Hello! sorry uh. This isn’t in character.
I’ve been in a wild ride irl for a bit and at this point i don’t have internet reliably enough to fill this guy’s queue. If you guys want i can convert this to a blog where i talk about this phone guy and his family but i can’t do in character daily posts anymore.
Tldr: no longer a ask blog because the creator lives in a rural area where power and internet are considered wants not needs.
Though if it makes you feel better. Him and his family were planned to survive. Well not all physically. But they weren’t going to sit down and suffer if they could be happy with each other instead.
I am still around if you want to send a message though!
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I made steak last night and jeremy growled at me when I came by for his plate so I think that means it was good.
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I didn’t have power for a couple days but it’s okay we’re back now.
Wasn’t our fault and that’s what counts.
I’m just glad we were charging LOLbit from the car anyway
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Violence is the blood of many or something I don’t know I opened my closet and my favorite button up is gone and there’s only one culprit so I’m hunting him down as we speak.
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Michael, charlie and LOLbit said no to blackmail and outweighed jeremy, caly.
But we did agree if I found a closer target I could so.
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What if i tried to blackmail some of the shareholders.
Look I’m not looking foreward to nightshift.
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Its all fun and games until your kids gang up on you for being old.
Michael tried to participate but the banter killed him again instantly so he’s just watching us like a ping pong match.
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If i asked nicely. Very nicely. do you think Charlie would help me with arson.
Time sensitive question.
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Freddies is actually looking livable in the outside. No bad stay decrepit so I don’t have to physically work actually.
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Sorry I’m back the inbox got caught in the kitchen at the same time as jeremy. Cable chord got caught in the crossfire. We’re stronger now.
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Sometimes Jeremy and I have a really intense “debate” for hours and we look over and michael is staring at us like we grew a second head.
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Hey do you think I can get someone to take my shift for me?
No that’d just be mean.
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With the new cable set up we can get new shows and to be honest I am slightly enjoying the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
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I’m not exactly like. The worst baker. But seeing jeremy be that bad makes me thankful.
Charlie and michael’s cooking lessons are going great though!
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The sea my beloved, I’ll never willingly get in you but you’re beautiful!
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Sometimes you walk in and your undead kids are completely remaking one of the bookshelves
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Everytime me and jeremy start cursing at eachother about who ate the leftovers michael gets more and more concerned.
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