Im sorry to the followers, that I haven’t kept up with this blog much lately. My job has me working alot of hours and I have been sick irl due to stress. Also before I go on my rant, I would like you all to help me gain more followers if possible. ALOT of peoples lives are in danger due to the Idiots Of Imvu blog and we need to band together to take them down. 
But while I have the chance, I would like to say some things.
Recently I told the blog owner of the Idiots of IMVU page, to stop posting about me or I was going to take legal matters into my own hands. I have shown the page owner that the accusations I made against Misoma and her boyfriend, were in fact true. Misoma herself admitted it to all my friends, that her and her bf did do all the things I accused them of. And she has came to me and appologized, and her and I are now working on our friendship. MISOMA herself even messaged the blog owner and told her that I wasn’t the liar... And that I was in fact the innocent one, and asked the page owner to stop posting lies about me, and saying things about me, because I never told lies about her and her boyfriend and that she was just upset I wasn’t her friend and started lies and rumors about me, to make people hate me. I even showed the page owner screenshots of me and Misomas conversation of her admitting everything, and saying how sorry she was for what her and her bf put me through.. One thing about me is. I dont lie. Even if it gets me hurt. And not only this but I have shown the page owner proof, that the people who are accusing me of harrassing and bullying them, DID in fact harrass me first and went off on me first. People can only send parts of conversations to make them look like a victum. I have been disowned and treated like scum for “Not buying people stuff on imvu, when they asked” Or “Not going off on people for them, and being a bad friend for not defending someone” I have also tried being a good friend and warning people their boyfriends are cheating on them or girlfriends in some cases, and instead of taking my warning, they call me names and we end up in a fight and those people post about me on that blog without showing the WHOLE story. Then that same person will weeks later, come to me and appologize for what they said about me on the page, because they caught their significant other cheating and they should have listened to me. I literally dont just go off on people for no reason. There are always two sides to every story, and the friends who have known me know im a very kind person. Ill even show you what a good friend I have known for over a year now said about me to someone.
“””H0munculus: Fae doesn't hold grudges. If she did she would have nearly no friends. Because almost all of her friends have done something in some way to hurt her. Myself included. So she wouldn't carry on this drama. She doesn't live in the past, She's always looking ahead. So for anyone who wants to believe that she would go out of her way to "destroy" a family they are wrong, and unless they have proof i will not budge an inch.”””
Even with all the proof I have the blog owner cares nothing about it, and will never show it, because she will look like a bitch for lying on someone and making people hate an innocent person. She cares only to destroy my life more. I have even reported to IMVU messages of people telling me to kill myself and being threatened to be killed because of this blog. The blog full of lies about me and countless others. The page owner herself even told me the blog isn’t illegal until my life becomes in danger. And even after I showed her that my life is becoming in danger now, and that I am getting messages from people threatening my life. She continues to bully me on the page. Recently by making this post. After I asked her to take anything down about me.
(Dear Fae/Tiffani:
I ask for the fourth time that you stop contacting me immediately. I have removed all posts about you from the blog. The only thing that remains is your name on the list with the truth: that you continue to harass me via submissions and that others continue to come to me because they are afraid of you.
You are legally harassing me. This is the last time I will ask you to stop all contact. Please stop. I do not want to take legal action, and I don’t think your criminal record can handle another addition.
Sincerely, IdiotsofIMVU)
The funny thing is, I dont even have a criminal record. I have never been to jail. And the one restraining order I had against me has been dropped because the boyfriend and Misoma dropped it. Other than that I have nothing on my record. And I would not even have the job I have if I had one. So shes posting falsehoods about me which is slander for one. AND she used my real first name when posting it without my permission. Which is invasion of privacy and puts my life in danger even more. (The reason I keep calling the blog owner a she is because I do have some information on her. Which I will disclose soon to my followers.) And im sorry but if she did take legal action. The police would look at this page and see that she is the one cyber bullying countless people, and wonder why she takes time out of her day to stalk people so closely she gets their new usernames on imvu. Maybe the page owner needs to watch the movie cyber bully. She can go to jail for that page, even though she swears up and down she cant, and having a VPN wont hide her from the police forever. The sad thing also is, I haven’t said a thing to the blog owner in weeks. Because I have been busy with work, because my life doesn’t revolve around IMVU anymore. I did message her recently because she posted something about me, and the only time I do is when she herself posts something about me, or allows a post to go through about me, then she always tries to make out like shes the victum, and then tries to say im harrassing her. Me asking the blog owner to remove posts about me that are invading my privacy like this one below, which blasts my mental issues and makes fun of me for them... IS NOT WRONG. And in the court of law the judge will arrest the blog owner for this.
(((Anonymous asked: Hello all. I'm not really here to ask anything. I'm here to warn you. Steer clear of xFeilynx. She's very toxic. I know one of my friends who helped her and she started threatening them. She lived with said person and is now claiming they sexually assaulted her even though they never touched her. She's insane. She may have autism but that doesn't stop her from hurting people. She will use you! If you are wondering who the person is, she remains anon. She's a liar. Never ever trust her! Be safe
Fae is absolutely insane. She is not to be trusted at all. I 100% believe you, anon.)))
So what im asking, is for all my followers to help me take this person down. Anyone who has been blasted on that page. Take screenshots of what has been said about you. Go to your local police department, and show them what is going on. DO NOT be afraid of the blog owners retailiation. If anything I am here for you and will support you through it all, because if enough of us do this, the page will be removed. It is affecting peoples real lives, and putting people in danger. The blog owner can argue with me all she wants. But, that page is illegal. I will continue to say it until she gets it. I've even gotten messages from people on here telling me they are scared to even comment on my posts in fear the page owner will blast them and someone will attack them again. Which I will also show to the police. None of us should be scared like this. The blog owner is using peoples imvu names and letting others have their new names over and over, and is now posting their ID numbers, even when they have changed their username to get away from people that are harrassing and bullying them due to the blog. Then when someone changes their name the blog owner, puts them down and calls them an idiot and makes posts about them just because they changed their name. WELL IDIOT BLOG OWNER. The reason we change our name so much is because of people bullying us and threatening us because of YOUR page. Maybe get out and get a job. Find something better to do with your life. Before you seriously end up in prison for a very long time. You are literally stalking people. Allowing people to be harrassed and bullied, and you could care less. Just wait until someone like myself ends up commiting suicide because of you. Cause I know when I get to that point. I will make sure I put in my suicide note that it is YOUR fault and add the link to your page, so the police can see it with their own eyes. Its sad that im getting to the point, as well as others, that we may have to end our lives just so you get the point, and that justice will be served to you.
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I haven’t posted in awhile, but its time for me to say this. I have a job now, which pays $11/hr so I can more than afford an attorney for court at this time against the Idiots of IMVU page. And I think the more than 200 screenshots I have in my phone will suffice as evidence in court. Along with all the messages I took photos of showing proof of my innocence to the page owner, and him doing nothing about it. If anyone wants to back me up, feel free, cause this is getting out of line. People are even blocking and banning me from rooms I have never been in because of that page. Its affecting my real life. Affecting my mental stability, and people are judging me based on lies and rumors, which are in fact untrue. Yes I change my name, yes i get upset and post about it on my profile. But how does that make me a toxic user? I change my name to get away from the people who harrass me, and bully me. I get upset and post on my profile cause I have Borderline Personality Disorder and Autism, and I post how i feel at the time... It doesn’t make me a bad person. So please. For everyone who has been bullied and harrassed by that page. Please stand by me, and lets get it taken down, so we can have our lives back.
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This page is going to be for all of you who have been blasted on the “Idiots of IMVU page” This will be YOUR chance to say your side on things. We all know how wrong it is, for people who have so much time on their hands, to stalk and take screenshots of every little thing we all do, making our lives harder, and making everything more stressful for us. I dont ever use tumblr much, But this "Idiots Of IMVU" Tumblr Blog is getting out of hand. I have been on IMVU now for going on four years, I myself have watched people get bullied, and ridiculed on that page for stupid reasons. Ive made alot of friends, but have also now made alot of enemies due to that page. People who dont even give me a chance or try to get to know me. And believe me I know im not perfect, but who is. I to like many others use IMVU to get away from the struggles of reality, and be the person online I wish I could be in real life. Yes I have made plenty of mistakes, but none of us are perfect, we have all made mistakes. And there is already so much hatred in the world. Yet it seems that even online the hatred and judging still exist. And what for? Why is it okay to cause us more pain and stress only to hurt us more. Keep in mind, the person you may have just called "Stupid" for spelling something incorrectly, may have Dyslexia.. The girl that you accused of being a "Whore" for whatever reason, might just be looking for affection to try to make up for the abuse she's receiving irl.. The girl or guy you get upset at, and block for stupid reasons, that is supposed to be your friend may be suffering from depression or countless other mental illness, and throwing them away could be the reason they take their own life. You don't always know what others are going through, or what another person could have wrong with them irl... so before you are quick to make comments or post things about someone on a tumblr blog, make sure the stuff is not only true, but make sure that you have proof, Because in the end. It just makes you the biggest idiot of them all.   The thing that gets me about this page is, every time I have tried to message the owner of the “Idiots Of Imvu” page with proof of why I have changed my name or do the things I do, or try to defend myself, and show proof that I do in fact have legal documentation of the stuff my harasser has put me through, over the past year, he refuses to post it, because he knows it will make him look bad. And I know others of you have had the same problem... The person can’t even appologize to any of us for the things that have been said about us, even when proof has been shown that the statements are false. And btw I am not sure if you are all aware, but that page is considered slander. He or she can actually go to jail, and will get charged for every single slandering post he put on that page. Because the definition of Slander is making acusations or statements against another person (true or false) with the intent to ruin the persons reputation. Which I gladly informed him OR her of. So feel free to post whatever you wish here to DEFEND YOURSELF and let IMVU know who the real idiots here are. Those who think its okay to bully and harrass people that they really dont know.  And to show the owner of that page HE OR SHE IS. (THE BIGGEST IDIOT OF ALL.) 
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