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Love is like breathing. In order for (love) life to grow, you have to inhale and then exhale. Holding the inhale ends badly, as does holding the exhale. 😊 Life, love needs giving and taking, bestowing on others and receiving love, because in this way it can grow in reciprocity. Love cannot be stopped, but it can be used as a gift, to bestow on yourself and others. Love that only strives to seize goods for itself, that cannot share love, is selfish, dead love, i.e. love that is able to lead life, the relationships of two people to fading - the disappearance of love. Love that tries to stop the butterfly, to catch it, builds DEATH for it, love that tries to build a garden and freedom, conditions for development builds love, the growth of life, its strengthening.
Sand held in a clenching hand hurts the hand more and more and escapes between the fingers, while held in an open or slightly bent hand it remains on it. The heart stopping the flow of blood, the thought we want to stop, the breath we try to stop, the flame we try to possess all these methods of solutions inevitably lead to the disappearance of life, the disappearance of LOVE. It is similar in dance. Both sides must contribute something, both sides must be open to joy, to the spontaneity of feelings and trust each other, both sides must enrich each other. So inhale and exhale. You know that a brisk walk, a deeper breath, words spoken with passion and repeated with faith strengthen the spirit, that they affect the potential of energy and change our heart. What we say and with what spirit, what conviction, with what intensity has an impact on the changes that can take place in our LIFE. 🔥👑🔥
"A good tree is not one that bears bad fruit, nor is a bad tree one that bears good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit; you do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart, and an evil man brings forth evil out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:43-46).
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Real Love begins where nothing is ecpected in return...
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In the shadowed corners of her heart, A whisper lingered, soft and shy, Until he came, a work of art, With gentle hands to lift her high.
His laughter danced like morning light, Through tangled dreams and silent fears, He painted colors, pure and bright, And washed away her hidden tears.
With every glance, he sparked a flame, That flickered in her weary soul, She felt alive, no longer tame, His love, the missing piece, made whole.
In his embrace, she found her song, A melody that broke the night, With every heartbeat, growing strong, He turned her darkness into light.
So in his eyes, she sees the dawn, A promise held, a brand-new start, A love that wakes the past withdrawn, And breathes anew into her heart.
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