the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 26 days
Hyperfixation sometimes sucks lol.
Working on another project in the background and it became my slight hyperfixation, but hey, sometimes you need a break from your main project.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 month
So I will keep the introduction drawings away for a while since drawing after every time I finish a chapter became less fun and made me itch for more writing.
I'm not saying I won't do them anymore. I have a very unfinished sketch for chapter four, so it's gonna be happening at a slower rate and maybe even have multiple chapter introductions in one post.
Now, excuse me while I recheck chapter four and post it later while sketching some specific animals for an RP my friends and I are having.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 month
Need a tiny break
So chapter four changed again because I realized that one plot would need to be put further back. And chapter four deals with a heavy subject, so I need a bit of time to recover from that. It doesn't happen in front of the reader, but the reader will see the aftermath and what should be done, in my opinion.
So yeah, see you in probably a week.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 month
Here we have the most frustrating one I had to deal with. Changed the chapter like twice just to get any drawing ideas so I had to move the ideas for the chapter three to chapter four and change them up a bit wheeze.
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Yes, there is a symbolism with the I hope to be seen as carnation. As well as the placement of it has one.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 2 months
Got impatient
So I am resisting writing another darn chapter since I haven't written for ages really, so I had to restrict myself from writing more chapters.
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The whole chapter is from Sam's POV. And this drawing kinda shows how much I have listened to this one song, One Hundred Sleepless Nights, and it inspired this idea that I might either use or save for an AU, of an AU.. If that makes sense.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 2 months
Here it is
Can't promise it's the best opening but it should set the plot in a way.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 2 months
Another Update
So I am going to post the story on AO3, but as I am working on it, the darn drawings I wanna do for the chapter introduction will not work (I followed a tutorial and it straight up told me I can't), so I think that for those who want to see those, I will post them here as a little teaser before the chapter releases.
So, while working on Chapter I, here you have this.
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Honestly proud of this one.
Fun fact, I wanted to make scenes for each chapter before it changed to the drawing to introduce the said chapter. Might actually draw some scenes if I will feel like it.
Also, yes, the whole story almost completely changed but it should have the same ending, will see how my drafts will turn out. I will alert ya'll once the chapter is out.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 6 months
Mix of depression and sickness that has been going on for about a month has got me pretty burned out, not sure if I can do much besides test writing at some points of the day so taking a longer break.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 9 months
Important update on Mortal Heir
So, me deciding that I will be working on a draft first was one of the best decisions I have ever darn made. Makes it easier to look for mistakes and foreshadowing and all that.
Gonna first do the draft while slowly making up more designs with my possibly changed art style, because improvement. Also, I have been trying to keep drawing at least traditionally in my drawing journal where I keep an eye on my progress, if I feel like doing improvement drawing or just drawing something dumb.
So don't worry, I haven't lost motivation with the story nor am I planning on giving up on it. I got pals that are also helping me along so that makes it more fun honestly. Draft is already on the eighth chapter and I am willing to continue because I see this as a passion project.
So yes, will try to post updates more frequently, along with some sketches I create.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 11 months
Still working whenever I can, just depression being the bitch it is, plus art block from time to time.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
A half update,
So I am thinking of looking up possibly all important TWs that are super important for others just in case I accidentally scare off someone. Mainly talking about the trypophobia warning for Tubbo's aka Toby's design that someone alerted me on, thank you very much because it did not even cross my mind while designing it, even my friend's didn't say anything about it so that was a slip up on my part. My deepest apologies for those that got uncomfortable.
So yes, when I will be designing, will try to see if something could be considered triggering or uncomfortable, maybe even something like defense wounds on arms and all that. The story itself is triggering by itself due to what I got planned really, you guys saw some of it in the try chapters.
Oh boy this will take me a bit for sure with the story but will try my best to alert y'all of anything triggering or uncomfortable in the future posts!
Time to look up more TW that I haven't heard of or forgot.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
Dream aka Clay design
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So this is the new design that I kept somewhat the same. I gave them new flowers, tansy, carnations, and forget-me-nots, cornflower, along with feathers that have their own symbolism with their colors. The missing leg wasn't me being lazy, it's actually part of the backstory before the story starts. Even their humanoid form has a missing leg, so they use a prosthetic to get around.
Their magic is that of soul fire, you know, the one that's blue in mc and connected to soul stones. They also have glowing bioluminescent markings that only glow in the dark, I made it that the white parts of the markings are those that glow the color of soul fire.
So yes, this is the final design.
Oh and one thing to remember, the more complex the design of the hybrid, the stronger they are. That's the lore for ya.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
(TW for trypophobia for Tubbos design) The benchtrio headshots
so I can say I officially have at least three designs for the heads of these three, and I dare say I love them all.
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And yes I might be hinting at something with the necklaces and rings.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
Melting in this hot weather right now
So, I am kinda slow with how I create the story, mainly because of the fact that this summer is making me so tired I can barely do much. So my apologies peeps. But I promise I'm still working as much as I can.
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
I'm alive peeps, dw!
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
Okay so little sad news but the more I reread everything, the more I realize that I donโ€™t really have a solid start for the AU, right? So, I thought about the storyline some more along with the songs that first certain parts of the story, and I just realized I messed up the prologue and the first chapters pretty badly. In my opinion that is. Might be because I am still new to how to really start stories to kick of the action, ya know?
So, I will be resetting it. The start may change a lot, but I will not be changing for I have planned for the whole AU, characters, and vilians. The start will just be much better than what I have done really. So, yeah. Take the previous prologue and chapters as me testing it I guess. I might keep some scenes, just rewrite them.
Alrighty, should be all for now. So first, I will make character designs to show yall. Hopefully that wonโ€™t take flipping ages since I am a bit lazy lately, but, I promise to deliver.
Again, super sorry. QwQ
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the-tired-cat-hexer ยท 1 year
Guess who's back
So it took a while but Im back. Sorry for the long wait but I really needed to think over some stuff and all. Starting to work on another chapter so it should be fine now.
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