Kronos' Farewell
The Titan Lord adjusted his garments and strapped his scythe to his back. Not the original one- he'd kept that in the clearing for his adoptive daughter to find. No, the one he wielded now was the one she'd made for him, a gift too precious to lose.
Even now, Kronos was still amazed at how different he was compared to the war. He still had trouble wrapping his head around how someone like him could change so much. Perhaps simply getting taken off guard with those acts of kindness really had helped change his mind.
He took a deep breath, savoring the familiar air and the memories stored in it. In truth, he didn't want to leave Camp Half-Blood. He wanted to help around the place. But he knew he had a greater responsibilty than that.
Still... perhaps he could at least assist demigods on getting to their safe haven, whether it was Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, the Waystation, or whereever.
That gave him an idea. Closing his eyes to concentrate, he willed his own barriers around those places, another layer of protection from anyone or anything that would dare do the demigods any harm. That would do.
Kronos wasn't sure how he allowed himself to be like this... but he was fine with it.
He'd just retire, in a way. He'd still keep an eye out for the demigods, but it was time he return to his roots.
"Sayonara... half bloods," Kronos said to no one.
And with a burst of light... he was gone.
And that's it, the end of an era!! One day I might return, but I've got college incoming! You've all been such a blast to RP with! Make sure to follow my main @fanaticastrid if you still want to hear from me!
My RP blogs of Kronos, @goddess-of-the-hearth-and-home @a-dawn-goddess @lunar-titan-selene and @esther-the-demigod-i-guess will be deleted at 7 PM CST! Say your last goodbyes before then!
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(Ooc: I know I haven't been active much, but if anyone wants to interact feel free to! This goes for @the-lord-of-the-north too since I run both blogs :3)
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Breaking character again to let you all know that I'm making the call to take down my blogs at the end of the month. It's nobody's fault, it's just that unfortunately, as I said last time, I'm just not as interested in the RP as before. That's what being busy with personal projects and applying for a college program does to you, I guess.
So. May 31st. Get your last things in with Kronos while you can. This blog, @goddess-of-the-hearth-and-home, @lunar-titan-selene, @a-dawn-goddess, and @esther-the-demigod-i-guess will be deleted that day. @the-mortal-hero will no longer be part of the rp, but feel free to ask Apollo, Lester and Meg stuff there still- and me if you want cool extra stuff on my ToA AU.
I'll still be spectating things going on, I just won't be part of it anymore. I'm sorry if this derailed anyone's plans, but hey, I think we can all be happy over Kronos redeeming himself and even adopting a demigod.
So until the 31st hits... I'll still be here. Afterward, I'm just an anon at best.
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
I have not seen him for some time. I would not know.
Brother, you've always been the smart one. How would one get rid of a "protector of spirits" that was standing in the way of their plan?
I assume you speak of one of my grandson's children? The..."theater kid" one?
I would recommend speaking to our brother who specializes in mortality more than I - that is, if Iapetus is here.
If not...well, you might need to sit tight.
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
Brother, you've always been the smart one. How would one get rid of a "protector of spirits" that was standing in the way of their plan?
I assume you speak of one of my grandson's children? The..."theater kid" one?
I would recommend speaking to our brother who specializes in mortality more than I - that is, if Iapetus is here.
If not...well, you might need to sit tight.
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
Hmm...I sure hope so. Not even I can get her to calm when she gets angry.
Hyperion, what the devil is going on now?
I'm taking back the moon for my daughter Selene, Orion is bickering with the twins from last I've seen even though he has a job to do and I'm not sure what Kronos and Rhea are up to right now
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
...Do you WANT Phoebe to feed you to her snakes?
Hyperion, what the devil is going on now?
I'm taking back the moon for my daughter Selene, Orion is bickering with the twins from last I've seen even though he has a job to do and I'm not sure what Kronos and Rhea are up to right now
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
@the-lord-of-the-north hey dude turn on your asks
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
...I wouldn't do anything that would permanently injure them, if I were you.
Hyperion, what the devil is going on now?
I'm taking back the moon for my daughter Selene, Orion is bickering with the twins from last I've seen even though he has a job to do and I'm not sure what Kronos and Rhea are up to right now
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the-lord-of-the-north · 2 months
(Ooc: nevermind I am KEEPING Koios because he is my fav Titan lmao)
(yes this is still Alder hi hello hehe)
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