Y'all. This scene was by far the least neurotypical interaction I have ever watched in my life.
-Rengoku doesn't make eye contact the entire conversation
-Tanjiro notices this, so he stops making eye contact too
-Rengoku being very straight forward and making commentary on everything
-Rengoku having zero volume control
-Tanjiro realizes that Rengoku is being loud, so he tries to match his energy by shouting too LMAOO
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If you sneeze twice in during a storm, disaster is near
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THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. It may save a life, It may save your life.)
An Article from Neena Susan Thomas
“Through a rapist’s eyes. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interview…ed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don’t have to worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn’t worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh – HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy’s parts it is extremely painful. You might think that you’ll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble, and he’s out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you…. chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won’t see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE RIDING A TAXI CAB) .
b. If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c. Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked “for help” into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it’s better safe than sorry.
If u have compassion reblog this post. ‘Helping hands are better than Praying Lips’ – give us your helping hand.
REBLOG THIS AND LET EVERY GIRL KNOW AT LEAST PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. So please reblog this….Your one reblog can Help to spread this information.
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Bird Symbolism
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So I was looking out my window and saw two birds and the idea of making a list of symbolism associated with types of birds came to mind. My mom always taught me if you see an animal -especially if they are doing something out of the ordinary- you should take it as an omen. So here’s a list of some basic birds, some of the associations are personal but I hope you like it!
Blue Jay-the truth will be revealed, high energy, playfulness, clarity and communication.
Cardinal-hope, joy, good health, some associate them with angels or deceased love ones, passion and warmth.
Crow-often associated with magic and witches, transformation, power, intelligence and mystery. 
Duck-friendships, new friends, happiness, good fortune and protect against negative energies “water off a ducks back” :)
Dove-peace, harmony, joy, love, might be telling you to break away from a toxic situation, think positive, often associated with Aphrodite or Jesus or Angels
Eagle-power, leadership, freedom, adventure, breaking free.
Hawk- common as spirit guides, courage, protection, and awareness. 
Hummingbird- I adore hummingbirds and often associate them with faeries. Creativity, joy, love and beauty. Can be a sign that you are moving too fast in life and need to take a break.
Magpie-Magpies represent duality because seeing them can be really good or really bad, I know it’s confusing :/ Seeing a magpie can be a good luck omen and new oppurtunities will appear. They also represent illusion and trickery, maybe someone is being a two-faced friend to you. 
Owl- wisdom, associated with the goddess Athena, intuition, spiritual exploration, change, observation and intelligence.
Raven- associated with the nordic god Odin, mystery, magic, fae magic, knowledge, mischieve, and can be seen as a death omen (but can also mean change) 
Robin- luck, prosperity, good things will happen, joy and your hard work will soon be rewarded. 
Sparrow- associated with Aphrodite, new love and relationships, fertility, team work, time of productivity and stop procrastinating.
Stork-long life, prosperity, fertility, new life, wisdom, take time to relax, motherhood and luck.
Swan- also associated with Aphrodite and Apollo, gracefulness, beauty, music, poetry, creativity, loyalty, and long lasting relationships.
Vulture-death, cleaning up other people’s messes, renewal, patient, use your resources and be perceptive.
Woodpecker- hard work, take advantage of new oppurtunities, attention, progress and determination.
Tip! If you are repeatedly seeing a certain animal or have a strong liking to an animal it could be a way a spirit guide is trying to get your attention (or that animal is just really common in your area lol )
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Something in my body feels wrong
Something in my body feels wrong
Something in my body feels wrong
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thinking about how the true horror of bloodborne isn’t the great ones and their power, nor the beasts that roam the streets, nor the bosses, malformed as they are, but humans themselves. humans in a quest for knowledge and greatness; humans losing sight of what it means to be human, to have compassion and tenderness for others as they prey on the weak and the sick and the friendless; humans who let their ambition blind them. they’re too busy looking ahead to what they want to be that they can’t see what they should be.
i think about the great ones, who are outright said to be sympathetic in spirit, to answer prayers, to yearn for surrogate children after they lose their own. i think about how all of them have answered the prayers of humans, and how the presence of a great one, no matter how kindly meant, leads to disaster in that human’s life. the formless oedon is unseen but everywhere; he is in his tomb, in his chapel; his runes are carved into the minds of multiple people; he “blesses” multiple women with a celestial child. oedon is a being that exists without physical form who repeatedly tries to take shape and connect through the human body, and that only leads to pain (or, in the case of runes, is totally unknown to the person).
i think about how mergo used its cries of terror to protect its mother when you fight queen yharnam in the chalice dungeon. i think about mergo’s wet nurse cradling the unseen child as she gracefully and carefully cuts you to ribbons, because the only way to protect something is to kill whatever tries to harm it. also, she’s a wet nurse–a caretaker, a nurturer. she looks after the infant great one in a way that mergo’s mother, a human, cannot.
i think about the moon presence and how tenderly she cradles the hunter in her hands before locking them in her embrace, and then binding them to the hunter’s dream. i think about how to her that’s probably the fairest of trades: the hunter is never sick, never hurt, never dies; the hunter never gets hungry or tired, never gets old. the hunter lives forever in her dream, and she gets to have her child, watching over them endlessly. i think about how it’s very likely she doesn’t understand how horrible this is, to live in a dream unending, because that’s where she is.
i think about how the kin of the cosmos–rom and ebrietas, and amygdala–are likewise not openly malicious. rom is an infant who throws tantrums to defend herself, and crawls away from you when you first attack her. ebrietas is collapsed at rom’s grave, mourning her, and only moves to defend herself when you hurt her fist. amygdala–all of them–are everywhere, watching and waiting, curious, seen only to those repeatedly exposed to the bizarre truths of yharnam. the only one who attacks you is the one in the nightmare–and that’s likely because you got too damn close to where she lives. the other amygdala simply grasp you in hand and transport you to the nightmare. they’re a means to an end. humans called, they answered–and now they’ll sit and wait.
i think about how this take on human nature–the dangers of ambition when it blinds people to traits like compassion and temperance–is likewise countered by the efforts of the hunter: helping eileen, setting gascoigne to rest; following the blind beggar’s request of saving as many people as they can; killing the imposter iosefka; following simon further into the nightmare, giving ludwig one last great battle before death, restoring laurence’s lost humanity to him; risking life and damnation to uncover the secrets of the church not just to find the truth, but to make that knowledge mean something. i think about how the hunter can ascend humanity to its next childhood by becoming a great one themselves, and how that turns all the horror and misery and cruelty of what the church and the choir and byrgenwerth tried to do into something that mattered. all those deaths weren’t for nothing, even if they can never be taken back.
also thinking about the doll’s blessing to you: “may you find your worth in the waking world.” thinkin about how that means the true value that the hunter should seek isn’t in unreality–the dream, the nightmare–but in reality, in life, in living it. i think about how she likely doesn’t know that there are hunters who no longer dream (djura, eileen), who are still bound to yharnam for their own reasons. their “worth in the waking world” are duties they feel bound to: djura protects old yharnam and the beasts there; eileen stalks yharnam looking to put blood-addled hunters to rest. their “worth” is in carving out some small measure of peace in reality because they no longer have the hunter’s dream to hide in.
thinking about how she kneels at the graves in the dream and prays for you–prays for you to be safe and freed from the dream. thinking about how she kneels at your ng+ grave and says that it’s a hunter she once knew, as if she recognizes that you are coming back on another journey to yharnam, as if you can’t escape it–yet she prays for you anyway.
thinking about how she picks up the hunter after they’ve transformed into a great one and laughs, likely because she’s amused that you went as far as you did only to end up small and helpless, like a child in her arms.
thinking about how she was kind enough to pick you up and keep you warm, anyway–and how that small act of kindness will probably make all the difference.
and then i think about how fuckin dopeass cool the clothes and music are
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Random Mating Headcanons
Like. I’ve wanted to write mating headcanons for a while but have never had a coherent throughline for them so here’s just the random stuff my brain can throw out there if you’re interested. 
Warnings: NSFW considering the topic
General Demonic Behavior
Yeah, I’m a pretty firm subscriber to the heat/rut cycles thing but I would say that the cycle is a pretty rare thing. They may start their heat once every century, but it’s powerful.
The brothers during their cycle act WAY differently than they do normally. As I see it, they’re demons and thus already more prone to act on impulse and instinct in general. All the civility they show is a practiced/learned skill more than it is how they’d act if they were going based on their demonic nature.
During their cycle, finding relief is pretty much the only thing on their mind and that will, naturally, lead to some pretty problematic actions if not properly mitigated… Isolation and hormone suppressants are the usual go-to but it still takes a lot of willpower on their end to endure it without a mate.
When they’re in mating mode, they’re pretty much feral. There won’t be anything else on their mind aside from making sure their mate is good and full, but it’s not like there’s no way to get through to them. They can snap back to their normal selves, but only for a short time before they lose it again… 
The distinction between when they’re normal vs. feral is best signaled by how much their pupils dilate. Contrary to human dilation, their pupils will shift into slits when in “mating mode”
Contrary to what you may expect, they don’t treat breeding sex like some all night marathon then hope for the best. Some demons specifically use this kind of sex to help corrupt humans so their habits have become quicker and more efficient than that (they may not have all night, people).
First off, during this time, and this time only, they will cum buckets. They may only climax once, but there is not hope that it won’t end up overflowing no matter where it goes.
Secondly, there’s a brief waiting period after they finish where they’ll watch their mate like a hawk. Typically, the mate isn’t allowed to move very much (if at all) and some will even tie them up in the best position to ensure things are getting where they need to go.
Every demon treats this waiting period differently. Some are more dominant and impatient with their mates while others are more calm and nurturing, but what they’re all waiting for is a change in their smell…
A demon’s sense of smell is so sensitive that they can pick up on a change in their mate’s pheromones the second their shot takes. Once they get that confirmation, they’ll be aggressively territorial of their mate until their cycle ends and they can come back to their senses. 
If it doesn’t take (or they’re mating someone who, for any reason, can’t/won’t get pregnant), then they’ll keep going until they get what they’re after or their cycle ends. They’re not exactly in the right mind to comprehend if it’s not going to work, so the goal remains the same regardless of any obvious complications. 
It doesn’t matter to them if their mate remains conscious or not throughout most of it - they will go well past the point of overstimulation or into the late hours of the night if that’s what it takes.
(So, before I’m asked, does all of this mean that I think that the brothers have had offspring before? Yes. Absolutely. My personal theory is that the Little D’s are actually their kids from mating with lesser demons, but that’s a discussion for another post). 
Keep reading
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ABO (A) Katsuki Bakugo x (O) Reader I’ll kill the Bastard!
Word count: 1531
Warnings: A little bullying. Someone might have tied up said bully. 
Title: ABO (A) Katsuki Bakugo x (O) Reader I’ll kill the Bastard! 
Summary: You had been sent a courting letter and accept only to be stood up. 
(Gif not mine) 
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💥-You had just walked into class and noticed something laying on your desk. All of the other Omega girls gathered around it whispering and giggling. Although Momo was an Alpha she still participated in the fun.
💥-When you got closer you noticed it was a letter that had your name handwritten on it. You quickly realized what it was and blushed. When an Omega wanted to court an Alpha they usually asked for them to scent something.
💥-It was a traditional way of starting the courting process but it was well used. 
💥-When an Alpha wanted to court an Omega they would hand-make something as a gift for the Omega and if the Omega accepted then they would accept their request at courting.
💥-This Alpha went the more modern route and sent a handwritten letter asking to go on a date. They would also scent it to make sure the Omega knew who was being asked by.
💥-So when you walked up to your desk and batted away the curious girls you sat down and stared at the golden letter. Your name is written in black ink. Your heart dropped a little already telling by the handwriting and scent alone that a ruby eyed boy didn’t send it.
💥-You tentatively lift the paper to your nose and took a whiff. Oranges and smoke flooded your nose. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell but it definitely caused you to pause a bit.
💥-If you remembered correctly it belonged to an Alpha you bumped into at the library a while back. He had come down the aisle without looking and nearly knocked you over.
💥-Once he apologized he quickly went back to his laughing group of friends. You couldn’t say you remembered much about his appearance but he seemed nice enough to accept his request.
💥-It had nothing to do with you finally realizing a certain spiky blond had no interest in you and wanted to try and move on from outrageous dream of courting him.
💥-You might have given up too easily and didn’t even attempt to ask him to scent something of your but that was because you saw how he rejected other Omegas.
💥-Loudly and bluntly.
💥-No way were you gonna be embarrassed like that. You wouldn’t be able to face him again. Let alone share the same class with him. So when you lifted up the letter and broke the seal it was solidified that you accepted his request.
💥-Unknown to you lost in your own thoughts a certain blond Alpha was growling in his seat as soon as you touched the letter and smelled it. He didn’t recognize the scent but he sure as hell wanted to find the bastard and blow him to hell.
💥-As soon as he walked into the room and spotted the golden scrap paper his Alpha was scratching at him to tear it up and toss it out the window. No one but him would know since he was the first one in the room.
💥-He stopped himself though. If his Omega wanted to court someone else then he would have to grudgingly accept it.
💥-He shoved a beaded bracelet into his backpack with a menacing growl. A few heads turned but none of them questioning him. They all knew the Alpha had his eyes set on the newly courted Omega.
💥-Someone was gonna end up dead for sure.
💥-You had worn your best clothes but also tried to keep it casual. Nothing too eye-catching but if someone wanted to eye you they wouldn’t be disappointed. The letter said to wait outside a ramen shop.  
💥-You had taken the liberty to arrive early so you made a good impression. Ten minutes had passed the set time the Alpha was supposed to arrive but you just figured he was running a bit late.
💥-After thirty minutes and no Alpha to be found you were left standing there with teary eyes and a wobbling lip. You were so excited to be asked out you didn’t even think it could have been some sort of harsh prank.
💥-You knew the lower classes were jealous they didn’t get into the top class but to be so envious the prank a hopeful Omega was cruel. You had half a mind to run to Mr. Aizawa and report their cruelty.
💥-You knew the Alpha might have acted a little indifferent when it came to his students but he wouldn’t hesitate to give harsh punishments to those who mistreat his students.
💥-Just as you were about to head back to your dorm room and spend the night eating sweets and crying in front of a TV you heard a harsh voice from in front of you.
💥-You had been looking down at your shoes to hide your heartbroken face so you didn’t notice someone come up to you. You recognized that brash voice anywhere though.
💥-“Oi! What are you doing out here when it is getting dark? Your stupid Alpha left already or what?” His gruff voice broke through your circle of sadness.
💥-Your watery eyes lifted up to meet his sharp ruby ones. As soon as he realized you were on the verge of crying he let out a small purr to ease you. A growl threatened to follow it but he pushed it down and focused on calming you down.
💥-“What’s wrong? Did he not offer you dessert or something?” He wasn’t really good with crying Omegas. He tried to lighten the mood with a small joke to see if he could get you to smile.
💥-Your tears cleared up but your lip was still wobbling a bit. “No. He didn’t even show up for me to even look through the dessert menu.”  You sniffled.
💥-You could have sworn you heard popping coming from somewhere but you ignored it. You focused on Bakugo’s purring to keep you from tearing up again. He had stiffened at your explanation.
💥-“I’ll kill that bastard! Well, it sucks for that asshole. He really missed out on seeing you all nice and dressed up.” He tried to take on a soft tone but it might have come out harsher than he wanted. He didn’t say the wrong thing and set you off.
💥-Your sadness was instantly replaced with happiness. Bakugo had complimented you! It was practically unheard of! Your own little purrs vibrated from your chest.
💥-“Thank you Bakugo! That made me feel a little better.” You smiled at him.
💥-“Of course I made you feel better! It’s what good Alpha’s do!” He didn’t know how to handle your purring so he did what he was good at. Answering you back in an overconfident tone.
💥-“Ya, you are a pretty good Alpha. I wish this one was a better one like you.” You sighed.
💥-“No one is better than me!” He boasted.
💥-You laughed and nodded along with him. “Well, I guess this day is over. I better start getting back to the dorms.” You made to leave.
💥-“Wait! Are you hungry? I was coming down here to get some spicy ramen. You could join me if you wanted.” He was suddenly bashful not looking you completely in the eye.
💥-He might not have sent a letter or offered you a handmade gift but the request was clear.
💥-“Yes! I would love to.” You chirped happily.
💥-“Good. I’ll even get you dessert.” He opened the door for you.
💥-He sure knew how to treat an Omega right.
💥-You had walked into class the next day with an orange and black beaded bracelet on your wrist. Bakugo had given it to you when you got back to the dorms last night.
💥-You wore it with pride and even showed it off to all the other girls the next day. Bakugo was nearly preening the whole day. Of course, you loved the bracelet that he made.
Extra bonus:
💥-“Why the fuck are these beads so small! It’s fucking pointless! Who the fuck can do this shit!” Bakugo sat on his bed trying to get a black bead through the clear thread.
💥-He was tempted to give up and get one of the girls with small hands to do it but then it wouldn’t be a courting gift. A courting gift has to be only made by the Alpha and no one else.
💥-So he suffered most of the night trying to get the beads to string together. He was a persistent Alpha. And a protective one. 
Extra extra bonus:
💥-Momo had helped to produce the handcuffs once she found out what had happened. As an Alpha herself she was disgusted at the one handcuffed to the fence.
💥-Her and Bakugo stood on the roof eyeing the restrained and pants-less Alpha. He wanted to do more but knew if he took it too far he would be expelled.
💥-Mr. Aizawa was walking outside of the building when he noticed someone tied to the roof fencing. He calmly kept walking and would wait a bit to report it. You had come to him last night about what happened and he could only guess who was dangling from the fence.
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"Why must you always distract me while I work. But I sure don't mind."
Don't come at me I haven't done an animatic in like 3 years (/-w-\')
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Saw one of these posted by one of my mutuals and was inspired to dig up all of them and put them in one post. Throwing the question out there for all my female followers, which one or ones do you feel best describe you? As for me I always seem to find myself with girls who are a mix of the "Soft cute" and " Anxious" Gf types lol
Every pictured credited to @faollan_art on Twitter and IG
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cattails (this is a cover) 
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NEED YOUR HELP GUYS! One of my friend’s buddies just wrote a suicide note on their blog.
The person is @/yeewiiie-melly and my friend wanted me and hopefully others make a note for them a day.
@shortnessangel @shikibutterfly @anonima-2 @captain-jinguji @persephones-star @carson-asmo-lover @ooh-what-is-this @just-a-stupid-sinner
I don’t want to do in situation like this, but please help us. Even if it’s just a mention to another, it’s better than letting this slide.
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NEED YOUR HELP GUYS! One of my friend’s buddies just wrote a suicide note on their blog.
The person is @/yeewiiie-melly and my friend wanted me and hopefully others make a note for them a day.
@shortnessangel @shikibutterfly @anonima-2 @captain-jinguji @persephones-star @carson-asmo-lover @ooh-what-is-this @just-a-stupid-sinner
I don’t want to do in situation like this, but please help us. Even if it’s just a mention to another, it’s better than letting this slide.
1K notes · View notes
NEED YOUR HELP GUYS! One of my friend’s buddies just wrote a suicide note on their blog.
The person is @/yeewiiie-melly and my friend wanted me and hopefully others make a note for them a day.
@shortnessangel @shikibutterfly @anonima-2 @captain-jinguji @persephones-star @carson-asmo-lover @ooh-what-is-this @just-a-stupid-sinner
I don’t want to do in situation like this, but please help us. Even if it’s just a mention to another, it’s better than letting this slide.
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