He simply raised an eyebrow at her remark. "What's got you in such a sullen mood?" he asked curiously but a very slight tone of mocking. Only slightly however. Heaven forbid he somehow trigger this electrical but vain beast of battle who could go off at the slightest transgression. He was half expecting her to zap him right then and there.
"Gasp....a wild Candice Catnipp has appeared!"
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"...What was that?"
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"What? I didn't say anything. Somebody is saying shit..." he mused, doing his best to act like it wasn't him who clearly said that. "You're hearing things, Thunderbolt."
"Gasp....a wild Candice Catnipp has appeared!"
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"...What was that?"
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the-lightning-underdog · 11 months
hey i really hate to ask but some emergency shit came up and im in desperate need of money for it (about 150 to 200$)
if yall could spread this around, i would appreciate it so much!
my ko-fi and my chime id is $Phoenix-Vale. any amount helps
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the-lightning-underdog · 11 months
reblog if you’re 25+ and still roleplay; or if you believe older muns have a place in the rpc and shouldn’t be told to give it up when they turn 30. 
i received this anon & i just want to make a point. 
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Candice Catnipp in Bleach TYBW, Ep. 23.
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Just popping in to say Hello. Sorry for the major lack of activity lately. Muse has been a bit spotty across all blogs lately. Everything is going great, meeting @mz-pixie finally was amazing, and I have a girlfriend now. 🙃
But just saying Hello and hope everyone is doing well.
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He simply just growled loudly. The irritation very obvious in his voice as it rumbled in his throat at her impatience. But also he knew that her threat didn't mean much. Not in this moment when she desperately needed his help. Oh, how he would keep this incident on his back pocket to rub in her face whenever he wanted to. Of course he knew that would piss her off and she'd likely attack him. Worst case scenario; he could probably tank some of her electrical attacks just like how he did during their first encounter back during the war. And that was with her trying to actually kill him! Best case scenario; she lets him off with a vulger tongue lashing that leaves him completely speechless.
"What I was going to say is this. You haven't thrown away those candies yet, right? I got a machine downstairs in my workshop that might help. I normally use it to help duplicate my snacks to avoid having to purchase them." he explained. "If you managed to save some of those candies, I might be able to replicate them. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the real thing."
Oh, so that’s the case. That’s why she’s so stressed about this situation. He had assumed that it was just her still adjusting to the ways of humans and exaggerating things as usual. But this certainly changed things. He himself knew all about waiting in long lines for exclusive items or merchandise. He looked back at Candice and was actually made uncomfortable by seeing her pacing around and aggressively scratching her arm like that. It was a little distressing to say the least to see her, a thunderous beast of battle like her behaving like a panicked child. He approached her and swatted her hand away from scratching at her arm. Not an aggressive swat but more of a light shove.
“Stop that shit. That’s enough. You’re gonna scratch yourself raw.” he said to her, while grumbling something else to himself. “Calm the fuck down and let’s go figure this shit out, okay? Maybe we can still get some more of that candy. Or maybe…..” he trailed off as he clearly thought of something.
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Self reblog.
Just popping in to say Hi. Muse has been spotty as of late and I have had quite a bit on my mind. Big day today! Meeting up with the wonderful @mz-pixie/@midncghtxcat for the first time ever. 🙂
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question starters
'what are you doing?' 'call me later, okay?' 'do i even want to know?' 'where are we going?' 'is this a joke to you?' 'do you want help?' 'is that all it meant to you?' 'are you leaving?' 'what happened to you?' 'how long?' 'did you really think i'd leave?' 'can you keep a secret?' 'why are you acting like this?' 'are you hungry?' 'want to get out of here?' 'didn't you leave a while ago?' 'why are you crying?' 'what's wrong?' 'can i get a kiss?' 'when did you get here?' 'are you trying to get in trouble?' 'do you want this?' 'why did you do it?' 'did i do something?' 'is this edible?' 'want to get some sleep?' 'does it hurt?' 'do you want it?' 'did you think you could get away with it?' 'what's for supper?' 'do you want to go do something?' 'when was that from?' 'promise me?' 'had enough?' 'are you tired?' 'are you feeling okay?' 'how did you manage that?' 'what's wrong with this picture?' 'did you mean to do that?' 'how about no?' 'what was your plan?' 'how do i look?' 'what's wrong with me?' 'what happened to us?' 'what did i do to deserve you?'
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Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💕
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Me????? 😀😀😀😀😀
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My RPing style:
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He simply shrugged, not at all phased by the tiny Arrancar's veiled threat. "Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to me, ya know." he teased her back as he gently ran his fingers through her black locks. It still surprised him just how close he and Loly had become in the past several months. A Shinigami reject and a lower level Arrancar. What a pairing...
He let Loly sit up to a more comfortable position as he softly cupped her cheek with his hand as he very lightly stroked her cheek with his thumb affectionately. "I don't know what it is about you. But something about you makes me feel...whole. It's like I want to be around you all the time and I want to protect you when needed." he softly said.
"I'm just saying. I think my nose might need a kiss to make it feel better." he replied, almost pouting but the absolute obnoxiousness in his tone was obvious. He then suddenly sweeped her feet right out from under her with his legs but just enough so she would topple forward into his arms. Of course he was fast and caught her before even the slightest bit of physical harm could be done to her. He was always protecting from anything and everything.
"Let your guard down, by the way." he teased her as he held her and very softly rubbed the tip of his nose against hers. "Loly..." he said her name very softly and affectionately. He had made it known to her before how much he likes it when she says his name just because she can tell he means something to her when she does. It makes him feel...special or like he is worthy of affection and being liked.
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