the-trophy-shelf · 2 years
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The prologue to Alloy of Law introduces us to our protagonist, Wax, who's busy hunting a serial killer with his partner Lessie out in the Roughs. He's got a mysterious letter with him that's summoning him back to the big city, but he doesn't want to talk about it - of course. Having read Mistborn Era 1, I was already familiar with the world and it's rules, but it was nice to get a reintroduction to the magic and the technology, which have evolved since the end of Hero of Ages. Scadrial (the world the story takes place on) has guns and trains and a little bit of electricity now, so the vibe of the world is much more Victorian/industrial revolution-ry rather than the Renaissance vibes from Era 1. Makes sense, societies aren't stagnant things after all.
So far the story feels a bit Western-y crossed with a detective story, of course transposed into a fantastical fantasy setting, which is always fun. We get our inciting incident when Wax, having tracked down the killer, underestimates h and ends up accidentally shooting his partner, Lessie. I do wish we'd spent a bit more time with her before she was killed because it does feel a bit cheap to introduce her only to kill her - presumably so Wax has a reason to return to the big city where the story no doubt is to take place, but that's my only criticism so far. Looking forward to chapter 1.
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the-trophy-shelf · 2 years
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This is my Trophy Shelf. It's not much, and I'll be the first to admit there are several unread books on there, and that's why this account exists. I intend to read everything on that shelf (+ my kindle) and I mean e v e r y t h i n g. I have no idea how long it'll take and I'm sure that I'll wind up buying more books so theoretically it'll never end..
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