Azuna: "So we practice. Every day. We show those lab coats that we are stronger, faster, smarter, then they will ever be. We can, and we will, get out of here." [9/14/16, 3:08:51 PM] Azuna: He took a deep breath, and continued, quieter. "And this time, it won't be a lie." [9/14/16, 3:09:27 PM] Robin: “I hope...." [9/14/16, 3:09:35 PM] Forge: Lad... Azuna... I'm... Forge sighed and ran his hand through his hair, looking away from everyone into the darkest corner of the chamber I don' think I'm strong enough for this... Not without me limbs... My flames aren' as strong as Jak's and I can' bend smoke when there ain't any... [9/14/16, 3:11:07 PM] Dagda: Dag growled and stood up angrily walking over to Forge. "Then stay here! Let them keep pickin' away at yeh until yeh don't even have yer dick left! Although the clearly yeh don't anyway!" [9/14/16, 3:12:54 PM] Forge: Well then maybe I should gnaw off yer arms and legs, aye! Show you how it fuckin' feels to be useless! Forge shakily raised up to his full height, glaring down at Dag Maybe carve out yer eyes and tongue while I'm at it! Make a poin' o' bein' disabled! [9/14/16, 3:13:53 PM] Dagda: "Fuckin' do it then darlin'" he snarled back, "show me that yeh got somethin' left in there!!" [9/14/16, 3:15:39 PM] Forge: Growling angrily, the man throws his whole weight at Dag, aiming to wrap his arm around his throat [9/14/16, 3:15:53 PM] Robin: Robin curled up closer in on herself. [9/14/16, 3:16:50 PM] Dagda: Dag cackles like a madman as he grapples with Forge. "There it's is love!! Still got some fire!!" His eyes glimmer with the faintest flicker of gold. [9/14/16, 3:17:50 PM] Azuna: Azuna eyed the scene unfolding before him from his spot by the window. He sighed quietly, opting to let them fight it out. One can only take confinement for so long without venting, after all. [9/14/16, 3:19:08 PM] Forge: Wrapping his powerful legs around the Irishman's waist, Forge attempts to beat Dagda with his remaining fist, grunting and growling like a wild animal You don't know! You'll never fuckin' know! [9/14/16, 3:21:18 PM] Dagda: "Quit yer pity party yeh stupid fuck!" He spat back between the hits, blood beginning to fleck his lips. "Yeh don't have limbs so yer gonna lay back and fuckin' die?! Yeh really are half a man if that's how yeh think darlin'!!!" [9/14/16, 3:23:49 PM] Forge: Forge sat there, panting and sweating atop of the smaller man before pulling himself off and dragging himself back into his corner Why'd ya think I called meself tha'? I'm only half a man... [9/14/16, 3:26:06 PM] Dagda: Dag spits out another mouthful of blood, giving a small, wheezing laugh. "Nah darlin' but I will if yeh give up." [9/14/16, 3:30:26 PM] Forge: Fuck off... He said quietly as he laid on his side and rolled over to face the wall. Were anyone close enough to him, they would hear his quiet sobs, tears mixing with the sweat and blood on his face [9/14/16, 3:35:50 PM] Dagda: Dag sits up with a sigh, knowing that he hadn't managed to accomplish what was needed to do. "I just....I don't want to leave anyone behind..." He mutters [9/14/16, 3:41:47 PM] Robin: “You both done?” Robin asks flatly as she stands. [9/14/16, 3:43:02 PM] Dagda: Dag laughs wearily. "Never darlin'....not til I ain't breathing' anymore..." [9/14/16, 3:44:48 PM] Robin: “Forge, we will help each other out of this. It’s what we did way back when. We were constantly helping each other out, and this will be no different, got it?” [9/14/16, 3:46:08 PM] Forge: No response from the man, simple quiet sobs and cold shudders against the unloving metal floor [9/14/16, 3:47:03 PM] Robin: Robin stoops down in front of him. “Forge, we can do this. And you will come with us. And we will help you get out of here. And we will all be better for it. I promise you that." [9/14/16, 3:49:23 PM] Forge: His sobs have stopped, their end marked by a long, slow breath as he gives Robin a plodding nod ...Alright... Alright, if you promise. If not fer me, fer yerselves... [9/14/16, 3:49:34 PM] Azuna: "For all of us." [9/14/16, 3:49:45 PM] Robin: Robin hugs Forge. [9/14/16, 3:49:46 PM] Azuna: Azuna finally spoke, ripped from his trance. [9/14/16, 3:50:10 PM] Azuna: "We each fight for each other. We will fight, and we will win." [9/14/16, 3:50:55 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood, a flame in his eyes. "We just have to try." [9/14/16, 3:51:12 PM] Robin: “It’s all we can do.” [9/14/16, 3:53:16 PM] Dag: "So....its...agreed then?" Dag asks, sounding oddly subdued. [9/14/16, 3:55:37 PM] Azuna: The massive vault-like door, their only way out of confinement, hissed and clicked as the locks within shuffled and retracted. The door opened with a whoosh, revealing a dark hallway. The only light source that could be seen was a single fluorescent light about 15 feet from the door. It swayed ominously. A figure was thrown into the room. In the dim light, it was difficult to make out who it was. That is until he began speaking. The door hissed closed as quickly as it had opened. [9/14/16, 3:58:53 PM] Azuna: Azuna squinted. "Who in the hell..."
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Take them to the quiet place.
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Robin, as drawn by her creator.
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Vince, as drawn by his creator.
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For all intents and purposes, the record shows that: -Mouse is currently inactive until further notice  -Jak has been nullified and will no longer be participating
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A catch-up post.
Due to me losing all of my chat logs, I can’t update you with play-by-play plot. So I’ll have to summarize! Yay!  When we last left off, our heroes had escaped the dreaded Institute, and were taking up refuge in a small cabin a ways away from it. They had woken up on their first morning there, and Robin and Azuna were making arrangements to do some exploring.  Robin and Azuna go out further into the forest and find a paved, wide road out of nowhere. Across this road, they find a town. It seems incredibly well-maintained and seems as if it should be inhabited, but it is mysteriously abandoned. They return to the group and and tell them of their discovery, and make plans to leave the next day.  That evening, they are ambushed by Institute thugs. They somehow hold them off and destroy every single one, learning more about their powers as they battle.  The next day, they all head out on the trek to The Town. They stumble upon an outdoor living store, where they stock up on clothing, food, and weapons. Upon the discovery of the guns, tensions grow in the group. It culminates to a showdown of unbridled and emotionally-driven abilities.  After everyone has burned out their energy, they all begrudgingly move forward as a group and after the night is over, they lodge in an apartment building for the daytime.  A few days pass and they run into a new acquaintance named Forge, a full-grown man who seems to be another escapee from The Institute. His abilities allow him to manipulate metals and fire. He says he’s taken up refuge in a store back in town, so they follow him there. Shortly after, an airstrike is called on Forge’s home, and many members of the group are critically injured.  In a whirl of confusion, everything goes white, and the group finds themselves in a room of The Institute.  They had been put under a simulation by something called The Exigent Machine.  Their entire escape had been fabricated.  Three months pass.  Jak and Blu have been separated from the group for reasons unknown just yet.  Jak returns first, along with a new acquaintance named Vince. He is the youngest in the group at 14, and the power that has shown itself is a manipulation of emotion. People are taken in and out of Conditioning as usual, except this time, Azuna wishes to escape again. Tensions on this subject grow once more, and in the midst of it all, Blu reappears.  Just when everyone seems to have reconciled, a new person enters their room. Except this time, it’s not another Subject. She is intimidating and powerful, and she takes Azuna and Robin with her.  It is from here we continue our tale.
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{ draw the squad like }
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First Morning (5)
[12/8/15, 1:26:06 PM] Blu: Blu slowly came back to the land of the living, finding her face in a pillow. Her body, for once in her life, wasn't screaming in agony of sleeping on a laminate floor. She smiled and nestled into the bed some more, feeling safe and comfy. [12/9/15, 9:12:15 PM] Lily: Robin stretches awake, realizes how spread out she is on Azuna’s form, and leaps out of bed at the contact she’d forgotten from the previous night. [12/9/15, 9:15:32 PM] Jak: Jak sits outside of the cabin near one of the clearings in front. Staring off into the distance holding the remains of some charred, burnt ashes.  Jak sighs heavily. [12/9/15, 9:17:10 PM] Blu: Blu heard a noise and raised her head and saw Robin popping out of bed. She blinked a couple of times, taking a minute to actually realize that they left the Institute. "This wasn't a dream..." she said softly, actually astonished at the fact they were free. [12/9/15, 9:39:08 PM] Lily: Robin looks over at Blu, and then at the sunlight flooding in through the large window near the beds. “It wasn’t. It was real.” [12/9/15, 9:40:49 PM] Blu: "We're free... We're actually free..." Blu said, pushing herself up and sitting on the bed. [12/9/15, 9:41:10 PM] Lily: “For now. They might still be looking for us." [12/9/15, 9:43:27 PM] Blu: "Then we're g-going to have to keep moving." [12/9/15, 9:44:56 PM] Lily: Robin looks at Azuna, who is still sleeping. “I hate to say it, but Azuna is the one who got us here. He just at least have some say in what direction we’re gonna move." [12/9/15, 9:50:14 PM] Blu: "Y-yeah." Blu agreed, throwing her legs over the mattress and stood up. She paced over to one of the windows and looked out. "It's beautiful..." [12/9/15, 9:50:59 PM] Dagda: Dag grunts and tries to stretch as he drifts into awareness, but finds that he can't due to a small weight on his chest. He stares ahead for a moment, blinking and rubbing his eyes before looking down to see Mouse laying curled up against him. He gazes at her in confusion, wondering how this came about and as it dawns on him an impish grin spreads across his face. [12/9/15, 9:57:50 PM] Mouse: Feeling the movement underneath her causes Mouse to start awake and panic a bit unsure what is happening. Once she sees what is moving she does her best to calm down while sitting up on her own, stretching out her shoulders and arms. [12/9/15, 9:59:02 PM] Jak: Jak continues to sit where he was, more or less sobbing silently to himself for an unknown reason [12/9/15, 10:10:14 PM] Lily: “It is beautiful, Blu…” Robin almost floats to the window, observing the clearing with the dark trees in the background. [12/9/15, 10:15:12 PM] Dagda: Dag watches her, the Cheshire Cat grin still firmly in place. "Sleep alright love?" [12/9/15, 10:20:31 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks at him with a small smile while running a hand through her messy hair. "Best sleep I've gotten in.. Ever really." She chuckled a bit. [12/9/15, 10:23:41 PM] Tarver: Tarver groaned, hazel eyes slowly opening to the brightness shining through the windows. With another groan, he rolled over, shoulders sore from falling asleep on nothing but the floor. Hair a fluffy mess, Tarver slowly sat up and looked around, slightly dazed. "Mnnn.." [12/9/15, 10:25:03 PM] Blu: Blu looks over at Tarver. "Y-you sleep okay?" she asks. [12/9/15, 10:25:46 PM] Tarver: "Regardless of some stiffness from sleeping on the floor," He slowly glanced up, smiling softly at Blu. "...it was the best sleep I've ever had." [12/9/15, 10:26:42 PM] Blu: Blu laughs lightly. "You should have taken a c-couch or something." [12/9/15, 10:29:32 PM] Tarver: "I should have, but- I wanted to make sure everyone else had somewhere nice to sleep. We deserve it." He slowly stood up, using the wall for support. [12/9/15, 10:30:53 PM] Azuna: Azuna woke with a start. Again nightmares. He sat up in bed and sighed, holding his head with a hand. [12/9/15, 10:31:12 PM] Blu: "Sit down. R-relax." [12/9/15, 10:31:41 PM] Lily: “I wonder if there’s any clothes..." [12/9/15, 10:31:56 PM] Jak: Jak sighs to himself and places the ashes of what were in his hands to his chest and sadly turns back to the cabin, noticing mouse and dag on the porch. " Oh.. Morning guys" Jak says with a slight sigh to his voice [12/9/15, 10:32:17 PM] Tarver: "...right." Tarver sighed, then forced a nervous smile upon his face. "We can relax now.. that still hasn't hit me yet. That we don't have conditioning anymore. No more tests, no more injections-" [12/9/15, 10:32:44 PM] Dagda: Dag's gaze drifts to the forest and the deep sense of contentment that fills him is almost overwhelming. "Guess that whole communin' with nature yeh read about isn't as much shite as I thought it was." [12/9/15, 10:34:40 PM] Blu: "We're finally free." Blu sighs, a smile on her face. "We're finally free..." she repeated, tears welling in her eyes. [12/9/15, 10:35:24 PM] Tarver: "Exactly," Tarver smiled again, walking over to Blu and gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "We're all okay, and that's what's important. Enjoy the morning. We have a lot to see!" [12/9/15, 10:35:46 PM] Lily: “There’s so much… it’s almost overwhelming." [12/9/15, 10:36:14 PM] Azuna: Azuna sighed again. "We can explore whenever, guys." [12/9/15, 10:36:27 PM] Mouse: "Yeah.. It's so amazing. I can feel all of the life out here." Mouse blinks and when her eyes open they are now yellow. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out with a bright smile. [12/9/15, 10:36:39 PM] Blu: A couple tears fall from her eyes as she tries to blink them away. Blu smiled softly, "I'm sorry... I'm just so... so happy." [12/9/15, 10:37:22 PM] Jak: Jak walks up onto the porch, passing by dag and mouse [12/9/15, 10:37:50 PM] Dagda: Dag blinks at her in surprise. "Yeh mean.....like ther trees or some hippy dippy shite like that?" [12/9/15, 10:38:27 PM] Lily: Robin walks over to the wardrobe and opens it to find it full of clothes. “Strange. But I’m not complaining.” She takes a change of clothes and moves to the bathroom to change into them. [12/9/15, 10:38:41 PM] Tarver: "Hey.." Tarver frowned, then slowly wrapped his arms around Blu in a gentle hug. "I'd say no tears today, but I see those are happy ones." [12/9/15, 10:41:38 PM] Blu: Blu reflectively flinched at the embrace but quickly relaxes. "Y-yeah." she says quietly, bringing her arms around Tarver very gently. "Th-thank you." [12/9/15, 10:42:42 PM] Lily: Robin nearly tumbles out of the bathroom. “Holy fuck it’s nice to be out of the shit I’ve been used to for my whole life.” [12/9/15, 10:42:54 PM] Jak: Jak looks to Dag, being the older of the group.   " There was a thing.  I think it was some kind of plant. it had pedals and things on it. I.. I was going to pick it for Blu. but.  I uh.. I broke it.  " [12/9/15, 10:43:19 PM] Azuna: "I should shower. But...This is a comfortable bed." Azuna laid back against. [12/9/15, 10:43:34 PM] Mouse: "The animals. There's so many of them. It's so beautiful." Her eyes start to tear up a bit as she gets up and starts moving towards the forest. She doesn't even notice what is going on around her at this point. [12/9/15, 10:43:37 PM] Tarver: Tarver winced, having felt Blu's temporary instinct to flinch, then smiled as he felt her relax in the hug. "You're welcome.." [12/9/15, 10:43:59 PM] Lily: Robin looks shyly up at Azuna, half-hoping he doesn’t fully remember last night’s events. [12/9/15, 10:45:21 PM] Dagda: Dag watches her go, looking as though he wants to follow her, but instead turns his gaze to Jak. "Broke it?" He asks raising an eyebrow at Jak. "What yer describing sound an awful lot like a flower. How do yeh break a flower?" [12/9/15, 10:45:52 PM] Jak: " I uh... I went to pick it up but it uhm, burned. " Jak sighs [12/9/15, 10:47:12 PM] Blu: Blu slowly drops her arms and pulls away. "I... I'm going to make us something to eat..." she says shyly before scurrying away and buries herself in the kitchen. [12/9/15, 10:48:56 PM] Tarver: "Alright," Tarver took a step back to give Blu space, then watched her walk into the kitchen. With a slow inhale, he sat himself down on the couch and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. [12/9/15, 10:51:47 PM] Dagda: Dag fixes Jak with a deadpan stare. There is a pregnant pause before he rolls his eyes and huffs "Well....here's the funny thing about plant life...and all life actually. Fire burns things!!! Why don't yeh try holdin' back the matches if yeh don't want to burn things Sparky?" [12/9/15, 10:52:37 PM] Jak: " I.. I didn't mean to tho Dag.  I just got excited and like it burned up" [12/9/15, 10:54:11 PM] Dagda: He sighs and pushes himself to his feet, wincing slightly as what's left of his wound twinges. "Yeh want to give one of these things to Blu right?" [12/9/15, 10:54:59 PM] Jak: " I was going to yea. " [12/9/15, 10:57:15 PM] Azuna: With another sigh, Azuna sat up again. "I really should shower." [12/9/15, 10:58:14 PM] Lily: Robin looks down at herself. “Well, fuck, should’ve done that before I changed.” [12/9/15, 10:58:36 PM] Dagda: "Righty then" he says clapping his hands and rubbing hands together. "Show me where they are and I'll pick them." [12/9/15, 10:59:51 PM] Jak: Jak looks up at Dag and looks over to the lake.  " It was over there, by the water. " [12/9/15, 11:00:55 PM] Dagda: "Well don't stand here dawdlin'! Lead the way Sparky!!" [12/9/15, 11:01:53 PM] Jak: " why are you calling me sparky now? " Jak leads Dag towards the lake [12/9/15, 11:03:39 PM] Dagda: "Because our bleedin' introduction was you settin' me feckin' shirt ablaze yeh knob!" [12/9/15, 11:04:31 PM] Jak: " It wasn't my fault" Jak tries defending [12/9/15, 11:06:24 PM] Dagda: Dag claps him on the back roughly. "And I, in my infinite graciousness, have forgiven yeh.....mostly." He pushes Jak toward the lake. "Now show me the feckin' flowers." [12/9/15, 11:07:13 PM] Jak: Jak stumbles a bit and lands right in the major pile of them " here... found em" [12/9/15, 11:29:16 PM] Lily: Robin sits next to Tarver. “Hey, about yesterday, with the scratches. I wanted to say I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” [12/9/15, 11:31:35 PM] Tarver: Tarver jumped, not expecting anyone to sit down next to him. Looking up to see who it was, he calmed down a bit, laughing nervously. "Oh, that..." A pause. "No.. thank you for healing them.. I.. I'm sorry for snapping at you. At everyone. I was being a real asshole.." A sigh. [12/9/15, 11:32:31 PM] Dagda: With a huff of exasperated laughter Dag crouches down next to the flowers. "Tell me which ones yeh want then." [12/9/15, 11:32:57 PM] Blu: Blu flutters about the kitchen, trying to make heads or tails of how to prepare food. "Crap..." she mutters, eventually settling on devouring another apple from the fridge. [12/9/15, 11:35:51 PM] Lily: “You’re quite welcome. And don’t worry about the snapping… it’s fine. Conditioning does that to a person. We all know.” [12/9/15, 11:37:51 PM] Tarver: "I know, I just... I still feel bad. Hell, Dag is better and healed, but I still feel terrible for almost killing him, I could have-" He frowned. "I can't kill anyone, that's not me..." [12/9/15, 11:38:35 PM] Jak: Jak points to a few of the more brightly colored flowers [12/9/15, 11:38:40 PM] Jak: " these ones please" [12/9/15, 11:40:39 PM] Lily: “Hey. It’s not any of us. We’re not the killing type, you know? You didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Everything’s fixed. We’re safe now. Okay?" [12/9/15, 11:41:58 PM] Tarver: "Yeah," He nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I'm glad, too.. although it's terrible to think that there are other people still stuck in there." [12/9/15, 11:43:33 PM] Lily: “Me too,” Robin’s realization of the people they left behind hits her suddenly. “But we can’t do anything about it right now.” [12/9/15, 11:45:30 PM] Tarver: "No, we can't.." He looked around, still not believing it was true that everyone was free. Turning back to Robin, he laughed softly. "I'm just glad all of us are okay. Think about it.. we only knew eachother for a couple days and here we are." [12/9/15, 11:46:14 PM] Dagda: Dag quickly and deftly picks all the flowers that Jak points to. Once he has a rather large handful of them he frowns. "I'm goin' to try somethin'. Yeh can say that yeh did it if it works." He begins weaving the flowers together into a loop. [12/9/15, 11:46:18 PM] Lily: “Motivation does strange things to you. Like drawing unlikely people together.” Robin grins softly at him. [12/9/15, 11:48:35 PM] Jak: Jak watches with amazement [12/9/15, 11:48:37 PM] Tarver: "Tell me about it," He barked a laugh, smiling at her. Adjusting his position on the couch, he leaned back a bit. "It's just.. weird. We're free. We can do whatever we want out here." [12/9/15, 11:51:11 PM] Lily: “I want to feel that way.” Robin looks back out the window, but this time with a hint of paranoia. “But something tells me they’re after us. They wouldn’t just… let us go, right?" [12/9/15, 11:52:29 PM] Azuna: "They didn't." Azuna piped up from the bathroom. "We escaped on our own, remember?" [12/9/15, 11:52:52 PM] Azuna: "Also, I'm taking a shower." Azuna chuckled as he started the water. [12/9/15, 11:53:06 PM] Tarver: "If they're after us," Tarver started to grin. "They'll have to find us first. I don't plan on going back." He glanced in the direction of Azuna's voice. "We can train with each other out here. We can develop our own powers do you realize how cool this is?" [12/9/15, 11:53:30 PM] Lily: Robin snorts. “If we don’t end up killing each other in the process.” [12/9/15, 11:54:24 PM] Tarver: "That's a scary thought," He paused to look away. "Let's not think of that, hmm?" [12/9/15, 11:54:45 PM] Lily: Robin nods. “Yeah. Let’s." [12/9/15, 11:54:48 PM] Dagda: Once Dag is finished he eyes it critically. "Eh...not the best, but not bad..." He sighs, then his gaze flicks back to Jak. "Now...I'm going to give this to yeh and yer going to contain all them pretty pyrotechnics until yeh've handed this to Blu. Understand me?" [12/9/15, 11:55:32 PM] Jak: " I think I manage that,  It seems to work when I get really  upset, or happy or something " jak takes the flowers from Dag [12/10/15, 12:06:59 AM] Blu: Blu stepped out of the kitchen and looked at the two in the room. "I-I think I'm going to go sit outside." she said quietly before stepping out and sitting on the grass just off the porch. The sun felt nice on her skin. The warmth was more than she expected. She smiled as she raised her face to the sun. [12/10/15, 12:08:09 AM] Lily: Robin stands and offers her hand to Tarver. "Join us?" [12/10/15, 12:08:51 AM] Tarver: "Of course," Tarver smiled and took her hand, slowly standing up off of the couch. "I haven't seen outside since last night. I wonder how it looks now." [12/10/15, 12:09:33 AM] Jak: Jak immediately approaches the porch where Blu stands now.  " H.. hey Blu, morning" [12/10/15, 12:10:16 AM] Blu: Blu looks up at him. "M-morning." [12/10/15, 12:11:52 AM] Jak: " hey so Uhhhhh I have something for you " [12/10/15, 12:12:38 AM] Dagda: Dag sits down by the water, drawing his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on them. "What the hell am I doin' here?" He murmurs aloud to himself. He stares silently for awhile, an almost lost look on his face as he starts to hum. [12/10/15, 12:13:29 AM] Blu: Blu's eyes widen slightly as a small blush creeps across her face. "O-oh?" [12/10/15, 12:17:59 AM] Mouse: Mouse is returning from the thick of the forest with a caterpillar in her hand when she notices Dagda by the lake. She quickly walks over with a bounce in her step and takes the spot next to him. "What's going on stranger?" [12/10/15, 12:18:36 AM] Jak: " yea, I forget what they're called but here " Jak hands Blu the flowers. [12/10/15, 12:21:43 AM] Blu: Blu gently takes the crown of flowers and stares at it for a moment, speechless. Her face lights up more red. "I... I... It's beautiful. Th-thank you." she stutters, looking back at Jak. [12/10/15, 12:24:32 AM] Jak: Jak shyly smiles " You're welcome " [12/10/15, 12:27:37 AM] Blu: Blu places the crown on softly and smiles. "Is this how you wear it...?" she asks, looking up at him, her face still a tad red. [12/10/15, 12:29:43 AM] Jak: " I think so? " Jak says a alittle confused himself [12/10/15, 12:31:17 AM] Blu: Blu giggles softly. "It look okay?" [12/10/15, 12:31:34 AM] Jak: " Yea it does" jak says with a ^-6 face showing [12/10/15, 12:31:38 AM] Jak: ^-^* [12/10/15, 12:31:49 AM] Azuna: Azuna steps out of the shower feeling so reinvigorated he can't even explain it. He dresses with some skinny pants and a t-shirt, and sighs with content. He walks out of the bathroom, and panics slightly. "Uh...Where is everyone???" [12/10/15, 12:32:23 AM] Lily: Robin peers around the doorway to the cabin, looking for Azuna. [12/10/15, 12:33:27 AM] Blu: "Th-thank you. Really..." [12/10/15, 12:34:02 AM] Azuna: "Ah! Outside, cool. I was really freaked for a second." He exhaled the breath he was holding in, and headed towards the door. [12/10/15, 12:34:35 AM] Jak: " You're welcome Blu I hope it's not weird " [12/10/15, 12:34:57 AM] Lily: Robin scurries away rather briskly. [12/10/15, 12:35:51 AM] Blu: "N-no! It's not. It's really sweet." [12/10/15, 12:35:59 AM] Azuna: Azuna steps outside. "Wow, it's even better during the day..." He walked off the porch and turned a full 360. [12/10/15, 12:37:00 AM] Jak: " Alright just making sure.  I kinda, burned the first one I got you.  " [12/10/15, 12:38:19 AM] Blu: Blu laughs. "I appreciate the thought." [12/10/15, 12:39:21 AM] Jak: Jak sits on the railing of the porch.  " I see Azuna is doing alright " [12/10/15, 12:40:06 AM] Dagda: Dag barely seems to notice her. "Hmm, nothin' much.....just....I keep thinkin'......what happens now?" [12/10/15, 12:44:36 AM] Lily: Robin sits on the steps of the porch, staring at her hand. Slowly, her fingers begin to elongate. She shrieks as a response. [12/10/15, 12:45:12 AM] Blu: Blu jumps and turns around. "Are you okay?" [12/10/15, 12:45:58 AM] Lily: "Yeah... it just startled me is all..." she flexes her fingers. [12/10/15, 12:46:29 AM] Mouse: She looks at him a bit seriously. "I honestly have no clue, but that's part of the adventure right?" After a small nudge she looks over at Robin with a puzzled expression. [12/10/15, 12:47:03 AM] Lily: Robin feels Mouse's gaze and waves at her with her augmented hand. [12/10/15, 12:47:22 AM] Azuna: Azuna jumped at the sound of Robin's scream. He turned around with a concerned expression. [12/10/15, 12:47:33 AM] Dagda: Dag's head jerks around at the scream. He's already half way to his feet. "What happened?!" [12/10/15, 12:48:55 AM] Lily: Robin rises, her hand reverting back to normal, and raises her arms comfortingly. "Calm down, everyone. I'm sorry, I just... I'm not used to it." [12/10/15, 12:49:49 AM] Lily: "I'm not used to any of this." [12/10/15, 12:50:27 AM] Azuna: Azuna takes a seat next to her. "None of us are, man. We just have to adapt to it." He shrugged. [12/10/15, 12:50:35 AM] Blu: Blu breathes a sigh of relief and turns back around. She leans back and faces the sun once more. [12/10/15, 12:52:08 AM] Lily: Robin sighs and nods in agreement, but not facing Az. Instead, she still stares at her hand. [12/10/15, 12:54:08 AM] Azuna: Azuna smiled, and leaned against the steps of the porch. "We'll get better, I know we will." He stared off into the forest they came from, lost in thought. [12/10/15, 12:55:09 AM] Mouse: Mouse reaches a hand up toward Dag's and pulls on it a bit. "What's with the question? You're one of the ones that was completely for this. Is something wrong?" [12/10/15, 12:56:03 AM] Lily: Robin follows stare. "What's out there?" [12/10/15, 12:57:47 AM] Azuna: "Who knows? There's an infinite number of possibilities." [12/10/15, 12:58:34 AM] Dagda: Dag looks back down at Mouse. "I did! I mean....I do....it's just....then plan only got us as far as out....what do we do now? None of us know how to be out here....where do we even start?" [12/10/15, 12:59:22 AM] Lily: "I want to explore." She says it more to herself than anyone. "But I won't go alone." [12/10/15, 1:02:07 AM] Azuna: "I'll go with you, if you want." Azuna said, standing up and stretching out. [12/10/15, 1:02:24 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at him with fearful eyes but quickly adverts her gaze over to the water. "I.. I don't know. Dag.. I'm scared too.. It's okay.." She looks back at him with the most reassuring smile she can put on right now. [12/10/15, 1:02:47 AM] Lily: Robin stands up more quickly than she means to. "Sounds good. Want to go now?" [12/10/15, 1:03:22 AM] Azuna: "Sure, let me grab, an apple, or something." He put a hand to his stomach, and headed inside.
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Escape (4)
[12/8/15, 12:46:19 AM] Azuna: Over Intercom "All patients, report for testing." [12/8/15, 12:46:32 AM] Azuna: The ground underneath them all shifts, and begins lowering itself into the ground. It is an elevator, surrounded on all sides by glass. The platform takes them all down into a warehouse-sized room. [12/8/15, 12:46:33 AM] Robin: "Fuck..." [12/8/15, 12:46:54 AM] Robin: "What the fuck?" [12/8/15, 12:47:26 AM] Azuna: Over Intercom "This is an experiment to test how well you can handle yourselves in a combat situation." [12/8/15, 12:48:00 AM] Robin: "What are we fighting then, you jerkwads?" [12/8/15, 12:48:02 AM] Tarver: "...." Tarver stood up straight, hands at his sides. [12/8/15, 12:48:05 AM] Blu: Blu looks up and around in horror. "No... N-no I can't..." [12/8/15, 12:48:26 AM] Mouse: "No. Please no. I don't want to fight any of you. Not this." [12/8/15, 12:48:57 AM] Dagda: "Finally," Dag crows, laughing madly, "somethin' I can really enjoy!!" [12/8/15, 12:49:30 AM] Azuna: "Today...You fight each other." The ground split, separating 3 sections, two patients on each section. Tarver and Dagda, Azuna and Robin, Blu and Mouse. "Use any means necessary. Begin when ready." [12/8/15, 12:49:31 AM] Tarver: Tarver grimaced a bit, body still shuddering. He had to fight? Fight who? [12/8/15, 12:49:34 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at Dag with pained eyes and then turns her head back towards the ground. [12/8/15, 12:49:52 AM] Tarver: Tarver slowly craned his neck in Dagda's direction, eyes narrowing. [12/8/15, 12:50:25 AM] Robin: Robin stares across the way to Azuna. Her face goes chalk white and her jaw drops. [12/8/15, 12:50:36 AM] Blu: Blu looks at Mouse in horror. "N-no. I... I don't want to... I can't..." [12/8/15, 12:50:51 AM] Azuna: "I'd like to express how displeased I am with my fighting partner!" Azuna waved his arms over his head. He sunk to his knees. "I can't do this. I can't..." [12/8/15, 12:51:36 AM] Mouse: She walks up to Blu and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I will not hurt you no matter what happens. No matter what you do. I will not hurt you." [12/8/15, 12:52:07 AM] Robin: Robin is still in shock. [12/8/15, 12:52:29 AM] Dagda: Dag grins at Tarver. "Looks like we get to have our little dance now, doesn't it?" [12/8/15, 12:52:55 AM] Tarver: "It takes two to tango, motherfucker." [12/8/15, 12:52:59 AM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Patients, you have one minute to comply, or report for Extreme Conditioning." The ground lowered to the warehouse-room, giving them more space. A rack of weapons rose into the center of the room. [12/8/15, 12:53:11 AM] Azuna: " Begin when ready. " [12/8/15, 12:53:13 AM] Blu: "I can't... I can't hurt her..." [12/8/15, 12:53:31 AM] Mouse: "Blu. Do it." [12/8/15, 12:54:00 AM] Robin: "Az? We have to do it." [12/8/15, 12:54:16 AM] Blu: Blu's hand tangled themselves in her hair as her eyes closed and she shook her head. " I can't. I can't. I can't." [12/8/15, 12:54:17 AM] Mouse: "I need you to hurt me. I need you to do this because I can't hurt you." [12/8/15, 12:54:45 AM] Azuna: "I really must protest." He shakily stood, and assumed a fighting stance. "But, I can't. Come on." [12/8/15, 12:54:56 AM] Dagda: "Let's what what moves yeh have then twitchy!" He taunts, getting in Tarver's face. [12/8/15, 12:55:04 AM] Mouse: " Blu! Grab a weapon now." [12/8/15, 12:55:39 AM] Robin: Robin dives for the rack and picks out a dagger. [12/8/15, 12:56:22 AM] Robin: "Draw your weapon, friend." [12/8/15, 12:56:23 AM] Tarver: Tarver fidgeted once again and backed up the moment Dagda got in his face, eyes widening. Wait a second, he didn't want this, but he didn't want to go back for extreme conditioning. Was Azuna telling him the truth? What if they weren't out to get him? He backed up more, voice raspy, "W-Wait, Dag-" [12/8/15, 12:57:29 AM] Azuna: Azuna picked out a similar dagger, then tossed it aside. He held up his fists. "I'm not using a blade." There were tears in his eyes. [12/8/15, 12:57:42 AM] Dagda: Dag gives him a shove. "What do yeh want to wait for? Yeh were ready for this a minute ago." He grabs Tarver's collar. "Where'd all that lovely fight go?" [12/8/15, 12:57:48 AM] Mouse: Mouse grabs a club and puts it in Blu's hands. "Hit me as hard as you can as many times as you can. I can take it. Do it or we both get hurt!" [12/8/15, 12:58:46 AM] Robin: Robin looks at her own blade, then back at Azuna. She throws it to the ground and assumes an awkward stance. [12/8/15, 12:59:16 AM] Blu: Blu shook her head more and more, the panic in her rising. She felt the clubs weight in her hands as she looked from it to Mouse and back to it. "I... I.... I'm so sorry..." she said before she took a halfassed swing at Mouse's side. [12/8/15, 12:59:20 AM] Tarver: Tarver let out a small whine, shaking his head as Dagda grabbed the collar of his hoodie. "I-I-" Another whine. Hesitation. Before Tarver suddenly lifted a hand and made a punch right for Dagda's face. [12/8/15, 12:59:53 AM] Azuna: Azuna locked eyes with Robin for a split second, then a look of determination crossed his face, but was gone just as quickly. "Come on." He said again. [12/8/15, 12:59:56 AM] Mouse: "Hit me harder! Our lives depend on it!" [12/8/15, 1:01:00 AM] Blu: Blu stared at the bat and threw it at Mouse. "You need to... I can...  I can dodge..." [12/8/15, 1:01:09 AM] Blu: "I can't hurt you." [12/8/15, 1:01:57 AM] Robin: Robin, her face strangely devoid of emotion, lunges for Azuna, attempting to grab his head. She leaps, her slight form gliding through the air. [12/8/15, 1:02:11 AM] Dagda: Dag takes the hit and dances back from him grinning madly. "Theeeeeerrrreee yeh go darlin'! That's the spirit?" He giggles. "Let's do this thing for real now." He lunges, aiming a punch for Tarver's gut. [12/8/15, 1:02:30 AM] Mouse: Mouse picks up the club and puts it right back in Blu's hands. "You are going to do this or you are never getting your own bed. You are never getting out of here. You will never live the life you want to." [12/8/15, 1:02:55 AM] Azuna: Azuna dodged Robin's attempt and dived out of the way. He wasn't going to hurt her, but he wasn't going to lose either. [12/8/15, 1:04:15 AM] Robin: Robin stumbles and regains her balance. She crouches and sweeps her leg out to attempt to catch Az's feet. [12/8/15, 1:04:15 AM] Tarver: Tarver took the hit to his stomach, feeling the wind get knocked out of him as he let out a strangled choking noise, leaning over to place his arm over the now forming bruise. "F-Fuck-!" He hissed and bared his teeth towards Dagda, running at him swiftly in attempt to headbutt his body and take him down to the floor. [12/8/15, 1:04:45 AM] Blu: Blu groaned and took the bat. "Fine." she said through grit teeth. She raised the bat and swung hard and fast into Mouse's arm. [12/8/15, 1:05:58 AM] Mouse: Mouse held in a shout of pain and staggered a bit but was quick to straighten back up. "Keep going. You need to take me down." [12/8/15, 1:06:00 AM] Dagda: Dag laughs and sidesteps him, grabbing Tarver's shoulders and using his moment him toward the wall. [12/8/15, 1:06:10 AM] Azuna: Azuna tried to jump dodge, but was just barely caught. His feet were swept out from under him, and he hit the floor. "Good one." The weapons vaporized. Over Intercom "Patients, this experiment is now testing your abilities in hand-to-hand combat." [12/8/15, 1:06:54 AM] Blu: Blu looked down at her fists. "Mouse you're going to have to take over. I can handle it." [12/8/15, 1:06:58 AM] Dagda: "Looks like we're already playin' by those rules, eh Tarvy?" [12/8/15, 1:07:17 AM] Robin: Robin moves to help Azuna up until she hears the announcement. Then she stops dead. [12/8/15, 1:07:33 AM] Tarver: Tarver immediately halted inches before hitting the wall, back straightening and hissing in Dag's direction. "Good thing we weren't... using them... right," He flinched visibly before turning around and swinging another fist upwards towards Dagda's lower jaw. [12/8/15, 1:08:05 AM] Azuna: "Too bad, I was about ready to get a sword." Azuna stood. "Come on." He assumed a fighting stance. "Don't hold back, it's what they're expecting." [12/8/15, 1:08:18 AM] Mouse: "No Blu. You need to do this. I said at the beginning I will not hurt you. Do this for me. You can handle this. You are stronger than you think." [12/8/15, 1:08:19 AM] Azuna: "We fight to kill, they'll let us out!" [12/8/15, 1:08:25 AM] Azuna: Azuna shouted this to everyone. [12/8/15, 1:08:35 AM] Azuna: "They don't want us dead!" [12/8/15, 1:08:50 AM] Azuna: "We would have been killed a long time ago if we were that worthless to them." [12/8/15, 1:09:10 AM] Robin: Robin is frozen with fear. "You're going to win." [12/8/15, 1:09:23 AM] Dagda: Dag grabs Tarver's approaching wrist and runs him back against the wall hard, pinning him there. "Sounds dandy to me bossy pants!!" He calls. [12/8/15, 1:09:28 AM] Azuna: "Only if you let me. I know you can fight. So fight." [12/8/15, 1:09:31 AM] Blu: Dead... Illusions... Blu had an idea. "GUYS I NEED YOU TO TRUST ME." [12/8/15, 1:10:11 AM] Blu: "Keep going just... just trust me." [12/8/15, 1:10:19 AM] Mouse: "I trust you, but if this doesn't work. You better beat me." [12/8/15, 1:10:56 AM] Robin: Robin speaks in a voice that is unlike her own. " Hit yourself for me, Azuna. " [12/8/15, 1:12:03 AM] Blu: Blu nodded at Mouse and lunged she threw half punches. The stress levels in the air built up her ability to conjure her illusions. Each hit the others threw, it looked ten times harder and ten times bloodier. [12/8/15, 1:12:12 AM] Tarver: Tarver felt himself slammed against the wall, another strangled cry echoing the room. He lifted a leg and kicked it backwards towards Dagda's shin, attempting to get him to unhand him. "Let... go of me, Dag!!!" In a desperate attempt and voice cracking, Tarver flicked his wrist swiftly before a large ice spike shot out of the ground behind Dagda, aiming for his back. [12/8/15, 1:13:41 AM] Azuna: Azuna feels a strange sensation, and immediately punches himself. He snaps out of it almost instantly. "We're gonna play like that? Fine." He stomps a foot on the ground and time all around him distorts, slowing to almost nothing. [12/8/15, 1:13:57 AM] Azuna: "Come get me, Rob." His dark laugh filled the room again. [12/8/15, 1:15:01 AM] Robin: Robin is like wax, watching Azuna chuckle before her. She gets agitated. [12/8/15, 1:15:19 AM] Robin: " Stop. " [12/8/15, 1:15:31 AM] Blu: False blood splattered on Blu's face as they barely tapped Mouse on her head. "See? I got this." she whispered to Mouse. [12/8/15, 1:16:55 AM] Mouse: Mouse smirks. "Think there's anyway I can stop those two?" She nudges over to the brawling boys. [12/8/15, 1:17:00 AM] Azuna: The doors begin to open, scientists pouring through. "Stop? I'd be happy to oblige." His eyes burned blue and he snapped. Time became still. Nothing moved. "Now we get out of here." [12/8/15, 1:17:04 AM] Dagda: Dag is still grinning even the ice cracks through his ribs. He even chuckles as blood rises in his throat. "....ah....well....though yeh might have some fight in yeh....underestimated it a bit though...." His smile falters and he coughs. [12/8/15, 1:18:18 AM] Tarver: "Holy shit, Dag--!!!" Tarver lets out a worried scream, the ice spike immediately melting. "Fuck, fuck! Fuck-- No, I..-- Fuck!! No!" [12/8/15, 1:18:41 AM] Azuna: Azuna walked to each person, and tapped them on the shoulder, pulling them to his timeline, but leaving everything else frozen. "Guys, we can stop fighting now. The door's open, but I don't know how long I can hold this time frame." "Robin, I need you to heal Dag, quickly." [12/8/15, 1:19:14 AM] Azuna: "Everyone else, head for the door." [12/8/15, 1:19:42 AM] Tarver: Tarver shook his head, staying beside Dagda. "I'm not leaving until he's healed." [12/8/15, 1:19:43 AM] Dagda: Dag laughs painfully. "Thank heaven for white mages eh?" [12/8/15, 1:19:47 AM] Blu: The illusions dropped away and it was worse that she had thought. Blu got up and ran towards the door like Azuna said. She helped Mouse up and ran with her. "We have to go." [12/8/15, 1:19:49 AM] Mouse: "Heh not leaving until Dag leaves." Mouse leaves Blus side with a semi apologetic expression. [12/8/15, 1:20:16 AM] Robin: Robin swoops towards Dagda, elevating her body heat to melt the ice, and modifying his cells to regenerate to close the wound. She throws one of Dag's arms across her shoulder and helps him up. [12/8/15, 1:20:35 AM] Azuna: "That'll have to do for now. We need to move. " [12/8/15, 1:21:06 AM] Mouse: "I'll take him from here. I've carried his ass around before I can do it again." [12/8/15, 1:21:47 AM] Robin: Robin transfers Dag into Mouse's care and trails behind Azuna, watching the frozen scientists in awe. [12/8/15, 1:22:00 AM] Tarver: "You're going to need a little help, Mouse.." Tarver chuckled nervously. [12/8/15, 1:22:28 AM] Blu: Blu looks to Azuna. "How the fuck are we getting out of here?" [12/8/15, 1:22:35 AM] Azuna: Everything jumps forward about half a foot. "Oops, okay yeah. We need to be out that front door in about 5 seconds. Follow me." [12/8/15, 1:22:39 AM] Mouse: "Nah. He's a spindly fuck but if you insist I won't stop you." [12/8/15, 1:22:53 AM] Dagda: Dag giggles and then grimaces. "All these nice ladies and gents helpin'....such a nice change..." [12/8/15, 1:23:01 AM] Azuna: Azuna half sprinted out the door the scientists were coming through. [12/8/15, 1:23:08 AM] Mouse: "Shut it you." [12/8/15, 1:23:10 AM] Blu: Blu follows and gets through the door. [12/8/15, 1:23:13 AM] Robin: Robin follows suit. [12/8/15, 1:23:39 AM] Tarver: Tarver sighed heavily and wrapped Dag's other arm around his shoulders, helping Mouse carry him out. [12/8/15, 1:24:03 AM] Azuna: "Quickly!" His voice echoed down the hall. They came to the double doors. "Tarver, I need ice on that lock." He pointed to a pin pad lock holding the door shut. [12/8/15, 1:24:34 AM] Dagda: Dag grunts. "Better go do it Tarvy. Don't let me slow yeh down." [12/8/15, 1:24:39 AM] Azuna: Everything again jumped, and color began pouring back into reality. "I'm about to lose this timeline." [12/8/15, 1:24:58 AM] Azuna: Azuna's nose began to bleed semi-profusely. [12/8/15, 1:24:58 AM] Mouse: "I got him. Do the ice thing." [12/8/15, 1:25:09 AM] Robin: Robin's eyes dart every which way, scared to hope. They would make it. [12/8/15, 1:25:59 AM] Azuna: "In about 5 seconds, we're back in the present. Be ready to fight while you run, because those doors are coming open, and we're about to be found out." [12/8/15, 1:26:15 AM] Tarver: He silently let go and gave the two a nod before catching up with Azuna. Tarver inhales swiftly and presses his emotions forward, lifting his hand as ice crystals formed tightly around the padlock. "Do it!" [12/8/15, 1:26:58 AM] Azuna: Azuna kicked the lock, breaking through it and opening the doors, just as they were snapped back to the present. The doors swung open, and an alarm blared. "Just book it! After me!" [12/8/15, 1:27:28 AM] Blu: Blu felt the headache coming on from overexertion earlier. Fuck. This couldn't be happening now. She ran after Azuna, following him. [12/8/15, 1:27:35 AM] Robin: Robin's bare feet still sting as they slap against the concrete, darting after Azuna. [12/8/15, 1:27:35 AM] Azuna: Azuna took off towards a nearby forested area. [12/8/15, 1:27:45 AM] Azuna: "We can lose them in the trees!" [12/8/15, 1:27:57 AM] Tarver: Tarver immediately back tracked, turning his body to make sure he was behind both Mouse and Dagda to make sure they'd make it out in time. [12/8/15, 1:28:51 AM] Blu: Blu's eyes lit purple as she cast a fog around the entire area. Her head became light as she stumbled a bit, running as fast as she could. "Keep going!" she yelled out. [12/8/15, 1:28:52 AM] Dagda: Dag growls. "The two yeh will run faster if yeh stop worryin' about me. Run ahead yeh daft kids!!" [12/8/15, 1:28:52 AM] Robin: Robin's lungs are burning, but she keeps running. A laugh bubbles up from her chest and she lets it free, listening to it echo in the dark trees. [12/8/15, 1:29:28 AM] Mouse: "No fucking way Dag. We're going side by side." [12/8/15, 1:29:48 AM] Azuna: After about 5 minutes of sprinting, Azuna pointed out a small clearing. He slowed his pace to a walk, and stopped in the middle of the clearing. [12/8/15, 1:30:16 AM] Robin: Robin slows up and catches herself before colliding into Azuna head on. [12/8/15, 1:30:43 AM] Dagda: Dag rolls his eyes. "Then at least use some of that camo witchcraft yeh've got goin' on yeh silly bird!!!" [12/8/15, 1:30:43 AM] Azuna: "Oof! Ow." He fell to the ground, almost landing on his nose. [12/8/15, 1:31:13 AM] Blu: Blu stumbled into the clearing and fell over. The fog still drifting around. "F...uck..." [12/8/15, 1:31:18 AM] Tarver: On the way out of the facility, Tarver's eyes quickly caught sight of one of the scientists who had held him in for earlier conditioning. Lifting his hand, a sharp ice crystal formed in the palm of his hand, before he jumped up onto the other and began stabbing him repeatedly in the eyes, "FUCKING BASTARDS!!" Quickly dissipating the ice, his lungs burned as he caught up with the others, blood now splattered among his clothes. [12/8/15, 1:31:25 AM] Azuna: It is night. The only light shining is the moon. Everything is bathed in an eerie blue light. [12/8/15, 1:31:32 AM] Robin: Robin stumbles up awkwardly, offering a hand to Azuna. [12/8/15, 1:31:32 AM] Mouse: Mouse gives him a serious look but does her best to comply and camouflages them in with their surrounding as well as possible. [12/8/15, 1:32:04 AM] Blu: "So... This is what grass feels like..." [12/8/15, 1:32:06 AM] Azuna: He takes Robin's hand. "Next time just give me a head's up or something." He teased, a grin on his face. [12/8/15, 1:32:56 AM] Tarver: Tarver collapsed onto the grass, chest heaving up and down violently. He needed to catch his breath. And attempt to rid the blood off of his arms that wasn't his. [12/8/15, 1:33:17 AM] Dagda: "Hate to rain on the parade or anythin' but we probably shouldn't stop yet" Dag grunts [12/8/15, 1:33:22 AM] Robin: Robin smiles at him. She looks around, breathing in the fresh, crisp air and feeling the breeze on her skin. Forgetting to warn him, she hugs Azuna fiercely, thanking him. [12/8/15, 1:33:53 AM] Azuna: Azuna is surprised, but quickly overcomes it and hugs back. "Everyone can breath out for a minute, at least, Dag. We can keep walking in just a minute." [12/8/15, 1:34:32 AM] Mouse: She looks around wide eyed and feels her heart pounding in her chest. [12/8/15, 1:35:24 AM] Dagda: Dag rolls his eyes. "Whatever lovelies....but if yeh hear the dogs bayin' then don't blame me." [12/8/15, 1:35:25 AM] Robin: Robin lets go and allows herself to fall back in the grass, looking up at the star-speckled sky. [12/8/15, 1:36:28 AM] Tarver: He quickly stood up, eyes still filled with tears. Tarver found himself glancing away to catch his breath and a small moment to himself, but said nothing as he slowly trudged along the grass to look down and watch it. [12/8/15, 1:36:41 AM] Robin: She digs her hands into the ground and feels the dirt under her nails and laughs again for joy. [12/8/15, 1:36:54 AM] Blu: Blu closes her eyes and the fog dissipates, around the clearing. She felt happy. [12/8/15, 1:37:13 AM] Dagda: Dag's eyes flick down to Mouse. "Oi...lass....try to breath...yer goin to make yerself pass out then both of us are fucked." [12/8/15, 1:37:13 AM] Azuna: Azuna puts his arms over his head and attempts to calm his erratic heartbeat. He puts a hand to his nose and wipes off the now dried blood. "We actually got out." He smiled to himself. "We're free." There is almost no light pollution where they are. Half of the galaxy is visible in the sky. [12/8/15, 1:38:06 AM] Robin: "It looks like a dream." [12/8/15, 1:38:32 AM] Tarver: Tarver hugged himself, feeling more safe that way. He slowly glanced up at the sky, a bit in shock of how gorgeous it was. [12/8/15, 1:39:01 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at him and nods a bit while doing her best to breathe normally. She looks around some more after calming a bit down and finally senses the presence of all of the animals hiding in the dark. [12/8/15, 1:39:39 AM] Robin: "I can hear the earth." Robin is in awe. [12/8/15, 1:40:10 AM] Robin: "I can hear it living." [12/8/15, 1:40:33 AM] Dagda: Dag finally looks up at the sky, his gaze softening. "I thought this would be....more explosive....like everything would suddenly become amazin'.....didn't think it would be quiet like this... [12/8/15, 1:41:06 AM] Blu: Blu giggled to herself and thought of the song she found back in her studies. Her meek voice began to hum a tune. [12/8/15, 1:41:11 AM] Azuna: "I'm not complaining, Dag." Azuna laid down near Robin, simply staring up at the sky in awe. [12/8/15, 1:42:08 AM] Tarver: "It's.. nice," Tarver spoke meekly, still looking up. [12/8/15, 1:42:14 AM] Azuna: A small group of fireflies hover nearby, flashing occasionally. [12/8/15, 1:43:08 AM] Robin: "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced." Finally, Robin's eyes begin to fill with tears. [12/8/15, 1:43:27 AM] Mouse: "I'm putting you down you grumpy bastard. If you wanna have a nice time let me know." Mouse gently lets Dag down onto the grass and lets herself enjoy the feeling of all of the life around. [12/8/15, 1:43:43 AM] Azuna: "You know? For once in my entire life? I actually feel at peace." [12/8/15, 1:43:50 AM] Blu: "Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Halleluuujahh..." Blu sang quietly to herself, smiling and digging her hands in the grass. [12/8/15, 1:44:28 AM] Dagda: Dag's salutes her and grunts as he's put down. His ears perk up at the tune that he hears coming from Blu and he joins in, harmonizing with her melody. [12/8/15, 1:45:21 AM] Tarver: "....not out of the clearing yet but... I'll take it.." Tarver forced a smile, sitting back down onto the grass. [12/8/15, 1:45:29 AM] Azuna: Azuna is taken aback, but joins in, offering a quiet bassline. He nudges Robin, and gestures towards the part of the group that was singing. [12/8/15, 1:46:04 AM] Mouse: She looks back at him with a smile and then lays down in the grass looking up at the fireflies. [12/8/15, 1:46:42 AM] Robin: Robin takes up the third part in the harmony, not knowing all the words, but not really caring. Because they had done it. [12/8/15, 1:47:11 AM] Tarver: With a shrug and another smile, Tarver murmured, "Eh. What the hell. Fuck it." And joined in on the other two with quiet singing. [12/8/15, 1:47:43 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at everyone confused and shakes her head. "I don't understand you guys sometimes." [12/8/15, 1:49:31 AM] Dagda: Dag throws a twig at mouse. "Lighten up darlin'" he scolds and then slips back into his harmony. [12/8/15, 1:49:45 AM] Tarver: Tarver stifled a small laugh. [12/8/15, 1:49:46 AM] Blu: Blu didn't hear anything but her own little music playing in her head. "And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah...." she sang. Her ears perked up when she heard the others joining in and her face grew hot, hesitating for a moment before continuing. [12/8/15, 1:51:07 AM] Mouse: Mouse glares at Dag for a moment than goes over to join him and whistles along with the tune. [12/8/15, 1:51:40 AM] Azuna: The final chord rings out, and it seems like the earth itself is sleeping. [12/8/15, 1:51:47 AM] Azuna: "I didn't think it could be so...quiet." [12/8/15, 1:52:10 AM] Robin: "It's the good kind of quiet." [12/8/15, 1:52:39 AM] Tarver: Tarver quickly glanced over at Dagda, observing his behaviour and making sure he was alright. He still felt fucking terrible for his actions. [12/8/15, 1:52:52 AM] Blu: Blu's eyes remained closed. Everything was at peace. [12/8/15, 1:54:18 AM] Dagda: Dag takes another breath to keep singing and starts coughing painfully.  Blood flecks his lips as he tries to curl up, but can't. [12/8/15, 1:54:31 AM] Azuna: "Shit, you're still wounded." [12/8/15, 1:54:36 AM] Azuna: Azuna hurried over to Dag. [12/8/15, 1:54:41 AM] Tarver: Tarver's eyes widened, and in a flash he was up on his feet and at Dagda's side. "Shit, shit--" [12/8/15, 1:55:12 AM] Mouse: Mouse immediately stops whistling and pays full attention to Dag though mostly just watches since she has no clue how to help. [12/8/15, 1:55:14 AM] Dagda: "Hah!!......noticed that....did you...." He gasps, giggling between coughs. [12/8/15, 1:55:30 AM] Robin: Robin moves closer to him, running a hand through his hair. "I haven't tried anything involving... organs before." [12/8/15, 1:55:30 AM] Azuna: Azuna put his ear to Dag's chest. A faint whistling noise could be heard. "Tarv, I think you nicked a lung. Robin, can you handle internal injuries?" [12/8/15, 1:55:32 AM] Mouse: "Dag.." [12/8/15, 1:55:34 AM] Tarver: "This.. this is all my fault, I..." [12/8/15, 1:55:43 AM] Azuna: "You've got to try." [12/8/15, 1:55:58 AM] Mouse: "Please try. I can't...." [12/8/15, 1:56:10 AM] Robin: Robin nods in determination. "Sit him up for me?" [12/8/15, 1:56:18 AM] Azuna: "You got it." [12/8/15, 1:56:32 AM] Azuna: Azuna helps him up into a sitting position, careful not to damage anything else. [12/8/15, 1:56:34 AM] Blu: Blu sat up and looked over. Fuck... She felt useless at times like these. [12/8/15, 1:57:13 AM] Azuna: "I can try and take him out of time for this, while you heal him. It might help with the pain." This second sentence was more directed at Dag. [12/8/15, 1:58:06 AM] Robin: Robin nods and places one hand on Dagda's shoulder, and the other over the puncture location. [12/8/15, 1:58:11 AM] Dagda: Dag tries to suck in more breath and feels like a weight is pressing slowly into his chest. ".......that's......not good...." He wheezes. "Maybe yeh should.....bossy.....or this might be the.....one and only time I get to see.....outside..." [12/8/15, 1:58:48 AM] Robin: "It might hurt for a moment. Az, I'm ready." [12/8/15, 1:59:04 AM] Azuna: "Alright." Azuna focuses on Dagda, and gently clamps down on his shoulders. ((So essentially you and I are in stasis while Lil does the heal, youll feel weightless, and zero pain)) [12/8/15, 1:59:35 AM] Tarver: "....I'm so fucking sorry, Dag, I didn't mean it, I swear...-" Tarver whined, eyes filling with tears again. [12/8/15, 2:01:17 AM] Mouse: Mouse wanders a little away from the group and begins crying without  caring about who sees her at this point. [12/8/15, 2:01:29 AM] Robin: Robin presses her hand into Dagda's chest, groaning from the effort, feeling his body's inner workings, almost picturing the tissue as the cells around it multiplied, and the puncture was healed. [12/8/15, 2:02:10 AM] Tarver: He wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie, turning away in attempt to focus on something else for the time being. [12/8/15, 2:02:33 AM] Azuna: Azuna let go, and they were again in the present. [12/8/15, 2:02:37 AM] Robin: "Should... be it..." [12/8/15, 2:02:57 AM] Azuna: "How's it feel, Dag? Can you breathe alright?" [12/8/15, 2:04:07 AM] Dagda: Dag takes a slow breath and winces. "Sore....but I think the pipes are clear again." [12/8/15, 2:04:29 AM] Tarver: A feeling of relief washed over Tarver, eyes glancing back to Dagda. [12/8/15, 2:04:46 AM] Blu: Blu stands up. "G-guys. I think we... should keep moving." [12/8/15, 2:04:46 AM] Robin: Robin rubs his shoulder reassuringly and smiles. [12/8/15, 2:05:18 AM] Azuna: "Blu, I am going to agree with you. We need to find some kind of shelter." Azuna stood and stretched out. [12/8/15, 2:05:54 AM] Robin: "Where are we gonna find shelter if we have no concept of where we are?" [12/8/15, 2:06:15 AM] Blu: "Keep moving until we find a road..." [12/8/15, 2:06:34 AM] Tarver: Tarver nodded in agreement, shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket. [12/8/15, 2:06:56 AM] Azuna: "This forest didn't look too big coming into it. We just have to continue until we find some kind of civilization." [12/8/15, 2:06:57 AM] Dagda: Dag shrugs, slowly getting to his feet. "We'll just have to have a look round won't we?" [12/8/15, 2:08:28 AM] Robin: Robin gets up and goes slightly off-balance from the amount of exertion she's been dedicating to her abilities. [12/8/15, 2:09:48 AM] Azuna: Azuna takes her weight. "I got you. I think you may need a nap when we get to finding a place to stay." [12/8/15, 2:10:12 AM] Robin: "Naps are good..." Robin slurs. [12/8/15, 2:10:25 AM] Tarver: The amount of anxiety crushes his chest, feeling himself trudge along with the group. [12/8/15, 2:10:50 AM] Blu: Blu walked along with them. "Who knows... We may find a cabin somewhere close..." [12/8/15, 2:10:59 AM] Azuna: "They are indeed." Azuna chuckled. The group trudges for about 30 minutes before the trees begin to clear out. "Hey guys, I think the trees are thinning out." [12/8/15, 2:11:22 AM] Robin: "Mmm..." [12/8/15, 2:11:52 AM] Azuna: "Look! There's a cabin just up ahead. We can bunk there for the night." [12/8/15, 2:12:06 AM] Tarver: "That works," Tarver paused to look around. [12/8/15, 2:12:18 AM] Robin: " Mmmm! " [12/8/15, 2:12:27 AM] Blu: "Oh thank god..." Blu mumbled as they got to the building. [12/8/15, 2:12:42 AM] Azuna: Inside the cabin are two beds, big enough for two people each, and two couches. The fridge, pantry, and cabinets are semi-stocked with fresh food. [12/8/15, 2:13:11 AM] Robin: Robin flops onto one of the beds immediately. [12/8/15, 2:13:25 AM] Tarver: "I'm alright with taking the floor..." Tarver murmured, immediately placing himself down onto the floor. [12/8/15, 2:13:25 AM] Azuna: "Wow, this is pretty good." [12/8/15, 2:13:50 AM] Azuna: "There's more than enough space on far more comfortable places, Tarv, come on. Treat yourself." [12/8/15, 2:14:00 AM] Blu: Blu runs to the fridge and pulls out an apple. "Oh my god..." She takes a bite. "Oh my god." [12/8/15, 2:14:11 AM] Robin: "We don't need to sleep on the floor anymore..." [12/8/15, 2:14:42 AM] Mouse: Mouse find a corner to stick to and fidget until all of the sleeping arrangements have been made. [12/8/15, 2:15:17 AM] Tarver: Tarver leaned against the wall, hugging his knees to his chest and watching everything get sorted out. [12/8/15, 2:15:17 AM] Dagda: Dag hovers in the doorway, eyes narrowed. He doesn't seem to want to step into the cabin, nor does he seem to register what anyone else is doing. [12/8/15, 2:15:40 AM] Azuna: "Alright there, Dag? Come on, we're fine." [12/8/15, 2:16:18 AM] Robin: Robin sits up sleepily. "Food? Eat. Hungry." [12/8/15, 2:16:37 AM] Blu: Blu made her way to a bed and just sits down before collapsing, apple still being chewed. [12/8/15, 2:16:54 AM] Azuna: "I'm cooking. I read several books on how to. Let's see what we can make..." [12/8/15, 2:17:23 AM] Azuna: Azuna began pulling out ingredients to make pasta. [12/8/15, 2:17:33 AM] Robin: "Better make something before I fall the fuck asleep, Az." [12/8/15, 2:17:49 AM] Dagda: Dag ignores them, eyes trained on a darkened doorway across front the front door. His eyes are tinged slightly green. [12/8/15, 2:18:45 AM] Mouse: Mouse notices the odd behavior and keeps a close eye on Dag. [12/8/15, 2:18:56 AM] Azuna: "I'm workin on it! Jeez." Azuna shook his head and chuckled. "Seriously, Dag, come on." He follows Dag's gaze to the dark room. "Afraid of the dark all of a sudden?" He walked over to the room and turned on the light. It was a walk-in closet. [12/8/15, 2:20:27 AM] Mouse: With a few steps she stands by Dag and looks up at him with a worried expression. [12/8/15, 2:21:05 AM] Robin: Robin hops off the bed and turns on the sink, then drinks directly from it. [12/8/15, 2:21:08 AM] Dagda: Dag stares past Azuna and slowly walks into the room, his normally languid stance tense. "This place.....isn't right...." [12/8/15, 2:22:02 AM] Azuna: "Apart from the fact that a semi-stocked living cabin is completely empty, I don't see any problems." [12/8/15, 2:22:28 AM] Mouse: Mouse puts a hand on his arm, "What's wrong with it Dag?" [12/8/15, 2:23:45 AM] Dagda: Dag almost seems to be vibrating with tension. "It's just.....wrong....like somethin's lookin' at us or.....I don't know..." [12/8/15, 2:24:35 AM] Mouse: "Maybe you should lie down. You've been through a lot today." [12/8/15, 2:24:52 AM] Azuna: Azuna tilted his head. "Hmm." He conjured a ball of light, and began searching for something, shining it in corners, and things like that. "I read about something..." He trailed off. [12/8/15, 2:25:04 AM] Robin: Robin has to incline her head to look up at him. "Take a rest, Dag. You'll feel better." [12/8/15, 2:26:17 AM] Dagda: Dag shakes his head stiffly, eyes darting around the room. "Not with the blighters starin' like this....." [12/8/15, 2:26:45 AM] Mouse: "What can we do to help?" [12/8/15, 2:26:56 AM] Robin: Rob looks around the room, confused. [12/8/15, 2:28:17 AM] Azuna: "Are you seeing spirits, Dag? I read a lot about the spirit world, and how sometimes people stick around when they die." Azuna extinguishes his light, and moved back over to the kitchen. "I don't feel any kind of negative energy, so they aren't going to do anything to us." [12/8/15, 2:28:43 AM] Azuna: He began preparing a fettuccini alfredo dish. "I'm making pasta, everyone." [12/8/15, 2:28:58 AM] Robin: "I'm starved." [12/8/15, 2:29:51 AM] Blu: Blu drifted off to sleep, still holding onto the half eaten apple in her hand. A pathetic sight to behold. [12/8/15, 2:29:57 AM] Mouse: Mouse doesn't pay much attention to the food being prepared and keeps her focus between Dag and where he's looking. [12/8/15, 2:31:01 AM] Dagda: Dag shivers and seems like he wants to edge back toward the door. "If that what you want to call the nosy buggers." He mutters. "They might not do anything, but it's givin' me the bloody willies." [12/8/15, 2:32:07 AM] Mouse: "Do you wanna go back outside for a bit? I'll keep you company. I don't mind." [12/8/15, 2:32:16 AM] Azuna: "I don't want to get rid of them, cause that will piss them off. The best I can do is let them know that we're here, and that we'd like to not be disturbed." Azuna shrugged, and began boiling the pasta. [12/8/15, 2:32:38 AM] Azuna: "Have a seat outside, yeah. Get some air, man, you deserve it." [12/8/15, 2:33:27 AM] Dagda: "Their bloody disturbin' without tryin" he growls and stalks back to the front door. [12/8/15, 2:34:15 AM] Mouse: Mouse follows behind him happy to go back outside. [12/8/15, 2:34:41 AM] Azuna: "I'll let you know when the food is done." He nodded at Dag. [12/8/15, 2:35:12 AM] Robin: Robin stays at the end of the kitchen opposite Az. "Sorry for making you hit yourself. " [12/8/15, 2:37:18 AM] Azuna: "Hey, its water under the bridge. Plus it was necessary, so." He shrugged, stirring the noodles in the pot. [12/8/15, 2:38:35 AM] Robin: "Guess you could say that, " she replies. She looks at the side of his face where she hit him. It was already starting to bruise slightly. [12/8/15, 2:38:50 AM] Robin: "You know I didn't mean it." [12/8/15, 2:40:36 AM] Azuna: "Of course. It's alright, man, I guarantee you I've been through much worse." He flashed back to his most recent conditioning session. The still-healing wounds stung against his shirt. He winced and balled his free hand into a fist briefly. The knuckles turned white. [12/8/15, 2:42:06 AM] Robin: Robin winced herself and folded her arms to keep from touching him sympathetically. [12/8/15, 2:43:38 AM] Azuna: "You know, I'm more happy than anything else, but at the back of my mind, I'm wondering how long it's going to last." [12/8/15, 2:43:53 AM] Azuna: Azuna took the pot off the stove and drained the water into the sink. [12/8/15, 2:44:26 AM] Azuna: "Whoo, hot pot." He set it back down on the stove, and mixed in the sauce. [12/8/15, 2:44:47 AM] Robin: "I suppose we take it day by day. Improvise." Robin giggled at Az's commentary. [12/8/15, 2:46:17 AM] Azuna: "That's really the best we can do, unfortunately. We'll adapt. We have to." He finished stirring in the sauce, and added some parmesan cheese. "Order up." He said quietly, a grin on his face. [12/8/15, 2:47:06 AM] Robin: Rob waited for a moment to take in his words, and then called the other two in. [12/8/15, 2:47:42 AM] Robin: "Mousey-moo! Dag!" [12/8/15, 2:49:18 AM] Robin: Robin takes a serving, nodding gratefully with a smile at Azuna, and leans up against the counter, sighing at the rich flavor of the meal. [12/8/15, 2:50:02 AM] Azuna: "It's the best I can do. Hope I didn't disappoint too terribly." He chuckled. [12/8/15, 2:50:46 AM] Robin: "Are you kidding me? This is the best meal I've had in 18 years." Robin was only half joking. [12/8/15, 2:51:50 AM] Azuna: Azuna laughed a bit louder. "That's good. I'm glad I could help out with that." [12/8/15, 2:52:35 AM] Robin: "I met you two days ago." [12/8/15, 2:53:34 AM] Azuna: "I'm not entirely sure what bearing that has on food, but I'll run with it. Closer to two and a half, yeah." Azuna tilted his head again. [12/8/15, 2:55:36 AM] Robin: "Sorry. It was a little spontaneous. But the thought just struck me. I met you nearly three days ago and already I've saved you, battled you, fought with you and escaped a terrible fate with you. Strange." [12/8/15, 2:56:43 AM] Azuna: "Such is the way of life at your local HellHouse." Azuna shrugged, chuckling again at his quip. "I for one am extremely grateful for the life save, if I haven't made that clear." [12/8/15, 2:57:08 AM] Azuna: Azuna served himself some pasta, and took a bite, savoring the sauce. [12/8/15, 2:58:13 AM] Robin: Robins memories flashed to the cracks on the screen and the image of him, Azuna, being thrown back into the cell with his back shimmering crimson. "I couldn't leave you like that." [12/8/15, 2:59:21 AM] Azuna: "You could have. I was a complete stranger, and you saved my life. You could have left me to bleed out. But you didn't. And I am grateful for that, in ways I can't even comprehend." [12/8/15, 3:00:36 AM] Robin: "Well. In that case, you're more than welcome." [12/8/15, 3:02:29 AM] Azuna: Azuna smiled, and took another bite of pasta. "I guess now, we can rest easy knowing that we can defend ourselves." [12/8/15, 3:03:06 AM] Robin: "Yeah. Just need to learn to get them under control." [12/8/15, 3:03:50 AM] Robin: Robin finished her dish fairly quickly and set the plate aside, noticing her eyes drooping. [12/8/15, 3:05:27 AM] Azuna: Azuna finished his as well, and set the dishes in the sink. "Come on, let's get you to bed, miss." He walked Robin over to an empty bed. [12/8/15, 3:06:58 AM] Robin: "Mmm..." Robin grinned and laid down on the bed she'd occupied earlier. [12/8/15, 3:09:18 AM] Azuna: "I might head to sleep soon, as well. We've had more than a full day. I'll just let the two on the porch know that there's food." He headed out for a couple seconds to inform them, and returned. "You don't mind if I grab that spot next to you? Blu has the other bed, and I'd rather not wake her." [12/8/15, 3:10:33 AM] Robin: Robin patted the spot beside her as she ducked under the blankets more. "Not at all, champ." [12/8/15, 3:12:16 AM] Azuna: Azuna crawled under a blanket. "I appreciate it, m'dear." He sighed, relishing the cool sheets. "Wow, this is far and away the most comfortable I've been in 18 years." He chuckled. [12/8/15, 3:13:32 AM] Robin: "Me too," Robin agreed. She turned to face him. "You did this, Az. You did this for all of us." [12/8/15, 3:15:04 AM] Azuna: "It wasn't about everyone at first, but then it was the only reason I wanted out. To get everyone to safety." He sighed again. "I'm glad we made it." [12/8/15, 3:16:01 AM] Robin: "Much agreed." Robin spun back over so her back was facing him. [12/8/15, 3:18:46 AM] Azuna: Azuna looked over at her for a moment. He hesitated, then put an arm over Robin, drawing himself close to her form. He closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. [12/8/15, 3:22:06 AM] Robin: Robin's eyes fluttered closed as she put her arm over Azuna's and she grinned, falling asleep with the comfort of knowing that there were no more needles or hissing doors. No more blood or stupid tests. They weren't two corpses in one grave anymore. They were warm. And safe.
0 notes
Powers and Intense Conditioning (3)
[12/7/15, 11:05:58 AM] Blu: Blu shuffled a little in her sleep and found herself slowly waking up. Her body screamed in pain as her muscles started to wake up as well. She was extremely sore from yesterday and her feet still burned against the cool air of the room. She slowly brought herself into a sitting position and rested her head on the wall behind her. She let out a soft groan, hoping no one would wake up.
Her mind wandered to what they all discovered yesterday. Those scientists had fucked with their DNA... They made them have... Powers? Blu couldn't think of how they would have discovered anything about her, since she can't even remember anything on her person changing. Maybe they were wrong...
Although her cell-mates were a bit brash, she had to agree with one of them... They had to get the fuck out of here. She couldn't take any more of this. She needed to get out. They all needed to get out. [12/7/15, 1:43:57 PM] Azuna: It is morning of the second day. Two days remain until Azuna's planned escape. The sun rises on the confinement chamber where the six patients are asleep. [12/7/15, 1:45:02 PM] Robin: Robin starts awake from a horrid dream, feeling Azuna's weight on her shoulder. [12/7/15, 1:45:55 PM] Tarver: Tarver shook his head, ridding of several ice crystals that formed over his sleeping form during the night. Inhaling slowly, his eyes opened to observe his surroundings. People were still asleep. [12/7/15, 1:48:09 PM] Dagda: Dagda grunts as he wakes and rubs his eyes. "Feckin' Christ," he groans, "...sleepin' was definitely a better way to approach life today. I thoroughly regret this whole awake business." [12/7/15, 1:49:04 PM] Tarver: He snorted, stretching his arms above his head and feeling the impact of yesterday's maze race jolt through his legs. "You can say that again." [12/7/15, 1:49:11 PM] Mouse: Mouse slowly wakes up and stretches trying to become less drowsy but failing for the most part. [12/7/15, 1:50:21 PM] Azuna: Azuna is awoken by Robin's start. He sits up and stretches his arms over his head, wincing at the soreness throughout his body. "Wow, I still hurt just as bad as yesterday. Fuck." [12/7/15, 1:51:28 PM] Robin: Robin stretches out, awkwardly avoiding Azuna's wide wingspan, and feels the dried blood on her toes as she flexes them. [12/7/15, 1:51:59 PM] Tarver: Tarver slowly stood up, brushing off the remaining ice crystals that immediately melted. "We're alive, I guess that's a good thing to say." He murmured. [12/7/15, 1:52:47 PM] Robin: She mutters something about being sorry, but her voice is gone from the screaming. [12/7/15, 1:52:56 PM] Dagda: "Really weepy? Yer a right lucky bastard then. I hurt worse!" [12/7/15, 1:54:04 PM] Blu: Blu's eyes opened again. When did she fall back asleep? She lets out a soft groan as everything started to ache once more. [12/7/15, 1:54:27 PM] Azuna: "You win, I'm definitely not looking for a medal or anything." Azuna inspected his ripped up feet, and the scars on his legs, and sighed. "Just like old times." He muttered under his breath. [12/7/15, 1:54:54 PM] Robin: Robin nods sympathetically. [12/7/15, 1:55:38 PM] Tarver: "Wonder what shit they'll put us through today. Not looking..." He paused to think of the right words, scratching the skin of his left forearm subconsciously. "..forward to it." [12/7/15, 1:56:08 PM] Mouse: "Maybe it'll be another pool side tea party." [12/7/15, 1:56:27 PM] Tarver: "Heh," Tarver scoffed with a grin. [12/7/15, 1:56:34 PM] Blu: "Chlorine would hurt..." [12/7/15, 1:56:54 PM] Robin: "Maybe we'd get tea." [12/7/15, 1:57:16 PM] Azuna: "Oh yeah, you don't want that chemical on your wounds, trust me. Thought if I know these assholes, they'd do it anyway and say it was an 'experiment.'" [12/7/15, 1:57:23 PM] Tarver: "Paranoia in me tells me not to eat or drink anything they directly hand to us," [12/7/15, 1:57:40 PM] Blu: "Trust exercise." [12/7/15, 1:57:49 PM] Mouse: "Well my stomach overrules any conspiracy theory." [12/7/15, 1:58:32 PM] Tarver: "True. I'll eat and drink reluctantly. Since it's needed for survival." [12/7/15, 1:59:11 PM] Blu: "I don't want to be here anymore..." [12/7/15, 1:59:11 PM] Robin: Robin stays quiet. [12/7/15, 1:59:24 PM] Dagda: "You and me both darlin'" [12/7/15, 1:59:43 PM] Mouse: "Then leave. You guys want out so bad then get the fuck out. I won't stop ya." [12/7/15, 1:59:56 PM] Blu: "How?" [12/7/15, 2:00:05 PM] Tarver: "That's what we plan on doing in couple days time, with or without you," He growled. [12/7/15, 2:00:10 PM] Mouse: "Not my problem." [12/7/15, 2:00:23 PM] Dagda: He stretches and stand. "Temper temper lass. No need to be so spiky about everythin'" [12/7/15, 2:00:34 PM] Mouse: "Shut it you." [12/7/15, 2:00:44 PM] Azuna: "I'm still leaving, whether or not you come with, is your choice." Azuna stood, leaning against the wall for support. [12/7/15, 2:00:58 PM] Mouse: "Once you guys are gone I can be rid of this group shit and go back to my room." [12/7/15, 2:01:16 PM] Robin: "Fighting isn't making me want to trust any of you." [12/7/15, 2:01:20 PM] Tarver: "Can't wait until that night. It's better than staying here." [12/7/15, 2:01:28 PM] Dagda: "Yeh really think that? Bit naive aren't yeh darlin'?" [12/7/15, 2:01:38 PM] Azuna: "Everyone just stop. Come on, we're being idiots right now." [12/7/15, 2:02:00 PM] Azuna: "They put us in here to see how we could handle being in a group." [12/7/15, 2:02:01 PM] Mouse: "It's better than thinking that whatever the hell is out there is better. This is what I know." [12/7/15, 2:02:32 PM] Blu: "Anything is better than this..." [12/7/15, 2:02:51 PM] Dagda: "Ah yes, the lack of needles and scalpels are just bloody terrifyin'. I'm wettin' my pants just thinking about it." [12/7/15, 2:03:24 PM] Mouse: Mouse glares daggers at Dagda. "I told you to shut it." [12/7/15, 2:03:40 PM] Robin: Robin spits at Dagda. "Don't blame me for wanting to be smart." [12/7/15, 2:03:47 PM] Azuna: "Like I said, I'm leaving, because I hate it here. I'm leaving, because I want to be somewhere where I don't have to run every day, where I don't have to get cut open and studied every day. I'm leaving because out there, I'm infinitely more of a free person, than I am in here." [12/7/15, 2:03:48 PM] Dagda: "Make me love" he says with a grin [12/7/15, 2:04:17 PM] Azuna: "Whether or not that sounds like a good idea to you, is your choice." [12/7/15, 2:04:28 PM] Blu: Blu looks away from the fighting and fidgets with her hands. [12/7/15, 2:04:34 PM] Dagda: "Exactly. Yer the only one who seems to talk sense, weepy. Crazy sense, but I'll take what I can get." [12/7/15, 2:05:29 PM] Mouse: "I will make you shut it if you keep it up. Your height and big bad wolf attitude doesn't scare me you prick." [12/7/15, 2:05:49 PM] Azuna: "Stay, go, I don't care." He half-snapped. He fell to the floor again. "I just think it would be nice if you guys came with me, is all." He said this in a lower voice, but still loud enough to be heard. [12/7/15, 2:06:22 PM] Blu: "I'll come with..." Blu whispered towards her hands. [12/7/15, 2:07:29 PM] Robin: Again, Robin is silent. [12/7/15, 2:07:35 PM] Dagda: Dagda glances at him and shrugs. "As I said, I'm with you. I'm either gettin' out or I'm dyin'. Gets me away from here either way." He then saunters over to Mouse. "I ain't tryin' to scare yeh love" he bends over at the waist so that his face is level with hers, "you'll know when I am." [12/7/15, 2:09:06 PM] Mouse: Mouse grits her teeth and looks away while walking towards a different corner of the room. "Listen. It's nothing against y'all. You seem alright. I just don't know if I can." [12/7/15, 2:11:03 PM] Blu: "Have to try... Or die in here." [12/7/15, 2:11:25 PM] Mouse: "You act like you won't die out there. We all die some day." [12/7/15, 2:11:40 PM] Blu: "Better conditions are still better." [12/7/15, 2:11:48 PM] Dagda: "Personally I'd like to live a bit before I do." [12/7/15, 2:12:18 PM] Blu: "I'd like my own bed." [12/7/15, 2:12:54 PM] Robin: "I'm hungry..." Robin sputters. [12/7/15, 2:13:28 PM] Mouse: "I just want to go to my room and live in peace away from all of this ruckus. Poke and prod me a bit. At least I get to spend most of my time... Whatever. No point in explaining." Mouse shakes her head and starts pacing while examining the walls. [12/7/15, 2:14:22 PM] Dagda: "That's a fair point love." He turns to the intercom, "Oi!!! Wankers!!! It's about time for the mornin' gruel ain't it?!" [12/7/15, 2:14:50 PM] Blu: Blu brings her knees to her chest, grimacing a bit from the cold floor on her bare feet, [12/7/15, 2:15:46 PM] Azuna: There is radio silence. A slit opens in the door, and 6 trays are pushed through. [12/7/15, 2:16:06 PM] Robin: Robin dives for hers. She hasn't eaten in days. [12/7/15, 2:16:21 PM] Azuna: "Guys, while we 'eat,' I've been thinking up a good way we might be able to get out of here." [12/7/15, 2:16:32 PM] Azuna: He left his food untouched. [12/7/15, 2:17:00 PM] Dagda: "Ask and ye shall receive." He grins and moves to take his share. [12/7/15, 2:17:25 PM] Mouse: Mouse doesn't bother grabbing any of the food and goes off to sit in a corner tracing her fingers against the wall. [12/7/15, 2:17:45 PM] Dagda: "Lay it on us then. What've yeh got?" [12/7/15, 2:18:30 PM] Blu: Blu slowly stands to grab her food. She hobbles over and grabs her tray before sitting back down and digging in. [12/7/15, 2:18:39 PM] Robin: Robin's gag reflex kicks in, but she swallows the food anyway. [12/7/15, 2:19:16 PM] Azuna: "Alright. It's very likely that there is a minimal number of people here at a certain time overnight. We need to try and escape then. I want to be as stealthy as possible, but if we trip an alarm of any kind, we need to be ready to book it." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and attempted to bring forth that light affinity the doctor talked about. When he opened them the irises burned a light gold. He started drawing the layout of the building with dim lines of what looked like pure light, or what he could remember of it. "Okay, this is where we are. This is where I believe the exit is. It's a huge pair of double doors. From what I see of it, it doesn't need any kind of formal ID. About an hour after my conditioning session, I think would be the right time to leave, because when I'm headed off to my session, there's almost no one here. They have to assume that I'm passing out soon after I'm put back in here, so they just leave us unattended. What we need to do in the meantime, is try and train our abilities at least a little bit. Just enough so they do some kind of thing when we need them to." [12/7/15, 2:21:42 PM] Dagda: "Yeh can leave the alarms to me. I can silence them right quick if need be." [12/7/15, 2:22:24 PM] Azuna: "Alright. Tarver, I'm gonna need you to work on that cold stuff. If we get to any locks of any kind, freezing them would be the best way to disable them." [12/7/15, 2:24:08 PM] Robin: Robin childishly stares in wonder at Azuna’s map. [12/7/15, 2:24:29 PM] Azuna: ((lowkey forgot that jay was not here lmao)) [12/7/15, 2:25:20 PM] Mouse: "I... If I go with you guys, I might be able to camouflage us in a pinch if I work at it more.. I've accidentally done it to myself a few times though not completely. I don't know. I don't even know if I'm actually considering this." [12/7/15, 2:25:48 PM] Dagda: "That'd be a neat trick" [12/7/15, 2:25:50 PM] Azuna: "If you do, that would be extremely helpful. But, your choice. I'm not going to force you." [12/7/15, 2:26:22 PM] Robin: Robin looks back at her disgusting meal and then at the group, all full of strong-willed, seemingly capable people who mostly wanted her around. “Fuck it, I’ll go. Just tell me what to do." [12/7/15, 2:27:16 PM] Azuna: "Well, I noticed you have some kind of regenerative capability. That might be useful." Azuna nodded in her direction. [12/7/15, 2:27:57 PM] Robin: “What like if you need live bait or some shit?” Robin laughs heartlessly. “Don’t make me change my mind." [12/7/15, 2:28:27 PM] Azuna: "Well, you might be able to train it for use on others as well. Just a theory." [12/7/15, 2:28:59 PM] Robin: Robin nods, feeling embarrassed at her naïvety. [12/7/15, 2:33:23 PM] Azuna: "I suppose all that's left now is to try and train our abilities. I don't know what I'm going to be able to do, but I'll think of something." [12/7/15, 2:34:02 PM] Robin: “Sure, uh. I guess I could. I also have this thing where I can feel emotions of others? Not sure if that can be amplified to anything. But I can try.” [12/7/15, 2:34:04 PM] Dagda: Dagda chuckles darkly. "I mean....worst comes to the worst....we could just kill them all." [12/7/15, 2:34:45 PM] Azuna: "Worst comes to worst, and only then. I don't want anymore blood on my hands. That shit is so hard to wash off." [12/7/15, 2:36:36 PM] Robin: “Sure. Like we’d have mastered our ‘powers’ to the point of being able to kill them in just two days.” [12/7/15, 2:38:27 PM] Dagda: "I'm just sayin'.....wouldn't be the worst if it did happen." [12/7/15, 2:38:33 PM] Azuna: "So that's that." Azuna dispersed the light map, and leaned back against the wall. [12/7/15, 2:39:02 PM] Robin: Robin stares at Azuna contemplatively. [12/7/15, 2:41:42 PM] Robin: “I wonder if we’re doing anything today. I mean. Sitting her would be better than any kind of torture they’d subject us too, I’m not complaining." [12/7/15, 2:42:25 PM] Azuna: "I guess we'll have to find out. I for one, am not complaining either. I'd prefer to let my feet not bleed again." [12/7/15, 2:42:57 PM] Robin: “Mine either.” [12/7/15, 2:45:07 PM] Dagda: "I dunno," Dagda laughs, "I quite liked the exercise." [12/7/15, 2:46:19 PM] Tarver: "There's a problem," He turned to Azuna, "Az, you said they left at a certain time at night, right? We don't know how to use our powers. Is it wise to plan escape when we know nothing on that?" [12/7/15, 2:46:47 PM] Azuna: "That's why we have to just try and train them a bit, and hope for the best." [12/7/15, 2:47:38 PM] Dagda: "Well, we aren't doin' anything right now." He grins at them broadly. "Who's up for a bit of practice?" [12/7/15, 2:47:57 PM] Robin: Robin shrugs. “I guess." [12/7/15, 2:48:01 PM] Azuna: "I wouldn't even know where to start. I guess just pick a spot and give it a whirl." [12/7/15, 2:48:15 PM] Azuna: "Try not to break anything." [12/7/15, 2:48:55 PM] Dagda: Dagda laughs and salutes Azuna. "No promises mate." [12/7/15, 2:49:55 PM] Azuna: He chuckled. "At the very least, try not to break that." He pointed up to the two-way window, separating the confinement chamber from the observation room. [12/7/15, 2:50:20 PM] Tarver: "Was that sarcasm or no?" Tarver chuckled. [12/7/15, 2:51:16 PM] Robin: Robin focuses on her emotional empathy and stares into Dagda’s eyes. She focuses on her instincts and feelings towards him, and his zeroes in on his actions and body language. She feels his cockiness, his confidence, and his fear. “Dagda.” [12/7/15, 2:51:34 PM] Azuna: "I don't want them coming in and breaking us, for breaking their stuff, you feel me, Tarv?" [12/7/15, 2:51:55 PM] Dagda: He turns to Robin, head cocked inquisitively. "Yes love?" [12/7/15, 2:52:42 PM] Robin: Her eyes flash white, and this time, they stay that way. She points to the opposite side of the room. “Walk there.” [12/7/15, 2:53:33 PM] Dagda: His eyes narrow suspiciously for a moment, but he does as she asks, keeping his eyes focussed on her. [12/7/15, 2:54:47 PM] Robin: Robin flashes a skeptical smile. She stares further into his eyes, seeing behind them and trying to empathize with him on a symbiotic level. “Jump twice.” [12/7/15, 2:56:30 PM] Tarver: Tarver stood back and observed, eyes watching carefully. [12/7/15, 2:58:04 PM] Dagda: Dagda narrows his eyes even further and his mind rebels loudly, though his feet twitch as if they want to obey. He grins. "Try harder love," he purrs, "maybe put a little umph behind it." [12/7/15, 2:58:47 PM] Robin: Her brow furrows, her nose wrinkling. “Jump twice for me. Now. “ [12/7/15, 2:59:39 PM] Azuna: "Ooh, look who's giving the orders now. Nice." Azuna muttered to Tarver, chuckling a bit. [12/7/15, 3:00:52 PM] Dagda: His legs actually bend this time, but his grin remains. "Gettin' there darlin', but you still don't sound like you want it enough" he laughs, but his voice is strained. "Come on! Give me a real order lass!" [12/7/15, 3:02:11 PM] Azuna: "I mean, if you really wanted, I'm sure I could dig up something." He raised his voice a little this time. [12/7/15, 3:02:39 PM] Robin: “ Dagda. Jump twice for me this very moment. “ She shouts, and waves her hands in front of her in a brief gesture, and shakes away the ache behind her eyes. [12/7/15, 3:03:14 PM] Tarver: "Ability to manipulate the mind, Robin? Awesome. I don't think we really shared our abilities with each other." Tarver crossed his arms over his chest with a frown. [12/7/15, 3:03:40 PM] Dagda: Suddenly, it's as though the light turns off in Dagda's eyes. All expression drops from his face and he jumps twices [12/7/15, 3:04:08 PM] Azuna: Robin's voice echoed through Azuna's head too, not compelling him to do anything, but still reverberating.
He shakes it off, and applauds. "And here I was thinking Dag wouldn't give in." [12/7/15, 3:04:18 PM] Robin: “Good. Sit.” Robin grins. [12/7/15, 3:04:37 PM] Mouse: Mouse notices all of this and gives a bit of a surprised look. [12/7/15, 3:05:07 PM] Dagda: Dagda drops, unceremoniously into a crossed legged sitting position, his face still eerily blank. [12/7/15, 3:05:18 PM] Azuna: "This is amazing. You shut him up." [12/7/15, 3:05:26 PM] Azuna: Azuna broke into a fit of laughter. [12/7/15, 3:05:55 PM] Robin: Robins eyes return to their normal, shining brown. And she crosses her arms in triumph. [12/7/15, 3:06:10 PM] Mouse: "Wow..." [12/7/15, 3:06:37 PM] Azuna: "Alrighty! Who's next?" Azuna wiped a tear from his eye, and sat back up. [12/7/15, 3:07:07 PM] Robin: Robin stumbles into a sitting position, a little light-headed from the effort. [12/7/15, 3:07:14 PM] Dagda: Dagda gasps and shakes his head, eyes darting around rapidly. "Good....good job there love..." He laughs shakily. [12/7/15, 3:07:17 PM] Tarver: "Impressive!" Tarver smiled, leaning against the wall. [12/7/15, 3:07:53 PM] Robin: “Thank you,” she replies, and giggles. [12/7/15, 3:09:21 PM] Dagda: "I think I'll....uh....sit this round out..." He mutters, standing slowly and walking to a corner. "Just....clear me head a bit....yeah...." [12/7/15, 3:09:44 PM] Tarver: "Did that have side effects on your mind, Dag?" He asked, pushing himself away from the wall. [12/7/15, 3:10:44 PM] Dagda: Dagda's glare is quick and venomous. "What's it to yeh lab coat? Got a needle somewhere in that ratty old hoodie?" [12/7/15, 3:11:34 PM] Mouse: "Give him a minute. He obviously needs to cool down from that." Mouse frowned at Tarver a little. [12/7/15, 3:12:00 PM] Azuna: "I can try my other ability, cause the doc said something about space-time. Of course I have no idea what that entails, but I have to give it a shot." [12/7/15, 3:12:05 PM] Tarver: "It was a legitimate question," He paused with another frown, craning his neck to crack it a bit. "Just curious is all." [12/7/15, 3:12:37 PM] Mouse: "I know you didn't mean harm by it, but like I said give him a minute." [12/7/15, 3:12:37 PM] Robin: “Go for it, Azuna.” Robin says eagerly. [12/7/15, 3:13:20 PM] Tarver: "My powers are simple-" He stated with a huff. "Nothing to special, in all honesty. I can barely control mine as it is. Go for it, Az." [12/7/15, 3:15:03 PM] Azuna: Azuna shakily stood, and moved to the center of the room. He again closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, his eyes were again a different color. The glowed a deep blue, with pitch black flecks. He snapped his fingers, and time halted around him. He immediately noticed his energy draining, but he managed to walk to the door before he was pulled back into the present. [12/7/15, 3:15:40 PM] Tarver: "Dude," Tarver quickly jumped, eyes darting towards the door. "Holy shit!" [12/7/15, 3:15:52 PM] Robin: Robin gasps and jumps. [12/7/15, 3:16:07 PM] Dagda: Dagda's eyes widen. "Is it just me or did he teleport?" [12/7/15, 3:16:18 PM] Robin: “It looks that way?” [12/7/15, 3:16:27 PM] Azuna: "That was a very odd feeling. Like, very odd." [12/7/15, 3:16:47 PM] Tarver: "Space-time shit," Tarver huffs with a wide smile. "That's so cool." [12/7/15, 3:16:49 PM] Azuna: "I walked to the door, guys, I didn't teleport." [12/7/15, 3:16:57 PM] Robin: “You…" [12/7/15, 3:17:00 PM] Tarver: "You froze time?" [12/7/15, 3:17:06 PM] Azuna: "I think I did, yeah." [12/7/15, 3:17:23 PM] Robin: “I’m getting this killer headache…" [12/7/15, 3:17:38 PM] Tarver: "That must be a weird feeling, considering to us on our side of the continuum, it looked like you teleported." [12/7/15, 3:18:22 PM] Azuna: "Everything was kind of drained of color for some reason, too. Like there was still color, but less of it." Azuna was then hit by a headache of similar intensity. "Ouch, okay. I need to not do that for a while." [12/7/15, 3:18:36 PM] Robin: “Same." [12/7/15, 3:19:29 PM] Tarver: "Anyone have an object for me? Small one. Anything," Tarver suddenly asked. [12/7/15, 3:20:24 PM] Robin: Robin takes the bobby pin out of her hair and offers it to Tarver. [12/7/15, 3:21:14 PM] Tarver: "Perfect, thank you!" He exclaimed excitedly, reaching over to take it from her hand and placing it on the floor, where he sat in front of it, cross-legged. "Let's see... I'm not very good at this one.." [12/7/15, 3:21:36 PM] Robin: “Which one?" [12/7/15, 3:21:50 PM] Azuna: "I think I'm going to take a quick nap. I won't be out long." ((brb shower)) [12/7/15, 3:22:04 PM] Dagda: ((Kk)) [12/7/15, 3:22:23 PM] Tarver: "Sleep well, Az." Tarver muttered with a nod, before looking back at the pin on the floor. "Telekinesis. I can move objects with my mind. Was never able to do much with it, though." [12/7/15, 3:22:55 PM] Robin: “Might as well give it a try." [12/7/15, 3:24:18 PM] Tarver: With a shrug of his shoulders, Tarver brought his hand up and placed the pads of his index and middle finger near his temple in attempt to ease the headache that was always brought on with telekinesis. With a concentrated glance and a quick flick of his other wrist, the bobby pin went flying past Robin's face. [12/7/15, 3:25:17 PM] Robin: Robin moves reflexively as the bobby pin hits the wall beside her and drops with a hollow click. [12/7/15, 3:25:43 PM] Mouse: "Jesus you could have took her eye out!" Mouse gets up and moves towards Tarver swiftly. [12/7/15, 3:26:40 PM] Tarver: Tarver apologized repeatedly to Robin before not being able to contain his joy with a wide smile. "Alright, that was cool. Now I just.. have to control a direction.. haha.." [12/7/15, 3:27:22 PM] Robin: “It’s fine, Tarver, don’t worry about it,” Robin grins nervously as she tucks the bobby pin back in her hair. [12/7/15, 3:28:25 PM] Dagda: Dagda giggles from the corner. "That aim could get you in a lot of trouble there Tarvy." [12/7/15, 3:29:09 PM] Tarver: "I had a joke reply with that, but I think I'm going to keep biting my tongue," Tarver's expression twitched into a grin. [12/7/15, 3:29:57 PM] Dagda: His eyes glitter. "Oh please don't. I'd love to know what that tongue could get up to." [12/7/15, 3:30:48 PM] Robin: Robin blushes again. “On that note, I think I’m going to take a small rest myself.” She takes a place near Azuna’s form, back up against his. [12/7/15, 3:31:00 PM] Tarver: "Oh, would you now? Care to find out later?" Tarver grins again, turning his body to face Dagda. [12/7/15, 3:31:54 PM] Mouse: "Could you two get a room, there is one other person here who is awake." Mouse huffs and sits back down on the ground. [12/7/15, 3:32:21 PM] Tarver: Tarver wraps his arms around himself and barks loudly in a howling laugh. [12/7/15, 3:33:04 PM] Dagda: "Don't be so sour darlin'," he snickers, "I wouldn't leave yeh out. Yer just fiery enough fer me." He winks. [12/7/15, 3:33:47 PM] Mouse: Mouse grits her teeth and shifts uncomfortably. "Not in your wildest dreams." [12/7/15, 3:33:52 PM] Tarver: "I can get behind your humor, Dag. You're alright." With another grin, he turns to Mouse, huffing. "No fun allowed.~" [12/7/15, 3:34:37 PM] Mouse: Mouse then looks at Tarver with a slight glare but quickly turns away from both of them mumbling obscenities to herself. [12/7/15, 3:35:15 PM] Tarver: "C'mon, Mouse.. we're only joking." Tarver walked over to her, nudging her gently with his hip, "Hmm? Hmmmmm?" [12/7/15, 3:37:56 PM] Dagda: Dagda chuckles. "Don't bother Tarvy, she's bound and determined to be a bloody stick in the mud." He digs in his pockets until he comes up with a broken pen and a needle. He rolls up his sleeve, searches for a bare patch of arm and begins to draw an outline with the pen. While he does this he starts to hum softly. [12/7/15, 3:39:20 PM] Mouse: She pushes Tarver away after that comment and scoots farther from the two. "You both can go fuck yourselves. I don't want to be with you all anyway." [12/7/15, 3:40:50 PM] Tarver: "That's fine.. I'll leave you be," Tarver chuckled nervously, before looking over and observing what Dagda was doing. "Are you.. drawing on yourself?" [12/7/15, 3:45:26 PM] Mouse: Mouse slightly glanced at what Dagda was up to trying to make sure she didn't look too interested. [12/7/15, 3:47:47 PM] Dagda: Dagda glances at him and shrugs. "Just a symbol I saw in an old book. S'posed to be for protection or some such shite. If we're breakin' out then I might as well be insured." [12/7/15, 3:48:13 PM] Tarver: "Makes sense," He shrugged with a nod of acceptance. [12/7/15, 3:49:17 PM] Mouse: "Heh protection symbols. I didn't think someone like you would believe in those sort of things." [12/7/15, 3:50:05 PM] Azuna: Azuna was dreaming, his mind's eye filled with brief flashes of awful things. They grew faster and more intense until he started awake. He immediately bent over the ground and coughed up blood. "Fucking hell..." He choked out, as he again spat blood onto the floor. "I think that run yesterday hurt me more than I thought." [12/7/15, 3:51:30 PM] Robin: Robin started awake and looked to the bloodied floor behind her. She looked up at Azuna, who was wiping the blood away from his mouth. [12/7/15, 3:51:39 PM] Robin: “You… gonna be alright?" [12/7/15, 3:52:48 PM] Azuna: "Probably?" He sat back, and coughed again. [12/7/15, 3:53:46 PM] Azuna: "I've been having these nightmares for a little while now. Every time I wake up from it, that happens." He pointed to the small pool of blood on the floor. [12/7/15, 3:54:05 PM] Robin: Robin, unsure of what to do, patted Azuna’s back and gave an awkward smile. “I get them too.” [12/7/15, 3:58:17 PM] Dagda: Dagda glances over at Azuna. For the briefest flash, something like concern glimmers there, but then it vanishes behind a wall of indifference. "Why not? Worked in simpler times." [12/7/15, 4:01:43 PM] Azuna: "We haven't had anything to do in a couple hours, maybe they forgot about us." Azuna chuckled. This was a bad idea, and resulted in him having to cough up more blood. "Okay, no laughing." He half-smiles, a touch of blood still at the corner of his mouth. [12/7/15, 4:02:12 PM] Tarver: "Be careful," Tarver muttered, concern written clearly on his face. [12/7/15, 4:04:26 PM] Dagda: "Do try not to die weepy. Be an awful downer if you up and 6 feet undered yerself when yer so close to leadin' troops into battle. Bad for morale that is." [12/7/15, 4:05:02 PM] Tarver: "Yeah man, we need you for our escape. You're the boss of the operation," He nudged Azuna gently with a grin. [12/7/15, 4:05:45 PM] Azuna: "Oh man, that does not inspire confidence in me. I can safely say I've never done that before." [12/7/15, 4:06:15 PM] Robin: Robin resists the urge to tell Azuna that there’s more blood on his face. [12/7/15, 4:06:59 PM] Robin: “Uhh. Yeah, don’t leave us hanging, Az.” [12/7/15, 4:09:45 PM] Azuna: Azuna wiped his mouth again, and put his head back. "I'll do my best, guys." [12/7/15, 4:11:27 PM] Dagda: "That's the spirit!" Dagda says with a wink and goes back to doodling. [12/7/15, 4:12:33 PM] Tarver: "Would you be able to draw something like that on me?" Tarver asks, walking over and sitting down next to Dagda. [12/7/15, 4:14:20 PM] Robin: Robin smiles sheepishly and stares at her clasped hands, fidgeting nervously. [12/7/15, 4:15:39 PM] Dagda: Dagda eyes him for a moment curiously. "It ain't a pleasant feelin' love. Yeh might not want me to." [12/7/15, 4:16:31 PM] Tarver: "Do you think that the shit we go through here is pleasant?" Tarver eyed him with a sheepish grin. [12/7/15, 4:17:04 PM] Azuna: "A little ink is nothing, Dag, humor the guy." [12/7/15, 4:17:47 PM] Dagda: He chuckles. "Just askin'. Not everyone enjoys pain as much as I do. What would yeh want?" [12/7/15, 4:19:33 PM] Tarver: "You have free will. Draw anything," Tarver paused and pulled the sleeve of his hoodie up his arm about halfway, before chuckling at what Azuna had said. "I just better not look down when you're done and see a giant dick, yeah?" [12/7/15, 4:20:08 PM] Mouse: Mouse chuckled a bit. [12/7/15, 4:25:29 PM] Azuna: Azuna sat forward, a look of determination on his face. He stood up, and turned back to where Robin was sitting. "Stand up, I want to try something." [12/7/15, 4:34:50 PM] Dagda: "No promises love," he replies, takes a gentle hold of Tarver's arm and begins to draw the guidelines for the tattoo. [12/7/15, 4:36:19 PM] Tarver: With a tilt of his head, Tarver observes the outline for the tattoo. "Been doing these yourself, hmm?" [12/7/15, 4:39:06 PM] Azuna: Azuna noticed that Robin had fallen asleep. "Oops. Let's see. Tarver, when you've got a moment, I want to test something." [12/7/15, 4:39:49 PM] Tarver: Tarver lifted his other arm and gave Azuna a thumbs up, "You got it, boss." [12/7/15, 4:40:00 PM] Blu: Blu watched the others from her spot on the floor. [12/7/15, 4:40:35 PM] Azuna: "In the meantime..." Azuna again sat, and started trying to draw with his light ability. [12/7/15, 4:41:34 PM] Tarver: "Or if Blu is able to help you with what you need?" He suggested, glancing over at the girl on the floor. "If she wants to." [12/7/15, 4:42:29 PM] Azuna: "Sure." He turned to face Blu. "You feel like throwing a punch at me?" [12/7/15, 4:42:58 PM] Dagda: Dagda nods absently as he draws, the humming beginning again. [12/7/15, 4:43:37 PM] Tarver: Tarver flinched, hazel eyes glancing down and watching as Dagda continued to draw the tattoo. [12/7/15, 4:45:24 PM] Blu: Blu looked up. "Wait, what...?" [12/7/15, 4:46:39 PM] Azuna: "Do you think you have it in you to throw a punch at me? I want to test something." Azuna shrugged. "You don't have to, I can always get someone else." [12/7/15, 4:47:24 PM] Blu: "I mean... I don't... I-I don't think I can hit you hard..." [12/7/15, 4:48:05 PM] Azuna: "It's okay. If this works, you won't hit me at all." [12/7/15, 4:48:44 PM] Blu: "Um.. O-okay..." She said as she stood up slowly. [12/7/15, 4:50:25 PM] Azuna: "Perfect." Azuna stood, and walked over to where Blu was. "Now, just go ahead and throw a punch." He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Opening them, they now again glowed a deep blue. "Go." [12/7/15, 4:52:56 PM] Blu: "A-alright." Blu took a deep breath, balled her fist and threw her weight into it towards his face. [12/7/15, 4:54:41 PM] Azuna: Azuna reacted. He focused on Blu's fist, and everything else slowed into a blur. He was again shifting time, but rather than stopping it, slowed it down. He tapped Blu's fist with a finger, then ducked around to behind her. Time sped back up, and he tapped her on the shoulder. [12/7/15, 4:55:19 PM] Blu: Blu stumbled forward and yelped. "Shit!" [12/7/15, 4:55:59 PM] Azuna: "Wow, I was not expecting that to work. Sorry for startling you..." [12/7/15, 4:57:00 PM] Blu: "It's okay." She said, blushing slightly from her outburst. "I'm glad it worked..." [12/7/15, 4:57:48 PM] Azuna: Azuna was again hit with a headache. "Damn, I need to work on that. I think I'm expending too much energy." [12/7/15, 4:59:07 PM] Azuna: The doors open, and another patient is moved through the doors. Over Intercom "Welcome, Patient 0-1-3." [12/7/15, 4:59:18 PM] Azuna: Azuna snapped his head around. "What the fuck.?" [12/7/15, 4:59:49 PM] Dagda: "Oh look at that," he says mildly, eyes flicking to the doors, "a new playmate." [12/7/15, 5:00:20 PM] Tarver: "Ah," Tarver glanced over to the doors, eyeing the new patient. [12/7/15, 5:00:28 PM] Blu: Blu looked at the door and backed up slightly. [12/7/15, 5:03:58 PM] Jak: Jak is thrown into the room by 2 of the doctors in the midst of one of his finer 'fuck you' speeches hes ever given to the guards here.  Jak lands on the floor with a thud, in which he struggles to get himself back up but is instantly short winded and drops to the floor with a final 'fuck you' before the doors are closed again. [12/7/15, 5:04:17 PM] Azuna: "Nice entrance. Very classy." [12/7/15, 5:04:23 PM] Tarver: "I like him already," Tarver snorted with a grin. [12/7/15, 5:04:52 PM] Blu: Blu stifled a laugh and went back to sitting against the wall, watching the others. [12/7/15, 5:05:35 PM] Dagda: "That was a fun bit of bluster there wasn't it?" Dagda laughs. [12/7/15, 5:06:30 PM] Jak: With one hand still flailing about in the air Jak mumbles through his sighed breath " Did I scare em?" [12/7/15, 5:06:50 PM] Tarver: "You scared 'em off, alright-" Another grin from Tarver. [12/7/15, 5:07:11 PM] Dagda: "Oh yeah," he snickers, "they were shittin' their britches there." [12/7/15, 5:09:45 PM] Dagda: He dips his needle in the ink now and takes a firmer hold of Tarver's arms before he begins scratching at the skin. [12/7/15, 5:10:47 PM] Tarver: With a low groan, Tarver leaned back a bit and hissed through his teeth. Of course the pain of a tattoo was different, but nothing he couldn't handle. [12/7/15, 5:11:17 PM] Azuna: "Rethinking that tat, now?" Azuna chuckled. [12/7/15, 5:11:38 PM] Tarver: "Nah," He grinned in reply, "Just a different type of pain is all." [12/7/15, 5:11:48 PM] Dagda: "Can't turn back now love or it's going to look like shite." [12/7/15, 5:12:10 PM] Tarver: "I didn't plan on it." Tarver merely muttered, mouth twitching a smirk. [12/7/15, 5:13:31 PM] Jak: Jak struggles to stand but settles for  sitting against the wall. " who is in charge here? [12/7/15, 5:13:52 PM] Tarver: "I wouldn't exactly say anyone was in charge, but Azuna has a nifty plan in his head." [12/7/15, 5:14:02 PM] Dagda: "My arse" Dagda responds with out missing a beat. [12/7/15, 5:14:17 PM] Tarver: A snorted, stifled laugh escaped Tarver's mouth. [12/7/15, 5:14:34 PM] Mouse: Mouse finally notices Jak as she snaps out of her stupor and begins to watch what is going on in the room. [12/7/15, 5:15:33 PM] Blu: Blu looked down at her hands. If the others can start practicing their powers, what says she couldn't? She wondered how she could even try... [12/7/15, 5:16:26 PM] Jak: "So you guys have strange things happening too?" [12/7/15, 5:16:55 PM] Tarver: "But of course," He smiled sheepishly. "That's why we're all here." [12/7/15, 5:17:35 PM] Azuna: "I've been thrust into something resembling a leader position, but that's only because I have a plan for getting out of here." Azuna stood and leaned against the wall. "What Tarver said. We all got fucked up genetically." [12/7/15, 5:17:40 PM] Dagda: "Wouldn't be here if we weren't darlin'" [12/7/15, 5:18:47 PM] Jak: "so, anybody else burning up?? [12/7/15, 5:19:04 PM] Blu: "It's not that hot..." [12/7/15, 5:19:10 PM] Tarver: "Burning up? What are your powers? And your name?" He suddenly asked, eyebrows raised. [12/7/15, 5:19:12 PM] Azuna: "I feel more displaced than anything else, but that's cause of the whole time distortion thing, I think." [12/7/15, 5:19:46 PM] Mouse: "More crowded than anything hehe." [12/7/15, 5:20:26 PM] Jak: "it is fucking hot in here tho, how do you guys not feel it?" jak wipes his forehead [12/7/15, 5:20:44 PM] Tarver: "Need some cold there, buddy?" He asked, grinning again. [12/7/15, 5:20:50 PM] Blu: "It's... just kind of comfortable in here." [12/7/15, 5:20:51 PM] Dagda: "Yer all a bunch of downers. It's been a right party fer me. Makin' new friends...gettin' some lovely exercise. It's been a riot." [12/7/15, 5:21:00 PM] Mouse: "Great we got a spitfire too I'm guessing." [12/7/15, 5:21:25 PM] Blu: Thinking about the 'exercise', Blu gently rubbed a hand across her scraped feet. [12/7/15, 5:21:30 PM] Azuna: "I think you're the only one feeling the heat, buddy m'pal." [12/7/15, 5:22:04 PM] Jak: "damn.. fuck its soo hot. oh uh im Jak btw" [12/7/15, 5:22:23 PM] Blu: "Blu." [12/7/15, 5:22:33 PM] Azuna: "Azuna. They've been calling me Az, so I guess you can do the same if you want." [12/7/15, 5:22:43 PM] Mouse: "Jakass it is than. I'm sure you and prick will get along swimmingly." [12/7/15, 5:23:12 PM] Azuna: "WhOA, the hostility is palpable, Mouse, jeez." Azuna held his hands up. [12/7/15, 5:23:47 PM] Mouse: "Fuck off Azuna." [12/7/15, 5:24:13 PM] Dagda: "Dagda" he calls from the corner, raising a hand in a jaunty wave, "Dag is fine." [12/7/15, 5:24:28 PM] Mouse: "He also goes by prick." [12/7/15, 5:25:11 PM] Dagda: "Only fer you darlin'" he purrs [12/7/15, 5:25:46 PM] Mouse: Mouse glares. "Do not call me darlin." [12/7/15, 5:28:17 PM] Azuna: "Anyway. Pleasure to meet you, Jak." Azuna nodded towards him. [12/7/15, 5:29:11 PM] Jak: Jak observes the room and the potential new friends that are inhabiting it as he finally manages to stand. " Those doctors are assholes. They had me like, lighting candles for about 8 hours.   Pleasure to meet you guys too" [12/7/15, 5:30:03 PM] Dagda: "What a horribly borin' torture. How did you ever stay awake fer that?" [12/7/15, 5:30:10 PM] Mouse: "The pleasure is all yours." [12/7/15, 5:30:58 PM] Jak: "anytime I started to drift or to slack on the amount of production I was electrocuted " [12/7/15, 5:31:22 PM] Azuna: "At least you weren't there for the Maze the other day. That was actually hell." [12/7/15, 5:31:55 PM] Blu: Blu looked up at the group. "H-how do you do it...? You guyses powers I mean? I... I want to try." she stammered, trying her best not to clam up again. [12/7/15, 5:32:39 PM] Mouse: "I don't know. I never actually tried making mine happen. It just sort of does." [12/7/15, 5:32:59 PM] Azuna: "Just focus on what you want to do. Put your essence into manipulating what you want. That's how I managed to distort time the way I did. I focused on making it happen, and it happened." [12/7/15, 5:33:54 PM] Dagda: Dagda raises an eyebrow, looking surprised. "I just think about crushin' the lab coat's skulls. Usually does the trick fer me." [12/7/15, 5:34:20 PM] Jak: " Hold on, so we can actualy do this without those labcoats here?" [12/7/15, 5:34:51 PM] Blu: "They-They said something about shapeshifting... and illusions..." [12/7/15, 5:35:15 PM] Azuna: "They haven't stopped us yet, Jak." [12/7/15, 5:35:39 PM] Azuna: Azuna tilted his head at Blu. "Try changing your hair color." [12/7/15, 5:36:28 PM] Dagda: "Probably want us to get better," he mutters darkly, "$10 that this is some kind of military thing where they want us to be some kind of weapons or some such malarkey." [12/7/15, 5:36:59 PM] Azuna: "Another great reason to leave as quickly as possible." [12/7/15, 5:37:48 PM] Mouse: "Do I get to make mice drive tiny tanks into battles while turning the enemy's uniform pink? Sounds like fun to be honest." [12/7/15, 5:39:11 PM] Jak: jak thinks for a minute and observes the room once more. "So...  I wonder...." Jak opens his hand and attempts to conjure even the smallest of fire and some how manages to set dags shirt color a spark. [12/7/15, 5:39:29 PM] Blu: Blu nods and closed her eyes. She concentrated on her hair and felt something in her buzz. Her eyes shot open revealing a strikingly light blue hue as her hair turned to a milky white. ".... Holy SHIT." [12/7/15, 5:40:29 PM] Azuna: "Nice one Jak. He's gonna be feeling that for a while." [12/7/15, 5:40:37 PM] Mouse: Mouse immediately rushes over to Jak and knocks him to the ground. "What the fuck are you thinking!?" [12/7/15, 5:41:16 PM] Jak: Jak hops back up in defense but stumbles back down. " holy shit im sorry ok but did you see that???!!?? [12/7/15, 5:41:48 PM] Mouse: "Yeah and it's the last fucking thing you'll ever see when I'm done with you!" [12/7/15, 5:41:49 PM] Dagda: "Oi!!!" Dag shouts and he jumps to his feet, patting out the flame rapidly. He rounds on Jak angrily. He stalks across the room, smacking Azuna's head as he goes and when he reaches Jak, grabs him by the collar. "What the bloody hell was that for?!!" [12/7/15, 5:42:44 PM] Jak: " Im sorry , jesus Im sorry alright I tried opening that in my hand fucking Christ im sorry " [12/7/15, 5:43:21 PM] Dagda: "You will be" Dagda snarls, his eyes turning gold. [12/7/15, 5:43:33 PM] Mouse: Mouse sighs and turns away from Jak to face Dag.  "Calm down." [12/7/15, 5:43:53 PM] Blu: "I-I think it was an accident.." [12/7/15, 5:44:14 PM] Jak: Jak breaks from dags grasp and opens his hands a bit ready to attempt defending himself : I'm sorry dude I swear " [12/7/15, 5:44:33 PM] Mouse: "Ripping him apart isn't going to do anything productive." Mouse nervously puts a hand on his shoulder. [12/7/15, 5:49:10 PM] Dagda: "I don't give a shit if it was an accident!!" He growls shoving Jak back against a wall. He turns to face everyone. "We all get enough of them runnin' their little tests and havin' a good chuckle at our expense!!" His voice grows in volume as he speaks, beginning to reach deafening levels, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter, "But now that you all have the chance to do it yerself, might as well use me as the guinea pig and have a good laugh amongst yerselves!!!! The bloody mick won't mind!!! He'll just laugh it off too!!!!" As he shouts the last word the lights overhead vibrate violently and then shatter. [12/7/15, 5:50:32 PM] Jak: Jak is thrown against the wall and sides to the ground and jumps up once more falling again " dude calm the fuck down . it was anaccident I didn't mean to set you on fire [12/7/15, 5:51:24 PM] Mouse: Mouse cringes and begins to back away but stops herself and moves back towards him. She replaces a hand on his shoulder a little more confidently this time. "Dag. We're sorry. I'm sorry. Please calm down." [12/7/15, 5:52:48 PM] Blu: Blu finally stood up, the air around her turning dark as her eyes turned a vibrant purple. "STOP IT." She screamed. "IT WAS A FUCKING ACCIDENT. HE SAID HE WAS SORRY." [12/7/15, 6:00:10 PM] Jak: Jak manages to combust a small flame ball in his hand not enough to do anything major but just something of a defense " dude please I'm sorry [12/7/15, 6:00:56 PM] Dagda: Dagda snarls and it echoes through the room. He spins to face Blu. "Try me darlin' just try me!!" [12/7/15, 6:02:08 PM] Mouse: "I can't believe I'm going to be the voice of reason but all of you fucking stop it." Mouse looks around at them with serious eyes. "This isn't helping. Please calm down." [12/7/15, 6:03:10 PM] Jak: Jak manages to toss the fire passed dag and it evaporates into mid air .  " Blu didn't do anything. Don't go after Blu Man. I said I was sorry. " [12/7/15, 6:05:27 PM] Mouse: "You all need to stop. Destroying each other is only going to hinder our progress." [12/7/15, 6:08:08 PM] Blu: Blu's face turned red. "Just. Fucking. Leave. Him. Alone." Her eyes glowed more as the darkness grew in intensity. [12/7/15, 6:09:04 PM] Mouse: "Okay fine. I'll do something stupid." Mouse goes up to Blu and slaps her in the face. [12/7/15, 6:10:14 PM] Blu: The air grew light once more as Blu blinked a couple of times, seeming to snap out of whatever state she was in. Her face grew as red as a tomato as she stammered "I-I-I I'm so-sorry." [12/7/15, 6:11:42 PM] Mouse: Mouse awkwardly put her hands on the other girl's shoulders and looked up into her eyes sympathetically. "It's okay. We all get a little hot headed some times. Believe me, I'm an expert." She smiles bit. [12/7/15, 6:12:38 PM] Jak: "speaking of hot headed. I am sorry , dag. Can we move passed this please?" Jak holds a hand out [12/7/15, 6:15:25 PM] Dagda: Dag eyes the hand sullenly for a moment. "Eh, why not," he takes the hand with a smirk, though there is still a sharp edge to it, "I can always get yeh back after we manage to get out of here." [12/7/15, 6:16:57 PM] Mouse: Mouse exhales slowly and then walks away from the group to pace around a corner while examining the walls. [12/7/15, 6:19:02 PM] Jak: " so uh, cats out of the bag I guess.  I literally have the coolest power ever. " [12/7/15, 6:19:49 PM] Dagda: "So yeh think," Dag replies gripping the hand even tighter. [12/7/15, 6:20:09 PM] Blu: Blu slides back down on the wall and brings her knees to her chest, her face still red in embarrassment [12/7/15, 6:20:49 PM] Jak: Jak grips his hand trying to match the tightened grip even more so " I am sorry dude . I like.  tried to conjure that in my hand.  " [12/7/15, 6:22:56 PM] Dagda: Dag throws his head back with a loud laugh and pulls Jak in to pat his shoulder roughly. "No hard feelin's boy'o. Bygones and all that." [12/7/15, 6:27:13 PM] Jak: Jak coughs a bit as hes hit on the back but chuckles slightly.  " so uhm.  How cool was that fire ball I just did tho ??" [12/7/15, 6:28:44 PM] Dagda: Dag raises his eyebrow, a bemused smile on his face. "Not cool at all darlin'. More along the lines of hot as balls." [12/7/15, 6:29:17 PM] Mouse: "Dag. Can I see your pen for a minute?" Mouse looks at him with curious eyes. [12/7/15, 6:29:58 PM] Jak: " I fucking.. did you Just make a pun? " Jak walks over to blu [12/7/15, 6:30:58 PM] Dagda: "And what if I did?" He chuckles. "Sure thing love." He hands Mouse the pen. [12/7/15, 6:31:55 PM] Blu: Blu looks up at Jak and looks back down at her knees, shyly. [12/7/15, 6:32:14 PM] Jak: jak places a hand on blus shoulder " you alright" [12/7/15, 6:32:58 PM] Blu: Her face turns red for a second, "Y-yeah. I'm okay." [12/7/15, 6:33:16 PM] Jak: " you sure? you kinda like seemed not ok " [12/7/15, 6:33:23 PM] Azuna: A glow filled the dark room. Azuna had conjured a small ball of light. He maneuvered it so it hovered above the group. "God damn, people. God. Damn." [12/7/15, 6:34:16 PM] Blu: "I-I'm fine... Re-Really." [12/7/15, 6:34:53 PM] Mouse: Mouse fumbles with the pen a bit while taking it but then steadies her hands as she examines it closely. "If you don't like what I do I can change it back.. hopefully." She holds the pen to her chest and closes her eyes for a minute. When she opens her eyes and shows the pen again the ink inside is red. "Okay. That's a start." [12/7/15, 6:35:58 PM] Dagda: Dag blinks. "Doesn't bother me love. Might actually make Tarvy's tatt look better now." [12/7/15, 6:36:47 PM] Jak: Jak pats blu again " ok just making sure " So like, you changed the colors? that's awesome  " [12/7/15, 6:38:46 PM] Robin: Robin impersonates the :0 face. [12/7/15, 6:38:54 PM] Mouse: Mouse hands the pen back to Dagda and moves back to the other side of the room. "I don't know. Every once in a while I can blend in with the walls when I... That's not important. Yeah I changed the color." [12/7/15, 6:39:41 PM] Jak: " that's really cool tho. Blu changed hair colors too. and dag.. broke our light" [12/7/15, 6:39:57 PM] Azuna: "I think I've figured something out during my silence. Given that I have a form of light manipulation, I might be able to bend light around myself, and make myself invisible." [12/7/15, 6:40:38 PM] Dagda: "Give a try then leader. Just fer shits and giggles." [12/7/15, 6:41:01 PM] Robin: Robin snorts at the word “leader”. [12/7/15, 6:41:32 PM] Blu: Blu looks up and watches Az, curiously. [12/7/15, 6:41:43 PM] Jak: Jak walks over to to Robin and looks them over. " I didn't even notice you. hello there [12/7/15, 6:42:29 PM] Azuna: Azuna focused on the light around him, and attempted to deflect it around him. He managed to become about half transparent, then became fully formed again. "I think that sort of worked?" [12/7/15, 6:42:30 PM] Robin: Robin looks at Jak like a deer in the headlights. “Oh. Yeah, I’m pretty quiet. I’m Robin.” [12/7/15, 6:42:51 PM] Robin: Robin giggles at Azuna’s trick. “Mhmm. Sure." [12/7/15, 6:43:18 PM] Dagda: "Made yeh look a bit like a ghost. Yeh should get hired at a haunted house." [12/7/15, 6:43:32 PM] Jak: " I could do the fire effects " [12/7/15, 6:43:36 PM] Azuna: "I'll work on it." [12/7/15, 6:43:55 PM] Mouse: "I'll provide the creepy critters." [12/7/15, 6:44:00 PM] Jak: " actually it'd be really cool if like an invisible person were on fire.  " [12/7/15, 6:44:33 PM] Blu: "I-I could make the spooky things..." [12/7/15, 6:44:42 PM] Dagda: Dag snickers. "I'll provide the sound effects.....and the zombies." [12/7/15, 6:44:46 PM] Blu: "And the fog and stuff..." [12/7/15, 6:45:14 PM] Robin: “I don’t know what the fuck I’ll do but I’m sure it will fit in somewhere at some point.” [12/7/15, 6:45:42 PM] Jak: Jak walks over to dag " fire zombies? " [12/7/15, 6:46:04 PM] Dagda: "Sounds like a laugh. Why not?" [12/7/15, 6:47:11 PM] Jak: " hey dumb question but do we get beds in here?" [12/7/15, 6:47:38 PM] Robin: “This isn’t exactly a 5-star hotel, bud. We don’t get that luxury." [12/7/15, 6:48:14 PM] Azuna: "I'd suggest you get acquainted with the floor, buddy m'pal." [12/7/15, 6:48:20 PM] Mouse: "I just want my room." Mouse sits in a corner and starts tracing the walls again. [12/7/15, 6:48:42 PM] Robin: Robin sits next to Mouse. [12/7/15, 6:49:09 PM] Dagda: "Haven't yeh heard? We aren't actually people." Dag snorts as he sits back down. [12/7/15, 6:49:26 PM] Mouse: "I wish I wasn't a person." [12/7/15, 6:49:36 PM] Jak: " fuck that watch this ill get us beds " jak walks over to the main door in the room [12/7/15, 6:49:50 PM] Robin: Robin is taken aback by Mouse’s comment but tries to comfort her anyway. [12/7/15, 6:50:11 PM] Dagda: "I prefer goose down" Dag calls after him. [12/7/15, 6:50:55 PM] Jak: jak starts to pound on the door " HEY , HEY ASSHOLES" [12/7/15, 6:51:46 PM] Mouse: Mouse smiles at Robin a bit. "Thanks for the concern babe but you don't gotta worry about good ol' Mouse. Once I'm by myself I'll be back in my old room. I'll-" She stops and just smiles a little more. [12/7/15, 6:52:10 PM] Azuna: "You wanna act out? Trust me, it'll only end in pain." Azuna lifted a sleeve to reveal the electrical burn from the other day. [12/7/15, 6:52:44 PM] Robin: Robin is still quiet. And puts an arm around Mouse as she observes Azuna’s burn from the floor. “It’s not smart." [12/7/15, 6:53:45 PM] Jak: " I got this , I don't care what they do to me" Jak continues to ppound harder " Yooooooooo assholes.  " [12/7/15, 6:54:05 PM] Blu: "D-don't... You'll get h-hurt." [12/7/15, 6:54:07 PM] Dagda: Dag shrugs. "Stirs things up every now and again though." [12/7/15, 6:54:24 PM] Azuna: "I'm serious, dude. Don't." [12/7/15, 6:54:24 PM] Robin: Robin shoots a glare at Jak. “You do not got this. You are not in control." [12/7/15, 6:54:59 PM] Dagda: "Let him try if he wants" Dag drawls. [12/7/15, 6:55:11 PM] Mouse: "Let him get in trouble. Whatever." [12/7/15, 6:55:20 PM] Jak: " this door is metal.  " jak thinks for a minute [12/7/15, 6:56:10 PM] Azuna: "Go on, try and melt it. I guarantee you won't get far." [12/7/15, 6:57:33 PM] Jak: " what if you used your flash light ability and like bent the light into the flames and carried the flames through the doors' [12/7/15, 6:58:45 PM] Dagda: "I think yer physics may be a bit squiffy there Einstein." [12/7/15, 6:59:14 PM] Jak: jak huffs at dag and keeps pounding on the door some more [12/7/15, 7:00:01 PM] Azuna: "Jak, take a seat. Nothing you do will get any kind of response in your favor." [12/7/15, 7:00:13 PM] Mouse: Mouse gets up and pushes Jak away from the door. "Give it a rest buddy." [12/7/15, 7:02:25 PM] Jak: Jak is pushed and sighs " this will work mickey " [12/7/15, 7:04:59 PM] Robin: Robin goes back to holding Mouse and hides her face. [12/7/15, 7:06:03 PM] Mouse: "What the fuck did you just call me?" [12/7/15, 7:06:31 PM] Dagda: Dag's smirk grows into a grin and he laughs loudly. "That's feckin' perfect Jaky boy!" [12/7/15, 7:06:32 PM] Jak: " you know, the old cartoons. about the black and white mouse with the helium in his throat " [12/7/15, 7:07:15 PM] Mouse: "I will call the rats here and force them to feed on your innards." [12/7/15, 7:07:36 PM] Jak: " uh wait.. you can do that?" [12/7/15, 7:08:06 PM] Mouse: "Would you like to find out?" Mouse smirks at him and stares him right in the eye. [12/7/15, 7:08:35 PM] Blu: Blu just watches everyone from behind her knees. [12/7/15, 7:08:36 PM] Dagda: "Aren't you scary," Dag snorts, "Mickey...feckin' priceless!" [12/7/15, 7:08:58 PM] Jak: " I would... rather not be eaten by mouse people please" [12/7/15, 7:10:06 PM] Mouse: Mouse turns her attention towards Dagda and glares quietly for a long moment. "You wanna find out how scary I am?" [12/7/15, 7:10:14 PM] Azuna: "I on the other hand will not hesitate to take people out of time if it means calming shit down." [12/7/15, 7:10:22 PM] Azuna: "It would take a snap of my fingers." [12/7/15, 7:10:33 PM] Azuna: "Seriously guys. Calm down." [12/7/15, 7:11:38 PM] Azuna: "This is getting out of hand, and we aren't getting anywhere by sniping at each other." [12/7/15, 7:11:58 PM] Robin: “Azuna’s right. You salty bitches will get us nowhere when we’re out there." [12/7/15, 7:12:15 PM] Dagda: "Oh, are we posturing now?" Dag asks mildly. "Doin' the whole, my power's bigger than yours bit?" [12/7/15, 7:12:25 PM] Blu: "Fighting isn't the way" [12/7/15, 7:12:34 PM] Azuna: "No, I'm not." [12/7/15, 7:12:37 PM] Jak: " Hey before we blow each other to pieces here can I ask something" [12/7/15, 7:12:53 PM] Blu: Blu looks over at Jak, questioningly. [12/7/15, 7:13:20 PM] Mouse: Mouse just glares at Dag for a good while unsure of what to do next. [12/7/15, 7:13:36 PM] Robin: “It was never a dick-measuring contest. Look. Tensions are high. It’s been a day in small room together. Let’s just chill the fuck out for like two minutes instead of arguing amongst ourselves.” [12/7/15, 7:14:34 PM] Jak: " so uh anyway... do we have a bathroom either?" [12/7/15, 7:14:44 PM] Robin: “We need an escort." [12/7/15, 7:15:10 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Patient 1-6-8, report for Conditioning." [12/7/15, 7:15:17 PM] Jak: " you guys might wanna like close your eyes  unless Mickey mouse is gonna let me bang on that door again" [12/7/15, 7:15:27 PM] Azuna: The doors hiss open, and armed scientists come through. [12/7/15, 7:15:34 PM] Robin: “Fuck…” [12/7/15, 7:15:35 PM] Blu: Blu's eyes widen. "No... N-no no no no. I-I didn't do anything!" [12/7/15, 7:15:37 PM] Azuna: ((armed with shock batons again not guns)) [12/7/15, 7:15:53 PM] Blu: "L-leave me alone!" [12/7/15, 7:16:04 PM] Jak: " woah wait what .. No Blu didn't do anything" [12/7/15, 7:16:15 PM] Azuna: "Blu, you have to.." [12/7/15, 7:16:26 PM] Dagda: "Oi! What did the lass do?!" Dag shouts standing. "I broke the lights you wankers!! Leave her be!!" [12/7/15, 7:16:54 PM] Jak: " I can fix the light look " jak summons another fire ball for a second " see see look" [12/7/15, 7:17:08 PM] Mouse: Mouse's attention immediately goes from Dag to Blu, she grimaces knowing what is going to happen next. [12/7/15, 7:17:31 PM] Robin: Robin turns away. [12/7/15, 7:18:38 PM] Jak: Jak keeps presenting fire after fire even tho theyre going out " look see the lights back, fuck" [12/7/15, 7:19:14 PM] Dagda: Dag's eyes glow and he sucks in a breath to shout again. [12/7/15, 7:19:28 PM] Azuna: "Don't you dare." [12/7/15, 7:19:35 PM] Blu: As the men make their way towards her, ignoring the others, Blu scrambles, trying to somehow faze into the wall. "N-no. I-I don't want-" One of the guards jab her in the chest with a baton. A pained scream comes from her lips as the other guard grabs her under her arms and begins to drag her. "No no no!! Please!" she screams as she kicks. The guard with the baton still out shocks her behind her neck as they drag her out the door and it shuts completely behind them. [12/7/15, 7:19:40 PM] Azuna: "You'll only make it worse." [12/7/15, 7:19:44 PM] Mouse: "Dag. Please don't." [12/7/15, 7:19:54 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks at him with pleading eyes. [12/7/15, 7:20:05 PM] Jak: Jak runs for the door [12/7/15, 7:20:37 PM] Robin: The scream breaks Robin’s reverie and a pained scream leaves her. “BRING HER BACK, YOU SICK FUCKS. SHE DIDN’T DO SHIT." [12/7/15, 7:20:46 PM] Blu: Her screams of pain and panic ring through the halls and through the door  behind them. [12/7/15, 7:20:58 PM] Robin: “FUCK THAT. FUCK YOU. FUCK.. you.." [12/7/15, 7:21:18 PM] Azuna: "Rob, there's nothing we can do." Azuna hung his head, defeated. [12/7/15, 7:21:24 PM] Jak: Jak imiadeatly starts bombarding the door with fire attamepts, very sad pathetic tiny fireballs [12/7/15, 7:21:55 PM] Dagda: Dag's eyes flick to Mouse's and then back to the door. "At least let me try to stop it. It my fault she's being punished." His voice is deeper and has an echoing quality. [12/7/15, 7:22:25 PM] Robin: Robin’s eyes flash for a moment, and she gives Azuna a helpless and frustrated stare. “Don’t call me… Rob…” [12/7/15, 7:22:53 PM] Mouse: Mouse hesitates for a second but then finally reaches out and lightly hugs Dag. "It's no one's fault." [12/7/15, 7:23:04 PM] Azuna: "The more we try and fight, the more we'll be beat down. That's why we need to be quiet about what our plan to get the hell out of here. Conditioning is mandatory, nothing we do can stop that." [12/7/15, 7:23:05 PM] Jak: Jak continuously beats the door with fire " bring blu back.  You assholes ill light more god damned candles fuck" [12/7/15, 7:23:40 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood and walked over to lay a hand on Jak's shoulder. "Come on man, she's gone for now. Nothing we can do now." [12/7/15, 7:23:42 PM] Robin: Robin clings on to the door. [12/7/15, 7:24:19 PM] Robin: “She didn’t deserve it,” she mutters, and trails off into unintelligible gibberish. [12/7/15, 7:24:52 PM] Dagda: Dag growls. "Move away from the door. Let me try." [12/7/15, 7:25:21 PM] Azuna: "Dag, I am not going to let you jeopardize anything because you wanted to save one person from one conditioning session." [12/7/15, 7:25:28 PM] Azuna: Azuna moves to cover more of the door. [12/7/15, 7:25:39 PM] Jak: jak sighs and steps sort of both in and out of the way [12/7/15, 7:25:42 PM] Azuna: "She'll be back. We always come back." [12/7/15, 7:26:04 PM] Robin: “They don’t shock people like that for conditioning, Azuna, you know that just as well as I do." [12/7/15, 7:26:34 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks at Dag a bit hurt and moves away from the group to go back to one of her corners. [12/7/15, 7:26:37 PM] Jak: "GUYS WAIT I HAVE AN IDEA " [12/7/15, 7:26:39 PM] Azuna: "They found something out. We're growing in our abilities. They might think they need the added precaution." [12/7/15, 7:26:42 PM] Dagda: "It's my fault she's in there" his voice becomes more distorted. [12/7/15, 7:26:56 PM] Jak: "gUYS PLEASE I HAVE AN IDEA THAT COULD WORK " [12/7/15, 7:27:10 PM] Azuna: "Lay it on me." [12/7/15, 7:27:31 PM] Jak: " Somone literally beat the shit out of me right now" [12/7/15, 7:27:46 PM] Azuna: "I won't. Nice try though." [12/7/15, 7:28:01 PM] Jak: " No wait here me out " [12/7/15, 7:28:14 PM] Dagda: Dag's gaze flicks to Jak. "And what the hell will that do?!" [12/7/15, 7:29:22 PM] Jak: "listen even tho we're not human to them, they still wont risk the complete death of one of us right? I mean the funding in experiments and all. beat the fuck out of me, and I can get sent to medical. " [12/7/15, 7:30:11 PM] Robin: “There’s not ‘medical,’ Jak. There’s ‘oh, you look pretty beat up, heres a bandaid.’" [12/7/15, 7:30:24 PM] Azuna: "That is absurd. You want to know what their medical wing brings?" Azuna lifted his shirt and revealed the several foot long scars across his chest. "This is what happens in medical. I've been there more times than I'd like to count." [12/7/15, 7:30:47 PM] Jak: " no trust me tho. I just need to get outside that door" [12/7/15, 7:31:02 PM] Robin: “We’re not separating. That’s the last thing we need right now." [12/7/15, 7:31:04 PM] Dagda: "Same here" Dag growls, "it won't help you silly bastard." [12/7/15, 7:31:28 PM] Mouse: "You can be missing a chunk of flesh and they won't give a shit. What is the point?" [12/7/15, 7:31:29 PM] Azuna: "Jak, for the last fucking time. Leaving of your own volition is not an option." [12/7/15, 7:31:33 PM] Jak: " just fucking do it please.  Listen to me . This can work. I just need that door open and one guard" [12/7/15, 7:31:48 PM] Robin: “Jak. Stop. “ [12/7/15, 7:32:01 PM] Robin: “We just need to wait for her to come back. There’s nothing we can do." [12/7/15, 7:32:54 PM] Jak: "i JUST NEED THE DOOR OPEN. " [12/7/15, 7:33:07 PM] Robin: This message has been removed. [12/7/15, 7:33:19 PM] Azuna: "Stop." He snapped his fingers, freezing Jak in time. [12/7/15, 7:33:32 PM] Azuna: "You're going to listen to me, Jak, because I know you can hear me." [12/7/15, 7:33:57 PM] Azuna: "You leave this room, and there's a 90% chance you will die." [12/7/15, 7:34:18 PM] Azuna: "I can guarantee you that, because I've come to within an inch of my life, more than once." [12/7/15, 7:34:36 PM] Azuna: "They are not forgiving here. You become a nuisance, they will kill you, with no remorse." [12/7/15, 7:35:01 PM] Dagda: Dag huffs angrily and goes to sit next to Mouse [12/7/15, 7:35:24 PM] Jak: Jak tries to speak but is not able [12/7/15, 7:35:31 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks up at him a bit confused and shifts uncomfortably. [12/7/15, 7:36:05 PM] Azuna: Azuna pulls Jak's head to the present, but nothing else. "One raised syllable, and you won't be speaking until tonight." [12/7/15, 7:36:14 PM] Robin: Robin looks at Azuna with a hint of fear in her eyes. [12/7/15, 7:36:55 PM] Jak: "Sorry. I just. Nevermind" [12/7/15, 7:37:07 PM] Azuna: Azuna nods, and unfreezes Jak. [12/7/15, 7:37:51 PM] Dagda: "Bossy pants" Dag hisses staring at Azuna. [12/7/15, 7:38:35 PM] Jak: jak sits in the corner [12/7/15, 7:38:57 PM] Azuna: "Call me names all you want, it's not going to change the fact that we're stuck in here." Azuna sits next to where the door is, a defeated look on his face, despite what he was saying. [12/7/15, 7:39:18 PM] Mouse: Mouse shakes her head a bit and then looks at the walls. [12/7/15, 7:39:31 PM] Robin: Robin stares into the one-sided window. [12/7/15, 7:40:11 PM] Dagda: Dag leans his head back against the wall, sighing tiredly [12/7/15, 7:40:23 PM] Azuna: The doors hiss open. Blu is pushed through, and they immediately seal behind her. [12/7/15, 7:40:30 PM] Azuna: Two hours have passed. [12/7/15, 7:41:04 PM] Blu: Blu stumbles in and falls to the ground. She makes no attempt at getting up, her eyes wide in panic and her breathing ragged. [12/7/15, 7:41:19 PM] Azuna: Azuna moves to help Blu into a sitting position. [12/7/15, 7:41:21 PM] Robin: Robin rushes to her side and holds Blu’s head in her hands, staring at her. [12/7/15, 7:41:37 PM] Mouse: Mouse tenses up and begins to move to help Blu but is paralyzed by fear. [12/7/15, 7:41:44 PM] Dagda: Dag jolts awake from a light doze and starts forward. "Is she alright?" [12/7/15, 7:41:45 PM] Robin: “Blu?" [12/7/15, 7:41:53 PM] Blu: Her eyes dart around, never seeming to look at one spot for more than a second. [12/7/15, 7:42:07 PM] Azuna: "Robin, can you try and calm her down?" [12/7/15, 7:42:16 PM] Robin: "I can… try.” [12/7/15, 7:43:20 PM] Azuna: "Don't hurt yourself doing this." [12/7/15, 7:43:34 PM] Mouse: Mouse watches from a distance with her heart racing and her fists clenched at her sides. [12/7/15, 7:44:49 PM] Robin: Robin’s eyes flash white, and she focuses on Blu’s emotions, the blur in her mind becoming slowly clearer, thoughts and images forming before her. “It’s cloudy… her mind is really restless.” [12/7/15, 7:45:23 PM] Azuna: "The second you get negative emotion, I would get out of there." [12/7/15, 7:45:32 PM] Azuna: "Emotional transference can't be a good idea." [12/7/15, 7:45:48 PM] Jak: Jak is fast asleep in the corner of the room as he begins to thrash about, mumbling words that cant be made out. It appears as tho hes having a nightmare of some kind. [12/7/15, 7:46:26 PM] Robin: Suddenly everything comes flooding back, and her mind is overcome with images she can’t stand. Robin lets go of Blu’s head, stumbles away, and vomits into a corner of the room. [12/7/15, 7:46:41 PM] Azuna: "That's what I was afraid of." [12/7/15, 7:47:13 PM] Robin: Robin sputters and tears fill her eyes. “I’m… I am so sorry, Blu…" [12/7/15, 7:47:32 PM] Jak: Jak thrashes a little more in his sleep . [12/7/15, 7:47:56 PM] Mouse: Mouse closes  her eyes and does her best to keep her mind far from what is going on. [12/7/15, 7:47:59 PM] Blu: Tears and quiet sobs made their way out of Blu as she looked around, still frightened. [12/7/15, 7:48:18 PM] Azuna: "Just have a rest, Blu. Try and take a breath. We got you." [12/7/15, 7:49:01 PM] Jak: Jak begins to speak words that can be understood, something about not wanting to be made to do something again. [12/7/15, 7:49:23 PM] Azuna: Azuna perks his head up, and turns an ear to the corner Jak is sleeping in. [12/7/15, 7:49:29 PM] Azuna: He puts a finger to his lips. [12/7/15, 7:49:39 PM] Robin: Robin wipes her mouth furiously and looks to Jak. [12/7/15, 7:50:52 PM] Jak: Visions of himself being in a room with several others like the group he was with leak through his dreams.  Flashes and memories of being used to control various stages of fear on others presents images in an almost plotted manor. [12/7/15, 7:52:09 PM] Robin: “He’s just… muttering. He’ll be fine.” [12/7/15, 7:52:43 PM] Azuna: "I'm curious what he's thinking, but I don't want you rooting around in memories again." [12/7/15, 7:53:10 PM] Robin: Robin looks to Blu, asking for her permission. [12/7/15, 7:53:30 PM] Blu: Blu's head inclined slowly. [12/7/15, 7:55:14 PM] Robin: “It…” Robin had to pause a moment. “It was awful. They… they put her in a room. Showed her - things. Horrible things, I don’t even want to say them. There was blood. So much fucking blood, and screaming." [12/7/15, 7:56:02 PM] Azuna: "Psychological today then. I'm...sorry, Blu." [12/7/15, 7:56:24 PM] Dagda: Dag clenches his jaw, teeth bared angrily. "Bastards" he snarls. [12/7/15, 7:56:38 PM] Robin: “The wouldn’t let her look away..." [12/7/15, 7:57:05 PM] Azuna: Azuna slammed a fist into the door next to him. "Fucking shit." [12/7/15, 7:57:15 PM] Mouse: Mouse shakes her head trying to keep out the noise. [12/7/15, 7:57:34 PM] Robin: “Azuna. You said yourself that’s no use." [12/7/15, 7:57:44 PM] Jak: The bang of the door awakens jak as he sits up and freaks out [12/7/15, 7:58:30 PM] Azuna: "The sun's setting. My Conditioning is coming up soon." Azuna sighed, and stood, beginning to stretch. "They've had it for me, every day, at the same time, like clockwork." [12/7/15, 7:58:45 PM] Blu: The loud noise jolts Blu and her eyes dart around and land on Jak who just woke up. Her breathing slowly calming down. [12/7/15, 7:59:34 PM] Jak: jak find himself back in the room.  A sigh of relief as hes comforted slightly. " who did I hurt this time" [12/7/15, 7:59:36 PM] Robin: “Mine after yours, most likely. I’m beginning to follow up everything you do, anyway.” [12/7/15, 8:01:26 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Patient 0-4-5, report for conditioning." The doors open, and four shock scientists walk through the door.
"What, afraid I'm going to try something, guys? Jeez, jumpy motherfuckers." Azuna walked out of the room, drew his arms forward, then thrust his elbows back into the noses of two of them, sending them down. He kneed one of them, and kicked the fourth in the gut. "That was for Blu." He walked down the hall to his Conditioning, leaving the scientists writhing just outside as the doors closed again. [12/7/15, 8:02:21 PM] Jak: jak tries running for the doorway once more [12/7/15, 8:03:48 PM] Blu: The intercom buzzing sent Blu scrambling into a corner, cowering. "No no no no..." she whispered to herself, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face. "No doctor... I-I don't w-want to make them any-anymore..." [12/7/15, 8:06:47 PM] Robin: Robin goes to hold Blu and comfort her. [12/7/15, 8:07:02 PM] Dagda: Dag watches her sadly for a moment before his gaze drops to the floor. "We really need to get out of here." [12/7/15, 8:08:04 PM] Jak: Jak suddenly stands near dag "Hey uh. " [12/7/15, 8:08:07 PM] Mouse: Mouse rocks back and forth while mumbling about her room. [12/7/15, 8:08:23 PM] Azuna: A panel on the side of the room opens, revealing a screen. It hums to life, revealing a dark room. A single spotlight shines on an empty portion of the room, likely the center. Azuna walks into frame, and the intercom starts broadcasting sound from the room. "Alright, jeez, so I knocked them to the ground, I do it every session, guy-" He's cut short by a scientist running up to him and throwing his fist into Azuna's gut. Azuna is knocked to the ground, coughing. [12/7/15, 8:09:06 PM] Robin: “No!” Robin cries out. [12/7/15, 8:09:38 PM] Blu: "No no no no no no no no no. I-I can't.... I can't see th-this ag-again" [12/7/15, 8:10:11 PM] Dagda: Dag narrows his eyes as he watches the screen. "What's eatin' yeh Jaky boy?" [12/7/15, 8:10:50 PM] Jak: " can I uh.. did I uh. did I hurt anyone in the last couple hours? " jak is cut off from the scene happening in the room [12/7/15, 8:11:16 PM] Mouse: As Mouse feels tears coming on, instinct kicks in and her camouflage kicks in causing her to blend into the wall and floor. [12/7/15, 8:11:22 PM] Azuna: This was just the beginning of it. While Azuna is dazed, another two remove his shirt. A voice comes into the room. "Let's see how your friends handle what's next." The same man that punched him brandishes a whip of some kind, and begins mercilessly flogging Azuna. Azuna does not cry out, indicating that this is regular torture. He coughs up a fair amount of blood. [12/7/15, 8:12:03 PM] Jak: Jak approaches the scene and sets a hand on fire " Yo, back the fuck off " [12/7/15, 8:12:16 PM] Azuna: Azuna manages to speak. "Guys..don't watch, they always do this..." He coughs again, finally completely collapsing. [12/7/15, 8:12:50 PM] Robin: “FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCKFUCK.” Robin is yelling outright now, slamming a fist on the screen. [12/7/15, 8:13:15 PM] Blu: Blu turns away and yells out. "NO. NO. NO. NO. NO." Her eyes emit their purple hue as a black fog envelops Blu completely, obscuring her view of the screen but not the sound. [12/7/15, 8:13:50 PM] Jak: " Ill break the damned screen " [12/7/15, 8:14:16 PM] Dagda: Dag clenches his fist and stands. "There's nothin' that can be done. We just hafta wait it out." [12/7/15, 8:14:34 PM] Robin: “I’ll fucking KILL YOU.” Robin yells, and another blow to the screen cracks it slightly as her eyes flash green. [12/7/15, 8:14:39 PM] Jak: "That's your opinion , dag.  " [12/7/15, 8:14:43 PM] Azuna: His back is stained completely crimson from the wounds. He remains still as scientists dab the blood away, but do not treat the wounds. Another man comes in with a shock baton and begins administering several burning shocks all over Azuna's body. He again, remains still. Once this ceases, he can be heard sobbing quietly, repeating "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." [12/7/15, 8:16:11 PM] Robin: Robin is furious now, not crying. Her fist cracks the screen more, her eyes glowing bright green now. “Stop, you fuckers! He didn’t do anything to you pricks!" [12/7/15, 8:16:39 PM] Dagda: "Calm down!!" Dag shouts. "Yer only goin' to make it worse fer him!!" [12/7/15, 8:17:14 PM] Robin: Robin turns on Dag, eyes flashing, fist raised. [12/7/15, 8:17:37 PM] Blu: Blu slumps over onto the floor, sobbing. [12/7/15, 8:18:09 PM] Dagda: "If yeh cause anymore problems then they will only make it worse for him. Plus....yer making it worse on her too." He gestures to Blu. [12/7/15, 8:18:39 PM] Mouse: Mouse stands up letting her camouflage fade and steps in front of Robin looking at with teary eyes. "Please don't." [12/7/15, 8:18:56 PM] Jak: Jak sighs.  " Guys I wonder if.. Maybe I can get him back" [12/7/15, 8:19:14 PM] Robin: Robin turns breathlessly to Blu, and then to Mouse. She falls limp in front of the screen and starts to cry. [12/7/15, 8:20:27 PM] Dagda: Dag rounds on Jak. "We can't Jak!! They've already proven that much to us!!" [12/7/15, 8:20:43 PM] Azuna: Azuna attempts to get up, but is beat down again. It is here that he cries out. He tries to stand again, and is again beat down. He quietly chokes out, "Please..." again he is shocked several times. He crawls over to the lone chair, and sits up on it. Blood can be seen trickling down onto the floor. "I can't...do anymore...please..." He is flogged again, this time from the front, but not for long. He falls over, and is clearly unconscious. Finally scientists drag him out of the room, leaving a bloodstain on the floor behind him. The screen recedes and the panel closes. After a couple minutes, the doors hiss open, and Azuna is thrown into the room. He does not move. [12/7/15, 8:20:51 PM] Mouse: "Please stop. Both of you." [12/7/15, 8:21:09 PM] Jak: Jak looks at the guard that brings him in [12/7/15, 8:21:15 PM] Jak: Fists bunched [12/7/15, 8:22:14 PM] Robin: Robin shoots up from the pile she’s been in at the sound of the door, and grabs onto Az’s body. “Help him! Help me! “ [12/7/15, 8:22:43 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks at Azuna but quickly looks away and walks back to her corner of the room. [12/7/15, 8:22:55 PM] Robin: “ Please! “ [12/7/15, 8:23:19 PM] Dagda: Dag strides over and kneels next to her. He grabs Azuna under one arm. "Where do yeh want him love?" [12/7/15, 8:24:07 PM] Robin: “Lay him on his side, to get him off his back… fuck fuck fuck...." [12/7/15, 8:24:13 PM] Jak: Jak talks with his head hunched down, more or less to himself then anything else.  " Take me for another go, lab coats" [12/7/15, 8:24:37 PM] Dagda: Dag turns him over slowly into his side. [12/7/15, 8:25:32 PM] Robin: Robin brings her hands to her mouth upon seeing his wounds. “Why would those fucking bastards do that to you…?” [12/7/15, 8:26:45 PM] Dagda: Dag stares coldly at the wounds. "Fer sport maybe? Or they heard fearless leader here schemin' about escapin'" [12/7/15, 8:27:16 PM] Robin: “I… I’m going to try something. I did it with my feet last night, I could try it with him." [12/7/15, 8:28:29 PM] Robin: Robin’s eyes burn bright green with determination and fury, and sets her hands on Azuna’s back. Slowly, but surely, the wounds begin to close. She groans at the effort, but pushes forward. [12/7/15, 8:30:21 PM] Robin: She peels her hands away, looking at the blood that has coated them. [12/7/15, 8:30:45 PM] Blu: The black fog around Blu begins to dissipate slowly. [12/7/15, 8:30:59 PM] Jak: " what can I do to help" [12/7/15, 8:31:40 PM] Robin: Robin tries to bring Az to sitting position, propping him lightly up against a wall, looking at his still broken form. “I don’t know if it works with bones..." [12/7/15, 8:32:30 PM] Robin: “Az? Azuna, please wake up… please. “ [12/7/15, 8:32:47 PM] Jak: " Is he at least breathing " [12/7/15, 8:33:19 PM] Robin: Robin puts an ear to his lips. “Yeah, but… just barely. I can hardly hear a thing.” [12/7/15, 8:34:21 PM] Dagda: Dag sits back with a small sigh. "That's the best we can hope for at the moment." [12/7/15, 8:34:56 PM] Mouse: "Jesus fucking christ." [12/7/15, 8:34:58 PM] Jak: " Hey Dag.. So like Back to what I had asked" [12/7/15, 8:36:33 PM] Dagda: Dag glances at him and smiles wryly. "Yeh may have to repeat fer me. It's been a bit of day and my memory's gone a bit manky." [12/7/15, 8:37:17 PM] Jak: " when I was asleep.. erm. I didn't. hurt anyone did I " [12/7/15, 8:37:46 PM] Robin: Robin is still trying to cox Azuna awake with reassuring and pleading, to no avail. [12/7/15, 8:38:08 PM] Dagda: "Unless yeh count not wantin' to hear what kind of moans you have, then no. Not as such." [12/7/15, 8:38:15 PM] Robin: Her mind is too weak to execute an order for him to wake up. [12/7/15, 8:38:38 PM] Jak: " Ok. good. " [12/7/15, 8:39:09 PM] Robin: “Azuna, you fuck, we need you to help us get out of this shithole.” [12/7/15, 8:39:18 PM] Mouse: Mouse goes to her corner and sits down while looking at the floor with semi wide eyes. She shakes her head a bit and then looks around a little. As she rests her eyes back onto the floor she begins to whistle. [12/7/15, 8:41:19 PM] Dagda: Dag tentatively puts a hand on Robin's shoulder. "He'll be alright. Yeh have to let him rest a bit." [12/7/15, 8:42:12 PM] Blu: Blu's sobs quieted down to a small wimper and tears. She stared towards the group huddled around Az. She couldn't do anything for them or for him. [12/7/15, 8:42:23 PM] Robin: Robin can only nod in response. She’s resorted to just looking at Azuna’s face, trying to will her brain to do something for him. [12/7/15, 8:42:59 PM] Jak: Jak walks over to blu and lays a hand on blus shoulder [12/7/15, 8:43:25 PM] Dagda: "Just keep an eye on him. Don't try to push yerself too hard or yeh won't be any use to him or anyone else." [12/7/15, 8:44:35 PM] Blu: Blu instinctively flinched away. Her eyes dart to Jak and she relaxed slightly. [12/7/15, 8:45:05 PM] Jak: "sorry.  Just hang in there alright you did your best " [12/7/15, 8:46:16 PM] Robin: Robin gives up and sits back with her head in her hands. [12/7/15, 8:47:08 PM] Blu: Blu's body shook slightly. Her fears welling up in her stomach. Why did they do that? Why did they make her watch that? Why? [12/7/15, 8:47:52 PM] Jak: Jak sits on the ground feeling completely useless [12/7/15, 8:48:54 PM] Dagda: Dag sighs and moves to stand near the window. As he stares at it he starts to sing to himself, eyes distant. [12/7/15, 8:54:17 PM] Azuna: Azuna jolts awake with a scream. He was unconscious, yes, but he still dreamt. He wraps his arms around himself and sobs quietly, bent over the ground again. "I'm sorry..." He said again, tears of blood falling to the ground below him. [12/7/15, 8:55:41 PM] Robin: Robin gasps and pulls him up. “You fuck! I thought you weren’t going to wake up!” Furious tears start pouring out of her eyes. “We need you, you scared the shit out of me!” [12/7/15, 8:57:38 PM] Dagda: Dag glances at them and gives a shadow of a smirk. "Welcome back boy'o." [12/7/15, 8:57:51 PM] Jak: " I was hoping id get to use the fire a bit more " [12/7/15, 8:59:22 PM] Azuna: "I didn't ask to be literally whipped..." Azuna leaned back against the wall. [12/7/15, 9:00:19 PM] Robin: Robin stops. Thinks, looks away, and looks back. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound like that.” She hesitates before pulling him into a hug. [12/7/15, 9:00:52 PM] Jak: " did you manage to get a good look of the room or outside in the halls or anything?" [12/7/15, 9:02:07 PM] Azuna: "I saw everything. I always do. I know the way out. I always have. But right now? I am barely in a condition to even be conscious right now." Azuna winced at the hug, but took it willingly. [12/7/15, 9:02:44 PM] Jak: " Alright. I was merely asking. I am glad you're ok  " [12/7/15, 9:03:23 PM] Robin: Robin didn’t let go for a while, even after Azuna tried to pull himself away, because Robin is trash. Robin craves attention. Poor Robin. [12/7/15, 9:04:21 PM] Jak: " get a room " [12/7/15, 9:04:32 PM] Robin: Robin flips Jak the bird. [12/7/15, 9:05:24 PM] Dagda: Dag chuckles and crosses the room to lean against the wall near Mouse. "Yeh goin' to be able to suck it up a move forward fearless?" [12/7/15, 9:05:48 PM] Azuna: "Not tonight. Tomorrow, we can go. I'll be better then. I always am." [12/7/15, 9:05:49 PM] Jak: Jak cringes at the word fear involuntarily [12/7/15, 9:06:48 PM] Mouse: Mouse stops whistling, looks up at Dag for a moment, and then look back down at the ground. [12/7/15, 9:07:22 PM] Dagda: "Why'd yeh stop" he asks softly, "sounded nice." [12/7/15, 9:08:04 PM] Robin: Robin rips a sleeve off of her shirt and cleans the blood off of Azuna’s back gently. [12/7/15, 9:08:54 PM] Jak: Jak sort of mumbles " can we not use the word fear, please? ;' [12/7/15, 9:09:06 PM] Mouse: She smiles a bit while still looking down and then continues to whistle again. [12/7/15, 9:09:34 PM] Robin: Then she goes to Blu and comforts her. [12/7/15, 9:10:11 PM] Dagda: Dag's eyes flick to Jak. "I didn't. Said fearless didn't I?" [12/7/15, 9:10:46 PM] Jak: "Still. Fine, point taken " [12/7/15, 9:11:47 PM] Dagda: Dag watches him for a moment as though looking for something specific. "As yeh like then." [12/7/15, 9:12:29 PM] Jak: "Sorry dag. I just..  For some reason that word bothers me" [12/7/15, 9:14:04 PM] Dagda: Dag shrugs and slides down the wall so that his shoulder bumps Mouse's [12/7/15, 9:14:34 PM] Jak: Jak sits down as well, conjuring a fireball in his hand and aumzingly tossing it to himself as if to play catch [12/7/15, 9:15:31 PM] Mouse: Mouse hesitates for a moment and then carefully leans her head on his shoulder. [12/7/15, 9:21:56 PM] Dagda: Dag jumps slightly and looks down at her. He bites his lip, looking slightly uncertain, but then slowly puts an arm round her. [12/7/15, 9:23:19 PM] Jak: Jak continues to throw the fire to himself occasionally missing in which it just burns up midair [12/7/15, 9:23:30 PM] Blu: Blu slowly, but finally sits up and tucks her knees to her chest. She rests her forehead against her knees and slowly brings herself to calm down. [12/7/15, 9:23:33 PM] Mouse: Mouse tenses up at first but slowly gets more comfortable. [12/7/15, 10:06:27 PM] Azuna: Azuna stands and walks to the one window they have to look out from. He starts to hum a low, haunting melody to himself, but it still seems to fill the room, reverberating gently off the walls. "How much more blood is going to be spilled in the days to come?" He says to himself, looking back at the group briefly. "Will it be worth it?..." He puts his forehead to the glass. [12/7/15, 10:07:11 PM] Robin: “It’ll be worth it if we make it out there.” [12/7/15, 10:08:40 PM] Azuna: He jumped slightly hearing Robin's voice. "I am worrying more and more every second. Maybe this isn't a good idea." He closed his eyes and shook his head. [12/7/15, 10:10:29 PM] Robin: Robin stands a distance behind him. “Maybe it isn’t. But a worse idea is having them do that shit to you again. Or any of us, for that matter.” [12/7/15, 10:13:21 PM] Azuna: He turned and leaned against the window, tearing one wound. He winced, but paid it no mind. "I just don't want to go through with this and then end up with more blood spilled for no reason. I want to keep everyone as safe as I can, even if that means taking a hit or 12." He could feel the blood drip down his back, but he didn't care. He was overcome with worry. [12/7/15, 10:16:26 PM] Robin: Robin dares to step closer to Azuna. “Hey. We’ll be together, yeah? We said we would stick together." [12/7/15, 10:17:20 PM] Robin: She coughs nervously. “All of us, of course." [12/7/15, 10:17:33 PM] Azuna: Azuna smiled for the first time in what felt like a long time. "Yeah, we got this." [12/7/15, 10:18:12 PM] Dagda: Dag smirks as he watches them and mutters "of course....yeh definitely meant all of us just then..." [12/7/15, 10:18:34 PM] Robin: Robin ignores Dag and smiles at the ground. [12/7/15, 10:20:05 PM] Azuna: "Hey, cut her some slack. She brought me back from the brink of death." Azuna chuckled and clutched his side, still feeling extremely sore. [12/7/15, 10:21:32 PM] Blu: Blu watched from her corner and shuddered to herself. She couldn't take another day in here. Not after that last treatment. "I'm in. We're getting out." she said, her voice raw from screaming earlier. [12/7/15, 10:21:33 PM] Dagda: His smirk widens as his eyes dart slyly between the two of them. "Just teasin'" he snickers. [12/7/15, 10:22:42 PM] Robin: Robin turns away quickly and performs Azuna’s habit of observing the door. [12/7/15, 10:23:22 PM] Mouse: The talk to getting out makes Mouse tense up a bit again as she looks at Blu for a moment. [12/7/15, 10:24:12 PM] Dagda: Dag's eyes flick to her and he squeezes her shoulder slightly. "Yeh know we have to darlin'." [12/7/15, 10:25:44 PM] Mouse: She looks up at Dag with sad eyes and then looks down again. "Yeah..." [12/7/15, 10:36:56 PM] Dagda: He gives her an actual smile. "It'll be fine. You can camouflage us and then I'll shriek til they pass out. Simple yeah?" [12/7/15, 10:38:38 PM] Mouse: Mouse chuckles a little. "You are pretty good at shrieking." [12/7/15, 10:39:18 PM] Azuna: "This place always has contingency plans. Their backups have backups. And yet, I still am becoming confident that we can make this happen." Azuna shrugged and half-smiled at Dag. [12/7/15, 10:41:06 PM] Blu: "I-I can make a distraction with my illusions..." [12/7/15, 10:42:39 PM] Dagda: "Of course I am love," he purrs, "I'm a real screamer." [12/7/15, 10:43:17 PM] Robin: Robin giggles nervously. [12/7/15, 10:44:54 PM] Mouse: The last comment causes Mouse to blush and shift uncomfortably a bit though she is also trying to hold back a small smile. [12/7/15, 10:46:49 PM] Azuna: Azuna looks at his now completely bloodstained pants. "Uh, yeah, I think first thing we're gonna need is new clothes..." [12/7/15, 10:49:00 PM] Blu: Blu shyly looked up, "M-maybe I can help in the meantime...?" she piped up, referring to the illusionary abilities she had. "Th-they might not.. not be new but they'll look like it..." [12/7/15, 10:55:11 PM] Dagda: "If it helps yeh practice love" Dag replies mildly. [12/7/15, 11:00:13 PM] Azuna: "If you want, go for it. Don't expend too much energy though." [12/7/15, 11:07:38 PM] Blu: Blu stood shakily and hobbled over to the group before sitting down. She concentrated on Azuna's bloodied clothing and imagined them new and clean. She felt that buzz across her body and her eyes opened again with the purple hue, seeing his clothing slowly go back to a normal state... Except for the fact that the colors were obviously off a shade lighter than they were supposed to be... [12/7/15, 11:08:24 PM] Blu: "O-oh! I'm sorry!" she said with a small laugh, "I don't know how to fix that..." [12/7/15, 11:08:37 PM] Azuna: "Hey, I'll take it, if it means not looking like I killed a man." Azuna chuckled. "Thanks, Blu." [12/7/15, 11:33:18 PM] Robin: Robin picks the dried blood out from under her fingernails. [12/7/15, 11:40:01 PM] Robin: She opens her mouth to say something, then closes it again, looking up at Azuna. [12/7/15, 11:40:38 PM] Azuna: Azuna raises an eyebrow slightly. "Hmm?" [12/7/15, 11:41:43 PM] Robin: “We exist now together… two corpses in one grave…” she maintains her gaze as she sits down on the floor. [12/7/15, 11:42:14 PM] Azuna: "While I won't disagree, I must ask what you mean." Azuna tilted his head. [12/7/15, 11:44:40 PM] Robin: “We were ‘born’ here, together, trained and conditioned to condone this as our entire existence. We’ve been fated to survive our whole lives. Together. And now if we don’t make it… we’ll be fated to die. Together.” [12/7/15, 11:47:48 PM] Azuna: "So we continue on. We can't allow ourselves to dwell on the negatives. It only brings sadness." Azuna smiled. "As much as I don't want to admit it, you are right in a degree. We are not complete. We are dead in some aspect, though where that is exactly, I am not sure." He shook his head. [12/7/15, 11:49:01 PM] Robin: Robin nods, hesitating to say something. She doesn’t know what, exactly. Then, “I’ve been half dead my whole life." [12/7/15, 11:49:09 PM] Blu: Blu rested herself against her familiar wall and got herself cozy once again. [12/7/15, 11:49:35 PM] Azuna: "As have we all, love. But, that isn't going to stop me from fighting." [12/7/15, 11:50:14 PM] Azuna: The doors open, and Tarver is thrown back into the room. He is very visibly shaken. The doors close again. [12/7/15, 11:50:37 PM] Azuna: Azuna is by his side instantly. "Holy shit, Tarver, are you hurt?" [12/7/15, 11:51:15 PM] Dagda: Dag starts forward, concern in his eyes. He pulls free from Mouse and goes to help. [12/7/15, 11:51:20 PM] Blu: Blu's eyes shoot to Tarver, instantly filled with worry over him. [12/7/15, 11:53:00 PM] Robin: Robin puts a hand comfortingly on his back, her touch soothing. She instantly feels his stress. “Tarver, are you alright?” [12/7/15, 11:54:05 PM] Tarver: "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He shrieked out, voice cracking. Tarver's chest was heaving. His chest was heaving up and down rapidly, clothes covered in what looked like ice crystals. Breath was released from his lungs in a visible cloud of cold air. His arms were scratched up and bloody; he had done that to himself in the stress of the conditioning. The male was practically sobbing, tears streaming down his face and looking like a deer caught in headlights with the car two feet from his body. "No, no-- no!! No!! No---" He shuffled away from the group, shaking his head swiftly. "I don't need that again!!! NO!!" He didn't stay in one place. He kept his eyes on the group, almost circling around them like he didn't want near them. [12/7/15, 11:54:39 PM] Azuna: "Give him some space, guys." [12/7/15, 11:54:45 PM] Blu: "T-Tarver, what's wrong...?" [12/7/15, 11:54:46 PM] Azuna: "He needs to calm down on his own." [12/7/15, 11:55:16 PM] Mouse: Mouse just watches from a distance unsure what to do. [12/7/15, 11:55:28 PM] Robin: Robin backs away, hands up from her body, being wary of her surroundings. “Don’t hurt yourself, Tarver.” [12/7/15, 11:56:24 PM] Dagda: Dag watches him warily, eyes narrowed. [12/7/15, 11:57:26 PM] Tarver: Stepping away once more, Tarver found himself purposely slamming his back against the wall and sliding down in to hit the floor. He hugged his knees to his chest, body visibly shaking. The only thing that echoed throughout the holding room was his occasional hiccups and sniffles, followed by the stifling urge to scream. [12/7/15, 11:58:45 PM] Robin: “Tarv. Look at me real quick. Can I come closer? I want to help.” [12/8/15, 12:00:12 AM] Tarver: He flinched visibly, almost as if he was afraid she was going to strike at him. However, he took a second to breath, inhaling slowly and glancing in her direction. [12/8/15, 12:02:48 AM] Robin: Robin keeps her breathing easy. "Can I come closer?" She reiterates. [12/8/15, 12:03:29 AM] Tarver: He responded with a shaky nod, still staring at her. [12/8/15, 12:04:22 AM] Robin: Robin nears him slowly, then sinks to her knees so that she's eye-level to him. "What did they do?" [12/8/15, 12:06:01 AM] Tarver: He had no urge to speak; the male couldn't catch his breath fast enough to even say a word, but he allowed Robin to get close to him. He watched her motions, observing for anything that might make him jump. [12/8/15, 12:06:35 AM] Robin: She looks to his arms. "May I see?" [12/8/15, 12:08:20 AM] Dagda: Dag hovers nearby, watching with a strangely blank expression. [12/8/15, 12:09:05 AM] Tarver: He held his arms out for her- the scratches were from his own fingernails where it looked like he attempted at taking his own skin off. Another hiccup followed by holding back another sob. [12/8/15, 12:10:02 AM] Blu: Blu watches on from her spot across the room. Her worried expression never faltering. [12/8/15, 12:12:16 AM] Robin: Robin clasps his wrists together, trying to be gentle. She's still weak from healing Az's near-fatal wounds, but it's worth it. She blinks once, and her eyes flash bright green. The scratches heal like magic, the blood the only remaining trace that there was ever any damage done. [12/8/15, 12:13:54 AM] Tarver: The stinging pain of the stratches had disappeared from his arms, giving him the ability to ease up on a bit of his crying. He felt ridiculous in all honesty; he came back and the first thing he did was cry and scream at everyone. Everyone had it worse off than he did, it was only psychological it was only... He felt useless. [12/8/15, 12:15:12 AM] Robin: Robin moved forward unexpectedly and embraced him warmly. [12/8/15, 12:16:37 AM] Tarver: "......" He stared blankly at her, eyes wide. His body slowly relaxed into her warm embrace, body shuddering violently as he leaned forward and tightly wrapped his arms around her, crying into her shoulder. [12/8/15, 12:18:36 AM] Robin: Robin holds him tighter, making soothing sounds while she fights the lump in her throat. [12/8/15, 12:20:42 AM] Tarver: His attempt at relaxation was not as easy as he expected it to be; he remained hugging her, taking his time to try and calm himself down. "...thank... you..." [12/8/15, 12:21:39 AM] Azuna: Azuna knelt down near Tarver. "We got you, man. We're gonna get through this. I promise." [12/8/15, 12:21:49 AM] Robin: She pulls away and smiles weakly at him. [12/8/15, 12:24:07 AM] Tarver: He flinched when he looked up to see Azuna, shocked by his sudden appearance before him. Tarver found himself pulling back again, crying ceasing but his paranoia did not. [12/8/15, 12:25:43 AM] Robin: Robin backs away to give him room and moves back the the window. The sky outside has grown to be almost pitch black, the shapes of the wispy grass blowing in a wind she has never felt. [12/8/15, 12:27:36 AM] Azuna: "No rest for the wicked? Try no rest for the genetically augmented, mentally scarred young adults." Azuna chuckled darkly. [12/8/15, 12:29:24 AM] Robin: "Ha," is Robin's short reply. [12/8/15, 12:31:53 AM] Tarver: "......" Tarver moved his body, pressing against the wall with his palm before pulling himself up weakly to his feet. "...we need to get out of here..." Tarver stuttered, voice raspy and eyes narrowed. [12/8/15, 12:33:29 AM] Dagda: "I think that's been the general idea love." [12/8/15, 12:34:01 AM] Azuna: "Yes, we do. But, are we even sort of prepared?" Azuna moved over to the window where Robin stood, and pressed his back to it. "Can we really get out of here? Every time I ask myself the question, I just keep thinking we're not even sort of ready." [12/8/15, 12:34:56 AM] Tarver: "You don't fucking talk," Tarver growled suddenly, a bit of fear still in his eyes. He pointed to the other, baring his teeth. He swiftly turned back to Azuna, shuddering and fidgeting violently. "We're getting out of here." [12/8/15, 12:35:02 AM] Mouse: Mouse fidgets nervously while they talk and stares at the ground. [12/8/15, 12:36:04 AM] Blu: Blu looked down and stared at her hands, doing her best to zone out of here. She couldn't handle another fight. [12/8/15, 12:36:23 AM] Azuna: "That we are. And we aren't going to do it by fighting, so don't start." Azuna merely shook his head. [12/8/15, 12:37:17 AM] Dagda: "Sorry fer breathin' " he mutters darkly at Tarver. [12/8/15, 12:37:21 AM] Robin: Robin keeps her mouth shut. [12/8/15, 12:38:32 AM] Tarver: "I can't fucking trust ANY of you. I can't trust any of you!! You have no fucking IDEA what they told me in there! You... you--" He growled again, shoulders shaking as if he was holding back more crying. "Who fucking knows-- one of you, any of you-- either one of you, if we get out of here, who's to say you won't turn your fucking back on me!? Or anyone else!?" [12/8/15, 12:39:16 AM] Azuna: "So, they pulled that move, did they..." Azuna mused to himself, barely audible except maybe by Robin. [12/8/15, 12:39:41 AM] Robin: Robin nods at Az's comment. [12/8/15, 12:40:03 AM] Blu: Blu looks up, genuinely confused... What would she have done to warrant Tarver's distrust? She felt her heart skip a couple times as she stared on... [12/8/15, 12:40:16 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at Tarver with wide, fearful eyes and then goes back to fidgeting even more. [12/8/15, 12:40:35 AM] Dagda: Dag rolls his eyes. "This is gettin bloody ridiculous." [12/8/15, 12:41:10 AM] Robin: Robin shoots a look at Dag. "You don't know." [12/8/15, 12:41:39 AM] Robin: "I've been here longer than you. " [12/8/15, 12:41:58 AM] Azuna: "Tarver, you need to understand that whatever they may have told you about us, is a complete lie. You have every right to not trust us, but you cannot believe their lies." Azuna pointed to the observation window. "They are trying to plant a seed of distrust, and if you listen to them, that means they've succeeded." [12/8/15, 12:42:50 AM] Dagda: "Don't know what love? That they fuck with yer mind and make yeh think that everyone is out to get yeh? Yeah! It's borin'. It worked on me as a kid, but feckin hell!!' [12/8/15, 12:44:10 AM] Tarver: "Fuck you," Tarver hissed, tightening his fists so hard that his fingernails began to dig into his own skin. [12/8/15, 12:44:44 AM] Robin: Robin touches Tarver's arm slowly and gently. [12/8/15, 12:44:55 AM] Dagda: "Why not darlin'? Might pound some sense back into yeh." [12/8/15, 12:45:04 AM] Mouse: "Please stop. There's not point in this. Please stop.." [12/8/15, 12:45:42 AM] Blu: "N...no more..." [12/8/15, 12:45:58 AM] Tarver: "You got something to fucking say it to me, Dag, say it to my fucking face. Walk your ass over and fucking say it to my face!!!"
0 notes
The Maze (2)
[12/6/15, 11:42:38 PM] Azuna: Azuna is the first to wake up. Everyone was back in the confinement chamber. He half-shouted "Fuck!" Before covering his mouth, hoping he didn't wake anyone up. [12/6/15, 11:42:51 PM] Robin: Robin starts awake immediately. [12/6/15, 11:43:04 PM] Tarver: "I fucking hate it when they do that-" Tarver murmured, half-asleep from the chemicals as he remains lying on the floor. [12/6/15, 11:43:16 PM] Azuna: "Shit, sorry about that..." He put his other hand over his mouth. [12/6/15, 11:43:46 PM] Mouse: Mouse wakes up slowly and stretches out. [12/6/15, 11:43:50 PM] Robin: Robin pats Azuna on the back wordlessly, trying to communicate her acceptance. [12/6/15, 11:44:08 PM] Tarver: With a groan, he sat up, looking around. "Back in here, I see.." [12/6/15, 11:44:39 PM] Mouse: Mouse looks around for a moment. "I want my old room back." [12/6/15, 11:44:43 PM] Azuna: "Yeah, I guess this is where we're living. If you could call anything we do here 'living'." [12/6/15, 11:44:54 PM] Tarver: "It's not living," He scoffed. [12/6/15, 11:44:59 PM] Robin: “Surviving.” Robin whispers. [12/6/15, 11:45:53 PM] Mouse: Mouse gets up and walks away from the group as usual. [12/6/15, 11:46:35 PM] Tarver: Hugging his knees to his chest, Tarver kept where he woke up. "I don't like this." [12/6/15, 11:47:36 PM] Dagda: Dagda groans and sits up. "Yeh know....I feel like it's breakin' a law somehow that I've never been drunk, but I'm 90% certain I've had at least 50 hangovers in my life. That has to be illegal somewhere, right?" [12/6/15, 11:48:24 PM] Tarver: Tarver couldn't help but chuckle. "It's five o'clock somewhere." [12/6/15, 11:48:29 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Group Conditioning will begin in 45 minutes." ((when we do this, essentially Conditioning can be anything from psychological stimulation and breakdown, to rigorous calisthenics, to maze running. This time it'll be maze running, and it goes like this: The maze floor is made of sandpaper, and patients are forced to run barefoot. if the patient stops running, they receive a shock. The goal is to reach the other end as quickly as possible. When they reach the end, they're given water, while the room is shuffled, and then it's right back into it.)) [12/6/15, 11:48:47 PM] Azuna: ((We'll each be in our own maze)) [12/6/15, 11:48:48 PM] Mouse: "I just want to go back to my room. I don't care about the outside." [12/6/15, 11:49:06 PM] Robin: Robin flinches at the word “conditioning." [12/6/15, 11:49:23 PM] Tarver: "What is it this time?" He huffed, looking around. [12/6/15, 11:49:26 PM] Azuna: "Group? We've never had that as a group. What the fuck are they switching it up on us for?" [12/6/15, 11:49:34 PM] Dagda: "Oh great" Dagda mutters, "that sounds like a grand old time." [12/6/15, 11:50:01 PM] Robin: “Groups. They want us in groups now.” [12/6/15, 11:50:06 PM] Azuna: Azuna stands up and stretches out. "Might as well get ready, sometimes they make me run. A lot." [12/6/15, 11:50:07 PM] Mouse: "I don't want this group stuff. I want my room." Mouse clenches her fists and grits her teeth. [12/6/15, 11:50:24 PM] Tarver: "I'm.. not good at running very well," He muttered, slowly standing up. [12/6/15, 11:50:41 PM] Robin: Robin holds her tongue about her conditioning treatment. [12/6/15, 11:51:44 PM] Dagda: "I'm not much of a runner either," he grins and stands, "but I've got a few good tricks." [12/6/15, 11:52:18 PM] Mouse: "I'm sure you do." Mouse huffs and paces a bit. [12/6/15, 11:52:36 PM] Tarver: "I guess if you put a tiger behind me I'll run, but other than that I hate running," He forced a nervous laugh. [12/6/15, 11:53:07 PM] Robin: Robin decides to stay sitting down. [12/6/15, 11:54:29 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Conditioning will begin in 20 minutes."
Azuna looked up. "Fuck off already!" [12/6/15, 11:55:36 PM] Robin: Robin cringes at Azuna’s yelling. [12/6/15, 11:55:43 PM] Dagda: "They do enjoy their announcements don't they," he snorts, "yeh think it makes  'em feel just a little bit special when they do that? Like they're compensating for somethin'?" [12/6/15, 11:55:59 PM] Tarver: A small laugh from Tarver. [12/6/15, 11:56:06 PM] Mouse: "You would know about compensation." [12/6/15, 11:56:10 PM] Azuna: Azuna snorted. [12/6/15, 11:56:41 PM] Azuna: "Nice one. Dag, I neglected to pack ice, you'll need to find some yourself." [12/6/15, 11:57:14 PM] Tarver: "That's one of my powers," Tarver snorted. [12/6/15, 11:57:47 PM] Dagda: "Lovely! Then we're all covered aren't we?" [12/7/15, 12:01:57 AM] Azuna: Over Intercom "All patients, report for Conditioning." The doors hiss open. Scientists come through wielding shock batons.
Azuna chuckled. "New hardware. Maybe they are compensating for something." This was responded to by a zap from one of the scientists. Azuna crumpled to the floor almost immediately, unable to move for a solid 10 seconds. "Holy SHIT, that one hurt." Azuna stood up, and flung a fist at one of them, sending him to the floor. "Bet mine felt worse though." Again he was zapped, this time long enough to leave a burn on his arm.
The intercom sounded again. "All patients, report for conditioning in an orderly fashion." [12/7/15, 12:02:52 AM] Robin: Robin cowers, and then stands when on of the scientists approaches her. [12/7/15, 12:03:04 AM] Tarver: "Azuna," Tarver muttered out nervously, watching him fall to the floor repeatedly from being shocked. With a shaky breath, he glanced up at the scientists. [12/7/15, 12:03:36 AM] Azuna: "I'm fine, I p-promise." He shakily stood, and headed to the door. [12/7/15, 12:04:21 AM] Tarver: Tarver headed to the door, quickly catching up with Azuna to observe his behavior after being shocked. [12/7/15, 12:04:23 AM] Robin: Robin tries to look back at Azuna but is prodded gently, and screams out in pain. [12/7/15, 12:04:41 AM] Dagda: Dagda clenches his jaw, his eyes starting to brighten again as he follows. [12/7/15, 12:04:43 AM] Mouse: Mouse heads to the door resisting the urge to pick a fight with one of scientists. [12/7/15, 12:05:02 AM] Azuna: Azuna responds by barreling into the only remaining scientist, sending him to the floor too. "Come on, at least these two won't bug us." [12/7/15, 12:05:37 AM] Robin: "What the fuck are you doing!?" [12/7/15, 12:05:46 AM] Tarver: He was a tad shocked by Azuna's actions, but shrugged and nodded in acceptance. [12/7/15, 12:06:01 AM] Azuna: "I'm walking to my conditioning in an orderly fashion. I mean, I am now." [12/7/15, 12:06:16 AM] Tarver: "Smartass," Tarver followed, grinning slightly. "I love it." [12/7/15, 12:06:22 AM] Robin: Robin scoffs. [12/7/15, 12:06:29 AM] Mouse: "Jesus fucking Christ." Mouse chuckles. [12/7/15, 12:07:03 AM] Robin: "Great work, champ. Feel better about yourself now?" [12/7/15, 12:07:24 AM] Dagda: Dagda chuckles. "Balls indeed weepy" he says with a grin. [12/7/15, 12:08:12 AM] Robin: Robin trails behind Azuna, whispering obscenities involving his stupidity. [12/7/15, 12:08:16 AM] Azuna: The patients are led into a room the size of a warehouse. One wall with one floor-to-ceiling entrance greets them. There is a scientist waiting with water bottles. "Patient 0-4-5. Drink up, and remove your shoes." He ordered. "You have 2 minutes." [12/7/15, 12:08:45 AM] Tarver: "What the fuck is going on...-" Tarver asked out loud, looking around the room. [12/7/15, 12:08:51 AM] Azuna: "This is all for me? Joy!" He gave a fake smile, and took the water, removing his shoes. [12/7/15, 12:09:01 AM] Mouse: "Running. Great." [12/7/15, 12:09:04 AM] Robin: "It looks like a maze. Why else would they block it off?" [12/7/15, 12:09:19 AM] Tarver: "...no, no, no no-" He found himself backing up slowly. [12/7/15, 12:09:55 AM] Azuna: "The rest of you, follow Doctor Mathius into the consecutive rooms to my right. Each of you get one." [12/7/15, 12:10:01 AM] Dagda: "Rat in the maze. My favorite game." [12/7/15, 12:10:03 AM] Azuna: "When you hear a buzzer, your time to run begins." [12/7/15, 12:10:50 AM] Mouse: Mouse glares at Dagda and then shakes it off trying to get prepared. [12/7/15, 12:10:54 AM] Tarver: Tarver fidgeted visibly, eyes averting every gaze and every person. [12/7/15, 12:10:59 AM] Azuna: "This looks like it's probably going to hurt. Look at the floor." Azuna pointed to the ground in the maze. [12/7/15, 12:11:16 AM] Robin: "Looks... painful." [12/7/15, 12:11:18 AM] Azuna: "That is sandpaper." [12/7/15, 12:11:26 AM] Tarver: "I can't fucking do this, what is this shit?" Tarver hissed, teeth bared. [12/7/15, 12:11:45 AM] Azuna: "Tarver, you have to." [12/7/15, 12:11:48 AM] Azuna: "We don't have a choice." [12/7/15, 12:12:12 AM] Robin: Robin starts breathing unevenly, and suddenly she feels the air in the room get heavy with emotions she cannot explain. They don't seem like hers. [12/7/15, 12:12:12 AM] Tarver: "I know..." He sighed, frowning. [12/7/15, 12:12:17 AM] Dagda: "Yeh'll be alright Tarvy. Just keep smilin' then you win anyway." [12/7/15, 12:12:33 AM] Tarver: He scoffed a bit, forcing a grin in Dagda's direction. [12/7/15, 12:13:05 AM] Azuna: "Patient 0-4-5. Step up to this yellow line. When you hear the buzzer, begin."
"No time like the present. See you all on the other side." The buzzer sounded, and he took off into the maze. [12/7/15, 12:13:26 AM] Mouse: "It's fine. Everything will be fine." [12/7/15, 12:13:29 AM] Tarver: "Good luck," Tarver saluted Azuna, watching him take off into the maze. [12/7/15, 12:13:31 AM] Azuna: "The rest of you, follow Doctor Mathius." [12/7/15, 12:13:37 AM] Robin: Robin is escorted to her portion forcefully. [12/7/15, 12:14:09 AM] Tarver: Tarver scoffed in the direction of the scientists as he followed Dr. Mathius as directed. [12/7/15, 12:14:10 AM] Dagda: "Right right" he waves a hand, "go for yer run bossy knickers." [12/7/15, 12:14:35 AM] Mouse: "My feet itch anyway. Need a good scratch hehe." [12/7/15, 12:14:51 AM] Azuna: There were open slits in the walls connecting each room. Azuna's pained screams could be heard every now and then, and then a faint ding as he reached the other side. [12/7/15, 12:15:32 AM] Tarver: He froze, hearing the others screams. There was pain involved. His chest heaved, anxiety sinking in. [12/7/15, 12:15:36 AM] Robin: She kicks off her shoes in spite, worrying for herself and the others. She snatches up the water bottle, takes a swig, and waits for the buzzer to sound. [12/7/15, 12:16:08 AM] Mouse: Mouse throws her shoes off and slowly drinks from the bottle a bit. [12/7/15, 12:16:20 AM] Dagda: Dagda cocks his head to one side. "That sounds fun doesn't it?" [12/7/15, 12:16:30 AM] Azuna: Azuna could be heard yelling, "Don't worry guys, it's not like they could run this shit! Fuckin' bitches can't even fight properly!" Another scream. [12/7/15, 12:16:53 AM] Robin: It goes off, and she takes off into the maze as fast as she can, the sandpaper being stained with  her blood in the last few meters. At the end, she crumples into a sobbing form. [12/7/15, 12:17:05 AM] Tarver: He nervously kicked off his shoes with a huff, taking a drink from the water bottle. "Well.. let's give it a shot." [12/7/15, 12:17:30 AM] Azuna: ((the maze switches up about 6 times, so we run a different maze about 7 times before the session ends)) [12/7/15, 12:17:58 AM] Dagda: Dagda gives a single, humorless laugh and toes his shoes off. "Why not? Got nothin else to do." [12/7/15, 12:18:32 AM] Robin: A scientist kicks Robin up, handing her another water bottle, and she wipes her tears furiously. "Again." The scientist chides. [12/7/15, 12:18:44 AM] Azuna: "Oh man, just gee golly am I having so much FUCKING fun in this hellhole!" Azuna yells again. [12/7/15, 12:19:05 AM] Tarver: Tarver could hear the faint voices of Robin and Azuna, forcing a grin upon his face. "Anyone want to make it a race for those whos buzzers havent gone off yet?" He laughed forcefully. [12/7/15, 12:19:35 AM] Azuna: "I'll take you up on that! I think I've got about 2 laps on you though!" [12/7/15, 12:19:37 AM] Dagda: "Are we bettin anything Tarvy?" [12/7/15, 12:20:04 AM] Tarver: "Do you wish to bet something, Dag?" With a laugh, he heard Azuna somewhere in his maze. "Doesn't apply, Azuna! Hahaha!" [12/7/15, 12:20:50 AM] Azuna: "Alright then! Last one to finish has to tell everyone a story tonight!" [12/7/15, 12:20:53 AM] Robin: On her 3rd lap, Robin can barely stand from the wounds on her feet. She continues with tears in her eyes and a smile plastered on her face. [12/7/15, 12:21:41 AM] Robin: Azuna's proposition resounds through the building and she laughs through her tears. [12/7/15, 12:22:04 AM] Azuna: "Oh, god! This really hurts guys!" He screams as he's shocked again. "WELL TIME FOR LAP 3!" [12/7/15, 12:22:11 AM] Dagda: "That sounds fair" Dagda shouts back when his buzzer goes off. "Let's see how much you fuckers like it when I scream" he purrs, eyes blazing as he takes off. [12/7/15, 12:22:39 AM] Tarver: Hearing the buzzer, and what Dagda had said, he couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as he bursts forward into the maze. [12/7/15, 12:23:54 AM] Mouse: Mouse grits her teeth as the buzzer goes off and rushes into the maze. [12/7/15, 12:23:57 AM] Azuna: "Man, I think they run us like this because they're jealous we can actually do it! Hey, Doctor Asshole, eat a dick!" [12/7/15, 12:24:21 AM] Robin: "Yeah, great work, you pricks!" Robin yells. [12/7/15, 12:24:23 AM] Tarver: "You tell 'em, Azuna!" Tarver howls through the maze. [12/7/15, 12:25:52 AM] Azuna: Minutes pass. Azuna has since lost the ability to yell. "So close to the end, one more lap." He gasps to himself as he gulps down more water. [12/7/15, 12:26:20 AM] Dagda: Dagda's sudden shout echoes from his part of the maze and for just a second it slices painfully into the eardrums of those who hear it. [12/7/15, 12:26:33 AM] Robin: Robin is on her 6th lap and is on the edge of breaking. Her eyes sting from tears and her voice is shot from sobs. [12/7/15, 12:26:58 AM] Tarver: Tarver's screams repeatedly fill the air and echo throughout the maze, coming up on his fourth lap. [12/7/15, 12:26:58 AM] Azuna: "Oh my god, that, is probably going to leave a mark somewhere. Ow." "Last...Lap..." [12/7/15, 12:29:21 AM] Dagda: Dagda hobbles through his fourth lap, growling and gritting his teeth. "This is....great fun isn't it lads?" [12/7/15, 12:29:56 AM] Azuna: While he couldn't shout, Azuna held up his thumbs, hoping they picked up on it. [12/7/15, 12:30:09 AM] Tarver: Tarver felt his chest clench up around his sixth lap, running out of breath. He wasn't built for running. He always hated it. "Almost.. done.. fuck!" [12/7/15, 12:30:30 AM] Robin: At the end of the last lap, she collapses at the feet of a scientist who clicks a timed stopwatch and jots something down on his clipboard. She sobs and looks down at her feet, which have been torn up. Her eyes flash green, and the bleeding ceases. The scientist stays stony-faced, and writes more down on his godforsaken clipboard. He leaves Robin curled up on the floor. [12/7/15, 12:31:11 AM] Robin: "You FUCK!" She shouts at him with what remains of her voice. [12/7/15, 12:32:36 AM] Azuna: Azuna's lap ends. He walks to the waiting scientist, and again socks him in the jaw, sending him to the ground. "That's for putting my friends through hell." He says, in a whisper, which is all he can manage right now. [12/7/15, 12:33:33 AM] Robin: Robin cannot stand without crying. But she does anyway, smiling only slightly at the scientist massaging his jaw. [12/7/15, 12:33:44 AM] Azuna: He looks back at the bloody footprints leading to his own feet. "Huh. That sucks." He grabs a water bottle and sinks to the ground. [12/7/15, 12:34:03 AM] Azuna: "I don't really want to wear my shoes right now." [12/7/15, 12:34:11 AM] Tarver: Tarver makes it to the end, rushing and using his last amount of energy to hit that finish line, where he suddenly tumbles with a loud yelp, wheezing coming from his throat as he collapses onto the floor. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" He yelled, attempting to put pressure on his right ankle- the one he tumbled over at the end. [12/7/15, 12:34:13 AM] Robin: Robin sits next to Azuna and tries to conceal her tears. [12/7/15, 12:34:33 AM] Dagda: Dagda keeps his smile firmly on his face, beginning to laugh as he begins his final lap. His laugh grows louder and louder as he goes and as he reaches the end, his legs crumpling beneath him, he looks up at the scientist in front of him and let's out the loudest laugh yet. It echoes deafeningly through the maze and knocks the scientist of their feet. [12/7/15, 12:34:54 AM] Azuna: "Hey, we did it, right? Look at us go, being all maze running and shit." Azuna glances at the scientist. "Man, that guy is not having a good day." [12/7/15, 12:35:21 AM] Robin: Robin chokes out something resembling a giggle. "No, he's not." [12/7/15, 12:35:50 AM] Mouse: Mouse reaches the end and collapses to the ground. She tries to put a smile back on her face but is having trouble. [12/7/15, 12:36:10 AM] Azuna: "I think that man is actually unconscious now. I'm sure someone will escort us back to the room eventually, but for now, everyone grab some water, and rest up. We don't have to have that story tonight." [12/7/15, 12:36:20 AM] Dagda: Dagda's giggles continue and he falls into his side, clutching his middle [12/7/15, 12:36:49 AM] Tarver: With a nervous laugh, he allowed himself to calm down, gathering his breath before letting out a barky cough. He stayed on the floor and glanced down at his ankle, noticing the swelling. He held his hands up, attempting to summon ice from the surrounding air. However, hardly anything. He sniffled silently, body shuddering. [12/7/15, 12:37:47 AM] Robin: Robin holds her head in her hands, feeling the air getting heavy with the emotions of despair and hopelessness and pain. [12/7/15, 12:38:12 AM] Robin: And yet, she can't explain why. [12/7/15, 12:38:38 AM] Tarver: With a stubborn growl, Tarver turned his body and stood up with a grimace on his face, glancing around at everyone. [12/7/15, 12:39:15 AM] Dagda: Dagda rolls to his knees, wiping tears from his face as he keeps laughing. "Well..." He gasps, slightly painfully, "that was a bit of a slap and a tickle wasn't it?" [12/7/15, 12:39:35 AM] Azuna: "Indeed." Azuna hesitates momentarily, and then puts his arms around Robin. "Hey, man, we did it, alright? Yeah, it hurts like a bitch, but that's part of the job. We did it, that's what matters." [12/7/15, 12:39:37 AM] Mouse: Mouse looks at Dagda and chuckles a bit. [12/7/15, 12:40:03 AM] Tarver: "I believe I have observed that you might be a slight sadomasochist, Dag," Tarver barked, voice still harsh and low. [12/7/15, 12:40:29 AM] Robin: Robin recovers, startled at Azuna's contact. "Yeah." [12/7/15, 12:41:27 AM] Azuna: "Alright." Azuna stood up, and almost fell over again. "Oops. Man it hurts to stand and sit. This is unfortunate." [12/7/15, 12:41:38 AM] Dagda: Dagda winks. "Oh far more than a bit lovey" he giggles, staggering to his feet. [12/7/15, 12:42:18 AM] Tarver: "You tease," Tarver barked once again, letting out a legitimate laugh to that response as he drags himself over to the rest of the group. "Awesome. We did it." [12/7/15, 12:42:27 AM] Robin: Robin struggles to stand and walks away from the likes of Dag's remarks. [12/7/15, 12:42:36 AM] Mouse: Mouse has a hard time getting up but manages to after a few tries. She shakes her head at the two while trying to keep a small smile on her face. [12/7/15, 12:43:02 AM] Dagda: "If it's all you've got then you might as well develop a bit of a taste for it." [12/7/15, 12:43:18 AM] Robin: Robin blushes. [12/7/15, 12:43:50 AM] Azuna: Azuna shrugged. "To each their own. Wow, this is just...hoo boy." He collapsed to the ground. "Aaalright, I guess I won't walk then." [12/7/15, 12:44:25 AM] Tarver: Holding his hand up again, Tarver had ignored everyone momentarily to glance down at his ankle, where surrounding ice crystals formed to act as somewhat of a cold sheet of ice to keep the swelling down. It wouldn't last long, his powers were very fickle. [12/7/15, 12:45:24 AM] Robin: Robin stares down at the ice on Tarver's ankle. "Dude?" [12/7/15, 12:45:37 AM] Tarver: "Hmm?" He looked up swiftly. [12/7/15, 12:45:43 AM] Dagda: Dagda's body shakes from pain and fatigue as he stands, but he refuses to stop standing. [12/7/15, 12:45:54 AM] Robin: "Ice. What's up with that?" [12/7/15, 12:46:27 AM] Mouse: "Need a shoulder to lean on Dagda. I got two." [12/7/15, 12:46:37 AM] Tarver: "When you grabbed my hand, do you recall it being ice cold? Happens when I'm stressed. I can hardly control it, though. I got lucky this time." Tarver glanced down again to observe. [12/7/15, 12:47:11 AM] Robin: "Oh yeah. Fascinating, that." [12/7/15, 12:47:30 AM] Dagda: He gives mouse a surprised look. "Awfully nice for yeh to offer that love" he mutters. [12/7/15, 12:47:54 AM] Tarver: Tarver chuckled a bit, averting people's gazes once more. [12/7/15, 12:48:12 AM] Mouse: "Don't worry. I'll be kicking your ass once I can feel my feet again." Mouse winks at him. [12/7/15, 12:48:29 AM] Azuna: "Oh man, I think my legs just aren't working at all now. I'm gonna have to crawl back to the confinement chamber." Azuna chuckles. [12/7/15, 12:49:10 AM] Robin: "I'll crawl with you. We can grovel at the feet of our owners together." Robin sniffs. [12/7/15, 12:49:19 AM] Azuna: "Sounds like a plan." [12/7/15, 12:50:18 AM] Dagda: He eyes mouse for a moment, the same, unreadable look that he had given Tarver earlier there once more. He shrugs. "Don't mind the help if yer givin' freely." [12/7/15, 12:51:17 AM] Tarver: "Looks like we're all getting along now, hmm? I am wondering why they chose us for the group. Why? What about us?" Tarver suddenly questioned, leaning all his weight more on one side. [12/7/15, 12:51:50 AM] Azuna: Another scientist walked over to them. "Come with me back to your confinement chamber."
Azuna laughed before coughing up some blood. He spat it on the scientist's shoes. "I'm not walking." [12/7/15, 12:51:56 AM] Robin: "I've been wondering that my whole life. Why me." [12/7/15, 12:52:35 AM] Azuna: He began to crawl back down the hallway, dragging his apparently dead legs behind him. [12/7/15, 12:52:38 AM] Tarver: "Questions that we will never get answers to.." He trailed off, following slowly behind the scientist. [12/7/15, 12:52:49 AM] Azuna: "They'll come back to me tomorrow. I'm sure." [12/7/15, 12:53:21 AM] Robin: Robin helps Azuna up, carrying most of his weight on her. [12/7/15, 12:53:31 AM] Dagda: "Waste of time wonderin' if yeh ask me" Dagda drawls, draping and arm around Mouse's shoulders. [12/7/15, 12:53:48 AM] Azuna: "Don't let me crush you now. Feel free to shove me to the ground if I become too much." [12/7/15, 12:53:57 AM] Azuna: "I am more than willing to crawl." [12/7/15, 12:54:07 AM] Tarver: He trudged along in the hallway with a pained look on his face, avoiding eye contact with anyone. [12/7/15, 12:54:13 AM] Mouse: "I hate agreeing with you but yeah." Mouse leads him while slowly following the scientist. [12/7/15, 12:54:47 AM] Robin: "You've been nothing but kind. I owe you." Robin smiles painfully. "Plus I can get us faster there than you dragging your body with your arms." [12/7/15, 12:55:10 AM] Azuna: When they reached the chamber, Azuna fell to the floor on purpose and dragged himself to the nearest wall, sitting against it and putting his head back. He was asleep almost instantly. [12/7/15, 12:56:07 AM] Dagda: Dagda tilts a little more heavily onto Mouse than he intends to. [12/7/15, 12:56:12 AM] Robin: Robin followed behind him out of instinct, cradled her feet near her, and fell asleep with tears in her eyes. [12/7/15, 12:56:34 AM] Tarver: Tarver immediately collapsed in one of the shady corners, hudding and hugging his knees to his chest. He needed time to himself to rid the pan in his ankle where ice was no more. Another flash in his eyes- this time, a dark purple, and his surroundings almost glitched for a mere split second. The power he hated to not be in control of. [12/7/15, 12:56:49 AM] Mouse: Mouse shifts a bit but does her best to keep moving forward until they reach the room. [12/7/15, 12:58:01 AM] Robin: Robin glances at her company sympathetically before falling into a dark sleep. [12/7/15, 12:59:50 AM] Tarver: Tarver looked up and noticed some others had already fallen asleep from being so exhausted. He was heading there. With another glance at the remaining awake, he smiled at them nervously before leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. [12/7/15, 1:01:15 AM] Dagda: Dagda practically falls off Mouse when they get there. "Thanks fer that darlin'" he murmurs, pushing himself back against a wall. [12/7/15, 1:02:24 AM] Mouse: "Don't call me darlin." She hobbles over to spot away from most of the group and drops down. [12/7/15, 1:04:13 AM] Azuna: Azuna, half asleep, mumbles "cut him some slack, he's doin' his best." He slides down the wall and gently comes to rest on Robin's shoulder, this time asleep for good. [12/7/15, 1:05:28 AM] Mouse: "I'll cut him some slack when I'm dead." Mouse finally allows herself to lay down and slowly drifts off to sleep.
0 notes
Introduction/Group Cooldown (1)
[12/6/15, 9:30:54 PM] Azuna: It's evening. Not quite dusk, but getting there. The people being experimented on as per new discoveries in genetic modification have been moved to one room, as another experiment to see how they handle living together. Five of the Six have been in this room previously, and the last one is just about to enter... [12/6/15, 9:31:51 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom: "Patients, stand back from the door. Welcome, Patient 1-6-8." [12/6/15, 9:33:32 PM] Azuna: "Another one?" [sarcastically] "Hey, the more the merrier, I guess." [12/6/15, 9:35:23 PM] Blu: The door opened just long enough for Blu to be shoved in to the room. With the door shut once more, she looked around and meekly smiled before giving a very small wave before gravitating towards a wall. [12/6/15, 9:35:58 PM] Robin: Robin nods her head and raises an eyebrow. “Hey.” [12/6/15, 9:37:27 PM] Blu: "H-hi..." Blu says shyly. [12/6/15, 9:38:05 PM] Robin: “So. What’re you in for?” Robin jokes. [12/6/15, 9:39:50 PM] Azuna: Azuna took a seat on the floor, looking up at the newcomer. "Hope the welcome wagon didn't treat you too badly." He gestured to the door, chuckling. [12/6/15, 9:41:27 PM] Blu: Blu chuckles softly. "I'm 168... But you can just call me Blu." she says, introducing herself, resting her back against the wall, looking around at the other members of the party. [12/6/15, 9:42:26 PM] Robin: Robin looks up at the ceiling for a moment, turns back and flashes a small smile towards Blu. “137. I’m Robin.” [12/6/15, 9:43:26 PM] Azuna: "Patient 0-4-5, at your service. Name's Azuna." He tilted his head towards Blu. [12/6/15, 9:45:00 PM] Robin: “God, do we know when they’re gonna feed us? I’m hungry,” Robin says after a small pause. [12/6/15, 9:46:44 PM] Azuna: "If I had a clock, I'd be able to tell you...that I have no idea." Azuna spoke jokingly. [12/6/15, 9:46:59 PM] Blu: "Haven't eaten since yesterday." Blu said with a small groan. "Hopefully it's soon..." [12/6/15, 9:47:36 PM] Robin: Robin smiles briefly and resumes her awkward stature. [12/6/15, 9:48:30 PM] Azuna: "I haven't eaten since my last conditioning session, which was about 45 minutes before you got here. Of course, that number is a complete guess, but whatever." He stood, and walked over to examine the door, an action that became a bit of a habit for Azuna. [12/6/15, 9:50:31 PM] Robin: “It’s been a day or so for me. I can’t really tell. They don’t tell us the times, as you probably know…” Robin trails off. [12/6/15, 9:51:34 PM] Azuna: "Sorry to hear that. I think our 'schedules' are different, if you catch my drift." [12/6/15, 9:57:13 PM] Tarver: Being shoved into a room was something he didn't want happening. Pupils dilating, he swiftly craned his neck to glance among the others in the room, eyes narrowing slightly. Lifting a hand, he began chewing nervously at his fingernails before quickly pacing the room.
"I want outta here already. Too many people. Too little a space. I don't like it." [12/6/15, 9:57:45 PM] Azuna: "Sorry man, them's the rules. Nothing to be done." [12/6/15, 9:58:05 PM] Azuna: "Although I will say, I hate it as much as the next guy." [12/6/15, 9:58:22 PM] Robin: Robin watches him nervously and draws her legs towards herself. [12/6/15, 9:58:23 PM] Tarver: "Fuck the rules!" He turned to the other male, "I. Don't. Like it here." He stated rather harshly, chest heaving up and down. [12/6/15, 9:58:45 PM] Azuna: "Easy, Easy. You're doing nothing but raising the tension in here." [12/6/15, 9:58:45 PM] Mouse: "Relax man. No point in freaking out." [12/6/15, 9:59:08 PM] Mouse: "We didn't put you here heh." [12/6/15, 9:59:08 PM] Robin: “Seriously. Cool your jets, bud." [12/6/15, 9:59:17 PM] Robin: “Can’t deal with this right now." [12/6/15, 9:59:23 PM] Dagda: "Yeh wanna calm down there jumpy drawers? Yer makin' it difficult for the rest of us to have some peace and quiet" Dagda drawls from the corner. [12/6/15, 9:59:50 PM] Blu: Blu felt her anxiety spike as the other male became agitated and she sat herself down on the floor and began to fidget with her hands. [12/6/15, 9:59:52 PM] Tarver: With a long breath, he straightened his posture and sighed. "I'm sorry, sorry just- irritated." He placed his head in his hands dragging them down his face. He slowly glanced over to Dagda, a mocking low tone coming from under his breath. [12/6/15, 10:00:04 PM] Mouse: "Jumpy drawers hehe." [12/6/15, 10:00:15 PM] Azuna: "As am I, but there's nothing to be done about it. What's your name again?" [12/6/15, 10:00:34 PM] Tarver: "Tarver," He stated quickly. "It's Tarver." [12/6/15, 10:00:46 PM] Azuna: "Pleasure." [12/6/15, 10:00:48 PM] Robin: “Hard to catch from all the stress you exuded.” [12/6/15, 10:01:20 PM] Dagda: "Yeh come up with that name yerself? Hate to tell ya, but it's rubbish." [12/6/15, 10:01:44 PM] Mouse: "Well. What the hell is your name, mister high and mighty?" [12/6/15, 10:02:08 PM] Tarver: "Yeah well, I'm a nervous guy- look, any negative emotions I happen to say, it's not towards any of you, I just-" With a roll of his eyes at Dagda's words, he ignored them as best he could. "I'm a nervous guy and I and I can tell we all are nervous here." [12/6/15, 10:04:19 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Patient 1-4-6, report for conditioning." The doors open, and three scientists donned in lab coats walked into the room. [12/6/15, 10:04:46 PM] Robin: Robin curls up tighter. [12/6/15, 10:04:49 PM] Azuna: "Good luck man." [12/6/15, 10:05:06 PM] Tarver: "Ah.. fuck me, man-" Tarver stated with a sigh. "This shit begins." [12/6/15, 10:05:08 PM] Blu: Blu's eyes hit the floor, looking away from everything. [12/6/15, 10:05:12 PM] Mouse: "See ya. Good luck being prodded whatever your name is." [12/6/15, 10:06:41 PM] Dagda: "Oh lookie there. Seems it's my turn for a trip to the funhouse." He stands shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'll be sure to let you know whether the hall of mirrors is shite or not" The throws up a backhanded wave and trudges over to the scientists. [12/6/15, 10:07:20 PM] Dagda: "Oh, and it's Dagda, by the way." [12/6/15, 10:07:29 PM] Azuna: The scientists escort Dagda out of the room, and the doors seal once again. [12/6/15, 10:07:41 PM] Mouse: "Dammit that's cool." Mouse mumbles. [12/6/15, 10:08:18 PM] Tarver: "And that guy thought my name was rubbish?" Tarver questioned, shrugging his shoulders. "Pfttt.. not like it was a better name or anything-" Crossing his arms with a huff, the male just dropped to the floor and sat. [12/6/15, 10:08:48 PM] Robin: Robin mutters something nearly unintelligible about not like conditioning. [12/6/15, 10:09:55 PM] Azuna: "So," Azuna crossed his arms and leaned against a nearby wall. "Anyone feel like sharing about themselves? I can safely say I've never seen you guys before today, so I know nothing about any of you except for your names and your numbers." [12/6/15, 10:10:47 PM] Robin: Robin is still staring at the door despite having heard Azuna. [12/6/15, 10:12:12 PM] Mouse: "I'm Mouse. I like long walks on the beach and being poked with needles." [12/6/15, 10:12:33 PM] Tarver: "Ah-" Tarver merely glanced up. "I'm just.. here I guess. Uhm.. I like reading. Books." He stared into the distance for a good few seconds before coming back to realize what he was doing. "That's.. about it." [12/6/15, 10:17:44 PM] Azuna: "I suppose I can go next. Name's Azuna. Patient 0-4-5." He said his patient designation in a nasally, robotic tone. "I also spend a lot of time reading, sitting, being experimented on, general stuff." [12/6/15, 10:18:30 PM] Tarver: "Sounds about right," Tarver forced a slight laugh, hugging his knees to his chest. [12/6/15, 10:19:37 PM] Robin: Robin speaks timidly. “I’m 1-3-7. I don’t do much." [12/6/15, 10:19:48 PM] Mouse: "Yeah I think we'll all share some 'common interests' to be honest." [12/6/15, 10:20:17 PM] Azuna: "That is true. Though I suppose we are all still different, in ways other than the physical." [12/6/15, 10:22:41 PM] Mouse: "True." Mouse starts wandering the room examining the walls and floor. [12/6/15, 10:23:12 PM] Tarver: Tarver kept his spot on the floor, observing and listening. [12/6/15, 10:24:58 PM] Azuna: The doors hiss open again, and Dagda is thrown back into the room. He looks very visibly shaken from the session. [12/6/15, 10:25:27 PM] Robin: Robin looks at him briefly, and then stares back up at the ceiling. [12/6/15, 10:25:32 PM] Tarver: Tarver's eyes averted away from Dagda immediately. [12/6/15, 10:25:35 PM] Mouse: "Looks like they put your Irish ass through the works heh." Mouse looks at him and then continues what she was doing. [12/6/15, 10:28:57 PM] Dagda: He stumbles back into the room with his arms wrapped around his waist. He laughs weakly and smirks at mouse. "Haven't the faintest idea of what yer on about darlin'. A quick prick and then a merry little party. Wham bam, and thank you very much ma'am." He grins. [12/6/15, 10:29:05 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "Your first group cooldown session will begin in 30 minutes. Be ready for collection." [12/6/15, 10:29:30 PM] Azuna: Azuna perked his head up. "What the fuck does cooldown mean?" [12/6/15, 10:29:45 PM] Robin: “Can’t be that bad.” [12/6/15, 10:29:51 PM] Robin: “It’s called a cooldown." [12/6/15, 10:29:58 PM] Azuna: "You must not have been here long, dear." [12/6/15, 10:30:04 PM] Azuna: "There's always a twist." [12/6/15, 10:30:29 PM] Dagda: "Sounds bloody lovely if it can be taken literally." Dagda says faintly, closing his eyes and hunching [12/6/15, 10:30:39 PM] Robin: Robin raises her eyebrows at being called “dear.” [12/6/15, 10:31:02 PM] Tarver: "I just don't like the word collection being used," Slowly getting up, Tarver adjusted his hoodie and glanced over to Dagda. "..you alright there, man?" It was obvious he wasn't but maybe the question of concern would show a bit of ease. [12/6/15, 10:31:42 PM] Mouse: "Look at him. He's just dandy." [12/6/15, 10:31:47 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood and stretched. "Well, I won't keep my hopes up, but they'll still be there." He walked to Robin and offered a hand. "They said be ready, so the least we can do for these bastards is stand up." [12/6/15, 10:31:53 PM] Mouse: Mouse smirks and shakes her head. [12/6/15, 10:32:01 PM] Dagda: "Oh yeah....I'm doing quite swimmingly." [12/6/15, 10:32:17 PM] Tarver: "Heh," He forced another laugh, averting his eyes once more. [12/6/15, 10:34:24 PM] Azuna: Over Intercom "The session will begin in 5 minutes, proceed to the area with these escorts."" The door opens and the same scientists come through the door.
Azuna tilted his head towards the speaker. "Give it a fucking rest, we get it!" [12/6/15, 10:35:12 PM] Robin: Robin takes Azunas hand. [12/6/15, 10:35:41 PM] Tarver: "Shut up, shut up," Tarver muttered under his breath at the intercom, shaking his head and heading towards the scientists with his hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. He didn't want anyone see him shake. [12/6/15, 10:35:42 PM] Mouse: Mouse grunts and starts heading towards the door. [12/6/15, 10:37:58 PM] Azuna: "Well, no time like the present. Let's go."
The six patients are led to an area not previously visited. There is a basketball court, a pool with various lounging equipment, and a small exercise area. Over Intercom "This is an experiment to test how you react when greeted with physical and recreational activities. We will not be monitoring you for the duration of this session. "Your time begins now." [12/6/15, 10:38:59 PM] Azuna: "Yeah, this is bullshit, I smell a trap." Azuna was taking in everything at once, it seemed like. [12/6/15, 10:39:08 PM] Tarver: "Then what's the point if they're not monitoring?" Tarver questioned, eyes narrowing. [12/6/15, 10:39:36 PM] Azuna: "They probably still are. They're trying to get us to do something specific, I bet." [12/6/15, 10:39:59 PM] Mouse: Mouse goes over to the pool and dips her feet in. "You can worry about bullshit but I'm enjoying the water for a bit." [12/6/15, 10:40:07 PM] Dagda: Dagda shuffles over to a corners and slides down against the wall into a curled up crouch. "As lovely as this has been, I think I'll be takin' me nap now. Nighty night." [12/6/15, 10:40:17 PM] Robin: Robin stays close to the door. [12/6/15, 10:40:42 PM] Tarver: "...eh, what the fuck." Tarver shrugged, sitting by the pool. "We'll find out what's up eventually." [12/6/15, 10:41:51 PM] Azuna: Azuna gives up after a couple minutes, and sits with Mouse and Tarver. "Come join us over here, Robin. We should at least try to stay close together, on the off chance they're planning something." [12/6/15, 10:42:13 PM] Dagda: "Suit yerself." He wrinkles his nose at the water and glowers. [12/6/15, 10:42:47 PM] Tarver: "That means you too, Dagda," Tarver couldn't help but let a smirk slide. [12/6/15, 10:42:59 PM] Azuna: A chemical agent is released into the room, supercharging the atmosphere. Everyone suddenly feels wide awake. [12/6/15, 10:43:09 PM] Robin: Robin sits next to Azuna. [12/6/15, 10:43:27 PM] Azuna: Azuna takes a deep breath. "Well, shit. I guess we aren't sleeping." [12/6/15, 10:43:35 PM] Mouse: "No need to drag a feral cat to water. If he wants to sit in the corner like a brat let him." [12/6/15, 10:43:49 PM] Tarver: "Sleep is for the weak, as they say," Tarver grinned a bit and stretched his arms. [12/6/15, 10:44:22 PM] Dagda: "Oh that's nice" Dagda growls, "and here I thought I could catch up on some of that sleep thing they keep not lettin' me have." [12/6/15, 10:44:58 PM] Robin: Robin mumbles sarcastically, kicking the water gently with her feet. [12/6/15, 10:45:02 PM] Mouse: "Boo hoo." Mouse chuckles. [12/6/15, 10:45:17 PM] Dagda: He gives mouse the finger. [12/6/15, 10:45:45 PM] Tarver: "Fiesty," Tarver snorted. [12/6/15, 10:45:45 PM] Robin: Robin giggles. [12/6/15, 10:45:47 PM] Mouse: "Not in a million years you prick." Mouse laughs loudly. [12/6/15, 10:46:48 PM] Dagda: "I may be a prick darlin' but at least I have a sense of humor." [12/6/15, 10:47:18 PM] Tarver: Tarver leaned back a bit and with raised eyebrows, watching their argument with a hidden grin. [12/6/15, 10:48:08 PM] Mouse: "Whatever." Mouse gets up from her spot at the pool and walks a bit away from the group. [12/6/15, 10:48:32 PM] Robin: “Pity they didn’t give us bathing suits. I could use a swim.” [12/6/15, 10:49:45 PM] Tarver: "That actually sounds nice. No electric eels in the pool, I assume?" He glanced over the pool just a bit, grinning. "Nope. No electric eels. The pool won't kill us." [12/6/15, 10:49:56 PM] Robin: “Chemicals?" [12/6/15, 10:50:10 PM] Mouse: "Jesus you guys are paranoid." [12/6/15, 10:50:14 PM] Tarver: "Perhaps. But Mouse didn't say anything when she dipped her feet in." [12/6/15, 10:50:16 PM] Dagda: "It's probably actually bleach or some such shite" [12/6/15, 10:50:25 PM] Tarver: "I wouldn't be surprised." [12/6/15, 10:50:32 PM] Robin: Robin looks at the small waves. [12/6/15, 10:51:11 PM] Robin: “Not really a way to test it besides jumping in, right? Besides, it’s not like they want us dead." [12/6/15, 10:51:22 PM] Mouse: Mouse begins wandering around the room examining the walls and floor, similar to before. [12/6/15, 10:51:31 PM] Tarver: "Jumping in with our clothes on though?" He laughed softly. [12/6/15, 10:51:50 PM] Mouse: "You suggesting the girl get naked. Pretty bold." [12/6/15, 10:52:01 PM] Robin: Robin looks away, embarrassed and blushing slightly. [12/6/15, 10:52:09 PM] Tarver: "I- didn't think of it that way-" Tarver stuttered a bit. [12/6/15, 10:52:15 PM] Dagda: "Eh! Why not. Give us a show love!" [12/6/15, 10:52:31 PM] Mouse: "Ay you shut up!" [12/6/15, 10:52:43 PM] Tarver: "Dagda, have some decency," He muttered. [12/6/15, 10:52:59 PM] Dagda: He stands smirking. "You going make me then sweetheart?" [12/6/15, 10:53:02 PM] Robin: Robin gets up and shoves Dagda in the pool. [12/6/15, 10:53:29 PM] Tarver: "Oh my god--" Tarver covered his mouth, stifling a laugh. [12/6/15, 10:53:46 PM] Mouse: "Welp looks like she did for me." Mouse bursts into laughter. [12/6/15, 10:53:56 PM] Dagda: Dagda comes up spluttering and snarling. "You little brat!!!" He snarls a and drags himself out. [12/6/15, 10:54:27 PM] Robin: Robin smiles smugly, jogging away from him. [12/6/15, 10:54:36 PM] Tarver: Tarver took that opportunity to stand up and walk towards Dagda, using his foot and placing it on Dagda's back to keep him down. "Again.. show some decency. Jesus." He shoved him a bit. [12/6/15, 10:54:37 PM] Mouse: Mouse is almost falling on the floor in laughter. [12/6/15, 10:56:58 PM] Dagda: Dagda spits like an angry cat and rolls, grabbing Tarver's ankle to topple him. He jumps on top of him and shoves him down. "Try that again darlin'," he murmurs, hands inching toward Tarver's throat, "I feckin' dare yeh." [12/6/15, 10:57:38 PM] Mouse: Mouse runs over and does her best to pull Dagda off. "Enough of that." [12/6/15, 10:57:44 PM] Tarver: Tarver lets out a yelp before he's dragged down, growling and baring his teeth up at Dagda. "Someone is having a hissy fit!" He struggled beneath the other, attempting to kick him off. [12/6/15, 10:57:46 PM] Robin: Robin looks at the one-sided windows around the top of the enclosure, certain that there are people watching. [12/6/15, 10:58:43 PM] Robin: “Keep your hands to yourselves, boys, this is why we’re here." [12/6/15, 10:59:51 PM] Dagda: Dagda's eyes start to brighten into a shiny gold. "I could you a bit more than that love" he purrs. [12/6/15, 10:59:57 PM] Azuna: A man walks through the door, in a lab coat, carrying a clipboard, but is not noticed by anyone until he speaks, causing them all to jump and fall silent. "Patient 0-4-5 exhibits strong dissociative actions, yet a generous and caring personality. Genetic reshuffle indicates a new genotype relating to radiation, and manipulation of space/time. Patient 1-2-9 exhibits strong anxiety in stressful situations, and overall social detachment. Genetic modification indicates a new genotype relating to cold temperatures, and an eventual affinity for dark spaces. Patient 1-3-7 exhibits strong emotional and social detachment. Genetic reshuffle indicates a new genotype relating to thought, and biology. Patient 1-4-6 exhibits strong emotional repression and anxiety, projecting a boorish attitude to cover for it. Genetic reassembly indicates an affinity for sound, and a new genotype relating to necrosis. Patient 1-6-8 exhibits strong social detachment. Genetic reshuffle indicates a new genotype relating to shape manipulation, and Illusory affinities. Patient 2-3-9 exhibits a strong timidity, but a willingness to prove themselves. Genetic mod indicates a new genotype relating to animal affinity, and color manipulation. You have all been selected for a reason. We felt you all should know what you were selected for." He walked out, and the door again sealed behind him. [12/6/15, 11:00:32 PM] Tarver: Tarver, opening his mouth to make a reply to Dagda, immediately fell silent as he ceased all motions and glanced over. "What the fuck..-" [12/6/15, 11:01:04 PM] Robin: Robin sits down. [12/6/15, 11:01:34 PM] Robin: “Genetic reshuffle? What in the name of fuck does that mean?" [12/6/15, 11:01:44 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood quickly and sprinted to the door. "YOU'RE TELLING ME, THAT YOU FUCKED WITH OUR DNA?" He started banging on the door with his fists, the sound resonating throughout the room. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU ASSHOLES!" [12/6/15, 11:02:02 PM] Mouse: "You still want to show me that bit more or are you calm?" Mouse looks at Dagda with an eyebrow raised. [12/6/15, 11:02:09 PM] Tarver: Tarver wanted to say something, but found himself still stuck underneath Dagda's weight. [12/6/15, 11:02:24 PM] Robin: Robin stares at Azuna. [12/6/15, 11:02:51 PM] Azuna: "I'M DONE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE DONE IN THE 18 YEARS I'VE BEEN HERE. LET. ME. OUT!" [12/6/15, 11:02:57 PM] Robin: Her face contorts and she tries not to show that she’s crying. [12/6/15, 11:03:40 PM] Azuna: Azuna stops banging, but his fists remain against the door. He sinks to his knees, and lowers his head, sobbing. [12/6/15, 11:03:43 PM] Dagda: Dagda eyes are normal again as though nothing happened. "Huh...." And climbs off Tarver. "I mean...when yeh think about it....it's really been quite obvious hasn't it? I mean, what else would they have been doing?" [12/6/15, 11:04:05 PM] Mouse: "I hate to agree with the guy but he's right." [12/6/15, 11:04:38 PM] Robin: “Shhhhh….” Robin tries to calm herself, but is obviously starting to shake. [12/6/15, 11:05:01 PM] Tarver: Tarver quickly shuffled to his feet, almost losing his footing. His chest heaved up and down, hearing his own heartbeat pound hard in the back of his head. His eyes flashed a bright blue, the tempurature dropping a good 20 degrees before returning to normal. "It.. it's alright," He said more as a general statement, wanting to help calm down the others. [12/6/15, 11:05:51 PM] Dagda: He shuffles over next to Azuna. "Don't be so broken over mate," he mutters, nudging him with a foot, "does it really change anything?" [12/6/15, 11:06:16 PM] Robin: “Are you kidding?” Robin chokes. “They’ve been using us this whole time!" [12/6/15, 11:06:23 PM] Tarver: He made his way over to Azuna, flashing a nervous smile towards Robin. [12/6/15, 11:06:38 PM] Mouse: "What else is new?" [12/6/15, 11:06:54 PM] Mouse: "It's not exactly like they were nice to us." [12/6/15, 11:07:03 PM] Dagda: "And it's been bloody obvious!!" He snaps. "We already knew that much!! Now we just know what for!" [12/6/15, 11:07:26 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood, and turned to face Dagda. "We've been spliced. We've been fucked up on a genetic level. They gave us some kind of new DNA..." He trailed off muttering. His emotional distress distorted time for a split second as he walked behind Dagda toward the pool, so he was against the door one second, and not, the next. [12/6/15, 11:07:46 PM] Robin: Robin shoots a seething gaze in Dagda’s direction and turns away, audibly crying now. [12/6/15, 11:07:56 PM] Tarver: Tarver found himself huddling into himself against the wall in the shade, attempting to hold himself together. They were used. [12/6/15, 11:08:33 PM] Dagda: Dagda's eyes widen slightly, but then he shrugs and smirks. "So feckin' what?" [12/6/15, 11:08:55 PM] Mouse: Mouse isn't quite sure what to do about all of the emotions being thrown so she goes to the closest wall and sits with her back against it. [12/6/15, 11:08:57 PM] Azuna: "Okay everyone stop." He held his hands up, and the air was drained of color for about 2 seconds, time being distorted again. "We cannot allow ourselves to get too worked up over this, it's probably why they told us." [12/6/15, 11:09:04 PM] Azuna: "Everyone come grab a chair." [12/6/15, 11:09:13 PM] Azuna: He walked to a lounge chair and sat in it. [12/6/15, 11:09:20 PM] Tarver: In the sudden want to help, he made his way over and sat next to Robin, holding his hand out for her. He hated to see a girl cry- or anyone cry for that matter. [12/6/15, 11:09:25 PM] Azuna: "We need to really talk about this." [12/6/15, 11:09:26 PM] Dagda: "And who appointed you the boss weepy?" [12/6/15, 11:09:44 PM] Azuna: "I don't see you with any bright fucking ideas. Shut the fuck up and grab a fucking chair." Azuna snapped. [12/6/15, 11:10:12 PM] Mouse: "I just sat down and I'm very lazy dude." [12/6/15, 11:10:21 PM] Robin: Robin takes Tarver’s hand and her eyes flash white just briefly, and for a moment, she feels his sympathy. [12/6/15, 11:10:36 PM] Dagda: Dagda snorts and trudges after them. [12/6/15, 11:11:21 PM] Tarver: With a nervous smile he slowly stands up and aids to help her up- his hands were as cold as ice. He could feel it, but it was a normal sensation when he was stressed. "Come on. Let's go grab a chair." He had silently agreed with Azuna to talk it out. [12/6/15, 11:11:42 PM] Robin: Robin drags her chair in between Mouse and Azuna. [12/6/15, 11:11:58 PM] Azuna: "As long as you're nearby, it's fine. Obviously, they told us this because they wanted to see how we would react. They're probably laughing their asses off right now. We need to try and think about this from a positive angle. This genetic bullshit gave us abilities. They've made us immensely powerful with all the things they've been doing." [12/6/15, 11:12:04 PM] Mouse: "Ugh fine." Mouse moves to be with the group. [12/6/15, 11:13:01 PM] Dagda: Dagda flops down in a chair with his legs sprawled. "Yer the ones who've been whining this whole time. I've already think that this is the best thing that's happened all year." [12/6/15, 11:13:22 PM] Tarver: Instead of a chair, Tarver just sat himself on the floor with a huff next to Dagda and Mouse. He was more comfortable that way. "I agree with Azuna on this. We have to calm down. I noticed our abilities can accidentally come out under stressful situations." [12/6/15, 11:13:28 PM] Robin: “Umm. Sure." [12/6/15, 11:14:14 PM] Dagda: "Oh have yeh? How very observant of yeh." [12/6/15, 11:14:18 PM] Azuna: "I'm more pissed that we've been experimented on our whole lives. What we were told is plenty great, don't get me wrong." [12/6/15, 11:14:36 PM] Mouse: "Are we planning on becoming fucking super heroes or something?" Mouse laughs. [12/6/15, 11:14:57 PM] Tarver: He moved a leg to lightly kick Dadga in the shin- but not harshly. "I like observing. See, I observed that you're an asshole." [12/6/15, 11:15:19 PM] Robin: Robin snorted unattractively and regained her girlish posture. [12/6/15, 11:15:19 PM] Mouse: "Yeah he sure is." [12/6/15, 11:15:28 PM] Azuna: "Guys, come on. Don't fight now. If I can level with you for a little bit." He took a deep breath, and began speaking in a low voice. "To be honest, I hate this place. And every day I look out a window and I see the sky, and I think 'I really want to experience that.'" He takes another breath. "I've been studying the layout of this building, and the routes the scientists take when I'm led off to conditioning. I've been here long enough to be able to see a pattern. There is a time when everyone is gone, and we actually aren't being monitored. If we can manage to slip out of out confinement during that time, we might be able to escape for good." [12/6/15, 11:15:31 PM] Dagda: "Gold star there Tarvy" [12/6/15, 11:16:07 PM] Robin: Robin glances up again at the windows. [12/6/15, 11:16:11 PM] Tarver: "Tarvy?" He snorted, raising an eyebrow before staring at Dagda in disbelief. "You can suck my dick, Dagda. Don't give me a nickname." [12/6/15, 11:16:14 PM] Robin: “Not so loud, eh?" [12/6/15, 11:16:28 PM] Tarver: Tarver huffed once more, listening to Azuna. [12/6/15, 11:16:43 PM] Azuna: "I happened to be lucky enough to get a really late session time, so I notice that people are packing up like they're leaving." [12/6/15, 11:16:59 PM] Azuna: "We're left here completely unattended." [12/6/15, 11:17:05 PM] Mouse: "Escape..." Mouse starts fidgeting and looks down at the ground. [12/6/15, 11:17:14 PM] Dagda: "So what, yeh have some kind of stupid mission impossible type escape plan then?" [12/6/15, 11:17:28 PM] Tarver: "I'm diggin' it. Let's hear it, Azuna." [12/6/15, 11:17:31 PM] Robin: Robin shakes her head upon Mouse saying the word and brushes it off. [12/6/15, 11:17:36 PM] Robin: “It can’t be that easy." [12/6/15, 11:17:56 PM] Azuna: "And it probably isn't, but we have to try, right?" [12/6/15, 11:18:07 PM] Dagda: "I hafta agree with the brat there" [12/6/15, 11:18:24 PM] Tarver: "I'd be willing to. But they're not that stupid. Someone has to stay behind on a graveyard shift or something, right?" [12/6/15, 11:18:39 PM] Azuna: "These scientists may be smart, but they haven't thought of everything." [12/6/15, 11:18:56 PM] Azuna: "They probably got cocky because we haven't tried anything." [12/6/15, 11:19:00 PM] Mouse: Mouse shakes her head a bit and gets up to walk a bit away from the group. [12/6/15, 11:19:06 PM] Robin: “Man, I’ve lived here for as long as you. And all that time, I’ve been stuck with needles, worked to the bone, and fed shit, all under the supervision of people who watch my every move. I’m not too keen on the thought of busting out into a world I have no concept of." [12/6/15, 11:19:13 PM] Dagda: Dagda looks thoughtful. "And it's probably a skeleton crew at night at that." [12/6/15, 11:19:42 PM] Mouse: "I agree with Robbie on this one." [12/6/15, 11:19:42 PM] Tarver: Tarver fidgeted slightly, inhaling deeply. [12/6/15, 11:19:55 PM] Tarver: "It's better than living in here." [12/6/15, 11:20:13 PM] Azuna: "So let me get this straight, guys. You're going to continue to allow yourselves to be experimented on, worked to the point of exhaustion, fed food that doesn't even have solid consistency, all of that, because you're afraid of the unknown?" [12/6/15, 11:20:24 PM] Robin: “Yeah, quite frankly." [12/6/15, 11:20:39 PM] Mouse: "I have what I need. What else more could there be?" [12/6/15, 11:20:43 PM] Tarver: "I don't like it here, I will not continue to be ridiculed," Tarver huffed under his breath, speaking quietly. [12/6/15, 11:21:12 PM] Dagda: Dagda crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm bloody well not. I might think yeh sound crazy weepy, but at least you have some guts." [12/6/15, 11:21:24 PM] Robin: “Also I met you fucks like 45 minutes ago. Not like I’m going to trust my life with a bunch of potentially dangerous strangers.” [12/6/15, 11:21:40 PM] Mouse: "Again. I agree with Robbie." [12/6/15, 11:21:56 PM] Azuna: Azuna stood and ran a hand through his hair, revealing its color underneath. "Fine. I won't stop you if you want to stay. But at the end of the week, in about 4 days, if you want to leave with me, the offer is on the table." He walked away from the group to the door again, and sat against it. [12/6/15, 11:22:03 PM] Dagda: He smirks. "Don't yeh know sweetness? The dangerous ones are the ones who get things done." [12/6/15, 11:22:30 PM] Robin: “Don’t call me sweetness. I can still push you in the fucking pool." [12/6/15, 11:22:32 PM] Tarver: "I can understand that," Tarver shrugged his shoulder. "I'm with Azuna," He paused to stand up and head over to the other, " I'll leave with you in four days." [12/6/15, 11:23:38 PM] Dagda: Dagda stands and shrugs his shoulders. "Fuck it. Why not? I'll go through with yer crazy plan. I either get out or die. Nice change of pace I think." [12/6/15, 11:23:55 PM] Tarver: "For once, I agree with Dagda. Shocker." [12/6/15, 11:24:20 PM] Mouse: "Yeah the dangerous ones are also the reason I got half my ear gone and most of us are all fucked up. I just... I don't know." [12/6/15, 11:24:34 PM] Tarver: "I want a change of pace is all." [12/6/15, 11:24:47 PM] Robin: "You know where I stand. I’m not agreeing to anything until I can trust you freaks.” [12/6/15, 11:24:56 PM] Dagda: "Live a little darlin's. This certainly isn't doin' it." [12/6/15, 11:25:26 PM] Mouse: "Don't call me darlin, ya prick." [12/6/15, 11:25:38 PM] Tarver: "Think about it, out there, the unknown, could be something great. Something better than in here. I for one will not continue to be injected, poked, proded, and everything in between." [12/6/15, 11:26:26 PM] Robin: Robin observes her pock-marked arms. [12/6/15, 11:26:32 PM] Dagda: "Until yeh give me a face to go with the name I'll just keep makin' up sweetheart." [12/6/15, 11:27:24 PM] Mouse: "Mouse." [12/6/15, 11:27:44 PM] Dagda: "Right fitting that is." [12/6/15, 11:27:44 PM] Tarver: "Why Mouse anyways?" Tarver asked, legitimately curious. [12/6/15, 11:28:47 PM] Mouse: "Shut it you. I chose it because mice make better company than people." [12/6/15, 11:29:08 PM] Tarver: "Hmm," He paused, eyebrows raised. [12/6/15, 11:29:14 PM] Dagda: He wrinkle his nose. "Charming." [12/6/15, 11:29:36 PM] Robin: “Animals make for nice names,” Robin mutters. [12/6/15, 11:29:45 PM] Mouse: "You would know all about charming." [12/6/15, 11:30:01 PM] Dagda: He winks. "I certainly would" [12/6/15, 11:30:09 PM] Tarver: "Dagda," Tarver paused, letting that name slide off of his tongue in familiarity. He glanced over to him, "Your name. It's an Irish God's name." [12/6/15, 11:31:16 PM] Mouse: Mouse bites her tongue and turns away from the group. [12/6/15, 11:31:17 PM] Dagda: He raises an eyebrow at Tarver. "That's right" he drawls. "Bit surprisin' that yeh picked up on it." [12/6/15, 11:32:12 PM] Tarver: "I read a lot in my spare time," He replied, looking him directly in the eyes. "The Dagda is labeled 'the good god'. Nice choice." [12/6/15, 11:32:14 PM] Robin: Robin walks away from the group for a moment. [12/6/15, 11:33:10 PM] Mouse: "That doesn't seem very fitting for you heh." [12/6/15, 11:33:40 PM] Dagda: Dagda stares right back, expression unreadable for a moment before his lips stretch into a smirk. "Thanks very much Tarvy." [12/6/15, 11:34:19 PM] Tarver: "I'll accept that nickname just this one time, Dag," He replied back with a smirk. [12/6/15, 11:34:31 PM] Azuna: Azuna walked back over near the pool. "I don't want to bring the topic back around but...Guys, I...Don't want to live like this anymore. I want to look up and see the sky, not the edge of a knife. I don't want to live in fear of what might happen in my next conditioning session. I don't want to live in hatred, in misery. I don't want to go day to day wondering what my food is actually made of. I don't want to be experimented on by the same people," He removed his shirt, revealing several prominent scars on his chest and back. "That gave me all of these. I just want to live a life that isn't dictated by when I go under a scalpel, or when I become a pincushion." [12/6/15, 11:35:09 PM] Robin: Robin tries to cover her body, which is covered in countless scars as well. [12/6/15, 11:35:12 PM] Azuna: "I said it before. I'm done." [12/6/15, 11:35:23 PM] Tarver: Tarver could only frown at the scars, remembering his own. [12/6/15, 11:36:50 PM] Mouse: Mouse touches her ear and then forces her hand back down to her side. "I just don't know." [12/6/15, 11:36:56 PM] Robin: “I’ll think about it. But for now I’m too scared of what I don’t know to leave what I’ve known all my life.” [12/6/15, 11:37:52 PM] Azuna: Azuna sits near Robin. "I don't blame you."
A chemical agent is again released into the room. All six patients are asleep or unconscious within 30 seconds.
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