the21sacraments · 8 years
“From that kind of language, am I to assume you are not human then?”
Green eyes watched over the other man. Kuja seemed human in appearance, but not many humans could separate themselves from their own humanity. Walter was a rare case due to Mother’s will and knowing how much She had suffered.
Even in the distance sounds of violence can be heard. What side initiated it? It is of no concern to the Holy Assumption. Despite having no interest in conversation She taught him better than to simply walk away now.
“Both sides will have those wanting an end to this conflict, yet violence wins out. If only it were simply human nature. Non-human beings are also capable of the same kind of malice and disregard. All any of them do is present themselves as a filthy stain on the world.”
Was Walter even human anymore? After resurrecting it had been vague just what he’d become. The power to create Otherworlds and to birth a new mother had been given to him. Yet simply because he hated humanity does not mean any other form of life is completely innocent or better by default.
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“What might your take on all this violence be, mmh? You don’t seem too disturbed by it… Unlike the rest of the humans, who seem perfectly content with running around like a chicken with its head cut off. What separates you from the rest of the masses?”
Something about the man was somewhat off-putting but he’d met many off-putting people. Queen Brahne had been one. Garland, another. He’d manipulated and crushed his fair share of odd ones out in the past. The only thing that separated him from the rest in Kuja’s eyes was that he didn’t seem afraid or particularly passionate one way or another. That, or he just couldn’t tell with him.
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the21sacraments · 8 years
Animals were not pleasant to be around. Most were loathsome beasts, even if just a harmless dog and cat. Walter did not take kindly to any of them. However this one could speak and its appearance was slightly different than most cats he’d ever seen. Kyubey would never be allowed by themselves on a subway train back in Ashfield.
But this was Hive City, which constantly provided new experiences and curiosities. Those who came from worlds that needed to know of Her sacrifice despite the dregs of humanity that filled them.
“At least someone else realizes compassion is unnecessary for a man who does not deserve it.”
It seemed the cat had other things in mind. Unfortunately the tall man wasn't the kind to partner up or make wishes. Walter made sure to accomplish whatever he needed himself. No remnants of the Order to hold him down.
The tail brushes against his arm and out of instinct it pulls in to lean closer to him. No one is allowed to touch him without being given permission. Even just a slight brush like this.
“There are people who claim they wish to help you. Words of advice or actions for your own benefit. But in the end, all comes crashing down and they are seen for who they really are.”
He wasn't talking about the cat. Rather, members of the Order who manipulated his actions ever since he was found and taken to the hospital. Some of the choices they made for him lingered; his quest for mother had been set up by them. However, high ranking cult members and the orphanage 
“Surely you wished to talk for more than just idle compliments.”
Kyuubey took the time to clean itself, licking one paw before dabbing at its face. When he spoke again, it was with the measured pace of someone used to dismissals.
§ Why would I waste my time on a subject we both deem unworthy? §
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§ There are better options, even if it is for a talk. And I assure you, I have more in mind than that. §
He makes himself comfortable next, pawing the seat in an imitation of building a nest before settling down to rest his head against the cushion, tail brushing the human’s arm.
§ Naturally, each person is destined to walk their own path in life, § the Incubator murmured. § But few have done so completely on their own power. §
§ If you have managed so far, then I commend you. §
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the21sacraments · 8 years
Switcheroo! [what could go wrong Sloth]
[31st Century Walter? Everything Will go wrong..]
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Okay so becs reasons, I decided to go with making him the same species as Phantom Girl; He can use intangibility. Bgtzlians are like? Living phantoms.
He’s not supervillain status? He doesn’t appear to be THAT ambitious. But he’s definitely a criminal. Doesn’t even have an alias.
Believes the United Planets are Up To No Good and as corrupt as the rest of humanity and, for religious reasons, believes he can sacrifice people to save planets worth of people from their corruption. (he’s not entirely wrong)
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the21sacraments · 8 years
“Don’t touch me. You make me sick.”
“A demon from hell claiming to be offended. How laughable. Or perhaps you simply do not comprehend this world? Even after dwelling there for so long, the sins of mankind have not been completely shown to you. This concept makes no sense.
Very well then. I shall force you face down into the vomit of mankind so you will understand me.”
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the21sacraments · 8 years
“Burn everything you’re afraid of.”
He remembers lighting the match that sparked the fire. The orphanage that for so long served as a place of suffering to him and the other children; vanquished. Mother did not make its complete destruction part of Her Sacraments. This was an action made simply for himself.
“Problems must be eliminated lest they become a nuisance. The fire cleanses them from this sinful world.”
Just like Jasper too. The candlestick carving in and making him join his friends at last.
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the21sacraments · 8 years
"What a nightmare."
“It is to be expected some would see the destruction around them and feel it is the worst that could happen. However, it can always get worse. For Mother knows just what this world has always needed.
They could not handle the Otherworlds born from me.”
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the21sacraments · 8 years
Silent Hill Sentence Starters
“Listen. Suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn how to deal with it or you go under.”
“You can stay in your own little world, but you can’t keep hurting people!”
“Are you still following me? Do I have to scream?”
“What a nightmare.”
“Stay back! Get the hell away from me!”
“What’s wrong? You don’t trust me?”
“I’m just looking out for myself. Everyone does it.”
“Don’t stand there looking so smug! You’re the worst person in this room!”
“You come here and enjoy spilling their blood! And listening to them cry out! You feel excited when you step on them and snuff out their lives!“
“Well, the guest of honor has arrived. Let’s get this party started!”
“Calm down?! How the hell am I supposed to do that?!”
“Burn everything you’re afraid of.”
“That’s strange… It’s getting darker.”
“Maybe it’s all just going on in my head.”
“It doesn’t matter who I am.”
“I’m here for you ____. See? I’m real…”
“____. That’s what you’re call now, isn’t it?”
“What you call ‘faith’ is nothing more than a child crying out for love.”
“Look at me. I’m burning.”
“You thought they looked like monsters?”
“Be free from the bonds of the flesh…”
“When you’re hurt and scared for so long, the fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world.”
“Don’t die on me, okay?”
“I don’t particularly want to die!”
“If you hadn’t met me, I’d be fine on my own.”
“Killing a person ain’t no big deal. Just put the gun to their head… POW!”
“It’s hot as hell in here…”
“You see it, too? For me, it’s always like this.”
“I’m looking for my momma - I mean, My mother. I’m looking for my mother.”
“I was weak. That’s why I needed you… Needed someone to punish me for my sins… But that’s all over now.”
“I know the truth. Now it’s time to end this.”
“I got a letter… The name on the envelope said… _____.”
“I’m not trying to be a badass or a hero or anything, I just want to do something that matters.”
“Sometimes I wonder how things would have turned out if I were born into a different family…”
“You always were a klutz.”
“I can’t tell you what happened. You’ll never believe me! Shit, I don’t even believe me.”
“Stop giving me orders, _____. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“_____ thinks you’re a little baby who can’t do anything on their own.”
“So what’d you do? Robbery? Murder?”
“Liar! That’s a lie!”
“You’re the same as me… It’s easier just to run… Besides, it’s what we deserve.”
“No! I’m sorry… I’ve been bad… Please don’t…!“
“Don’t touch me! You make me sick!”
“Thank you for saving me. But… I wish you hadn’t.”
“So what do you want, then? Oh, I see… You’re trying to be nice to me, right? I know what you’re up to! It’s always the same! You’re only after one thing!”
“I want to die. That is my one and only wish. But it’s a wish that’s proven difficult to obtain. I want to die, and yet I’m forced to keep living.”
“Do I look like your girl/boyfriend?
“Do I look like a ghost to you? See… Feel how warm I am.”
"Don’t get so mad. I was just joking.”
“You don’t sound very happy to see me! I was almost killed back there! Why didn’t you try to save me?!”
“I’ve never been so scared in my whole life! You couldn’t care less about me… could you?”
“Stay with me! Don’t ever leave me alone! You’re supposed to take care of me!”
“______, honey… did something happen to you? After we got separated in that long hallway? Are you confusing me with someone else?”
“You were always so forgetful… remember that time in the hotel? You said you took everything, but you forgot that video tape we made. I wonder if it’s still there…”
“Don’t you want to touch me? Come and get me. I can’t do anything through these bars.”
“When will you ever stop making that mistake? ____’s dead. You killed them.”
“But I can be yours! I’ll be here for you forever. And I’ll never yell at you, or make you feel bad! That’s what you wanted! I’m different than _____! How can you throw me away?!“
"No! I won’t let you! You deserve to die too, ______!”
“I didn’t do it… I swear I didn’t kill anybody.”
It’s no good… they wouldn’t listen. Nobody will ever forgive me.“
”_____, you can’t just kill someone cause of the way they looked at you!“
"I wanted to see you… Even an illusion of you… that’s why I came here.”
“You don’t recognize me, do you?”
“Now cut the bullshit, cause I don’t have time for this!”
“I get it, I screwed up!”
"I told you, I’m not going back… so you might as well shoot me.”
“People believing in me tend to end up badly.”
“It’s okay… It’s just a dream…”
“_____… Are you still alive…?”
“I might know a way to save you.”
“If you get killed here… Then you die in the real world, too…“
“I… I feel like I’m dying…”
“I don’t feel enough for you to cry. Goodbye.”
“This is beyond my abilities. Only you can stop it now.”
“This is the end of your little game.”
“You’ve been a ghastly little pest, haven’t you ______?”
“They’re not the monster you make them out to be.”
"Shush. No more craziness. You’re freaking me out.”
“You’re pathetic… to think I used to hang off your every word.”
“I shouldn’t have trusted you.”
"Kick a man when he’s down, why don’t ya?”
“My cheek hurts. I hate them.”
“I got hit again. I didn’t do anything wrong. I wish they were dead.”
“Lots of people tried to stop me, but it’s fine now.”
“This is my dream and you don’t even know my name? It’s _____.”
“Don’t worry… You’ll know soon enough.”
“I got this from _____ a long, long time ago… Here, I’ll give it to you.”
”_____. That’s what everybody calls me, but I don’t really have a name. Or a home either…“
"Don’t you know? Your power is needed.”
“You’re going to kill me? Is it really so easy for you?”
“____…? Oh, how I’ve missed you!”
“The world must be cleansed with fire!”
“You despise me, don’t you?“
“When did you stop believing in God? God lives! Just look around you!”
“Happy people can be so cruel.”
“Is it so hard to believe that sympathy could be born out of pain and suffering?” 
“I wish I could play outside like the other children…”
“Dreams are just lies, after all.”
“Mother is God in the eyes of a child.”
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the21sacraments · 8 years
silent hill 4: the room limited edition    track viii
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the21sacraments · 8 years
Damn it Walter, stop fucking killing people >:U
“Sacrifices were necessary for Mother and Her goals. I will not allow myself to be condescended by a grey-face, let alone one using foul language.
Go back to your sin and bothering of others. There is no place for you here.”
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the21sacraments · 8 years
The whole city must be explored again. While memories of its layout remain in Walter’s mind, for Her sake everything must be mapped out again. From the largest building to the smallest details For that reason, he does not simply teleport from place to place. All this information needs to climb into his mind for possible future use.
One of the downsides of doing this is public transportation. Having finished for now, the man planned on taking a break at the apartment they gave him. A complete embarrassment to mother’s grace it was, but it would do for now. He did not sleep or require rest so these breaks were mostly to go over everything again.
Near him was a sinner, having swallowed down his alcohol to make a mockery of himself. Such people were not worthy of salvation. The other in this train car appeared to be some kind of cat?
It climbed onto the seat next to him, and he would have brushed the creature away if they didn’t start talking. Interesting.
“The most important journeys are always made by one man and them alone.” The Receiver had been accompanied by Miss Galvin during the Otherworlds, but he was the one going through hell was meant for. Walter’s journey involved the deaths of others, but the sacrifice he made was the most important.
“For now I simply seek to return to the fourth sector. I will ask if you have a habit of intruding in on others. Perhaps that waste of a man over there would be more fitting of your concern. Even if his sleep was brought on himself.”
There are those that he tries to charm, and those he tries to trick persuade. There are those who are open to suggestion, and those who need a push.
He has tried his share of poking and prodding to get what he needs (wants) as well, but by far the people who need him the most are the ones with their minds made up. They have goals, and they want to achieve them. It is only natural to lend those hardworking souls a helping hand, as weak as his powers may be.
It is the middle of the night on an empty train, and his car is except except for one snoozing drunk and a man sitting in a corner. Kyuubey doesn’t hesitate to make himself at home on the adjacent seat, leaning in with a conspiratorial twitch of the ears. 
§ Where are you going, and what do you seek? §
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§ It’s a lonely journey for one. §
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the21sacraments · 8 years
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”You’re it… the last of the 21 sacraments…”
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the21sacraments · 8 years
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Room of Angel
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the21sacraments · 8 years
bold what applies to your muse: strengths vs. weaknesses!
[ BONUS: put a STRIKE THROUGH each trait that they USED to have, but have unlearned due to character development, trauma, etc. - feel free to add more! ]
s t r e n g t h s :
caring | merciful | brave | determined | forward | flexible | cheerful | wise | clever | humorous | spirited | lighthearted | mature | strong | generous | loving | calm | calculative | rational | unselfish | controlled | tactful | nurturing | protective | independent
w e a k n e s s e s :
panicky | cowardly | unthoughtful | rash | stubborn | antisocial | negative | temperamental | scatterbrained | grim | dull | unwise | unstable | weak | irrational | awkward | greedy | over-protective | over-sensitive | rude | selfish | explosive | tactless
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the21sacraments · 8 years
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the21sacraments · 8 years
There is no real purpose for being here. No white oil can be obtained from the flowers around him. The sinners walk and spread their filth like always. Still, this is a chance to catch up with anything this man has missed. Months have passed with no Receiver in sight.
He’d never say it out loud but a part of him hopes to see the man again. They shared a unique kind of bond, even if one-sided on his part.
For now he chases the white rabbit into what should be a wonderland. Instead, behind all the apparent beauty is the same arguing and blissful ignorance that defines humanity.
Another has entered at around the same time. She is unfamiliar but appears to be confused by the ordeal. Is it because of the contrast between this and the other sectors?
Damn his curiosity wasting time like this.
“The flowers seem to confuse you. Is it simply just the arrangements that catch you off guard?” His voice says coming from behind. It’s a rhetorical question; he doesn’t really care if it gets answered or not. But it offers a vantage point.
“Other areas in this city do share similar landscapes.”
Flowers in the Beehive //
Cheryl had to admit, with how gritty and grungy cities were and all of her negative feelings surrounding Hive City, a flower festival of all things was kind of last on her list of what to expect. It was gorgeous out here, from the weather to the huge assortment on display all the way to the huge fairy ring of mushrooms.
It felt like she just tripped into Wonderland.
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the21sacraments · 8 years
“It was nice to meet you. …Goodbye.”
“Leaving so abruptly I see. How disappointing. But perhaps in time we will run into each other again.”
It would be pre-planned of course. Tracing their steps and seeming to just be in the right place at the right time. Hive truly held interesting individuals.
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the21sacraments · 8 years
UNDERTALE starters
“…But nobody came.”
“I… I’ve changed my mind about all this. This isn’t a good idea anymore.”
“YOU! You’re standing in the way of everybody’s hopes and dreams!”
“I don’t want to break their hearts all over again. It’s better if they never see me.”    
“Despite everything, it’s still you.”
“Ah, the cactus. Truly the most tsundere of plants.”
“Go ahead. Prepare however you want. But when you step forward… I will KILL you.”
“It’s me, [name].”
“Wow! We haven’t even had our first date and I’m in the friendzone!”
“It pains me to say this, but… you should probably never come back here.”
“Maybe looking at this nice lamp will help you.”
“There is nothing left for us here. Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next.”
“They thought that he had killed the child.”
“Quit looking at me with that stupid expression. You’re pissing me off.”
“We’re all counting on you, kid. Good luck.”
“Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming… Perfect weather for a game of catch.”
“You can certainly find better than an old man/woman like me.” 
“I do not know if this is pathetic or endearing.”
“Oh. My god. I didn’t expect you to show up so soon! I haven’t showered, I’m barely dressed, it’s all messy, and…”
“You’re way better at dating than I am.”
“Get dunked on!”
“This is the power that the humans feared.”
“They must be here, playing a joke on me. I’ll just wait until one of them admits it…”
“…You really like hot animals, don’t you?”
“It was nice to meet you. …Goodbye.”
“On days like this, kids like you should be burning in Hell.”
“Remember. DON’T kill anyone. …I can’t believe this is a REAL thing I have to remind you.”
“…Why are you still here? Are you trying to keep me company?”
“You should be smiling, too. Aren’t you excited? Aren’t you happy?” 
“Don’t worry, my little monarch, my plan isn’t regicide. This is SO much more interesting.”
“What makes you think you’re in control?”
“Never come back here. You are not welcome.”
“Why does someone as great as me have to do so much to get recognition?!”
“You made your choice long ago.”
“Don’t you realize that being nice just makes you get hurt?”
“So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand.”
“I didn’t cry! I just… caught something in my eye!”
“You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD!”
“Look. [Name] didn’t come to the meeting today. Say what you want about him/her/them. H/She’s/They’re weird, naive, self-absorbed. But [name] has NEVER missed a meeting. And no matter what time you call him/her/them on the phone… Night, day, afternoon, morning… He/she/they ALWAYS answers within the first two rings.”
“Anything you want to do is important enough. Even something as small as reading a book, or taking a walk… Please take your time.“
“[Name] hated humanity. Why they did, they never talked about it. But they felt very strongly about that.”
“If you… If you think I’m gonna give up hope, you’re wrong. ‘Cause I’ve got my friends behind me.”
“Perhaps we can reach a compromise. You still have something that I want.”
“Always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first.”
“No matter the struggles or hardships you faced… you strived to do the right thing. You refused to hurt anyone.”
“This is why I never make promises.”
“ …Why? Why are you being… so nice to me? I can’t understand. I can’t understand! I just can’t understand… “
“Honestly, fighting you IS pretty fun… So even if you ARE a sicko, I’ll take it!”
“Maybe you’d be better… at not killing anyone? Crazy idea, huh? Let me know how that one goes.” 
“Did I ever tell you about the time [name] flirted with me?”
“Now, I understand acting in self-defense. You were thrown into those situations against your will.”
“You’d better watch yourself, kid. Things are lookin’ real bad for you.”
“Are you ready? If you are not, I understand. I’m not ready either…”
“Oh my God! Will you two just smooch already?”
“Don’t you get it? There’s no such thing as happy endings. This is all that’s left…!”
“The internet! I’m quite popular there!”
“Do you think even the worst person can change…? That everyone can be a good person if they just try?”
“Don’t worry about it. Most of us have tried to kill [name] at one time or another.”
“Wowie! You did it! You didn’t do a violence!”
“Not everything can be resolved by being nice.”
“Don’t kill, and don’t be killed, alright? That’s the best you can strive for.” 
“Oh no! You’re meeting all of my standards!”
“Anime is real, RIGHT?!”
“Maybe you’re wondering if I ever get tired of winning… Wanna see my answer?”
“Sorry, I do not have much to say. It was nice to hear your voice, though.”
“This is all just a bad dream… and you’re NEVER waking up!”
“Down here, it’s kill or be killed!”
“I can’t come back. I just can’t, OK?”
“I so badly want to say, ‘would you like a cup of tea?’ But… You know how it is.”
“Would you smooch a ghost?”
“The truth is… [Name] wasn’t really the greatest person.” 
“Well, if I were you, I would have thrown in the towel by now. But you didn’t get this far by giving up, did you?” 
“You’re not really human, are you? No. You’re empty inside. Just like me.”
“Are you bored? I should have given a book to you. My apologies. Why not use your imagination to divert yourself?”
“I’ll hold victory in front of you, just within your reach… and then tear it away just before you grasp it.”
“Come on! Step forward and let’s end this!”
“Don’t you get it? This is all just a GAME.”
“Are those two robots…?”
“If you have some sort of special power… isn’t it your responsibility to do the right thing?”
“Stop plaguing my life with incidental music!”
“Self-defense? Please. You didn’t kill them because you had to. You killed them because it was easy for you. Because it was fun for you. Do you think it was fun when I found out…? Do you think it’s fun when people’s family members never come home? Is that fun? No. “
“I wish I had eight legs… so I could wear FOUR pairs of hot pants!”
“The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.”
“I can’t go to Hell. I’m all out of vacation days.”
“They just sort of showed up one day and…asserted themselves. The town’s gotten a lot more interesting since then.”
“Our king is really bad at names.”
“If it weren’t for you, I would’ve never gotten past him. But now, with your help, he’s DEAD.”
“Then why’d you kill my brother/sister?”
“I’ve done everything this world has to offer. I’ve read every book. I’ve burned every book. I’ve won every game. I’ve lost every game. I’ve appeased everyone. I’ve killed everyone.”
“What did you do to him? …What did you DO to him?!”
“…I don’t have the heart to tell her what you did. Do you know how she’d react?”
“You didn’t even need my help, which is great, ‘cause I love doing absolutely nothing.”
“I’m smiling and I hate it!”
“Do you wanna have a bad time? ‘Cause if you take another step forward… you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.”
“If we’re really friends… you won’t come back.”
“Did you really think I was gonna be satisfied… killing you only ONE time?”
“I remember when I first woke up here, in the garden. I was so scared. I couldn’t feel my arms or my legs…”
“Even after all this time, you’re still the only one that understands me.”
“Why do I always get the freaks?”
“It’s possible that you may have a problem.”
“What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth…”
“I’m nineteen years old and I’ve already wasted my entire life.”
“If you’re so scared, why do you keep winking?”
“Don’t you have anything better to do?”
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