the-s-exy-squad · 2 months
Shout out to this post for the OP being a fortune teller. Slay icon.
Also a much lesser shout out to me for debating saying “have got some news for you”. Alas I chose not to.
I am in love with the All For The Game series !!!!!! I've reread it and I need more!!!! You know what would be great? A spin off on Jean.
I in all seriousness cannot get over this series, i need help.
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the-s-exy-squad · 2 months
Does anyone else see the similarities between Andriel from All For the Game and Aidlyn from School Bus Graveyard?
Both relationships constitute a blonde man with episodes of aggression and poor mental health. They also have a weird relationship with violence and adrenaline. Andrew uses it to feel in general and Aiden uses it to feel excited / the adrenaline crash because his life was probably pretty boring since he grew up rich.
Their partners are also individuals with a variation of red hair that try their best to distance from society and others. Neil for safety and Ashlyn for comfort. Ashlyn and Neil both keep their teams together. Ashlyn is doing so by leading them and Neil by fixing their issues.
Both relationships have someone adamant to stay in their life and the other pushing them away? It’s Neil getting pushed away by Andrew and Aidyn getting pushed away by Ashlyn but either way it’s there.
Not to mention the very obvious blonde man loosing his shit because his partner / friend / crush / loved one is taken and in immediate danger.
Anyone else have any input or opinions?
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the-s-exy-squad · 3 months
April??? APRIL??? AS IN JEXT MONTH??? As in I have both a small vacation AND a book release I’m april??? FUCK YEAH.
1 TSC will be out in April unless someone else dies or gets hospitalized. The chances of yall getting an actual date are slim to none, you'll probably just get a meme when I finally lose my patience and hit PUBLISH on it. I'd say sorry but
2 I will hopefully vanish when it's out, for better or worse. While I am anxious to know how it's received, I know very little of what yall have in mind for Jean & Jeremy and I want to keep it that way. I've made one or two half-assed compromises (bleaching Jeremy's hair) but the goal is to tell my own story free of influence. If my self-control holds, I'll be gone til TEB.
3 inspired by the resurgence of drunk!kevin memes I went back through aftg and counted every time kevin drinks that isn't social (ie Eden's or with the upperclassmen). five times across three books, my boy is doing better than expected. life goals, or something
4 the temptation to make the cover for 1 a frowny face and 2 a smiley face is almost all-consuming. I think I am going a little mad in this weird in-between space
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the-s-exy-squad · 4 months
Andrew had shit to do this afternoon, but for the past hour, he’s been trapped in a beanbag chair by Neil’s sleeping body weight. He doesn’t even have the remote in reaching distance, so he can’t change the channel away from ESPN.
Neil — whose legs are across Andrew’s lap — is going to be so mad when Andrew fails his sociology paper and gets kicked off the team because their captain couldn’t locate his own mattress.
Whatever. Neil’s head is on his shoulder, so Andrew amuses himself by wrapping a particularly ringlet-y curl of Neil’s around his finger and stretching it, letting it spring back into place again and again. Neil’s arm is draped loosely over Andrew’s middle, so Andrew keeps two fingers pressed to his wrist, lulled into patience by the steady beat of Neil’s pulse.
Suddenly, Neil twitches. A short, startled whine punches out of parted lips, muffled against Andrew’s collarbone.
“Neil,” Andrew says firmly, and Neil curls in toward the sound of his voice, fingers gripping at the fabric of Andrew’s shirt.
“Baby gator bit my ankle,” Neil mumbles.
Andrew, who had been steeling himself for the resurgence of a gory memory or a dream-induced panic attack, finds himself huffing in amusement.
“No, it didn’t,” Andrew says.
The tension bleeds out of Neil immediately.
“Oh,” he says, and then his breathing evens out once again.
When Andrew looks up, Kevin’s imperious face is on the screen — ESPN has decided to torture Andrew with a segment on the National Exy League’s star rookie. Andrew sighs, rests his cheek on the top of Neil’s head, and resigns himself to the reality of the moment.
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the-s-exy-squad · 4 months
I didn’t even catch I did this on the wrong blog 🥲🥲
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the-s-exy-squad · 4 months
We all know Marcus Davenport was a part of our ftm trans journey. Also look at chase. Twink. Adam? Bi himbo. Bree? Does she even know?
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the-s-exy-squad · 4 months
please let us see your mat/Neil/Andrew hc's
Hi, sooo...
I thought I responded to this when I got it and then I went to my inbox to respond to something else today and I remember I never actually did... I am soooo sooo sorry  Mildly NSFW and also this is a wild ride, I usually write better than this but idk you wil see what I mean 
Okay so Matt coming into Andrew/Neil
It starts bc Matt and Neil are going to see some movie Andrew doesn’t care about and Allison says have fun on your date. Matty B is like iT’S nOt A dAtE aLLisOn Andrew hears and he’s like do you want it to be?
And Matty B is like do I WANT it to be??? And Andrew’s like yeah do you want it to be a date? And Matty B is just stammering not answering and shit
so when Neil comes out and grabs his keys Andrew stops him with a hand on his arm and talks to him in german, asking if he likes Matt and how so 
And Neil’s like what it doesn’t even matter bc you. I would never do anything without you. 
And Andrew’s like okay but do you want to 
And Neil’s like well if you’re involed it could be fun
AND FUCKING MATTHEW D BOYD is standing there awkwardly like what the fuck are they saying, you know? and rubbing his hand through his hair like yeah I should just go 
but Andrew is like stay
and Matt just fucking does?
And Neil and Andrew keep talking bc Andrew is like well he’s hot, you know Andrew has a type and athletic is that type And Neil’s like is hot enough tho bc like he’s my friend and we can’t ruin that just bc he’s hot So Andrew decides to go to the movie with them and Matt pays bc he was going to anyway, and Neil sends Andrew and Matt to get seats while he buys the food (Bc Matt and Neil have a Deal, Matty B buys the tickets and Neil buys the foods) Okay so now Andrew and Matt are alone and Matt sits down next to Andrew and Andrew like no Neil’s in the middle and Matt’s like isn’t he sitting with you? and Andrew’s like no this is your date I’m just here to supervise and Matt’s like what the fuck but he doesn’t have time to say shit bc Neil is suddenly right there with a huge ass popcorn and two sodas. He puts one in each arm and then has the popcorn on his lap so he both of his boys have to reach into his lap for the food, and he gets to share both of their sodas. 
Movie is a movie, nothing happens bc matt is like WHAT and Andrew is like fucking dumbass and Neil is like yay movie with my people
and then they get back and Matt goes to his door but andrew grabs the back of his shirt and pull his toward their room and then its just the three of them alone together 
and Andrew like so how was your date and Neil is like omfg Andrew and Matty B is like ughaksjdfhklsjdh 
So Andrew asks Neil in german is he’s sure he’s okay with trying something with Matt and Neil is a little apprehensive but if Andrew’s there it will all be okay
so then Andrew lays it all out for Matt
like he and Neil are okay with Matt joining them, but there’s some rules bc Andrew doesn like being touched in general, but also Matt is FUCKING HUGE and that’s an extra thing for Andrew. c he could easily overpower Neil if he needed too, but not Matt and he needs to come to terms with that
And Matt is like wait what the fuck is happening my guy
and they let Matt go home and think it over and invite him to their house for the weekend so they can talk it out, even if he doesnt want to join them they want a night alone together to talk it all out bc now that they know they like each other they need to talk no matter what Matty B decides OKAY SO Matty B has a weird rest of the week, Dan’s cool with it bc they already have an agreement, but it’s one that has never been tested like this bc Neil and Andrew aren’t offering like a quick fuck and that’s it, there legit offering a relationship-so he and dan talk it out and they’re all good and then Matt packs a bag and heads to Columbia in his own truck so he wont feel trapped and he’s like damn these two really thought this through, and like the hour drive alone sucks but also it’s good for him to think it all through and he’s already had a huge change of opinion on Andrew just from talking to Neil and seeing Andrew and Neil together
 When he gets there Andrew unlocks the door for him and brings him into the living room where Neil is sitting in the armchair and Andrew is on one end of the couch so Matt takes up the other end  And they talk and Neil’s like I don’t want to do anything with you I haven’t done with Andrew and they kind of explain that they take things slower than the average college couple probably does and Matt thinks that’s probably a good idea and boundaries and things they can’t say etc  (After a little while Andrew and Neil realize not doing anything with Matt that they haven’t done with each other isn’t fair bc they all have different boundaries and also once they’re fully in a relationship they’re less of a Andrew/Neil and oh yeah Matt is there too and more of an Andrew/Neil/Matt)
They also set a little boundary that they don’t want to do anything sexual with Matty B for a week or two or four just to make sure they’re all okay with the relationship before they take it somewhere that they can come back from (especially Neil bc he doesn’t have the experience that Andrew and Matt do)
At the end of the conversation Matt is like does that mean I can have a kiss now, as a fucking JOKE but Andrew’s like yeah as long as we all keep our hands to outselves and then Matt is like WHAT I WAS JOKING and Neil’s already getting up like oh okay yeah no that’s okay
and Matt’s like Wait I Do Want Kisses 
So Neil gets up and Andrew scoots closer and Neil gives him a little kiss and then Matts like sadkfjhaskdjfh but THEN Andrew gives him a real, deep kiss but only for like 30 seconds and Matt can’t even think after 
and when he can he’s like yep I think this will work out just fine
and then Neil gives him a bigger kiss and he’s lost
the end
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the-s-exy-squad · 4 months
dude, if I had a thing for Neil Josten I would be deeply embarrassed too. Like I understand Andrew at another level because if there was a dude and every single thing about him was a red flag and he was weird and cagey about the most random shit and was also prone to swinging wildly from flight to fight with no real predictors of which at any given time and I still wanted to h*ld h*nds I think I, too, would probably go nuts. Like cool, here he is, the love of my life, a literal trash fire we found in the literal dumpster. Thinking about it makes me angry in Andrew’s stead genuinely fuck this guy
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the-s-exy-squad · 5 months
neil josten is celebrating his 36th birthday with andrew rn because the world didn’t end when he was 19
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the-s-exy-squad · 5 months
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I’ll continue to wonder why the Trojans make me want a modern/snapchat au so badly lol but I loveeeeee them so much, it’s almost one of the first things I drew for them 😂
I’m imagining they’re on some trip in wintertime and none of them are built for it but Jean, like me, is reluctant to give some things up
More versions under the cut
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the-s-exy-squad · 6 months
andreil are not hate-fucking nor dating, but a secret third thing:
bonded shelter-cats that can't be adopted separately
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the-s-exy-squad · 7 months
OH MY GOD! (Is all of this here on tumblr I NEED to read it)
I'm on my knees BEGGING people over on twitter to just read the goddamn extra content bc some of you were asking questions Nora answered YEARS ago like fuck you mean you're surprised Kevin is bisexual?????? he was in a polycule with Andrew and Neil in every other draft???? he fucked men at the nest????? he says it's easier to be straight to the public???? be so fr. and I can tell Nora is loving that she can just.......retell some jokes like the one about Andrew being too short for forehead kisses, but confirming Neil gives them anyway READ THE FUCKING EXTRA CONTENT YOU WILL BE HAPPIER I PROMISE
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the-s-exy-squad · 8 months
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the-s-exy-squad · 8 months
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the-s-exy-squad · 8 months
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the-s-exy-squad · 8 months
Nicky "shut up bitch I'm hilarious" Hemmick
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Hiii long time no see! I just finished a big school project so yay I'll have half a day before getting drowned in work again haha..
Anyway here's a Nicky Hemmick apreciation post :) I love this guy so much, I remember liking him from the veeery beginning but as we get to know more about him he becomes even more likeable holdable. The fact he gave up a good life in Germany with his boyfriend for years to raise the MINYARDS - honest respect.
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the-s-exy-squad · 8 months
I think about Andrew Minyard a lot. There’s a lot to him that isn’t revealed in canon bc it’s Neil’s pov. I relate to him a lot and overanalyze things like that.
One of the things that gets me a lot is that Andrew probably made the deal with Aaron to eliminate the probability of him falling into an abuse relationship / friendship because him being abused by Tilda.
He was in an out of foster care. There is no reason he wouldn’t have seen that abused individuals tend to stay abused because their mentality and fight or flight response prevents them to stand up for themselves. He clearly didn’t have the same relationship as stable homes siblings with his foster siblings and never learned what being a brother actually meant. He just knew that Aaron was his family and he had to protect him.
Aaron was probably the first person to adamantly say he wanted him in their life and was actually persistent about it. I don’t think Andrew was trying to be a hard ass or show off the “I don’t need anyone” mentality. I think he was genuinely scared to let him in because all his “families” had hurt him and he didn’t trust Aaron not to. There’s also the very obvious feeling of hatred for both Aaron and Tilda because he was kept by her and not the both of them which lead to the repeated traumas he had. I think that after a while he realized that Aaron couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything to hurt him because he realized Aaron couldn’t even stand up to Tilda so he decided that he was safe and that he would step in to protect him. The whole reason he’d be in Aaron’s life was to protect him since he was conditioned to just let abusive things continue.
I think that’s why he’s so protective of Aaron. He sees himself as Aaron’s life long body guard. Clearly Andrew was never exposed to healthy conflict solutions and when he feels the need to protect Aaron, he defaults to what he does know. Violence.
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