We can’t make the world a better place.
There will always be the good and the bad everywhere, in the streets, in the corners, out in plain sight and nothing can change that.
No world can exist without the other.
There’s no way.
I silently read the blog account and felt my temperature rising. My hands unconsciously balled into fists and I remember wondering, ‘Why the hell is someone like this in the world?’ Did they feel inadequate? Or perhaps they just hated her? I don’t know the answer but I knew it wasn’t just something so simple for them to make a ‘Die Bitch we don’t need you here’ or a ‘Fuck you’ page. It honestly hurt when I saw it and I wanted so badly to retort back. However, just when I was going to write a comment my hands froze.
The Yin and the Yang taught me that.
They showed me that one half completes the other. How can one be good if there’s nothing to make right? How can one be bad if there’s nothing to torment?
The two opposites need each other.
What only matters is whether or not you let this info sink in and be mature about everything or let the nasty or pleasant things get to you.
Not everyone is the same. And I’m sure that not everyone sees the same topic with equal perspectives. That’s what makes the world unique. It shows them there’s no wrong or right. Just choices.
The page wasn't even about me. It didn't even mention me in any way. I just felt it was necessary to support someone I looked up to or cared about. But I remembered it’s not my place to get angry. It’s theirs. And even if they did get angry, they shouldn't. They shouldn't let it get to their head and make them feel bad or guilty. Hell, they should just forget. But I know that it won’t last for long. We’re only humans and we do have feelings. Every single one of us does. When haters bash on others, the others feel hurt. But when supporters bash on haters, the haters feel frustrated. There’s always one thing to another.
There’s always a reaction. Whether you see it or not, it’s always there.
But just know that that reaction will always elicit another reaction. If you just look away from it or ignore it or agree, that’s always a reaction.
The world goes round this way. I’m not saying to stop bashing on others or to stop supporting your loved one. I’m just saying understand… Understand from the other’s view and understand that Good will always have Bad. Don’t stop, just think.
I know no one will see this, but I wanted it out there. Perhaps there will be someone who will come across this and find something interesting about it. But I just want it out on the internet. Even if no one sees it it stays on here forever.
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