the399project · 2 years
@gadgeteergenius​ asked: "Trina!!" Guess whose dad-friend is rushing over for a hug! "It's great to see you around again. As useful as Multiverse data is, it's equally as exciting to actually get to see you around!"
“Hey, there he is!” Trina knew Gary would find where she’d landed and there’s no hesitation from the small human to fall to her knees and scoop her father figure up in a hug. “Hoh, lemme tell ya, next time I gotta go on a trip like that I’m gonna need a bigger notebook. I got so much for you guys.”
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There’s a small hum and affectionate and gentle nuzzle, her voice lowering to just above a whisper. “It’s good to see ya, Dad. I missed ya.”
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"An invitation came in the mail this morning.” Hacker sat in an armchair in the living room of his Mosslike home, gaze directed across the room to the penguin in a lab coat hovering over his terrarium. It had been several weeks since he’d met the avian inventor and they’d formed a curiosity, if not friendship towards one another.
At first Hacker, not realizing the breath of worlds out there, assumed he must have been from Cyberspace. He didn’t quite look like the residents of Penguia, but that hardly ruled the possibility out. But even learning he wasn’t from the borg’s homeworld, he still felt reaffirmed in his decision to wear a more human disguise in this new world he’d stubbled across. With the portals operating as they did, he felt it was only a matter of time before someone from Cyberspace showed up and ruined things for him. 
Of course the plotting of the downfall of his mortal enemy was still on his mind, but at least for the moment it had been put on the backburner. He found there was much to be gained from investing in this new world, even that which would benefit him once he chose to return. So for the time, he stayed put. 
“A soiree at the museum in Canyonlike. That’s were they plopped you down isn’t it?” He scratched his chin, looking thoughtful. “Ever been there?”
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
@gadgeteergenius​ Water way to go ! - - - - - - 
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❝ It’s going to take a lot more than a cooler to freeze that salt water , monsieur . I’m not sure the valley offers lower temperatures . ❞ Who knew penguins had a thing for the beach . For all she knew he was working on yet another experiment , but how can anyone tell when even Merlin isn’t sure what to make of him .  Some strange creatures floating around here . Very strange instead . 
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bonkersdbobcat · 2 years
~~NPC Meme [X]~~
  "Marilyn! Gosh, Marilyn- she's Lucky's daughter- she's super smart. 'Course a lot of kids are smarter than they're given credit for by their parents, doesn't take much time around them to figure that out. But she clues into peoples' and toons' e-mo-tional states real fast. And she's one of THE most talented artists I've ever met. I have signed pictures she drew of yours truly magentized to my fridge as keepsakes."
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friendsamongstars · 2 years
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“I’d have to ask, but probably. This body didn’t come with a manual. We also don’t go near anything with magnets. It’s mostly planets, prisons and the academy.”
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“I’m NOT testing that though. Small ones, probably fine. It would take a big one to really cause problems. I’d probably rendered broken and scrap metal...” The more he thought about that the more he clearly wasn’t comfortable considering it.
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gcldbound · 2 years
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@gadgeteergenius​ made a deposit ! ➣  "Apologies if it's a bother- I know you're quite a busy man -but you wouldn't happen to know if anyone has need for an inventor's talents? Or, if not, perhaps some tips on creating my own tech start-up?" He has a copy of his resume tucked away, on the off-chance it's needed here.  * unprompted / / ALWAYS ACCEPTING !
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♔      —      ❛      Let’s     see     .     .     .     ❜ He     hums     ,     tapping     his     pen     against     his     desk     in     thought. The     other     bird     seemed     like     an     eager     young     man     ,     no     doubt     full     of     talent.      ♔      —      ❛      Ah’ll     be     honest     wi’     you     ,     lad. Ah’m     nae     very     versed     en     th’     new     world      o’     tech. But     ah     do     know     someone     who     es.     Do     you     have     a     resume     ? Ah’ll     look     et     over     wi’     him     an’     we’ll     get     a     plan     started     fer     you. If     we     think     yer     good     enough     .     .     .    you     could     invent     fer     my     companies.     ❜  
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munseysmuses · 2 years
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Alright, that about finishes up the construction! Now, announcements.
-Gary’s blog has been moved to @gadgeteergenius​, same url and everything, he’s just a sideblog now instead of a main blog. Yall will have to refollow. -Introducing my new Mod FC; Snap from Chalkzone! This blue wonder used to be my mod fc a looong time ago, and since I still have the icons I figured ‘why not?’ -I will set this post to reblog itself a few times over the next few days, give everyone a chance to see it! -My pinned Navigation post has been edited, adding Gary’s new sideblog link. All threads on Gary *will* continue there, if they’re still active!
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[Image: A cave-themed banner that says, “Welcome to In Darkness Buried Deep!”]
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New moderator OCs:
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Comet Calloway, Surface Expedition Program Director || Written by Jackie || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @cometcalloway
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New characters:
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Batter (OC) from Splatoon 3 || Written by Lou || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @batteredandsmallfried
Dill (Setting OC) || Written by Teal || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @watchit-dillweed   
Gary the Gadget Guy from Club Penguin || Written by Mun || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @gadgeteergenius
Cody (OC) from classic DOOM || Written by Jackie || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @cody-short-for-cacodemon​  
Flor Manzanilla (Setting OC) || Written by Steph || Application: [xxx] || Blog: @aflorindarkness  
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Thank you for joining! 
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ghostlygeared · 2 years
Hello, and welcome to Orson’s blog! If you followed and saw @gadgeteergenius following back, that’s because this is a Sideblog to that one! Other than that, enjoy writing with my ghost boi!
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the399project · 2 years
🌟 Moved from ask for @gadgeteergenius​ 🔧
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“Yeah, how about we keep that between us. Last thing I need is for a certain someone else hearing you say that.” Trina tries her best to hold in a hiss as Gary wraps up the gashes in her arm and hand. They’d run into a bit of trouble with what looked to be a brainwashed local. Some talk about a god and them disrespecting holy land. But the human knew better than that and paid the price big time for talking back and protecting her boss and dad.
“I’d go back there and tell ‘em a thing or two more if I could. I swear locals in other worlds can be so rude sometimes...”
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@gadgeteergenius​ asked:
>Throwing you an IDBD Character question! What would you say has the most sentimental value to Hacker?
Thank you!
This is a tricky one because he’s left most of his sentimental stuff behind in his world. He’s not too bugged about it because it’s all inanimate objects locked in his ship. He has a lot of photo albums of times he did evil things, but was stylish doing it, a rubber duck collection themed around ancient roman figures and of course the ship itself, the Grim Wreaker. 
But without a question the item of the most value is his wig. You mess with that and you’ve signed your warranty, prepare to meet your maker!
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
“well, i guess that’s broken.” >Have a meme prompt! c:
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❝ No shit . Maybe we should've test ran it before flipping every switch at once . ❞
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bonkersdbobcat · 2 years
“First off, nothing is on fire. Yet.” >Hope you don't mind a meme from a new follower!
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  "Soooo that's not smoke I smell? Whew good thing too! I was almost concerned there for a second. Just remember if there is a fire to stop, drop, and roll! Or was that for if you're on fire...?"
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puzzlesandpuns · 7 years
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[GADGETEERGENIUS] posted a photo:
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bonkersdbobcat · 2 years
Gary's coming up to catch Bonkers' attention, a neatly-wrapped package in his flippers! "Bonkers, I'm glad I caught up to you! I finally finished putting together that pair of indestructible pants."
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  "Gary! You're a life-saver! Lucky's gonna be so surprised. Not to mention the money he'll save on wardrobe. I still think this would be a game changer for toon costume departments. Let me know if you ever want to dabble, I have connections."
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
💭 >...does it count if we haven't interacted yet? lol
❝ Penguin in a coat ? Penguin in a coat . That's a penguin . A blue . Penguin . ❞
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