the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
We talk about how our mothers had brought us up so well and with so much ease. We wonder how they do it. Our grandmothers had 5-8 kids and we struggle so much with the 1 or 2 we have. How did they do it?? I have worked so closely with moms for the past few years that I think I finally have an answer to this age old question. Why is modern mothering so tough?? Lets start from the beginning. Our…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
For all those who ask what moms do all day at home
For all those who ask what moms do all day at home
All moms, especially stay at home moms, have had to go through the mundane interrogation of being questioned about what is it that you exactly do all day? Whether its non-moms or older moms who have forgotten their times or genuinely concerned friends who miss you at the social events that you were earlier the life of- we all have been asked that one horrible question at some point or the other:…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
Raising a perfectly imperfect child
Raising a perfectly imperfect child
We all strive for perfection. We all wish to be the epitome of perfection. Be it in beauty, success or relationships — we wish for a perfect life. This seeps down into parenting too. We wish to raise perfect kids. And I feel that is one of the earliest parenting mistakes. My blog is aimed wholly and solely at being a Nirvanama — a mother who is at ultimate peace and calm. It doesn’t aim at being…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
Why being a second time mom doesn't mean you know it all.
Why being a second time mom doesn’t mean you know it all.
From the minute my home pregnancy test turned positive till the time I delivered- my second pregnancy was treated with an air of nonchalance. By both me and the people around me. The doctor did not bother to go into details during my prenatal check ups. Because I already know it all. After all I already have a baby. The radiologists was eerily quiet during my scans as though she had seen an alien…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
The lines that every mother should steer clear of
The lines that every mother should steer clear of
“There is no harm in doing it.” “How does it matter?” “Karne mai kya farak padta hai?” These lines are usually passed around as logic to persuade someone to do something they might not be very convinced about. But these are the lines that are actually plaguing the society as we see it today. And as mothers we have more reason to be worried. Meaningless rituals, practices, narrow-mindedness and…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
Unconditional love
We have always been told that a mother’s love is unconditional. Bollywood movies and soap operas have squeezed every opportunity to emphasise about the greatness of moms, their sacrifices and kaise maa ke pyaar ki seema nahi hoti. But what is unconditional love really? Is it the fact that no matter how hard the day might have been for the mom she will still love her child? Is it that no matter…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
7 ways to avoid anxiety when your child is unwell
7 ways to avoid anxiety when your child is unwell
A child’s health is always a cause of concern in moms. Until the age of 5, kids keep falling ill so often. And each time they do, our heart sinks and we get anxious no matter how many years into motherhood we might be.…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
Google Vs Mommy
Google has one of the most interesting stories about how it was set-up. Two grad students at Standord, Brin and Page, changed the way internet is used today by developing this amazing search engine. So much so that Google is now a verb. If we don’t know the answer to something we just advise our friends to “Google it.” Google seems to know it all! However Google is actually just a tool. Its a…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
"Substituting mom"-the new parenting trend?
“Substituting mom”-the new parenting trend?
Mothering is not an easy job. The ups and downs in the journey can get the better of anyone. You need to be strong yet soft, polite yet firm, accepting while disciplining- all at the same time. So if you have had thoughts of leaving it all and running off to the Himalayas at some point or the other, you are not the only one! Mothering sure is overwhelming! Parenting is getting more complex in the…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
This type of mothering is the best
This type of mothering is the best
Having talked and interacted with many moms and studied various parenting styles across different cultures, I think I can safely claim to have found the holy grail of mothering. The one foolproof mothering technique that is unparallel. It can never fail you or your child. You might think that something that is so powerful must be very difficult to achieve. Well! The good news is that it is not!…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 7 years
Why Being A Strong Mother Is So Difficult And Yet So Important
Why Being A Strong Mother Is So Difficult And Yet So Important
    (This article appeared first on http://www.mycity4kids.com on 26th April 2017) It is not easy being a strong independent opinionated woman. Society always tells its kids (boys or girls) not to “stand out”. Spaghetti tops get more eve teasing. Cant you wear a normal top? Girls who are chatty with boys are giving out a signal that you are available. Cant you be like the other girls? Boys who…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
This article is part of the series of “Dark Mothering” where we have decided to be brave and talk about the days of mothering that are not bright and sunny. Last post we spoke about Post Partum Depression. And this time I have picked up a topic that has been part of our lives at some point or the other- Feeling alone as a mother even after being surrounded by people! This is a phenomenon that…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
Depressing Motherhood - “Dealing with Post Partum Depression”
Depressing Motherhood – “Dealing with Post Partum Depression”
Depressing and Motherhood are usually not used together. Its like a social taboo to use anything other than the rainbow happy adjectives with motherhood. Yes, agreed. The happiness and joy is just overwhelming. I cant think of myself a day without my daughter and I have a lot to thank motherhood too. It has made me a much better human being, it has given me meaning and of course it has given me a…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
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Dark Mothering Motherhood is such an amazing experience. Its life changing. Its joyous. Its unparallel. Its empowering. Its emotional.
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
No place for negative emotions !
No place for negative emotions !
As a mother we are molding a life form into an individual daily. Our little one looks up to us for reactions and explanations about everything he encounters. Be it how to deal with being pushed in the park or to understand how he came into this world- he rushes to us for explanation. It’s such a joy to be part of somebody’s life journey so closely. You sometimes hold his hand, sometimes lift him…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
A “Cause” Mother Vs an “Effect” Mother
A “Cause” Mother Vs an “Effect” Mother
We, as mothers, want to bring out the best in our children. We use a combination of techniques to mould the little being into a fine person with a healthy mind and heart. “Active” parenting starts at around 2 (the terrible terrible twos). This is the time when the innocent little infant starts absorbing and processing information. Some information is processed the way you would like it to be.…
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the-nirvanama-blog · 9 years
We all have at one point or the other cribbed about how life is different as moms. If only X had happened, then Y would be the outcome! We think about our past a lot. We think about the alternate choices we could have made all the time! “If and wish situations”. They consume a lot more of our conscious and subconscious thinking than they should. We are the person we are because of our past…
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