the-run-verse · 4 months
All of the good thoughts and prayers for you!!!
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I haven’t posted in a while as I’ve been really sick for about two months. I finally went to the ER last Monday with abdominal pain and severe dehydration. Turns out I have an intestinal blockage, but they also found various masses. I was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with cancer last Thursday.
I will be here for the foreseeable future, because when I came into the ER, I was critically malnourished, and they’ve got me on special nutrition IV since I can’t eat anything. So, I’m stuck here until my nutrition improves and I’m ‘healthy’ enough to have the blockage surgically removed. And it looks like that’s going to be a bit.
Let me tell you, friends, this does indeed suck. 2024 has not started how I would have liked.
If you are so inclined, I would not say no to any good thoughts or prayers you could direct my way.
Many thanks.
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the-run-verse · 8 months
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the-run-verse · 1 year
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the-run-verse · 1 year
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trying to write a comment on an awesome fic is really hard
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the-run-verse · 1 year
There’s fanfiction…. And then there’s FANFICTION. The kind of shit you happen upon at like 3am or some other ungodly time because you were trying to find a fix for ur fixation at the time and you are just SUCKED IN and every sentence feels like a line of cocaine and it has quotes and imagery that permeate your brain and it’s the shit that sticks around in your consciousness forever and it never goes away and it’s always going to be one of Those Fics.
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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“Is it better to be feared or respected? I say: is it too much to ask for both?”
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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“He was concerned you were out wandering by yourself in this great land of ours and being menaced by wolves or, God, soccer moms or something, I don’t even know. So one of two things was going to happen: either he was going to walk in that door,” she jerked her chin at the phone, “or I was. I think we’d all rather it was me, Steve.” We’ll Run Like We’re Awesome - Chapter 16
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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“This is a Boeing C-17 Globemaster, nicknamed the Moose.”
Darcy gaped up at the plane and felt the dizzying rush of pure, unadulterated love. It was the same sort of feeling she had the first time she saw the trebuchet. “It’s huuuuuge.”
It was a family day at the airbase for the Fourth of July holiday, and “Uncle” Rhodey, being awesome, had invited 10-year old Darcy to be his guest. The base rolled out dozens of their planes and helicopters and the crews were showing them off to the visitors. Darcy thought she was in heaven, until she saw the C-17, and then she knew she was.
With a hand on her shoulder – because she was too awestruck to look where she was going – Rhodey steered her closer to the plane. “It’s not nearly as big as the C-5, but in my opinion, the C-17 is an ideal heavy lift craft,” Rhodey had on his lecturing voice, which usually Darcy tuned out, but this was actually interesting and she hung on every word. “It’s far more flexible and responsive to changing situations on the ground, whether for tactical support, or rescue/recovery during natural disasters – doesn’t need a long runway, has a quick operational turnaround, good efficiency.” He held a hand open towards the winged behemoth and gestured broadly as he spoke. “It’s 174 feet long, with a wingspan of 170 feet, and it’s 55 feet high. It can carry around 170,000 pounds of cargo, or a hundred paratroopers.” He glanced down at Darcy and smirked. “Or a tank."  "It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Darcy sighed lovingly. One of the other Air Force guys nearby with his little kid on his shoulders gave her a skeptical look. She ignored him, because the plane was huge and beautiful and nothing else mattered in the world.
He waved to the Sergeant standing just inside the hold. “Okay, now I know the pilot and I got his permission to take you up to the flight deck. Remember what I told you about the controls – you know, the buttons and switches?”
She nodded soberly. “Touch them all.” The Sergeant snickered.
“Lord, help me,” Rhodey muttered, looking up at the ceiling. “Touch none of them.”
“Yes, sir.” Darcy grinned. “Touch all of them.”
We’ll Run Like We’re Awesome by @themonkeycabal Chapter 9 - Here’s to the Halcyon
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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“Oh, did anybody tell you about the Dodgers?”
“Everybody tells me about the Dodgers and then they look like they want to take cover.” He huffed and glared at the traffic. “I’m not that fragile.”
Darcy bumped his shoulder with hers, which was not unlike bumping a concrete bunker, but, good sport that he was, he swayed a little with her bump.
“It has nothing to do with fragility, Steve. There are people who are still heartbroken about it. My dad – my other dad, Paul, you know – his dad is from Sheepshead Bay, and they’ve sworn to never go to a Dodgers game. I mean, come on, dad wasn’t even alive when the Dodgers moved to LA, and he was born in Burbank. Grandpa Jim is seriously still bitter. That wound is raw, my friend, and passed down from generation to generation.”
Flashes of Gold by @themonkeycabal 
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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“What was Schrafft’s?”
“Oh, it was a restaurant, and they had this really great candy counter. When I was a kid, it looked like it was a mile long,” he chuckled. “Me and Bucky …” his voice stuck for a moment and he took a deep breath. “Me and Bucky would go by every now and then and just look. Sometimes we’d scrape together a couple dimes, you know, but then we usually just went to the drug store down the block; we never could wait long enough to actually get back to Schrafft’s.”
“You never went in?” That seemed unnecessarily cruel of the universe – to deny the kid the heaven of the candy counter and then leave the man stranded in a candy counter-less future.
“Once. I’d been real sick all summer, and Bucky saved up some money from somewhere and dragged me out on my birthday. Twelfth, I think. We had egg cremes and probably too much candy.” He laughed at the memory.
“That sounds really nice.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty great.”
Flashes of Gold by @themonkeycabal
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the-run-verse · 2 years
Do you know any cursed pumpkin facts?. I love pumpkins
growing Giant Pumpkins is an intense and highly competitive practice as growers produce larger and larger pumpkins every year and enter them in various competitions.
the largest pumpkins currently top a ton in weight, and seeds from these prize-winning goliaths can sell for hundreds of dollars apiece proving there is indeed such a thing as a Pedigree Pumpkin.
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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the-run-verse · 2 years
So I've been going through and rereading the Run 'Verse lately, as one does, when I noticed something. I was finishing up my reread of A Cup of Cheer while on my lunch break when I noticed this line:
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A Cup of Cheer was published December 31, 2015.
Avengers: Endgame, where we meet one Miss Morgan Stark, came out April 2019.
Was that a prediction, @themonkeycabal ? Or just a hilariously coincidental throwaway line? 😆
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the-run-verse · 2 years
Hello! I was going to re-read the Run verse and was wondering if you had a copy of the reading order still? I know there's a pdf/ebook but I have an older phone that doesn't have much space and no ebook reader so I just read on Ao3 when I have access to wifi. Thanks 😊
Hi. I don't still have it, but let me make a list here real quick. This is chronological order:
Time to Run
We'll Run Like We're Awesome Chapters 1-4
Expectations of the Unexpected
We'll Run Like We're Awesome Chapters 5 & 6
Hodgepodge: Rebecca & Pepper
WRLWA Chapters 7-10
Hodgepodge: Madame Odette
WRLWA Chapters 11 & 12
One Day
WRLWA Chapters 13-15
Which Way the Weather's Going
Hodgepodge: When Darcy Met Nat
WRLWA Chapter 16
Flashes of Gold
WRLWA Chapter 17
Hodgepodge: Bruce & Darcy
Quality Strange
Earthquake Weather Chapters 1 & 2
'Til the Daylight Comes
Earthquake Weather Chapter 3
Hodgepodge: Clint & Tony
Earthquake Weather Chapter 4
No Ghosts at All
To Brace Yourself from Falling
Running for Cover
Ain't Gonna Drown Chapters 1-8
Ain't Gonna Drown Chapters 9-15
Hodgepodge: Bucky & Coulson
Ain't Gonna Drown Chapters 16-19
Start a War
The Stranger
Lexington & Concord
Bid Time Returns Chapters 1-9
Hodgepodge: Heimdall
Bid Time Returns Chapters 10-13
Heart of Nowhere
Bid Time Return: Epilogue
Hodgepodge: Epilogue 2: Steve & Peggy
Trouble Town
8 Seconds
The Letter
Sons & Daughters
One Hundred and Eleven Days
Hodgepodge: Clint & Natasha
It's Alright, We'll Be Up All Night Chapters 1-5
Hodgepodge: Izzy Taveres
It's Alright, We'll Be Up All Night Chapter 6
Hodgepodge: Bucky & Peggy
We'll Have All the Best Stories
Rivers and Roads
Cup of Cheer
*phew* I think that's everything. Enjoy! And thank you for reading. :)
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the-run-verse · 2 years
A reminder that the amazing & incredible duo of @10scheherazade01 and @blackestglass have recorded podfics of several works in @themonkeycabal 's Run 'Verse, including the fic that started it all - We'll Run Like We're Awesome.
The amount of time and talent it takes to create this many quality podfics of significate length is greatly appreciated! As is the time and talent it takes to write said fics. All three of them are awesome! 😊
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the-run-verse · 2 years
Every single time I reread the Run 'Verse.
When you're reading a fic that's just so good you just have to sit back and think
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the-run-verse · 2 years
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