the399project · 2 years
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TT :: I’m still here!! Everything’s fine! The camera’s just being weird! TT :: Gimme a sec to call a friend in! They’re a tech agent and know this stuff better than I do.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: If you wanna visit Build-A-Frog Workshop, here’s the multiversal address to it!
TT ::  I ḩighly r̀eco͡m̧mend͞ i͟t̡!̛ One o͠f͞ ̀t͢h̷e c̀oo̸lest p͟lac҉e͏s͢ ̡Į'͡ve ̀ev̸e̴ŕ b͟een!!̴
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: I wanna make sure this connection is more secure before I do dropping that information.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: The last major incident was in 2018, from what I’ve been told. That was before my time at the agency, though.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: This one’s outta my time frame’s jurisdiction- TT :: I gotta contact the Extra-Planetary Federation, so they can handle this.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: Said alt’s looking for a Porygon. Something about a promise to their sibling. TT :: Nice to know some of us out there have families they’re lookin’ out for… Heh.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: You’ll be lucky if you EVER hear anything but my code name on this blog. TT :: This is still an agency program, after all! I gotta be some form of professional.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: Also just cause I’m a Fairy Penguin Runt doesn’t mean I’m not a good agent! TT :: I’m a very good agent!
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: I, uh, usually have some help when it comes to the really complex stuff… usually makes things smoother. TT :: What I DO know how to do though? Yeah… Yeah, it’s pretty fun, I guess?
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: My work as an agent is irreplaceable, I guess. TT :: But we’re not here to delve into agent backstories. Let’s talk about something else. TT :: Please?
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: The timeline itself has been really quiet since about 2018. TT :: It’s let me focus on getting this started, as well as on my cover job. TT :: ͟  |  ͟o|   |͟͞   ͟  |  |͞x   ͟  |  ͟o|   |͟o|  |͞  |  |͟͞  |   ͞x|  ͟o|  ͟  |   ͟o|  |͟o|  |͟o  |͟͞   |͟͞   ? |͞   |͟o|   |͟͞x  ͞x|  |͟͞  |  |͞x  ͟  |  |͟o|  |͟͞  |  ͟o|   ͟  |  |͟x  |͟͞x  |͟͞x|  ͞  |  ͟o|  |͞   ͟͞  |  |͟͞  |   |͟o|  |͞  |  |͟͞  |   |͟͞  |  ͞x|  |͟͞    |͟͞x|  |͟͞x  |͟͞o|   ͟  |  ͟o|   ͟͞x|  |͟͞x  |͞x  |͟͞  |   |͟͞x  |͟͞    ͟  |   ͞x|  |͟o  |͟  |  |͟x  |͞   |͟    |͟  |  |͞x  ͟  |  |͟͞x|  |͟   |͞  |   |͟͞x  |͟͞    |͟o|  |͞  |  |͟͞  |   ͟  |  ͞  |  |͟͞  |  |͟͞x|  |͟   ͞o|. TT :: |͞   |͟o|  ‘͟o|   |͞  |  |͟͞  |  |͟x  ͞x|  |͟͞  |  ͟͞  |   |͟͞o|  |͞   |͟o|  |͞  |   |͞   ͟o|  |͟x  ͟  |  |͟͞x|  ͟͞  |   ͟͞x|  |͟͞x  |͞x  ͟  |  |͟x  |͟͞  |   ͟  |   |͟x  |͟͞x  |͟o|  !
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: Nothing wrong with letting folks have a little fun. Our jobs are so serious, usually that I’m sure if you played along, it’d be a nice little break from the stress.
TT :: Can’t always stick to the official work-y stuff, after all. That’s how burnout happens.
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: I’m sure things will get more chaotic with interactions with the public though!
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the399project · 2 years
🌟 Moved from ask for @gadgeteergenius​ 🔧
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“Yeah, how about we keep that between us. Last thing I need is for a certain someone else hearing you say that.” Trina tries her best to hold in a hiss as Gary wraps up the gashes in her arm and hand. They’d run into a bit of trouble with what looked to be a brainwashed local. Some talk about a god and them disrespecting holy land. But the human knew better than that and paid the price big time for talking back and protecting her boss and dad.
“I’d go back there and tell ‘em a thing or two more if I could. I swear locals in other worlds can be so rude sometimes...”
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the399project · 2 years
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TT :: This feed here is to act as an outreach program, where folks from all kinds of backgrounds can ask questions and send things our way. TT :: Usually I’ll be answering them, as the head of Multiversal Affairs! But hey, you never know who could pay a visit!
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the399project · 2 years
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??? :: If you can see or hear this feed, lemme know! ??? :: We’ve never tried making a connection like this before.
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the399project · 2 years
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[ TT ] : Wait that’s new- When did a second blog show up?  [ TT ] : When did Richter’s timeline progress so far???
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