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VILLANELLE outfit appreciation + season 1
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I long for the kind of love
That puts you to sleep
that welcomes you to bed with its warm embrace
I yearn for the color of warmth
tint of reminiscences
fire’s glow against ash
light against dark
I yearn for places I’ve never been
for moments I’ve never had
for people I’ll never hold
maybe it’s from a Past Life
One where I knew profound
threading itself into my marrow
I am a symphony of past
sums of history before this time
“I know you”
You are summer song
You are lute and harp and fiddle
You are thousand year old heartache
You will yearn for a thousand more
I am but
heart beat
of yours.
-Lisa Cannough
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I am cold
in a room where you have stripped me bare
Under the guise of safety
But you didn’t realize, how insidious your own needs were.
You didn’t strip me to see me as I am.
You did it to clothe yourself.
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“We were designed to love.”
it drives me crazy how humans are just meant to hold each other. how come when you hold someone's hand, your fingers just perfectly lock with theirs? how is it that when you hug someone, your face fits just right in the crook of their neck? how can your hands cup someone's face like that's their only primary function? it cannot be coincidence that our bodies are fully capable of holding another... we were designed to love
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Some words to use when writing things:
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“Sappho’s Reply,” by Rita Mae Brown, from The Hand That Cradles the Rock (1971).
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How do I furnish a quiet tomorrow, my love, when the daybreak is so violent?
Just this, I suppose. As much of any of us get. The small tenderness of black on the feathers of crows.
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41 Emotions as Expressed through Body Language
Found Here x
41 Emotions as Expressed through Body Language unique  This list, while exhausting, is soooo not exhaustive; it barely scratches the surface. And each entry could easily become cliché (if it isn’t already). But, it should be enough to get you started. Want more? Start watching people (not in a creepy way), and take notes of what they seem to do when expressing different emotions. Your repertoire of expression will double in no time. PS—do not use these for actual, real-life body language reading; you will fail. These are strictly novelistic.
Awed  -Slack -jawed, raised eyebrows, staring  -Frozen, slack body language (Self? What self? There is only Zuul.)  -Take a step back and put a hand to his heart
Amused  -Smiling and throwing back her head laughing  -Slapping her thighs, stamping her feet, clapping her hands  -Shaking her head (That’s so wrong!)
Angry/Aggressive  -Sharp movements, like shaking a fist, pointing, slashing, or slamming a fist on a table  -Flushed face, patchy red blotches  -Tension in neck—chords standing out, veins throbbing—and jutting or tucked chin  -Arms akimbo, or clenching fists  -Entering someone else’s space and forcing them out  -Poofing up with a wide stance (I am big! Very big!), arms wide (Bring it!)  -Lowered eyebrows, squinting eyes  -Teeth bared, jaw clenched, snarling
Annoyed  -Pressing lips together into a thin line  -Narrowing eyes sometimes with slight head tilt (Why do you still exist?)  -Rolling eyes, often paired with a long-suffering sigh
Anxious  -Fidgeting, such as tearing grass into little pieces, playing with a ring, or chewing on a pencil  -Biting lower lip, swallowing unnecessarily  -Quickened breathing or holding breath  -Darting eyes  -Pallor, sweating, clammy palms  -Unusually high-pitched, “nervous” laughter  -Hunched shoulders  -Pacing
Attentive  -Slow head nodding with a furrowed brow  -Leaning forward, toward the speaker, and sitting up  -Taking notes  -Looking over the top of her glasses
Bored  -Resting his head on his palm, peeking out between the fingers, maybe even slipping so his head “accidentally” hits the table  -Tapping toes, twirling pencil, doodling, and otherwise fidgeting  -Staring out a window, or at anything remotely more interesting (Which is everything …)
Confident  -Arms clasped behind body  -Head lifted, chest out, standing tall  -Walking briskly and making firm, precise movements
Confused  -Tilting head with narrowed eyes  -A furrowed brow  -Shrugging
Contempt/Superiority  -Lifted chin (The better to look down the nose.)  -Pursed lips, sneering, slight frown  -Circling a shoulder, stretching her neck, turning away—anything to indicate she doesn’t see the person as a threat or worthy of her attention  -Grabbing her lapels, or tucking her thumbs in her waistcoat (See this clothing? It is much nicer than yours.)  -Dismissive hand-waving
Cynical/Sarcastic/Bitter  -Twisted lips or a half-smile  -Sneering, sometimes with shaking the head and other defensive body language  -Pressed lips with a slight frown  -Eye rolling
Defensive  -Crossed arms, legs, crossed anything, really (Well, maybe not fingers … or eyes …)  -Arms out, palms forward (Stop!)  -Placing anything (sword, shield, book, backpack) in front of her body
Disgusted  -Crinkling his nose  -Curling his lip and/or showing the tip of his tongue briefly  -Flinching back and interposing a shoulder or turning away  -Covering his nose, gagging, and squinting his eyes shut—hard—for a moment. (It assaults all the senses.)
Displeased  -A plastered-on fake smile (You suck; but I can’t tell you that. So here: a fake smile! Enjoy.)  -Pouting or frowning (I’ll cry if you don’t give me what I want—don’t test me, I will!)  -Crossed arms and other defensive/frustrated body language (I will not let that terrible idea influence me!)
Distressed  -Wide eyes and shallow, rapid breathing  -Beating the walls, or huddling into a corner  -Clasping hands over his head protectively  -Rocking himself  -Handwringing  -Running his hands through his hair
Earnest/Passionate  -Leaning forward, nodding, wide eyes with strong eye contact and raised eyebrows  -Hand on heart, or presented palms-up, or otherwise visible  -A double-handed handshake (I really want to make sure you understand me!)
Embarrassment  -Blushing  -Stammering  -Covering her face with her hands or bowing her head (I’m so embarrassed, I can’t look!)  -Difficulty maintaining eye contact, looking down and away
Excited/Anticipation  -Rubbing hands together (I can’t wait to get my hands on it!)  -Licking lips (It’s so close I can taste it!)  -A vigorous, pumping handshake (I can’t wait to get started!)  -Jumping up and down (Look at me being literal here! I am jumping for joy.)  -A wide and easy grin
Flirty  -Eye play, like winking, looking up through the lashes, over the shoulder glances, and eye catching   -Preening, like hair flipping or smooth, clothing straightening, spine straightening, etc.  -Striking a cowboy pose, with his thumbs gripping his belt tight
Frustrated  -Shaking his head (You are so wrong!)  -Massaging temples (My brain—it hurts.)  -Clasping his wrist in his opposite hand, behind his back (Bad arm! No biscuit.)  -Running his hands through his hair (All this frustration is making my hair mussy. I can feel it.)  -Grabbing onto something like armrests, or white-knuckled interdigitation (Restrain yourself!)
Happy  -Smiling and laughing  -Eyes and nose crinkling  -Swinging her arms, spinning loosely, dancing, jumping
Impatience  -Quick head nodding (Get on with it!)  -Toe/finger tapping (Hear this? These are seconds. Wasted. Listening to you.)  -Sighing, checking the clock/sundial/freckles (Time. It is moving so slowly.)
Jealous  -Tight lips, or a sour expression  -Narrow eyes locked on the perpetrator, to the point of a stare down  -Crossed arms, and additional frustrated, angry, possessive, or bitter body language
Lying  -Scratching their nose, ear, neck, miscellaneous part of face  -Sudden change in behavior or demeanor, including shifty eye contact, lots of long blinking, shrugging -Ill-timed smiles or laughter (This is how I normally smile, right? Right???)  -Additional anxiety body language  -Shaking head no while saying “yes” (I can’t believe I just lied.)  -Licking lips, covering mouth, touching mouth, etc.
Overwhelmed  -Both palms to forehead, fingers splayed (This gives me a headache.)  -Covering eyes with one hand (If I can’t see the world, it can’t see me …)  -Eyes wide and staring into space, hands gripping the table in front of her (… Woah.)
Playful/Friendly  -Winking  -Waggling eyebrows  -Tiny shoves or nudge
Pleasure  -Head tilted back, lips parted slightly, eyes wide or closed  -Slow, languorous movements, stretching (such as arching her neck or back)  -Slight flush, quickened breath and pulse
Possessive  -Handshake with arm clasp  -Putting hands on or around someone’s shoulders, neck, waist, back, or even just the wall near them  -Standing in someone’s personal space, body positioned toward that person  -Any one-sided act of intimacy, like running a knuckle down someone’s cheek  -Staring down any who get too close
Proud/Dominant  -Chin up, chest out, shoulders back  -A painfully hard handshake that not only squishes the bones, but also forces his hand on top  -Leaning back with his hands behind his head, and his feet up  -Strong, unblinking, focused eye contact
Reluctance/Resistance  -Arms crossed, sometimes with fists (Not happening.)  -Dragging feet (But I don’t wanna!)  -Pinching nose (You want me to do what now?)  -Clamping hands over ears (La la la la!)
Sad/Upset  -Droopy body (and anything held, like a sword), bowed in shoulders, wrapping arms around self  -Slow movements with hesitation  -Bottom lip jutting out and/or quivering  -Crying, sobbing, body shaking, sniffling, wet eyes
Secretive  -A tight-lipped smile (My lips are zipped.)  -Hiding her hands in her pockets (What has it got in its nasty little pocket?)  -Looking away
Scared  -Hunched shoulders, shrinking back from others (Don’t hurt me!)  -Wide eyes and lifted eyebrows (The better to see them coming.)  -Shaking, trembling, or freezing  -Rocking from side to side, sometimes holding self (It’ll all be okay, self, it’ll all be okay.)
Shame  -Slumped shoulders (Don’t look at me.)  -Trouble meeting your gaze, looking down and away  -Burying her face in her hands or bowing her head (I can’t face the world right now.)
Shocked  -Hands covering her mouth, or mouth hanging open, sometimes with a gasp (If I had words, I would be saying them.) -Freezing and staring with wide eyes and eyebrows raised (Diverting all resources toward staring.)  -Smacking a palm into his forehead (Clearly, my head isn’t working right, or I wouldn’t have seen that)
Shy  -Avoids eye contact, or has only fleeting eye contact (Eye contact means you might speak to me.)  -Keeps a fair distance from everyone, and will back away if someone steps closer (Space invaders!)  -Folded arms, head down, and other defensive body language (If I make myself small, they can’t see me.)
Smug  -Slight, close-lipped smile (occasionally one-sided) and sometimes one raised eyebrow (I know something you don’t know.)  -Chin slightly tucked, Mona Lisa smile, raised eyebrows (I know better.)  -Finger steepling (I am so smaaaht.)
Suspicious/Skeptical/Disbelief  -Narrowed eyes, sometimes with a sidelong glance or raised eyebrow (Perhaps if I look at it out of the corner of my eye, I will catch it unawares.)  -Rubbing his eyes (I can’t believe what I’m metaphorically or literally seeing!)  -Shaking his head (I—I don’t believe it.)  -Blowing out cheeks (Well , I don’t know …)
Tired  -Rubbing his eyes, eyes staring into space, raised eyebrows (Raising my eyebrows helps keep my eyes open.)  -Yawning and/or stretching (I am tired—see? Tired! Too tired to care!)  -Almost nodding off and jerking awake (Cannot. Stay. Awa—snnnnurzzzz.)  -Gritting teeth to stay awake (Cannot—yawn—dang it!)
Thoughtfulness/Thinking  -Steepling fingers (I will think better if I center myself and focus.)  -Pinching nose, sometimes with closed eyes (Focus, focus—I just need to focus.)  -Tugging on an ear (This will help me remember!)  -Stroking a real or imaginary beard (People with beards look smart.)  -Furrowed brow, narrowed eyes, sometimes tilted head and pressing lips together (I can’t see it—I will try harder!)  -Resting his chin on his hand (Thinking makes my head heavy.)
Triumphant  -Hands clenched and held above head while grimacing (She is invincible!)  -Head tilted back with a yell (She is fierce!)  -Arm pumping in the air, jumping (Woohoo!)
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Instagram: samxcamargo
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I am a child of this earth.
I am drawn towards windows
I grow where the light hits
I water myself daily
Having just been re-potted, I am adjusting
The Newness if this place does not frighten me—
only that my roots were cut short
and some of my leaves fell off
I stare at the trees and mountains wondering if one day I could be like them.
Tall. Immovable. Magnificent.
The journey to be like that requires courage (which I lack)
I worry that my roots will never settle, and I will never grow
I will be left, with no one to take care of me
And I will stop taking care of myself—
Stop reaching for the light
Stop watering myself
But I am a child of this earth.
I will reach for the light in my sleep
I will turn my thirst into fuel
Because those mountains and those big, tall trees didn’t give up.
And neither will I.
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Rain Season Has Arrived
I awoke to the sounds of rain on my window, to a dull gray and lifeless sky,
altogether quite dreary and miserable
and my wretched heart gave a cry
but my soul spoke gently and softly to me
Reminding me I had eyes that learned to see
That there was love and beauty in days like these:
Droplets of water caught under a railing
New life given to leafless trees that started ailing-
their wet bark shows richer colour
And without the sun in the sky
The silhouettes of the trees spiral high
with patterns like fireworks and waterfall cascades
All striking a pose against a backdrop of grey
A childhood with grandparents is one I never had
of warm socks and wool knits
but now, tomorrow, tonight are still new
as an artist, i paint my worldview
with colour and heart and laughter I’ve heard
with tight hugs, and strong hands, and loving gentle words
so the droopy trees and my cold knees are no match
for the roaring fire of my friends beside my heart
This little fall of rain is not the end but just the start.
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Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.
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Thoughts Are Power.
This is something I wrote a while back when I was feeling particularly overwhelmed. Let me know what you think! 
Shelly ran through the open forest, the amethyst clutched tightly in her palm. She passed by a combination of smells: roses and coffee, like her mother used to make. What a strange situation to be in!
Her mind raced, galloping as a horse does when it’s running, not towards something, but from something. Frantic thoughts motivated bone and sinew to work together; to move the flesh of her legs as quickly as possible, all she knew was that she couldn’t stop moving, couldn’t stop running, or she would be caught.
The storm in her head continued, picking up speed, moving quicker than her legs could take her. Her foot caught a branch and she fell hard on the forest floor. Head spinning, she looked up and realized she could no longer see the sky. In her haste, she had run the entire day and hadn’t even noticed it getting dark. Breathing hard, Shelly pushed herself up from the ground. The effort made her limbs shake, but her brain was still racing, still processing a hundred thousand thoughts per minute, and she saw visions of equations, sounds of passing voices, and yet couldn’t focus on a single one. She knew she had to keep going.
“Quiet.” A voice boomed. It was loud and clear and commanding. The storm in her mind receded, then launched itself again, with vigour at the front of her skull. She began to run again, not caring about the bruises forming on her palms or the taste of blood in her mouth.
“Quiet.” The voice came again. Shelly ignored it, and kept on running, running, running.
“My child, why do you run?” Shelly could hear the voice, but refused to answer. The storm was gaining, they would find her, they would—
“What fear moves you so? There is nothing behind you.”
Shelly turned to look behind her…
and saw only trees. The darkness was gone.
Her lungs were on fire, and she sucked in air like it was the most precious thing on earth. She stopped, and the exhaustion pulled her body down, buckling her knees.
“I-I-can’t. I can’t anymore.” she sobbed, tears falling down her muddy face. “It’s too much. Let them catch me.”
“Breathe, little one.” Shelly obeyed— the will in her had dwindled to a flicker.
“I am here.” the voice came in numerous sounds from around her— the trees, the earth, the sky (even though she couldn’t see it). And just like in a dream, a figure dressed in white approached her. She was the most beautiful and terrible woman that Shelly had ever seen, glowing with the purest white light one could imagine, and Shelly thought that if this was the last thing she saw before she died, she’d die with a beautiful sight.
“I am the mother goddess, of the earth and the stars, and everything here.” She moved closer to Shelly, and her expression softened into one of pity. “But child—” she said as she reached out to her, “Why?” Her hand rested softly on Shelly’s cheek and she was surprised to find that the goddess’ hand was warm and gentle-- she had half expected to be electrocuted. It drew the fear out of her mind like an archer draws back a bowstring, pulling the dark thought that had pervaded in her mind for so long.
The goddess held this dark thing in her hands and it swirled and cracked, like a lightening storm. Angrily it whirled, looking for something to destroy. She looked at Shelly, who stared in horror at the thing that had been pulled out of her head. “One so small should not have to bear something so dark.” She passed her hand over it and threw the mass into the air, shouting a word that Shelly did not understand. The mass writhed once, and then exploded into a million pieces, sparkling against the backdrop of the sky. The sky! She could see the sky again. Shelly’s heart soared, and for the first time in months, felt the fear drain from her body.  
“Thank you.”
The goddess smiled at her. “My dear, you are a powerful creator. That was a very powerful dark thought.” She paused, and focused her gaze on Shelly. “You must learn how to control your thoughts, little one, for you are destined for great things, and your mind— your mind will be the reason you achieve your destiny, or it will be the very thing that destroys you.” Shelly dropped her eyes, ashamed. She felt the goddess’ hand under her chin, tilting her head upwards. “Your thoughts are a powerful thing. Use them wisely, and listen to your heart. It will guide you when all seems lost.” The goddess reached out and took Shelly’s amethyst into her own hands, chanting again, in a language filled with sounds she couldn’t recognize. When she finished, the amethyst was encased in a larger stone with a chain. The goddess placed it around Shelly’s neck— a token.
“I have a feeling we will meet again, young one.” the goddess said, as she left. “And don’t forget, thoughts are power. Think good ones.”
And with that, she was gone.
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It is a dangerous and fateful presumption besides, the absurd temerity that it implies, to distain what we do not comprehend.
Michel de Montaigne
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I got out of my own way. I stopped doubting myself, and the universe winked at me when I did that, so to speak.
Jason Silva (via samxcamargo)
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She felt full, complete, as if the whole landscape were seeping into her soul. He began stroking her hair. And she was sure that, if she took a risk, she would experience love as never before.
Paulo Coelho (via samxcamargo)
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You have taken me roads away from home--
I was born with you and will die with you too,
with miles to celebrate the weathered skin that covers you
and tough heels for each challenge we’ve passed together.
Some (my mother) will say that you are too rough
too abrasive
but I Know
you are tough because you are strong
you are my pillars on which i stand
my roots in the Earth
the source of me, the stem of me, and you have carried me here.
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