the-youtube-fic · 2 years
Noah's clubbing fit:
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Sandra's clubbing fit:
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the-youtube-fic · 2 years
Noah: 22, a Youtuber mostly famous for his gameplay videos, raised popularity after making a collab with his roommate in a random challenge video.
Sandra: 19, a small YouTuber- most of her fanbase is from Noah's channel. her most popular series is her horror gameplay videos
their apartment complex:
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Noah's room:
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Sandra's room:
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the-youtube-fic · 3 years
chapter 2
after weeks of talking to mark about the stream and such through emails-
noah and sandra sat in the car, the air was thick.
not cause of a arguement or anything they were just nervous!
they were on their way to the office to help film the charity stream,(the charity itself was to help build homes) sandra entered one of her cds into the cd player and soon enough hold on by don broco started blasting through the speakers.
sandra turned towards him with a huge smile. he grinned back and turned the music up louder, now she could finally relax.
"so, what's on your mind?" she asked while looking over at him.
he shrugged his shoulders, "well im fucking nervous as hell. i mean i know i have a big following and so do you, but i’ve never worked with another youtuber before.. “ he sighed.
she nudged her elbow against his arm in a playful manor.
"i know how scared you are but trust me when i say its going to be okay. we are going to be amazing!" she smiled wider.
"yeah...yeah i know." he nodded, he had doubts of course, but at least she was there with him if things turned awkward.
soon the song ended and sandra put the cd away.
after that they arrived at the office, sandra got out first, waiting for noah. he slowly got out trying to drag out his actions. soon enough they headed inside.
the room had a few people, some setting up lighting and others conversing.
soon enough a petite lady with blonde hair walked over,
“hey, you’re noah and sandra, right?” she asked as she shook their hands.
“yes! and you are?” sandra said, a polite smile on her face.
“oh sorry haha, i’m amy! we’re going to start up in like 20 minutes so uhhh- just do whatever til then i guess!” she laughing lightly and turned back to help a lady who -noah heard somehow- was named kathryn.
sandra took in a deep breath, ‘okay, i can do this’ she thought to herself, before turning to look at noah who still stood next to her.
as she watched his eyes dart around the room, he seemed to be nervous as well. “hey it’ll be okay! i mean like look- so many new friends, plus! this is for charity at the end of the day” she said reassuring him as best as possible.
“yea! that’s true, thanks- this is just- ah- yknow??” he smiled slightly at her.
as they conversed a bit more, sandra noticed someone coming up behind noah and widened her eyes a bit. “yeah the fish eats a carrot an-..what? do i have something on my face?” noah said confused by his friends reaction.
“hey guys!” a smooth deep voice said from behind him. ‘ oh…. o h ‘
“oh- uh-hey!”
(i bet you can guess who said what LMAOO)
“ah- im sorry sandra, if you don’t mind is it okay if i speak to noah privately real quickly? i don’t mean to intervene.” mark said in a kind tone, a small smile gracing his face
“oh no of course! talk away! i’m gonna uh- find the bathroom yeah ahaha-“ sandra said quickly before turning around and fast pace walking away.
mark turned to look at noah and smiled. “so..i saw some of your tweets about social situations and i know you’re not too fond of being in overstimulated rooms with tons of people, so i just wanted you to know that it’s just a small group of people! me, you and tyler are gonna be filming the first 20 minutes. then sandra, jack and ethan will join in and we’ll be doing team versus team type challenges. but you’re always welcome to leave a challenge if it’s too much!”
“sounds like a plan to me! i don’t have any complaints. it sounds very fun and thought through, thank you” noah said smiling at the dark haired man.
“o-oh- thank you!- i really care about the charity streams, as you probably already know haha” mark said laughing modestly, hand rubbing the back of his neck
noah and mark began to drift into conversation…
~to sandra~
‘well that’s not a bathroom’ she thought to herself as she stumbled into the kitchen
“are you lost?”
quickly turning around she made eye contact with a blue haired man.
he was smiling at her softly making sandras heart pick up its pace.
she tried to speak, she needed to speak, but all that left her was a choked noise.
‘shit I gotta talk’ she internally panicked “uh! um yes i’m a little lost, i think i might have went down a wrong hall or something? oh sorry i’m sandra ahaha-“
his smile grew a bit and he shook her hand.
‘his hands oh my g o d’ she could feel her cheeks flushing, luckily for her- he didn’t notice.
“i’m Ethan! where were you trying to go?” he asked her kindly.
“well i was trying to find a restroom- but as you can already tell, i ended up here. i’m sure i can find my way back! i don’t wanna be a hassle- especially since we just met and yea-“
“hey it’s okay, i don’t mind. promise” he said in a playful tone, holding up his pinky finger for her to make a swear to.
she giggled a little before agreeing with his pinky finger gesture.
they headed out the door and down a hall, until they ended up right where sandra originally was.
the bathroom was quite literally only a few feet from where and she and noah originally stood.
“…i am so sorry i didn’t even see the door-“ she said embarrassed as hell.
“it’s alright! it happens to the best of us! anyways i’m gonna get some water, i’ll see you in a bit!” he said waving cheerfully as he walked
back towards the kitchen.
‘ dear lord someone help he is so cute.’
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the-youtube-fic · 3 years
Ethan 😍
Credit:- @sinisterseptic
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the-youtube-fic · 4 years
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the-youtube-fic · 4 years
Chapter 1
“This movie fucking sucks”
Sandra said clicking off the tv before plopping down onto the couch with a huff.
It was a Saturday so nothing good was on, of course she could’ve just put on a scream movie but she would probably be distracted by the killer anyway.
Sandra grumbled throwing her phone to the other side of the couch before pulling her blankets up to her shoulders.
Noah opened up the front door and waltzed In.
“Hey!! i got mexican food!”
Sandra jumped over the couch while almost slipping onto her ass because of the hardwood floor.
They both sat around the circular table as noah passed sandra her burrito
“so what are you up to today?” sandra said covering her mouth cause she was too impatient to finish chewing the rest of her lunch.
“not much, i have to work on a new video but other than that I don’t think i’ll be doing anything today.” noah answered while taking a bite of his enchiladas.
“you know what you should do is go watch a movie with me! we haven’t gone out together in a while”
noah reeled his head back, “eeeehhhh, do i have to?” he said with a slight grimace on his face.
“pleeeaaasee!! i’m so bored” she said sticking her bottom lip out to give a sad puppy look.
“fine, only if we watch something good”
noah finished the rest of his meal and started heading for his bedroom door when sandra shouted at him to come back. noah turned around, she was trying hard to hide her excitement.
~time skip oooo~
noah stretched in his chair, finally done editing and posting his newest gmod gameplay video. it was a popular series on his channel and hey, who was he to complain?
he decided to skim through his emails cause lmao why not!
‘so much spam mail what the hell..’ he thought to himself before a certian email caught his attention.
Subject: Content
‘Hey! i saw some of your videos and was wondering if you were interested in joining me and a couple of others in a charity stream?
we will be filming a video before hand but I doubt it'll be any longer then 2-3 hours.
p.s you can bring someone with of course lmao’
jumping back and losing his footing a bit he yelled out a “HOLY SHIT”
sandra rushed to the room and flung noahs door open. “ARE YOU OKAY???”
noah stood still with shock on his face before answering “YEAH IM FINE- UM- READ THIS PLEASE.”
sandra read the email began to jump excitedly like a child before shaking noah by the shoulders. “YOU’RE GOING TO SAY YES RIGHT!?”
he nodded excitedly and the two began to just smile and jump around.
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