He accepted that there was no getting away from this, he was certain that she was gonna do whatever she wanted. It would just be easier of he went along with what she wanted for this. Plus, dancing with an alien only wearing glitter, not many people could say that.
He placed his hands on her hips as he followed along. It was definitely clear that her moves were her own and nothing that he was used to, though he kept up with her as best as he could
“I am definitely not a glitter historian, wasn’t an elective in college.” He raised an eyebrow as she continued to move. “Of course I can get music going, that’s my specialty, you know this. Oh, and also getting gorgeous space ladies slightly interested in me…but only slightly obviously.”
As he walked over to his music system, he began to mess with it. “And I don’t mind you getting glitter on these clothes, so glitter away.” He chuckled as music began playing and he walked back. “Now then, what’s this about a dance?”
Chuckling, she only hummed a little to the part about her being interested in him, spinning around for a moment as he moved over to the music. “That’s what I like to hear.” And just as he asked about the dance, she reached over to pull him close, moving to an actual beat now and doing her best with her movements to ‘inspire’ him to move along too.
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“I...honestly don’t have a response for that...” He chuckled as stood up. “And it’s something we used to seal wounds like hundreds of years ago to stop serious bleeding.” He slowly helped her sit up before taking a seat next to her. 
“Do you have a place to go to? And can you get there safely? I mean, I appreciate your concern about my city, but that doesn’t mean I want you getting more hurt or wind up getting caught. I mean...if you’re caught, it’s not like I have an idea of how to get into space or where to go.”
“Smaller details, though not like I’m going to send you off into the world with nothing on.” He chuckled a bit as he rolled his eyes “Well…it’s complicated to say the least. I do heal quickly compared to others but being able to heal people fully? Not likely.”
“Just cause you’re used to pain doesn’t mean that I want to induce more pain ya dummy…” He gave her forehead a gentle poke before he smirked “You worried about our earthen style of closing wounds? And here I was about to get ready the white hot iron rod.” He gently ran his hand over her would before standing up. “You’ll be fine, but you do have to rest. Being in motion, moving, it’s bound to open up again…especially if you go fighting.”
“Not that it’d be the first time for me to be in public without any clothes,” she replied with a chuckle. Well, it was a pity that he couldn’t just heal her in an instant, but it was to be expected.
Iron rod? Blackfire raised an eyebrow to that, unsure what to make of it. “That sounds more like a thing for branding than for fixing wounds. Not that I can tell, maybe I’m talking down one of earth’s most used methods here. But even then, I kinda doubt it would work on me, heat resistant and all.” His diagnosis of her wound didn’t exactly make her happy, and she groaned a bit as she pulled the shirt down again. “So… resting. Exactly the one thing I don’t wanna do.” For now though, she listened, only just slightly pushing her upper body more to an upright position to be able to watch him better. “As for fighting. I already said that who did this might have the fancy idea to follow me, so if they do catch up with me, I definitely won’t give up without a fight.” Coming to think of that though… “Maybe I should leave. You probably don’t want an alien attack on your city just because I’m here.” Okay, maybe she was exaggerating a bit here - it was likely only that one alien coming after her and not a group big enough for making it a mass happening - but the point still stood. And bringing attention to her here would also mean that her sister might here about her staying here every now and then, and that was a thing Blackfire rather wanted to avoid.
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“I never judge anyone on their coffee...well, correction, I never judge anyone who orders three coffees for themselves. Now the type of coffee it is, that’s the real question. Need help carrying one?”
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“Please don’t judge me.”
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“Well...almost exactly where I want you...” He grinned as he moved down, nibbling her inner thighs as he went. “Noooow it’s where I want you...” He would plant a small kiss on her underwear as he placed a thumb on her folds,teasing her lips through the underwear.
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Hands moved down to her waist as he began unbuttoning her pants. His kissed trailed down her neck and chest as he began rolling her pants down before his lips danced along her waistline. 
Truth be told, he had been holding back. He had wanted nothing more than to let lust take over, though building up the tension so when she became a hero it would make that moment that much more intense. In a swift motion, he threw her pants across the room as he began to kiss upward along her leg
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“Hmmm...” Miles hands moved down and grabbed her rear, giving it a squeeze as he picked her up. “How about we build up to it...” He smirked as he carried her over to his couch. Laying her down, he began by kissing her deeply before his lips made their way down her neck, nibbling along the way. A hand moved under her shirt and squeezed her breast, enjoying the feeling of her skin against his.
+ @the-spectacular-miles-morales I Continued from here ( X )
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+ “ Hmm, guess that settles it then… “ Mary answered with a satisfied smirk firmly in place on her lips. Wrapping her arms around Miles, she looked up at him, playful expression adorning her face. “ Gonna let me go get empowered first, or do you wanna build up to it ? “
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Miles quickly looked around, as this was the most resounding yes he had heard. The only things of worth were off to the side, the only thing needing to be moved was a laptop and some spiderman gadgets. Once everything was cleared, he smirked as he pulled her close. “Well, everything’s good and hidden, now then...”
"I would love to take hold of your hips and have a go at it, while you're empowered, to see how rough we can get"
It’s Sinday! Whisper in my muses ear what you want to do with them…
And my muse will indicate whether they are keen or not.
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+ There’s a low breath that’s drawn, Mary’s gaze struggling to remain on him as she felt her cheeks flooding with warmth. “ Better make sure you don’t have nothing around here you don’t want destroyed then. Because pretty sure that’s what would happen. “
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“Plus, being able to go invisible is handy, but hearing the cap flap in the wind, definitely not stealth friendly.” He chuckled at the hood comment. “Well, least you can keep your head dry when it rains! Considering the moves I make, I gotta keep the outfit pretty tight.”
“I mean, it’s a cute cape, it works for you. Though learned at a young age for what I do, they may seem cool until it gets caught on a building. However I may be willing to change my opinion in the future the more I’m around you.”
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+ “ Thankfully it’s short enough. It’s got a pretty sweet hood too. “ Mary answered, almost tongue-in-cheek like. “ Guess it’s a good thing I can fly then, isn’t it ? Probably makes it a bit easier to get out of a situation like that. “
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“Well then I happily take that honor. If others can’t see how much of an amazing woman you are, then I’ll scoop you up all for myself. Not to mention, how can you not love a lady who can throw you halfway across the city?” He gave a playful smirk “What else? Is it how handsome I am? So smart? Charming? Can wear a skin tight suit and look damn good?”
+ @the-spectacular-miles-morales I Continued from here ( X )
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+ Mary smiled at the kiss, with the accompanying pull to her feet easily drawing a smile along the way. “ Hmmm, curious, huh ? “ She teased lightly, standing up just a bit on her toes to peck his lips. “ Well, for starters, pretty sure you’re one of the first people who’s ever gotten this close to me before. Like this… it feels good. “ 
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There, caught up! I think...
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"What's your day job?" - karaoftomorrow
“I’m a graphic designer for the Daily Bugle’s website, though more often then not I’m the everything man. Moving things, setting things up, interviews, reviews, whatever they don’t have staff for”
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It was odd how the two found themselves together, though it was never a dull moment with Harley around. And as he enjoyed his time around her, he wanted to spend more.
“So, I told her ‘I’ve seen more grace from a newborn baby dear than you with those heels that are a foot tall”
@the-spectacular-miles-morales sent a Fluffy Starter
“  then  she  said—-  what  are  you  smiling  about?  ”
Harley rested her head on the arm rest of the old couch, and took a bite of a piece of pizza. She wasn’t really looking at him, but she was listening to Spiderman tell her a story about an encounter with…someone that reminded Harley of Catwoman. “And what did ya tell her?” Harley said the words around a mouthful of pizza, and tilted her head so that she could cock a curious eyebrow at him.
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Miles reached out and took Mary’s hand, pulling her towards him and giving her a dip before kissing her. In one swift motion, he pulled her back up and onto her feet, though arms around her as he held her close. “Oh...and what sorts of things? Gotta share now.”
❛  you always make me feel better.  ❜
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+ “ I’m glad. You make me feel better too. About a lot of things. “
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“No delivery? Well guess we’re going for a walk then, I know the exact place to go to. As for glass bottles, I know a corner store that still sells them...some maaaaay be a bit expired but hey, you can get lucky and it’s still good.” He laughed as he made his way down to the alley, waiting for Kara and helping her down, even though he knew she could fly and didn’t need it.
“Alright, what kinda toppings do you want? Cause if I go with my usual, it’s gonna be meaty.”
Miles walked over and gave Kara a smile, it was clear that this shook her up and just a hug would work. “Well, I’m sure she’s thankful for you.”
He chuckled as he took a few steps back. “Too late for pizza? No such thing when it concerns me! Come on, let’s get in my place and I’ll order a pizza, hot and fresh, promise.” He gave her a grin as he began heading down the fire escape
Kara gave Miles a soft smile even as he pulled back from the hug. “Thanks. I needed that.”
What she needed was some pizza too! “Okay, for it to be truly hot and fresh, we need to carry out on the spot. No delivery!” She climbed down the fire escape as the sun set the Brooklyn horizon. “I think I’m feeling bread-y too. And soda. Not the plastic bottled ones. The glass ones!”
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“I mean, it’s a cute cape, it works for you. Though learned at a young age for what I do, they may seem cool until it gets caught on a building. However I may be willing to change my opinion in the future the more I’m around you.”
“Yeah, maybe, but now you’re actually gonna look.” He gave a chuckle as he looked over at her. Though as much as I like the super skirt, I like what you have on now more"
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+ “ Helps to sometimes not walk around wearing a giant lightning bolt on my chest. What, no love for the cape ? “
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“I am definitely not a glitter historian, wasn’t an elective in college.” He raised an eyebrow as she continued to move. “Of course I can get music going, that’s my specialty, you know this. Oh, and also getting gorgeous space ladies slightly interested in me...but only slightly obviously.”
As he walked over to his music system, he began to mess with it. “And I don’t mind you getting glitter on these clothes, so glitter away.” He chuckled as music began playing and he walked back. “Now then, what’s this about a dance?”
He would not fight her as she pulled his hands and pulled him close. He smiled softly as he looked down at her while she continued to dance and move
“Good to know that the concept of glitter is far reaching now. Aaaaand I’ll have to pass on the glitter part. Kinda hard to move and sneak around when I’m extremely reflective.”
At this point in time, they had been around each other long enough that, while partially reluctant, he would be in his normal clothes with his mask off. “I’m pretty sure even if I said I’m good without it on my body, I’m certain there would still be a small amount somewhere I can’t see and reach, like the middle of my back”
“It isn’t really the concept of glitter that’s behind this, and I’m pretty sure it exists for a long time already so I can’t say if earthen glitter or this one came first,” she explained with a light chuckle - not that she, and neither he likely, cared about the historical details, but it was always nice to just throw them in casually. “Aw.” Pouting to him declining the glitter-suit, she pointed over to a small bottle, that was still half-full and standing on top of a box. “And that when I purposely brought enough for it with me. Guess I’ll have to make other use of it then.” Which she had plenty, of course.
“It’s boring if neither you nor anyone else can see it though.” Which didn’t mean that she wouldn’t still try her best to get glitter onto him as well as possible during this dance, or whereever else this was going to lead to. Even only pulling him close already brought some of the glitter of her hands over to his, though she wasn’t sure if he had noticed that yet. “So… unless you’re bothered by glitter landing on your clothes, how about you dance with me properly?” And if he was bothered with it getting onto his clothes… she had a solution to offer there too, but she wasn’t saying that yet. “I’m sure we can get some music going too, if that’s what’s missing to make you join me.”
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“Smaller details, though not like I’m going to send you off into the world with nothing on.” He chuckled a bit as he rolled his eyes “Well...it’s complicated to say the least. I do heal quickly compared to others but being able to heal people fully? Not likely.”
“Just cause you’re used to pain doesn’t mean that I want to induce more pain ya dummy...” He gave her forehead a gentle poke before he smirked “You worried about our earthen style of closing wounds? And here I was about to get ready the white hot iron rod.” He gently ran his hand over her would before standing up. “You’ll be fine, but you do have to rest. Being in motion, moving, it’s bound to open up again...especially if you go fighting.”
“Alright, lay back and roll your shirt up. I’ll patch it up with some earthen techniques, won’t be anything amazing like a beam that instantly heals or some goop, but it’s what we do.” He stood up and smirked “I may have been making up that part…but seemed like you enjoyed it still.”
After a moment, he returned with a first aid kit and looked over her wound. “Yup…definitely nothing from Earth…least nothing us normal people would have. Well, hope you can take a bit of pain, cause it’s not gonna be pleasant.”
“You mean your shirt,” she chuckled, but did as he suggested. “Aw what? You mean there wasn’t any actual spider-magic-power involved? Well now that’s just disappointing.” At least she was still able to joke, even with that wound.
Blackfire was glancing down at him while holding the shirt up enough that the wound was free, and nodded to his words. “I’m used to plenty of pain, don’t worry about that.” And if not that, she was also used to hiding pain she felt, so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. “At least right now, my last seal seems to still hold it close, which means I can avoid having to get the skin closed through earthen methods. Right?” Not that she knew much about the earthen ‘healing’ methods, but she was rather sure she saw some things about stitching together skin in some movie she watched before. If that was made-up or not, she of course couldn’t tell; but if it was an actual method, another problem might be the needles, Blackfire had no idea if they would work with the resilient tamaranean body - or skin in this case. “I mean, the wound is still closed, right? Doesn’t feel like it’s started to bleed again yet, at least.” While lying and holding the shirt, she couldn’t really see the wound much, so she had to ask about the state of it. It was possible that it had reopened yet again and she simply didn’t feel it yet, with being distracted an in a lying position instead of forcing herself to keep going like before.
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