hey Gai sensei how was your thanksgiving?
Excellent! I got to celebrate surrounded by friends and family with plenty of tasty food. My kitchen needed a good cleaning afterwards, but it was 100% worth it!
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hello Gai sensei how are you doing? my name is Anthony Michael Taylor and I'm a new blogger just to see how things are going smooth for you and rock lee ok?
Everything is going splendidly - thank you for checking in! It's always appreciated, and I hope that you enjoy your time here to its fullest!
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Reblog if you’re a roleplayer who suffers from anxiety
Sometimes, it’s not a lack of muse or short attention span or lack of time. Sometimes we’re too afraid to write out the reply we had in mind in fear it’s inadequate or written too fast. Then we send replies days, or even weeks, later that we had thought out in our mind since the beginning. 
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Just a PSA
Reblog if you don’t ignore rps and asks but sometimes it takes you a while to think of a response, or you only have time to answer a question or two before doing other things.
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reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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Can You All Reblog This
If you are okay with roleplaying with multiples of the same muse? I know there are some popular characters out there that people are going to relate with. I see some people refusing to roleplay multiples of the same muse. I’ve come to learn that each take on a muse is different and I like seeing different interpretations on a popular muse. So please reblog this if you are totally cool with interacting with multiple rpers with the same muse. 
Note: Each interpretation is a muns own vision and therefore muses should not be compared and criticized. Thank you for understanding. 
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Guess someone felt like taking a picture when my guard was down. Not that that’s a bad thing - another one to start filling out the growing album!
Little sketch gift for @depressedhatakekakashi I did last night before bed, as a thank you for the fun interactions we’ve had on here thus far and hopefully more to come (and a bit of an apology for my most recent spell of procrastination UwU even if I know they’re patient)
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“You think so?” Gai found himself momentarily distracted by Kakashi’s face as the man tugged down his mask to enjoy an orange slice. He always forgot what Kakashi looked like under there, both because it was a sort of rare occasion for Kakashi to show his face and because Gai happened to be pretty face-blind. So every time was almost like the first time for him, even if he did always have the notion that Kakashi was very handsome sitting in the back of his mind (with or without the mask.)
Not wanting to stare and be rude, Gai turned his attention back to his mostly-finished lunch. Truth be told, he also had a bit of trouble  focusing on the conversation whenever he caught sight of Kakashi’s fangs, as they could be sort of… distracting, so finding something else to look at during such instances was usually a good idea. Otherwise he’d be a bit of a lost cause.
“I’ll have to ask her where she’d like to go the next time I see her - figure out a time and place that works for everyone. It’s been a bit longer than usual since we’ve all gone out to eat together, between her working on her fuinjutsu and Neji increasing the amount of time he spends training with Hinata. I’m supportive, of course, but it would be nice to find some time to get together for a meal as a team again.”
“Tenten say’s you carried her on your feet through the village?”
“Hm?” Gai looked up from the lunch he’d packed for himself to look at Kakashi. His mouth was full so he had to finish chewing before he could give his rival an answer. He swallowed and reached for the bottle of water sitting in the grass beside him, sounding almost proud as he replied, “I did! And she stayed balanced and steady the whole time.”
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Gai: (looking away from Kakashi when he pulls down his mask to eat something)
Kakashi: ?
Gai: (knows that every time he sees Kakashi’s fangs his thoughts stray from the conversation they’re in the middle of having and turn to places they shouldn’t)
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Whenever Gai received direct compliments from Kakashi, it made his stomach do flips - always had. As a child he’d mistaken the feeling for anxiety, concerned about living up to the praise being bestowed upon him by someone he passionately admired. Eventually he had come to recognize that he had no reason to worry about such things, but even with that knowledge in mind he kept having that same reaction.
By the time he was a bit more grown up he’d realized what the true cause was, but the feeling still managed to trip him up slightly every time.
“Thank you, Rival! And I was proud of her, very proud! Even more so when it worked! Her seals were perfect - one thing I’m sure she didn’t pick up from me.” Gai laughed, recalling his own handful of attempts at learning sealing jutsu, one of which rendered several of his kunai lost to him for two months until he was able to have someone figure out the structure of the seals he’d used and how to release them.
“But I’m glad she’s showing such strong perseverance and willpower. If that was the only thing my students picked up from me, and picked it up well, I think that would be enough. To see what she was able to go out and do with just that in mind? Well, I couldn’t help but want to show her off! Such accomplishments deserve to be celebrated!”
“Tenten say’s you carried her on your feet through the village?”
“Hm?” Gai looked up from the lunch he’d packed for himself to look at Kakashi. His mouth was full so he had to finish chewing before he could give his rival an answer. He swallowed and reached for the bottle of water sitting in the grass beside him, sounding almost proud as he replied, “I did! And she stayed balanced and steady the whole time.”
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Gai scooted over a bit to make room enough for Kakashi to sit if he cared to. He hadn’t been expecting to see his rival today, but this was always the best kind of surprise. As he started talking, he pulled out an orange and started to meticulously peel it, taking care to do away with the bitter white pith of the fruit.
“The other day she showed up a bit late for training, and I asked If she had gotten a late start - which she told me that she had. But! For good reason! She stayed up late into the night finishing a new sealing scroll to try out, handmade without any help, and meant to double the amount of weapons she’d be able to bring into a fight with her. Whether it worked or not, who wouldn’t be proud of that kind of dedication?”
Gai recalled how his heart had swelled with emotion as Tenten explained her tardiness, words hurried with excitement even though it was plain to see she still hadn’t gotten quite enough sleep after her work was done. Picking off the last of the undesirable bits, he split the orange in half and offered one to Kakashi (the part he’d paid the most attention to, knowing that his rival was a bit pickier about this sort of thing than himself.)
“Tenten say’s you carried her on your feet through the village?”
“Hm?” Gai looked up from the lunch he’d packed for himself to look at Kakashi. His mouth was full so he had to finish chewing before he could give his rival an answer. He swallowed and reached for the bottle of water sitting in the grass beside him, sounding almost proud as he replied, “I did! And she stayed balanced and steady the whole time.”
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“Tenten say’s you carried her on your feet through the village?”
“Hm?” Gai looked up from the lunch he’d packed for himself to look at Kakashi. His mouth was full so he had to finish chewing before he could give his rival an answer. He swallowed and reached for the bottle of water sitting in the grass beside him, sounding almost proud as he replied, “I did! And she stayed balanced and steady the whole time.”
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Sometimes threads die in drafts. Reblog if you’re willing to continue them in IM or Discord!
Because sometimes a quick, shorter responses between the two of you without the pressure and formality of paras & icons etc is all you need!
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Thanks for the tag! This is the current look, minus the fangs (but man, could you imagine..?) Anyone who sees this and is interested, have at it! It was really fun~
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make yourself or your oc with this and tag your friends!
Creator: Cyellolemon on twitter
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Gai’s hand jerks back from the debris like he’s been stung. He examines the pad of his middle finger and frowns as a small amount of blood starts to well up from the shallow cut left by a stray piece of the planter that was hidden by some soil he was trying to scoop up. It isn’t anything serious, but it’s something that warrants him taking the old bandana out of his pocket to wipe his hands off.
“Gin…” It’s a little hard to think of what to say in this situation, having just been made aware of the fact that his father is apparently roaming the village so many years after his death. It almost tempts him to look out the window, even if he knows he isn’t going to see anything, but a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach keeps him rooted to the spot. “I…”
His son’s question finally registers in Gai’s mind and he finds that it isn’t something he really enjoys contemplating - the idea that he very well might be left without the knowledge that he’s died after his eventual passing. Simply going through the motions of his daily life as thought nothing’s changed. It sounds like a very lonely existence to him.
“I hope not.” Gai musters his courage as he more carefully sweeps up the last traces of the broken planter and disposes of them. But no matter how hard he tries to push the thought of his father’s wandering spirit out of his mind, it’s not the easiest task. “Have… Have you talked to your grandpa’s… spirit before?”
"I didn't do it, I swear!"
“Hmm...” Gai looks from Gin to the overturned flower pot and back skeptically with furrowed brows. He of course wants to believe the young man, and it could have been any of Kakashi’s ninken or even a stray breeze coming in through an open window, but the fact of the matter is that Gin is the one at the scene of the ‘crime’. He decides that he needs more details before he can reach a solid conclusion.
“Well then, if it wasn’t you then did you possibly see what happened here?”
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“  it’s  killing  you  isn’t  it  ?  ” // I know it's old, but you can ignore it if you want!
Sitting at the campfire they’ve set up for the night, Gai uses a long stick to poke at one of the logs. It sends a shower of sparks up into the air with a loud pop and hiss, but Rin’s words have him too deep in thought to worry about that. They’ve been out here for a while now, passing part of their night watch together while he quietly laments the situation he’s found himself in. Kakashi, thankfully, is sound asleep in his tent while the two gossip.
Gai would say that ‘killing’ might be a strong word to describe what had to be an unrequited crush, but it’s kind of hard to argue with it when that’s really how it feels every time he sees Kakashi nowadays. He hasn’t mentioned his rival by name when confiding to Rin like this, but he wouldn’t be surprised if she already has an inkling of who he’s talking about. Honestly, it’s a small wonder how Kakashi hasn’t noticed his clumsy pining yet himself.
“... It sure feels like it.” Gai puts the stick back down off to the side, instead resting his chin in one hand as he looks from the flickering flames over to Rin. Sometimes he thinks that their little talks like this are the only thing keeping him from exploding from the internal pressure. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be the secret-keeping type. I’m not very good at it, and I don’t like it much, either.” But I think I’d rather keep a secret than risk driving Kakashi away…
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//Always a pleasure!//
me: *has shit work day*
@the-mighty-maito-gai an @tenzoyamato *here to make everything amazing and good again*
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