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Winston McCall of Parkway Drive Virginia Beach, VA July 23rd, 2014 www.joelpilotte.com
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Learn to rely on yourself, everything is so much easier. Sure having a person or friends to carry you through each day is lovely but no one can help you more, then yourself. Everyone gets so caught up in there life’s that they miss so many little things going on around them. Don’t latch on to people because you feel like you need someone protecting you, don’t do things you wouldn’t normally do just to try and impress people, it doesn’t help anyone. 
I used to be nice to everyone and never try to make anyone upset by pretending that i like everyone, but i’ve realised that’s not the type of person i want to be anymore. In no means am i saying be rude to people or create unnecessary problems, when you can, avoid controversy at all costs but sometimes you need to stand up for yourself and take a stand. I’ve looked back on the past and realised that its no good saying/doing things you wouldn’t normally do just to try and get along with that person or group of people, because in the end it will catch up with you. 
You can’t put on a show and be a different person forever. You may not even realise your being different for that person, but just be true to yourself and if its not your first instinct then don’t do it because it will show in the end and then it will just end up in a mess. 
There are people out there that you will get along with so well or that one person that will be perfect for you, but until you find that person or people. Just be patient and true and enjoy the time you have with your life right now. Don’t go chasing that one person because you feel insecure or un wanted etc. There obviously not right for you at the time and your not right for them, only go after people if it comes naturally and it almost feels seamless, there are people that i know and even myself in the past, that try so hard to be someone who there not and change there whole life around for that one person just because you have lust for them, you need to take a step back and really think if it is love that your feeling or lust, because even though it seems the same from the outside it is so different. 
People say certain times in peoples lives are better due to age, but i think it doesn’t matter what age you are, you can make every moment in your life span a good moment, it just depends if you want to take advantage of every situation and live life to the fullest or live for other people and not live the way you would ideally want to live. Everyone’s strong enough to carry themselves they just don’t know it yet. People need to step back for a bit and take some time to find them selves because then you will see and learn who you really are and who you really want to be. 
Learn to live by yourself before you learn to rely on others, the changes in your life will surprise you.
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by Alexander Gogolin
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Deconstruction of an arm
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not sure why everyone takes things so seriously, people are trying to have beef and im sitting here not even understanding what the beef is about 
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social media ruins my life
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I Don’t own the photo just the edit! 
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This is simply stunning right here. What do you say? | Photo by: @itsgoco #stancenation
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