the-rieux-deal-blog · 11 years
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 11 years
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Atlas & Léon: Medbay
With the occasional glance at the message he received on his omni-tool, Léon made his way down the stairs. 'Head at the med-bay.  ASAP.' The fact that the message came from the captain worried him, the message itself only increased it. He had planned on talking to the captain, but since Vacas went to the Citadel, he figured he didn't have to explain his side of what happened. Léon kept up with taking the antibiotics, however, it didn't seem to be working as fast as he hoped it would. He remembered how Abby cursed in her native tongue when she saw the amp port's state, but there seemed to be little she could do to repair it. Léon snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he was standing just outside of the medbay. He hadn't stepped inside since the doctor was there, knowing that the captain was on the other side of the door did little to calm him. He shook himself out before opening the door and stepped inside. "Capitane." Atlas turns to Rieux and looks him over, "Hear you've got a medical problem, a serious one.  Happened because of the doctor?"  He approaches Leon and crosses his arms, looking none too pleased, probably due to his bias against the Cerberus troopers.  "Been going untreated for a while, yea?  Should have been brought to my attention sooner.  How bad is it?" "I do, though the infection is more or less under control, its the port right now that is still damaged... And yeah, it was because of the doctor..." Léon fights the urge to shrink back as the captain moves closer, even more so realizing the expression on his face. He laughs nervously and shrugs. "I was given antibiotics to fight the infection, so not really. Just learned about the port status recently. Pardon for not bringing it up Capitane." He thinks for a few moments before speaking again. "It... Could be a lot worse. Though we don't really have anyone here who can actually repair the port. So I can't see this healing fully until that is done... If that makes any sense at all..." "Come on."  Atlas walks over to a group of large machines, "We picked up a bunch of medical equipment when we dropped the Doc off at the Citadel.  If you plan on sitting around and letting it fester anyway, we should check and see if any of the med VIs can fix it."  He starts sifting through the machines database for anything that might help.  This was hardly his field of expertise though, maybe he should do an extranet search on dealing with damaged amp ports. Léon eyes the machines before he finally follows the Captain over to them. He remembers seeing a similar group of machines on a Cerberus base, but he doesn't remember seeing them in use. He mumbles something to Atlas's comments about letting it fester, but doesn't bother repeating it clearly. He honestly doesn't know why he never took care of it yet, it seems that every time he was about to, something happens, and he forgets all about it. "Right, so. Lets get this over with non?" He's no medical expert so searching through the list of the machines functions seems like a daunting task.  Maybe there's a way to set it to do a full body scan and it will know how to fix the issue on it's own?  Did Haider actually know how to use this stuff?  Not sure working as a field medic would cover this.  "VI, Need a full body scan, assess the damage and recommend a course of action."  That was probably the best he could do.  Let the thing figure it out on its own. Léon remains still as the machine began to run its scan. He already expects the beeps, indicating there was an issue. He looks over to the display, as it begins to list the results of the scan, and tries to pick through the medical gibberish. "Alright, so most of this is Prothean to me... But, it doesn't look like it can fully fix mon probème... Merde." He adjusts his glasses and squints at the display again. "But it can help keep everything under control until the port gets fixed. Alors, it could be worse non?" He furrowed his brow and frowned, he really couldn't make any more sense of the options listed than Rieux could.  He sighs heavily, "Maybe.  You're gonna need to stay in the med-bay until we can return to the Citadel."  He stands and rubs the back of his neck as he heads for the door.  He turns back to Leon and gives him an impossibly stern look.  "You're under watch even if I'm not in here.  Security duties are now in my purview and the security feeds will keep me updated.  Just cuz I'm not in here, doesn't mean I can't be."  He points with two fingers to his eyes and then back at Leon.  "Don't make me have to come back here before we reach the Citadel." Léon looks like he was about to protest, but thinks better of it and nods. "Understood Capitane." He relaxes a bit when Atlas heads towards the door, and stiffens almost instantly when the Major looks at him again. The stern look and words take a few moments to process, and he nods slowly. He holds back mocking the gesture back to Atlas, and decides to wait until he turns back around. For now, he shrugs. "Yes sir."
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
It is about midday on the ship, Vacas makes his way to the cerberus room on the 2 deck level. He looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in days and this had been nagging him for the entire time. The door now in front of him, he hesitates but finally knocks. "Leon?" Léon freezes when he hears the knock and voice on the other side of the door. "Créateur..." He whispers as he straightens up his posture. He does a quick mental check to see if he had done anything, and finds nothing. He makes sure his neck is covered and opens the door. "Yes Docteur?" Vacas's tone is more reserved and small. "Hi, ... Leon. Can we uh.... Talk?" Vacas looks up at the other man. The familiar mock smile no longer there. Léon eyes the man suspiciously for half a moment before he nods. "Sure, I guess." He gestures for Vacas to step inside as he moves back. He makes a quick mental note on how tired Vacas looks, and wonders briefly if this was really a good idea. Vacas looks around the sparsely decorated room and finds a seat. "I... I came to apologize for what happened a couple days ago." Vacas says looking into the other man's eyes, trying not to look away. "I... You ... I just. I can't just apologize for this. Just please. I'm begging you please don't report this." Léon sits on his cot and rubs his chin, staring right back at the younger man. "I haven't reported it yet, and I'm pretty sure I won't, though I'm pretty sure someone has seen the footage of what happened... And a few people noticed my neck...Chief Jackson knows what happened. She sort of has this way where you can't lie to her... And depending on how she is handling this... I may not get much of a say if it reaches le Capitane... Maybe it'd be for the best though, you need help Docteur." He takes off his glasses and rubs his forehead. "Badly. Whether its grief counseling, or something else, they might bring someone in to help you with it..." Vacas looks at leon. "There is no footage to see besides me punching my desk." He said nursing his bandaged hand. "There aren't any cameras in the medbay, only in the front office. We still have to have patient confidentiality." Vacas said with a sigh. "I don't care what they do but I can't leave this ship... I .. I can't leave h-" he thinks and then stops himself. "Leon I just, I looked into your eyes and I just saw their faces. All of them and the next thing i knew my hand was going for your neck. I'm sorry..." Léon shrugs, and makes a mental note to ask Abby about that later. "They might have to Docteur. To keep you under surveillance, since you seem to have caused yourself some self harm there." He gestures to Vacas's hand." But you really need to care what they do about you, not caring is reckless and irresponsible..." Léon looks back towards Vacas and frowns. "I thought Doctors and the like were taught to be able to keep that in control when dealing with patients... Non? But apology accepted." He lets silence fall over them for a moment before sighing. "Do you think it will happen again?" Vacas looks at leon and is on the verge of tears. "Thank you.." His hand runs through his short hair nervously. "Be glad it wasn't you, It wasn't self harm. I did it to try and get rid of the rage." Vacas says sniffing. "I'm fine alright. No psychological problems, just a lot of built up stress from this job and people on this ship." Vacas then looks leon in the eyes. "Would stop doing that? I gave up everything I had left to become a doctor and I don't appreciate the questioning of my position." "Dieux... Please don't cry. People will think I made you cry on purpose, and the next thing you know, they'll be banging on the door with torches and pitchforks." Léon raised an eyebrow. "I shall make no comment about that first bit, because we both know that if it was me, I wouldn't have hesitated to file." His tone lost its earlier humor. "I'm sure there could have been other ways to have let that out." Vacas's sniffing has him almost instinctively looking around for tissues. "If it doesn't get dealt with, it will become psychological. You know that." He shrugs again. "I'm sorry? This is the first time I genuinely questioned your training. Don't think that I forgot that you did your job first though. Roughly, mind you, but you did it. I haven't had any real issues since, save for the bruising." Vacas just looks defeated for the most part. "I know, I know. But I just don't know what got into me. I guess that a lot of that has been going on lately." Vacas referring to what had happened between the captain and the new othe ex-cerberus man. Vacas stands up out of his chair slowly. "I honestly didn't think you would forgive me." Vacas saying drearily. "But I am glad you did. You need to come in for a checkup in a week." Vacas said walking over and opening the door. "Truly, Thank you. I promise to you and myself that nothing like this will happen again." Léon almost scoffs at Vacas's first comment, but thinks the better of it. It was hardly the same situation or circumstances, but he lets it drop. "I'm just full of surprises." He manages a fake smile. He gives a short nod in agreement to the checkup. "I'll remember that. And... You're welcome. Let us hope that it really doesn't. But please, get help about some of your issues. That will all but guarantee this not happening again." Léon waves his hand. "Have a good day Doc."
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Dieing of boredom in medbay.
Maybe someone can lend me a rubber ball or something? Or suggest an omnitool game? 
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Good ol' Alliance hospitality.
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Léon/Abby: Drinks and... Other things~
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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vector-velocity replied to your post: xmarksthemanguard replied to your post:...
i’ll start handing out badges maybe
Can they have a little quill on them and everything? S'il vous plaît?
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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xmarksthemanguard replied to your post: omnitools-and-drones replied to your post: Nursery...
Do I get an award or…?
A pat on the head good? Or do you want something else?
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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omnitools-and-drones replied to your post: Nursery rhyme for you, Rieux; Léon wants to fuck Abby, fuck Abby, fuck Abby, Léon wants to fuck Abby inside a shuttle. But every time his dick comes out, dick comes out, dick comes out, every time dick comes out things never get coital. Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here until this war ends.
How cute Rieux, Salvador can put words together like a big boy!
I know! I'm so proud. :')
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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cs-manticore replied to your post: xmarksthemanguard replied to your post: Rub a dub...
I can assure you it wasn’t, I’m rather too old for nursery rhymes. I’d start by looking at someone who’d use the word ‘knave’ and remain entirely serious about it.
Well... This is making me wonder who sent it...
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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xmarksthemanguard replied to your post: Rub a dub dib, Three men in a ship, And who do you think they be? The pink-clad, smile-faker, And the rudest-joke maker. Turn them out, knaves all three!
Whoa, this one wasn’t me. Props to whoever it was though.
Ah, must have been Monsieur Sharp! 
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Nursery rhyme for you, Rieux; Léon wants to fuck Abby, fuck Abby, fuck Abby, Léon wants to fuck Abby inside a shuttle. But every time his dick comes out, dick comes out, dick comes out, every time dick comes out things never get coital. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here until this war ends.
oooh, I'll get you back for that one mon ami...
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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xmarksthemanguard replied to your post: cs-manticore replied to your post: Your poetry is...
Wait, Cam reads poetry? I hereby announce the ex-Cerberus poetry night, our quarters, during night cycle. Mine’s still better though.
Hahahaha, apparently so! And yes, yours are.
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Rub a dub dib, Three men in a ship, And who do you think they be? The pink-clad, smile-faker, And the rudest-joke maker. Turn them out, knaves all three!
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
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cs-manticore replied to your post: Your poetry is atrocious, I hope you know.
And now you’ve blown your cover! Rieux, I’m surprised and a little disappointed. Regardless, I’ll lend you one of my books, you might learn something.
I have blown nothing. But a bit of reading would be nice!
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 science-n-guns replied to your post: Your poetry is atrocious, I hope you know.
See my previous cerberus plot assumptions hahahaha
oh? I will have to check that now.
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the-rieux-deal-blog · 12 years
Your poetry is atrocious, I hope you know.
You assume its me hmm? I can understand that.
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