Benophie wish list: Benedict and Anthony (PART 2: The Academy fiasco)
If you haven't read Part 1: Benophie wish list: Benedict and Anthony (PART 1)
This is such a complex plot, and I find myself going back and forth, like this:
I feel for Benedict because he really wanted to get into the Academy on his own merit. He wanted it to be HIS thing. And he was so happy, high as a kite, but genuinely happy.
I get Anthony was trying to help. I do. This was a pre-Kate Anthony, emotionally detached, traumatized, and closed off. He thought he was doing the right thing by ensuring his brother's happiness. I imagine him fist-pumping secretly when he heard the news and saw how excited Ben was. Can you imagine if he heard Benedict screaming at night? More to his credit, he never flaunted his donation to anyone, he was happy knowing Benedict got what he wanted.
However, Anthony helped Benedict secretly while he mocked him publicly. Calling Ben's sketches "doodling" and "pretty pictures" demeans his work. There's also this scene:
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From Benedict's pov, his brother does not appreciate nor care for his passion and talent.
This may have been normal sibling teasing, except that Anthony's personality and attitude didn't make the jokes land as such. When Ben teases, everyone knows he's being silly, he's not trying to hurt anyone. Anthony only sounds mean.
HOWEVER, I can see how frustrating it must be for Anthony to see Ben wasting his life. He's 26 YEARS OLD, acting like a 20yo. Anthony only sees Ben drinking and getting high in s2, which is why he is shocked when Ben recites the "What is it to admire a woman?" poem. This is the first time Anthony realizes the level of talent Ben has. At that moment, he understood, Ben is not a pretender, he genuinely believes poetry is truth. When Ant says "you should apply yourself more," he means it. Anthony is desperate to see his brother find a purpose and grow up.
The problem, again, is that this is the only time he showed admiration for Ben, and he exploited it. So, when he tries to convince Ben to stay at the academy, Ben doesn't believe him. Why would he? He paid his way in because his "pretty pictures" were not enough.
Then again, Anthony found him smoking and drinking at the Academy. How frustrating for him to see that Ben is not taking this chance seriously.
I also believe Ben was sabotaging himself. Anthony gave him the easy way out before he needed to prove himself and commit (Ben's commitment issues are not only about a romantic partner). Ben is using Anthony as a scapegoat in a sense, someone to blame for his failure.
Of course we did not see any resolution to this in s3, as expected. This is something that needs to be address during Benedict's season. I am so glad the writers understood that we needed a season where Benedict stayed as far away from art as possible. I didn't want to see him holding a pencil, not even seeing a painting.
Instead, we saw him helping Anthony.
Maybe this post is all over the place, but so are siblings' relationships.
Of course, Ben helps Anthony. Not only is it his responsibility as the spare to step in during A's absence, but they're brothers. He can't really escape that relationship, especially in a structure like Regency aristocratic society. So, he does the job (very well according to Anthony), fills his time with work, and pushes painting aside.
I think s3!Benedict was trying his best not to think about art and pretend he was fine without it. Meanwhile, Anthony was enjoying his honeymoon period and perhaps he was relieved that Ben seemed fine. I don't think either of them has forgotten the s2 finale though, but they're trying to delay a confrontation and a spill of feelings (men!).
I'm confident s4 will address the matter. I'm not sure how much of Anthony we'll see but I'm sure by the end of the season, the Academy fiasco will be addressed and Ben will be a successful, confident artist thanks to Sophie.
I'm not done with Benedict and Anthony. I need to talk about my hope for Anthony's involvement in Benophie and the ghost of Sienna.
If you haven't read Part 1: Benophie wish list: Benedict and Anthony (PART 1)
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the-other-art-blog · 4 days
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the-other-art-blog · 9 days
A few days ago, it came to my attention that not everyone pronounces BEnophie like I do. Some people say BenOphie, which sounds so strange to me. So, I just want to know cause it may have to do with our original languages (I'm a native Spanish speaker) but I have no idea.
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the-other-art-blog · 9 days
I agree that Paul was underdeveloped. I wish they had met in episode 6 and started a friendship before jumping to bed. Paul could have been a very impactful character that served Benedict's arc if the writers had given him more lines. As I said, he was very judgemental and seemed to disdain the ton. He seems to be from a high middle class, though I don't remember exactly what he did for a living. But if he associates himself with artists, he is among people of the working class who are often abused by the ton. It would have been good to see Benedict discussing the frivolities and ridiculousness of the ton, but maybe we can see that in s4.
I cannot deal with one more Benophie fan complaining about the lack of Benedict's artistic side in s3.
Aren't you guys supposed to like this character and understand him?
Everyone complains about the show's lack of accountability, continuity, and consequences. But here it is Benedict's artistic plot going through ups and downs for 3 seasons and fans complain!
That was one of my main wishes for s3: NO ART FOR BENEDICT. It had to be this way.
Benedict thought he had entered the Academy by himself, for his talent. He was so happy to have received external validation and Anthony's interference destroyed that. He destroyed his confidence. Of course, he abandoned art. He felt like a fraud.
If Benedict had resumed painting in s3, this scene would have lost meaning and weight:
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What would have been the point of this dramatic moment if he would have been fine next season?
In the book, part of Benedict's arc is growing confident in his art. He has been hiding his talent forever (even more than in the show) because he's afraid and Sophie helps him realize he's an artist. The show found a way to show his art since s1, and still follow the book.
This was not the final season, we still have to see HIS season where all of this needs to be resolved. His season is when he needs to regain confidence and share his art with everyone again, thanks to Sophie.
Yes, it was sad to see Benedict holding a newspaper instead of a sketchbook, BUT IT WAS NECESSARY FOR HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
That brief exchange with Paul said everything the audience needed to know about his art in s3:
Paul asks him if he paints (Paul was being a bit of a jerk here, too judgemental just because Ben is part of the ton, but I get it)
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How heartbreaking this was!
He couldn't have said 'yes' even if he talked in past tense because Paul would have asked more. 'Why did you give it up?' And what was he supposed to say: 'My brother paid my way into the Academy'? Of course, he said no. The writers did not forget about s1 and s2, they simply were writing a coherent storyline. Benedict's still not over the betrayal and hurt he felt at the end of s2.
In the meantime, Ben has been filling the hole art left in his heart with work during Anthony's honeymoon. Once that is gone, Ben becomes a jerk (I've talked about this in this post after seeing part 1: x) He's extra grumpy and out-of-character but it makes sense narratively because he's frustrated.
It only gets better when he meets Tilley. She is a temporary solution to his frustration. Once he began his affair with her, he went back to his normal, charming self at balls. This is what he does, what he did for 3 seasons. Sex is like a palliative treatment for whatever turmoil he has inside (see how amazingly appropriate this is for Benophie?)
Moreover, Benedict's sexuality needed to be addressed BEFORE his season. Or would you have preferred to do it while Sophie was there?
Thanks to CVD, who refused to address this matter in s2, Jess had to do it in s3. Honestly, Jess did a lot of fixing this season.
This way Benedict is at peace with that part of himself that had been causing so much anxiety since he met Granville. Not only did Tilley offer a momentary escape valve for his frustration, but she helped him accept a part of his identity AND encouraged him to find love. Honestly, the hate she gets from the Benophie fandom is shameful. She did nothing wrong and only helped and supported Benedict. (Plus Luke Thompson loved those scenes, so 🤷‍♀️)
I shouldn't get so upset about other people's opinions, but honestly. These comments come from people who declare to be stans and queens of the fandom. They also have been in a 2-year tantrum and hate campaign against s3, so not really surprised.
It's so funny because if there's one character that has been written exquisitely, it's Benedict. He's the writers' favorite, 100%. Everything he has done makes total sense and prepares him for Sophie.
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the-other-art-blog · 10 days
I cannot deal with one more Benophie fan complaining about the lack of Benedict's artistic side in s3.
Aren't you guys supposed to like this character and understand him?
Everyone complains about the show's lack of accountability, continuity, and consequences. But here it is Benedict's artistic plot going through ups and downs for 3 seasons and fans complain!
That was one of my main wishes for s3: NO ART FOR BENEDICT. It had to be this way.
Benedict thought he had entered the Academy by himself, for his talent. He was so happy to have received external validation and Anthony's interference destroyed that. He destroyed his confidence. Of course, he abandoned art. He felt like a fraud.
If Benedict had resumed painting in s3, this scene would have lost meaning and weight:
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What would have been the point of this dramatic moment if he would have been fine next season?
In the book, part of Benedict's arc is growing confident in his art. He has been hiding his talent forever (even more than in the show) because he's afraid and Sophie helps him realize he's an artist. The show found a way to show his art since s1, and still follow the book.
This was not the final season, we still have to see HIS season where all of this needs to be resolved. His season is when he needs to regain confidence and share his art with everyone again, thanks to Sophie.
Yes, it was sad to see Benedict holding a newspaper instead of a sketchbook, BUT IT WAS NECESSARY FOR HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
That brief exchange with Paul said everything the audience needed to know about his art in s3:
Paul asks him if he paints (Paul was being a bit of a jerk here, too judgemental just because Ben is part of the ton, but I get it)
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How heartbreaking this was!
He couldn't have said 'yes' even if he talked in past tense because Paul would have asked more. 'Why did you give it up?' And what was he supposed to say: 'My brother paid my way into the Academy'? Of course, he said no. The writers did not forget about s1 and s2, they simply were writing a coherent storyline. Benedict's still not over the betrayal and hurt he felt at the end of s2.
In the meantime, Ben has been filling the hole art left in his heart with work during Anthony's honeymoon. Once that is gone, Ben becomes a jerk (I've talked about this in this post after seeing part 1: x) He's extra grumpy and out-of-character but it makes sense narratively because he's frustrated.
It only gets better when he meets Tilley. She is a temporary solution to his frustration. Once he began his affair with her, he went back to his normal, charming self at balls. This is what he does, what he did for 3 seasons. Sex is like a palliative treatment for whatever turmoil he has inside (see how amazingly appropriate this is for Benophie?)
Moreover, Benedict's sexuality needed to be addressed BEFORE his season. Or would you have preferred to do it while Sophie was there?
Thanks to CVD, who refused to address this matter in s2, Jess had to do it in s3. Honestly, Jess did a lot of fixing this season.
This way Benedict is at peace with that part of himself that had been causing so much anxiety since he met Granville. Not only did Tilley offer a momentary escape valve for his frustration, but she helped him accept a part of his identity AND encouraged him to find love. Honestly, the hate she gets from the Benophie fandom is shameful. She did nothing wrong and only helped and supported Benedict. (Plus Luke Thompson loved those scenes, so 🤷‍♀️)
I shouldn't get so upset about other people's opinions, but honestly. These comments come from people who declare to be stans and queens of the fandom. They also have been in a 2-year tantrum and hate campaign against s3, so not really surprised.
It's so funny because if there's one character that has been written exquisitely, it's Benedict. He's the writers' favorite, 100%. Everything he has done makes total sense and prepares him for Sophie.
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the-other-art-blog · 17 days
You know what would be funny? Since Sophie is a Lady Whistledown fangirl, what if Benedict tried to use that as a selling point to get her to marry him.
Benedict: Marry me?
Sophie: I don't know. You were really trying to push my boundaries and wouldn't take no for an answer
Benedict: Okay, but counterpoint. *pulls Penelope from out of nowhere* Lady Whistledown will you sister in-law.
Penelope, confused but rolling with it: Hello
Sophie: *fangirl mode activated*
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the-other-art-blog · 25 days
Penelope Featherington in Romancing Mister Bridgerton:
She's beauty. She's grace. She fell on her face.
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the-other-art-blog · 25 days
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Jo & Amy Hugs Throughout the Adaptations
Little women (1949) Little Women (1978) Little Women (2017)
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the-other-art-blog · 26 days
girlhood this girlhood that. woman you are 26
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the-other-art-blog · 27 days
Anna being raped was the most unnecessary plot of this show. What a hideous way to hurt a lovely character who only did good. It merely added drama to keep uplifting Bates as this honorable man who would kill to defend the honor of his wife.
Why must female characters always suffer sexual assault in period dramas? Couldn't the writers come up with something better for this couple?
Yes, everyone showed support and told her it wasn't her fault, that she shouldn't feel dirty, and that they loved her. But then, James pressured Ivy after he paid for a date, and they told her that she had it coming! IN THE SAME EPISODE!!!
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the-other-art-blog · 27 days
Bridgerton fans, please only tag the most relevant relationships when posting your fics to AO3. I would very much appreciate not having to filter very specifically or having to scroll through two or three pages of Polin and/or Kanthony fics when trying to find Benophie fics. Live picture of me pleading with you guys right now:
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the-other-art-blog · 28 days
Gorgeous work by Vera.Adxer via Instagram 🩶
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the-other-art-blog · 28 days
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Holy trinity of pathetic losers.
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the-other-art-blog · 29 days
Benophie wish list: Benedict and Anthony (PART 1)
It's no secret I have my criticisms about Anthony, one of them being his treatment of Benedict. I hope we see some exploration on this relationship, especially now that Johhny Bailey called Benedict "the beating heart of the family." 🥰🥰🥰
First off, I don't think it would be easy to be Anthony's younger brother. Let's be real, he was not an easy person to love until s3, even Kate struggled. And when you are in a system like the aristocracy, it's even worse. Anthony gets all the authority just for being born first, and Benedict is automatically undervalued as the spare.
I want to be fair to both of them because they both are good people. So, if at some point you feel I'm going too hard on Anthony, I promise I'll judge Benedict too here and in other posts.
I think Ben has been accumulating a lot of frustration regarding Anthony since they were children. One of my fav scenes in First Comes the Scandal (Rokesby series #4) illustrates this relationship since childhood.
Here is Anthony (7 years old) and Benedict (5 years old):
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Before this scene, Anthony and Ben are described as "little terrors" by Edmund. Yes, they have fun together and were having fun before this incident, but Anthony does something to upset Benedict every now and then.
I wonder if this is how Ben got his black eye, mentioned in To Sir Phillip with Love:
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My headcanon is they were practicing boxing and it got out of hand due to some brotherly teasing gone too far. Anthony threw a punch too hard and knocked Ben down by accident. I don't think Anthony meant it, but Benedict didn't move quickly enough. I wrote a little drabble about this:
And if we remember the fencing scene in s2, Anthony is a sore loser. Benedict says that whenever Anthony doesn't win, he accuses them of cheating. We can see how he reacts when Benedict bests him at fencing and it's not very mature, because he holds all the authority granted by birthright. An aristocrat like him is used to get everything he wants and he can't even deal with his brothers.
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Thankfully, by the time the show began, Benedict was old enough to fight back in his own way. Some of Benedict's best moments in s2 are when he's teasing Anthony. That is one advantage of Benedict, he can tease all he wants because he's more likable (in the story), so he gets away with it. Who doesn't love this scene:
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It must have been so satisfying for Benedict to see Kate winning the argument. He loves her for putting Anthony in his place.
Of course not everything is negative and this is not a post meant to trash Anthony. Benedict also has made plenty of mistakes in this relationship. For starters, he should have helped Anthony much more in estate management. He's just a couple for years younger and he must have been trained in management, just in case. Honestly, I cannot understand how an aristocrat fills his time. What was he doing? Yes, we all have lazy days, but years? of doing nothing but sleep around and attend parties? (more on this in my next post.)
Onto the positive. Anthony and Benedict are still very close despite their differences and frustrations because for 5 years they were the only children. That's a considerable age gap between them and the rest of the siblings.
The whole thing of the heir and the spare also plays into this relationship to stay as tight as it is. It falls upon them to continue their father's legacy by law (which is why Ben should have helped Anthony more). The scene before the duel tells the audience so much about this. Colin, Gregory, and the girls loved Edmund as much as Ben and Anthony, but they will never have the connection these two had with him. They knew him longer and got the chance to have more mature conversations with him.
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So for good or for bad, they have to have each other backs. Yes, Anthony pushed Benedict during the fending match, but he also helped him get up.
I have divided this post in various parts cause there's so much to unpack with these brothers. So, next post will be about the Academy fiasco. If you thought this was too harsh on Anthony, wait for it. No matter how wrong it was what Anthony did, Ben is taking advantage of that to blame Anthony for his self doubt.
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the-other-art-blog · 30 days
Robert is such a baby. He ruined the family, lost all of Cora's money and he's still complains!
I forgot that Downton Abbey's s2 Christmas episode featured a ouija board... what an interesting choice.
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the-other-art-blog · 1 month
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NEW GIRL Season 1 Episode 22
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the-other-art-blog · 1 month
I forgot that Downton Abbey's s2 Christmas episode featured a ouija board... what an interesting choice.
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