the-magician-arcana · 3 years
im cringe but im free. im cringe but i'm f r e e
so anyways art blog? if I never deliver you never saw this post <3
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the-magician-arcana · 3 years
Hii, could I request genshin x reader headcanons with Diluc, Albedo and Kazuha? Enemies to lovers but in a hilariously mundane way, which only added to the drama, (say, they had a disagreement over something small, or their personalities didn't clash well). Eventually the misunderstanding cleared up, but the rivalry only built a deeper respect and warmth between them, maybe even love during the time they thought they disliked each other, how would they realize and confess? Thank you!
anon i literally dropped everything i was doing and ran to this ask like a moth to a flame, i got a little carried away w the concept but i can only hope it matches up to what you expected from this <3 (also shoutout to lori for saving my bacon thinking of the scenario for albedo for me if u see this i am in ur debt)
[Genshin Masterlist]
note: miscommunication, romantic hcs, gn!reader
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You made a passing comment once about finding the concept of vigilante justice incredibly stupid, to which he hasn’t spoken to you properly since. The cold shoulder he gave you in turn led to your own distaste of the man, thus your ridiculous rivalry was born.
If you took the time to talk to him, you’d realise his silence was due to not wishing to upset you during that conversation (and of course not to reveal anything by mistake)- just the snowball effect of him not saying something and then you not saying anything either had turned into something far larger than either of you had expected it to. 
It was a misunderstanding on your side as well, as what you really meant to say was that it was reckless behaviour that you yourself didn’t quite understand the concept of. Not that the entire concept itself was inherently dumb.
You find yourself, however, during the period of distaste, unable to keep your thoughts off the man. He’s strong and dedicated, the type of man capable of inspiring people to be better. You feel like you want to be better, because of him. But you wouldn’t dare tell him that until you can finally bring yourself to try and patch things up between you. 
The communication and clearup would happen on your end. You’d have to be the one to finally take that plunge, as Diluc will have already resigned himself to thinking he’ll never make things better between you, that you will eternally be angry with him because he took too long to say something in the first place. He keeps it close to his chest and bottles it up, though you finally realise you need to say something when you notice the almost wistful longing stares sent your way whenever you’re in his vicinity. 
When the air is finally cleared- when you finally realise that… wow you really both just fucked up big time in the communication department- things seem brighter. You still have that sense of admiration for him that you’ve quietly acquired over the years, but it is renewed and now at the forefront of your entire being. In a strike of boldness, you ask him if he is free that evening. He, trying so hard to hide how bashful this situation has left him, accepts your offer with the tiniest of smiles that sends your heart melting. 
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Dragonspine was known for its solitude, the perfect place (apart from the climate, you supposed) to set up a home for yourself where nobody would bother you. Only the occasional adventurer came through anyway and they’d have less of a reason to once you dispatched the excess of monsters that had made their home in the harsh mountain. 
The cabin you had set up for yourself was so incredibly serene and peaceful, perfect for what you needed… except for the absolute menace of a man that would show up every few days to collect samples from the lizard colony you had unfortunately set up home beside. 
Your unease with the man builds from there, as he becomes such a regular annoyance to your daily peace that you simply cannot stand him. Your animosity must have rubbed off on him somewhere along the line because you note that he doesn’t spend more than a few moments passing your property before inexplicably making his leave again. (You’d prefer if he just didn’t bother at all and leave you alone.)
One day, however, it seems he has enough of the tension between you as he finally knocks on your door and just outright asks to talk about why you seem to hate him so much. The sheer straightforwardness of the action baffles you to the point where you just tell him, that you moved here expecting peace and haven’t managed to grab a single bit of it because of him. 
And then he apologises, says he’d have left well alone if you’d only asked him to instead of acting cold and standoffish the way you had. So in turn you offer your own apology.
But when he asks if you still want him to leave you alone, you find yourself hesitating. As much of a nuisance as he has been for the past few months, you can’t help but admit that you had almost begun to look forward to it (if that day you spent anxiously pacing your cabin when he didn’t show up was anything to go by). 
You’ve warmed to him, against all the odds, and you can’t help yourself from telling him. He laughs, this beautiful sound that rattles you to your core and shakes off the snow that had settled over your heart, and tells you he’s grown particularly fond of you himself. 
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First impressions are so very important, and it turned out that both you and Kazuha had done an awful job at giving a good one to one another. When you first met, the vibes were just so incredibly off with each other that you had decided there and then that you just didn’t like the man. 
Unfortunately, having just been accepted into Beidou’s personal crew upon the Alcor, you’d have to be spending a considerable amount of time around him now. Great.
You understood the way the rest of the crew were amicable with him, he definitely seemed friendly enough. He was an invaluable asset to the crew in the end and it urged you to strive to be just as good. There was something about this unspoken rivalry that had grown between the two of you that had you working harder than ever before- and he seemed to feel the same, if the sudden silent competition between the two of you to be as helpful as possible was anything to go by. 
You just couldn’t shake that bad feeling you had gotten from your first encounter. And judging by the way he typically stayed as far away from you as he could manage, the feeling was still mutual.
This misunderstanding will only be cleared up if someone else intervenes. Both of you are rather strict to your morals, it seems, and therefore things will only be cleared up if someone literally sits you down and makes you talk about it. Probably Beidou… no, definitely Beidou. You will be locked in a room together and downright forced to talk things out until the air is entirely cleared. 
Leads to you both feeling incredibly awkward that you had managed to misjudge one another so badly, but also… you’re way more similar to each other than you first thought? There’s something rather heartwarming about it. 
You’re still unwittingly distant with one another at first though, you’re not entirely sure why but something still feels terse between the two of you. There’s a tension not unlike when you classed yourself as rivals, but at the same time it just feels so unbearably different. 
It hits you in the end what that feeling is, what that respect and sense of rivalry throughout your time knowing him has morphed into. It hits when Kazuha asks to spend more time with you, to get to know you better to make up for your shared grievance. When your shoulders accidentally brush when you walk a little too close together, when your hands are inexplicably drawn to link together when you’re sat beside him in the middle of the night, legs swinging off the side of the Alcor as you perch on the edge of the deck. 
It hits you, overwhelmingly, when one of these nights that you choose to share in one anothers company turns to tentative touches and lips locked together with such a featherlight elegance that you’re sure you’re kissing the breeze itself. Everything about you feels so light and you know that that terseness was on account of your own rising feelings for the man. 
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
Finished - the Magician~
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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A sketch of modern!Portia watering her garden with Pepi. She is the envy of her neighbourhood with how luscious the garden gets every year. There is one pest she can’t seem to get rid of though…
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
Lucio: I know a few words in Latin.
MC: That would be?
Lucio: Exorcisamus te omnis immundus spiritus-
MC: What about just hello?
Lucio: What? No, i don’t know how.
MC: Of course you’d know how to exorcise a demon but not how to say hello.
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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A babey.
Color practice.
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
Whaddup, im Jared, 19 asdfsdf no jk jk. I'm fem nonbinary, bisexual, demiromantic, an Indian immigrant. I have ADHD and severe social anxiety, I'm a taurus, Enneagram 5w6, Gryffindor(but a ravenclaw at heart), I'm most connected to the Magician and Hierophant cards, I like stirring trouble and I have a reputation for little patience and a quick tongue. I often don't think before I speak. I've been called the monarch of my friend group. I think that's enough? Thanks!
Nazali. Would. Adore. You. Youre her perfect lil pet now (not literally) she wanta to go everywhere with you and she loves you to fucking death okay?
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
MC: hey it’s bath time, Julian do you wanna put a bath bomb in the bathtub?
Julian: oh yes i’ve already got one
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
I can’t stop thinking about it but does Julian have ADHD? It’s eating me up like no wonder I can’t figure him out and once the possibility came to me I could actually begin to understand him?? 
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
Asra, calling Muriel: Can we please stay at your place?
Muriel: …Why?
Asra: Ilya messed around with a Ouija board and now ours is haunted
Asra: He doesn’t know how to get rid of spirits so he’s just throwing salt around and shouting “Does this look like a hotel to you!?” while MC is looking up how to ward away them safely.
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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Daphne: I...I...oh god...
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
I saw two posts with the backside of your fan apprentice? But I couldn't find anymore on them, ARE they an apprentice? Who are they?
Skdkddfsdb they’re 60% a self insert, but I’m looking to fully flesh her out, in the meantime I have one other apprentice in the works(An Artificial Intelligence), whose story is a lot better written. That had nothing to do with the ask but thanks for asking!
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
Morga in Muriel's route
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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Respecting Muriel’s levels of comfortability hours now that’s what I’m talkin about babey
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
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the-magician-arcana · 5 years
the arcana + masculinity
i just need to take a second for myself to fully appreciate how the Arcana boys’ masculinity works, because it makes me feel things
fair warning, as a trans man, I don’t have a lot of patience for people explaining masculinity to me, so interact with discretion
It keeps hitting me in little bursts how much loud, proud, and positive masculinity is in this game, from characters of all genders, but the boys especially never fail to get me with how non-toxic their masculinity (and gender expression in general) is. 
Keep reading
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