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Day 18: Horror Movie with the worst plot - The Lodger/Roommate Wanted (2015)
I hate this one with a passion and I’ve moaned about it before on here so I won’t put you through it twice,so uh you can go look for that one if you really want to.
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Day 17 - Cheesiest Horror Film - Scary Movie (2000)
I know it’s meant o be cheesy, and it very much succeeds in that. As I said before, it’s my favourite one of the series as Scream was one of the first horror films I watched (just after It) and is also the one that got me into horror so I think that’s why I like it so much. I also watched it when I stayed over at my girlfriend’s house with our friends. They’d never watched it before so we were all in hysterics the whole time.
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Day 16 - Horror Movie with the cheesiest acting - Scary Movie 3.5 (2003) & 4 (2006)
Don’t get me wrong, I love the scary movie films but I didn’t enjoy these 2 all that much for some reason. First one’s still by far the best I think but yeah, not a fan of 3 and 4. They’re okay I guess, still prefer 1 and 2.
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Day 15: Worst reboot - Friday the 13th (2009)
a w f u l
dumb and unneeded, end of conversation :)
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Day 14: Horror movie with the best sequels ((Saw Franchise 2004-2010) I’m not counting Jigsaw because what was that)
I mean, I like gore. That’s all I got. The newer ones were clearly just made for money, and same with Saw forty nine when that comes out. The first 2 or 3 are by far still the best in the series but they’re still definitely not the worst sequels (ahem, Friday 13th after IV, V at a push) but I’m also a massive sucker for Greek mythology and all so the bronze bull scene in 3D/The Final Chapter/Seven/Whatever was really fun in my opinion. 
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Day 13: Horror movie you’ve been meaning to see but haven’t - Sleepaway Camp (1983)
To be completely honest, I don’t know why I haven’t seen it yet. It’s been on my to watch list for a while but for some reason I never got around to it. From the bits I’ve seen it looks quite good and a lot of people online liked it so I’m looking forward to watching it at some point in the (hopefully) near future. Sorry this one’s a lot shorter than all the other posts, but I don’t really have a lot to write about this one as I obviously haven’t seen it yet lmao
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Day 12: Worst horror movie you’ve ever seen - The Lodger/Roommate Wanted (2015)
First of all, apparently this has 2 names?  Didn’t know that until I tried to find a picture.
But I can, 100%, wholly, and entirely say this was the worst horror movie I have ever seen. It’s basically one massive bitch fight over a guy and wanting to one-up each other. But all that happened was an allergic reaction and some weird things with some zebra duct tape. Even the Jigsaw 2017 film has more redeeming moments than this shit show. I’d apologise to anyone who actually likes this one but i genuinely don’t think anyone does?? And I’ve seen some pretty bad ones. I now understand why this was so cheap at Computer Exchange and why the guy at the till gave me such a weird look. Straight to MusicMagpie with this one. 0/10 would never watch again if you paid me because I do remarkably still have a few brain cells left somehow.
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Day 11: Horror movie with the worst ending - Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
This one as a whole was pretty bad but the ending of ‘Tommy put on the Jason mask and killed Pam’ was pretty dumb. They didn’t even follow it up in the next one it was just something that was sort of there if you get me. That and ‘Jason wasn’t actually Jason, he was Joey’s dad who was also a paramedic’ was also pretty weird if I’m honest. Not gonna lie, I also think the series stopped being good after 4, but I haven’t seen Jason goes to Hell or Jason X yet so I don’t know if they’re any better to be honest 
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Day 10: Horror Movie you hate but everyone else loves - Happy Death Day (2017) & Jigsaw (2017)
I feel like I’m going to be attacked for bringing HDD into this but let me explain myself 😂 I don’t really know why but I really didn’t enjoy this as much as most other people did?? It just didn’t do it for me I guess. Something about it just kind of bored me and it just got frustrating to watch. Absolutely no hate to anyone at all if you like this one it just really wasn’t my thing. Probably because I like stuff more on the gore side but the idea of the sequel too just seemed pointless. I’ve only seen the trailer and don’t plan on actually watching the film but from what I’ve seen it essentially looks like a direct repeat of the first one, which would probably just irritate me even more lmao.
To be completely honest, I don’t think any fan of the Saw series actually liked Jigsaw?? Admittedly, it was the first one that I watched as it was on Netflix and I assumed it was the first one. It obviously didn’t make sense to me at the time but after seeing all of the films multiple times over, it’s still pointless. In my eyes, they should have left it at The Final Chapter/VII but especially with the new one coming out at some point (is that confirmed or..?) I honestly think they’re just trying to milk the series for more money at this point and it really does need to stop or they’ll end up at Saw LXXVII: Return of Eddie’s Spleen or something like that. 
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Day 9: Horror movie with the best villain - Candyman (1992)
I remember watching this twice in 2 days because i enjoyed it so much. I think the thing with Candyman is that he was one of the first villains who I  took a step back from and could completely and wholly understand why the central antagonist was so vengeful and full of rage as he things that happened to him that lead to his death were absolutely despicable. While looking for a photo to use, I came across the fact that they are allegedly making a reboot. Personally, I don’t think it’s needed at all but it would be cool to see how Jordan Peele portrays the character and the events.
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Day 8: Best reboot - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) (for the ending) & The Amityville Horror (2005) (for the ending)
I pretty much always prefer the original movies without fail so this was a hard question for me. These two and the remake of It are the only ones I’ve seen so it had to be between them. I really liked the police-video type opening for Texas Chainsaw. The film as a whole definitely isn’t as good as the original but I think the beginning scene is really good - especially for a remake.
With Amityville, I still liked the original more but I feel like the ending of the remake summed up all the questions on the haunting and why it happened. I haven’t seen any of the sequels and I can’t remember the original ending all that much but I still think it’s at least okay.
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Day 7: Movie with the worst sequels - Friday the 13th AFTER 5 (1985 - 2009 (or 11 depending on))
The first 4 or 5 were quite good, or at least I think so. 4′s my favourite but the others are still at the very least watchable. After 5 on the other hand, they got a bit strange and repetitive. Like they ran out of ideas so bad that they like whacked him into Hell and space (haven’t seen those yet tho). I’ll still always like the first ones anyway. But yeah, as I said the ones post 5 weren’t bad per se just really unneeded.
Yeah, I’m just going to leave this here because I’ve repeated myself enough already.
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Day 6: Funniest horror movies you’ve seen - Blair Witch Project (1999), Bird Box (2018), special mention to the stairs scene in Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
I’m going to be completely honest, I only got 20 minutes into Bird Box before I gave up because I was laughing too much to watch it. To be honest, it sounded like an eh concept to begin with but once I started it, it was even worse. So, uh, didn’t enjoy that one like at all.
So my parents took my sister to go and see this when it first came out and she was traumatised. I watched it with my mum a couple months ago and the highlight was us pausing the film to try and figure out what was in Josh’s flannel shirt (it was his tongue, a finger and something else, I can’t remember) but yeah.
The stairs scene was hysterical. Enough said. The fact she went up and got pulled straight back down again into the basement.
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Day 5: Favourite Horror Movie - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1973), Carrie (1976), The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016), Frankenstein (1931), Seed of Chucky (2004)
I know that the day says movie as in singular but I physically couldn’t choose. I love all of these films for one reason or another and I would probably cry if you asked me to pick one.
As I’ve said before, I love Texas Chainsaw. I have absolutely no clue why as I can’t think of an aspect that stands out to me more than the others. I guess my love for slashers and gore in general could probably play a big part in it but I’m still not 100% sure. And of course I’ve seen all the memes of Leatherface with the makeup on and ‘when you attempt a makeup tutorial off youtube’ and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t true in any way, shape, or form, considering Bubba did a better job at makeup than I’ve ever done in the almost 4 years I’ve been wearing it fulltime. I don’t know, maybe when your parents raise you on country music and you realise you don’t like it, it’ll later manifest itself into a slasher you’ll find 10 years down the line ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve gotta say, I love this film and the character to pieces. Maybe because in school, I was always one of the ‘freaks’ that very few people actually liked. I didn’t grow up with a religious family let alone an extremist mother like she did, but I was continually bullied for about 6 years. Once that finally stopped, I was outed in my new school as a lesbian, which pushed my recovery of a variety of things backwards quite significantly. But self-projection aside, I absolutely love it. I’ve even got my Carrie pop vinyl front and centre on my shelf as she deserves to be. And I’m not going to lie, even as a child I was always terrified something like this would happen to me if I ever went to prom, obviously not with pigs blood as we were miles away from a farm. Closest we had at that point was bacon and I have a feeling that I would prefer that to, y’know, blood. I keep getting off topic but 10/10, please go and watch this film if you somehow haven’t already.
My friend had said that she had seen this film already as I pulled it up on Netflix and she said that it was kind of an eh film. Like it wasn’t awful but it definitely wasn’t anything special. One day (pretty sure it was before our Christmas break) I’d started watching it at lunch and even though I’d only seen about 20 minutes of the start (goddamn period 5, I don’t even like science) but I really liked the portion that I’d seen. I kid you not, as soon as I got home that day, the first thing I did was finish the film. It’s amazing, like genuinely one of the best I think, and it’s so sad that it doesn’t get more recognition and it isn’t more well known. I actually had a conversation with a cashier in HMV when I brought this as they had the same opinion as me regarding the film. It might not sound like much but as someone who is struggling to overcome social anxiety it was a massive step for me. Great film, still distraught over the cat to this day, and the film proves the importance of wearing your goddamn glasses while you’re having hallucinations. Really should’ve gone to Specsavers.
I’ve only recently started watching the classic classics from the first half of the 20th century but I think Frankenstein is brilliant. The whole reason I wanted to watch this in the first place was due to the fact I had a Literature teacher who was getting us to analyse the story and how Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t really a monster and was just perceived wrong by everyone that came into their path. Sadly, we stopped mid-way through this topic as we had a change of teacher but it really interested me so I wanted to read the full book without teachers hovering over. And then I found the Universal Classic re-release and I was so excited. I was on facetime to my friend at the beginning of it and she’s still got screenshots of me just gaping at the screen. I think it’s so sad that the classics aren’t watched as much anymore with all the remakes and spin-offs etc. because it’s genuinely a really good and really fascinating film.
Somewhere in the front room of my house, I’ve still got most of my dolls from when I was a kid. I absolutely loved them, especially the Monster High ones which is really ironic now, but I can assure you that I haven’t transferred my soul into any as of now. And since I’ve gotten into horror movies, I really got into the Child’s Play series. The Bride of Chucky is also one of my favourites but this one takes the cake for me with these. It must’ve been around 10 minutes in and I really liked Glen/da already. Like, it was just a feeling I had about the character but the further I got into the film, the more I liked the character, and I can almost be unembarrassed with the fact that the ending of this almost made me cry. I think the worst part of this was the fact that we likely wouldn’t see any more of Tiffany or Glen/da in the other movies. And yes, I’m one of the people who think the Child’s Play remake will be awful, but yes, of course I’m going to see it anyway. 
I know nobody reads these anyway but if you did congratulations for having an attention span of steel.
And get ready for the tags, they’re all going down.
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Day 4: Goriest horror film you’ve seen - Hostel (2005), Terrifier (2018)
I’ve never had an issue with gore as I grew up surrounded by shows set in hospitals and being physically in and out of hospitals via visiting and my own injuries. In my opinion, Hostel as a whole wasn’t that gory?? Granted the scene with Kana’s eye being burned off (out??) was something I’d never seen before but it didn’t shock me. I’m no stranger to films like this either, considering the fact I’d watched and re-watched the saw films over and over. Kana later throwing herself in front of the train really wasn’t expected so I’ll give it that 😂
Does Terrifier need that much of an explanation for this? I mean Art sawed Dawn literally straight in half. I mean that’s about it. The horn scene still makes me laugh 
“LeAve mE al0nE yOU fUckInG maNiAc”
h o n k
i’m sorry i’ll leave,, and +10 points because y’know, clowns
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Day 3: Movie you love but everyone else hates - Pet Sematary (1989)
Right I don’t know how many people that watch a lot of horror don’t like this film all that much but people I talk to usually don’t like it. Admittedly, the acting probably could’ve been a bit better but for some reason I really like it? I don’t know, it’s probably Church (and my previously mentioned love for Stephen King and cats) that makes me a tad biased but honestly, I don’t care 😂 This is also another one I watched with my mum and her shouting about why the toddler has medical knowledge of the Achilles tendon and other muscles etc. will always be funny to me
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Day 2: Most recent Horror Movie you’ve seen - Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) / watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) while writing this
As I mentioned yesterday, I really like clowns? I don’t know why, I just do I guess? Anyway, as someone who’s favourite film genres are sci-fi, horror and comedy, I really enjoyed Killer Klowns. It was really stupid but it made me laugh more than it probably should have 😂 I also really liked the candyfloss cocoons and the very circus/fun house-like design of the space ship. Honestly don’t think this one counts as a horror - probably more fantasy if I’m honest - but I still loved it and I’m counting it anyway.
Texas Chainsaw is a strange one for me as when I first got into horror, I told myself that this would be the one series I’d never watch as it was ‘too gory’ as all I’d seen before were suspense/supernatural films. Needless to say, after a while I thought I’d give them a go as quite a few other people I’d seen on social media had enjoyed them and they are now one of my favourite collections of films, despite the fact I haven’t seen them all yet.  I’d originally seen this one before the first film as it was the only one on Netflix aside from Leatherface. Either way I’m definitely going to be looking for the rest of the series if I can help it :)
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