the-writer-sblock · 3 years
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Warning! Non con touching!
Something about him always put you on edge.
Mischievous smiles and flirtatious gestures is how Kaeya would always communicate with you. And while you do welcome Lisa's energy you were very keen on Kaeya's
A man whose not afraid to make charming lies, a man who clearly knew what he's capable of.
You couldn't place a finger on it. You were just so uncomfortable underneath his icy gaze. Every where when Kaeya's there you could feel him almost piercing through your skull.
It's one of the reasons why you maintained arms length at him all times.
Opposite to that you found Diluc's demeanor more endearing. How he's very concerned whenever you step inside Angel's Share with twigs and leaves latched on your hair or how you always carelessly throw yourself in battles with no single thought. What strikes you first in seeing Diluc was his stoic personality but underneath the layer of protection is a caring gentleman who likes grape juice more than wine.
You chuckled at the thought.
You frequented Angel's Share, just to lay your head on the table and have a brief sigh, staring at Diluc mixing beverages once and a while. Kaeya on the other hand situated in the corner of the tavern, clearly having a good time with two adventurers chatting away at the seams.
Mona who had been chatting with Bennett on another table snickered at the sight. A man who stares at a woman who stares at another man, What could be more hilarious?
"Oh Traveler!" Mona called.
Your eyes stray away from Diluc and finds their way towards Mona. Soon you found your way towards their table. "Yes?" You asked.
Commissions.... You had thought.
Well you were working you're butt off for a weapon. So you needed as many as you can take ad this turned you into a rather...persistent being.
"Don't give me that look, I don't have any commissions for you" Mona said sighing at you're gleaming eyes which dwindled due to disappointment.
"Is that so?" You asked, taking a seat near Bennett.
"Don't worry traveler! We're bound to get a few commissions or two later!" The blonde tried to cheer you up.
You only nodded in response and let Mona talk you ear in astrology chatter.
You felt another burn in your head and you clearly know where it is coming from yet you chose to ignore it. After all, you were getting more and more used to it. Maybe one day you could freely stare at Diluc without the feeling of a sword continuously poking through the back of your neck.
You sat down near the lake, looking at the city from Cider Lake. The moon reflected on the waters and the silhouette from behind that you managed to see.
The tanned male smiled at you, "Getting sentimental tonight are we?"
"I'm always slightly sentimental"
The response made Kaeya twitch, So you're also sentimental when it comes to Diluc?
"I hope you know that you aren't exactly doing the best at concealing emotions" He said, recalling the times you stared at the redhead more than you should.
"You aren't either" You muttered audible enough for him to hear.
"As expected, you could even feel my gaze without showing as much as a tilt towards my way"
"I'd care less Kaeya"
"That hurts my feelings"
"Please tell me why you're here" You snapped.
Getting a rouse out of you seemed to make his eyes twinkle in delight, You felt the irritation as a smirk durned his face. "Am i not welcome? I just wanted to see you. Is that so wrong of me?"
"Well if you-AH!"
Reflexes failed you and you sword soon flew inside the clear waters, sinking into the depths. The rise of annoyance continued to bile on your throat. "What the heck are you doing!"
You left foot submerged in water is now covered in ice, You almost hit your head on a boulder nearby, and you couldn't move with Kaeya towering over you.
"It seems... That the famous bachelor is starting to rub off on you" He whispered, lips grazing your neck.
"But don't worry, I will too soon enough."
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the-writer-sblock · 3 years
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Flowers Tainted Red
Warnings: Mild gore! Yandere and the like!
You didn't look twice at the carnage that laid upon your eyes, One look and you already knew who did it.
The people in the streets increased in number, flocking around and gasping at the tragedy that occurred at the front of the tiny flower shop you worked at.
His body is splayed out on the floor, with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, eyes rolled to the back of his head. Legs missing, Fingers unseen.
You didn't expect to start your morning this way, the clock inside your wristwatch displayed the numbers of 7:00 am. Too early for disturbance.
Too early for a murder.
"Someone call 911!" You heard.
Your hands trembled, clutching at your sling bag. You could feel the sweat forming on your palms - making the ring on your finger shine a silver gleam. You're eyes still stayed lurking on his mutilated body.
You couldn't take your eyes off of it, You wanted to take your eyes off it.
This man harassed you in front of the shop two days ago, invading your personal space, the clear intent in his voice is all too infuriating not to remember. A man of ill-greed and suffocating malice.
Your eyes found their way to the shop window, where the culprit currently is. Eyes meeting yours - a gleam of indifference you knew all too well.
The police arrived a little later than they should, they questioned you as you sat down on one of the chairs inside - Nervous - you weren't meant to be. After all, You know you didn't do anything.
Though your throat dried as they cornered you with their queries.
Asking if you knew the man. what happened a few days before the murder certainly had raised suspicions in between the police. Saying you had a solid intent.
Yet a rock-solid alibi that you did not even know existed came to rescue.
"Don't worry officers, She was with me. " Your boss, Albedo said sporting his hands on your shoulders. "My darling could never do such a thing."
The men looked at each other and whiffed their eyes up and down Albedo.
He is very known in this part of the neighborhood, a little help here and there, a really famous figure among the children and one of Officer Kaeya's friends - an eccentric one for sure. Certainly, his words held some weight.
"May I ask what is your relationship?" One of them asked.
Wrong Question. You thought.
It took a few seconds before Albedo opened his mouth "She's my fiancé as you can see." He held your hand, showing off the ring he forcibly shoved on your finger.
"I see, well then we shall get going. We'll investigate this case thoroughly sire."
"Please do," Albedo said, "It'd be a tarnish to our little business reputation if that little thing isn't managed."
They left, too fast in your opinion. Too easy. You hoped that those officers were smart enough to seat least your discomfort but alas, your hope is distinguished once again.
Though you did pray for the poor soul who shot the wrong question, He had less time to live after it.
"The shop is opening soon!" You heard sucrose from the back of the counter.
Albedo nodded at her kissing your forehead in the process, "Let's work now, Darling"
You resist a sigh, Not wanting to get up from your seat
. "Of course, Love"
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