Are you open to new rp partners?
((Generally! I’m often flitting between here and a couple of my other accounts, so I’m not the most active. Feel free to send me a meme or something. Otherwise we can plot something out, if you like. =] ))
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((I’m here, I swear. Just got a looooot of homework to catch up on.))
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In memory of Chrom.
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   What’s the worst, he says. Taking a deep breath, Myreid nods, just wanting to get it over with.
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“That’s just a fancy way of sayin’ you’re scared. Relax, what’s the worst that could happen?”
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   Wow. Way to go, Myreid. What a great idea this was. Challenge the super intimidating, club-wielding - ... Oni? Was that the word? She was still learning so much about Hoshido. In retrospect, perhaps a duel wasn’t the best idea, but Myrie figured that this girl seemed to be the sort to respect power and if, by some miracle, the tactician would manage to succeed, or at least hold her own, maybe their journeying would go a tad smoother.
   The charge was to be expected. Rinkah didn’t strike Myreid as a particularly tactical fighter. The fire however, was somewhat unexpected. And if she didn’t get out of the way soon, Rinkah would be striking her in a very real sense. The question was, sword or spells?
   Stepping out of the way of a fireball barreling her way towards you wasn’t too difficult, if one timed it juuust right. You could also run the risk of singeing your cloak, like Myreid just did. “Ah, shoot”
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“Good. I don’t want you to go easy on me. There wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise.” Rinkah remarks, casually walking in a small circle as she faces off with the woman before her, club slung lazily over her shoulder. She looked formidable, she’d give her that, but she had faced far weaker foes who had given that false sense of strength. But she knew she was different, a challenge. Corrin would not be too happy that she was about to duel with a complete stranger, neither Horoshido nor Nohr, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to let anyone get anywhere near camp.
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“I hope you’re ready to lose, because I’m going to burn you to cinders!” Rinkah cries out, bringing her club into a firm grip as she rushes forward, yelling as she leaps into the air a swings, flames following the path of her steel.
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   There’s no point to it, really. He knows that it’s not what Mikoto would want, Myrie is sure of it. And telling him would serve little purpose, other than to further enrage him. He looks away. She doesn’t ask, knows better than that. She waits for him to collect himself. Patience seems to be key with the young prince, she wonders how much he is shown on a day to day basis.
   Get what’s coming to him he says, when he finally speaks. She wonders if Chrom felt liberated of the guilt once he’d slain the man who had been responsible for Emmeryn’s death. She wonders if he wakes up at night, now plagued by both ghosts, or if they’d just... left him alone. Myreid knows that she still dreams of the Exalt, bathing in sunlight as she falls through never-ending clouds towards an inevitable doom that, even in her dreams, Myrie cannot fathom to recreate. Avenging her death did little to alleviate the crushing weight of her own failure to rescue the beloved sister and rule of Ylisse.
   Would Takumi be any different? 
   “Of that, my lord,” she begins, lifting her eyes to meet the back of his head, “I am certain.”
     Words are spoken  like aimless daggers; thrown & strewn about with reckless abandon.      Yet, she doesn’t argue your point. She doesn’t suggest you calm down, or that you’re letting      your emotions get out of hand. It’s like she understands your stance ─ that you’re at a loss,      and that you’re angry, and hurt and… Myreid does nothing, if only offer few words to neither      negate how you feel nor fuel the desire for retribution. It does little to quell the ache, and does      little to shelter one from the brewing storm o’er the horizon ─ yet it does not beg it to draw      nearer any sooner.
          ❝ … That doesn’t justify it. It ─                        It doesn’t justify her death any more.              Mother shouldn’t of been the one to die. 
                             It  just doesn’t ─ ❞
     YOUR VOICE  catches; it’s stopped by the constriction of your throat ─ by the hitch of      your chest & the tremble which shakes shoulders oft set firm like a wall. Your chest heaves      the weight of the world, breath is exhumed with the shudder that runs down your spine. Corners      of amber eyes prickle & burn; tears beg to fall, and yet you refuse to allow them that mercy.      Arms are folded & crossed tightly o’er your chest, and you veer your head away from the      Ylissean tactician ─ elsewhere, (anywhere ─ you’ll not allow yourself fall vulnerable around      another so easily) save for onto her. Silence greets you like an old friend, and you welcome it      like a departed lover; your resolve & ability to finish your sentence had long since evaporated.
     And then, you find the strength to speak once more. And, upon a hushed voice ─ a voice      so weak, a voice (bound to break, e’er fragile & e’er ready to succumb to one’s grief) which      struggles to keep an even tone ─ you finally  SPEAK;
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          ❝ … He’s going to get what’s coming to him, Myreid.             I’ll do anything to see that he does. 
                      For mother, and for Hoshido…                                         I’ll make sure Corrin pays. ❞
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   The “mother” thing still got her on occasion. It seemed like it had only been a few days since she first held the beautiful wonder that was her daughter in her arms (after the nice and half hours of HELL that had brought her into the world) but lo, here she stood, a fully realized fantasy. Strong, capable, lovely, intelligent. How did you get so lucky, Myreid?
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   Her words were troubling. In truth, Myrie had thought hard on this subject. If Lucina had no way to return to her own time, if it even existed anymore, what was she to do? There was no way to describe to anyone who was not involved how Lucina came to be listed in the family ledger twice.
   Moving towards a chair, she sat, motioning for her daughter to do the same. This might get uncomfortable...
“Robi-… Mother? Do you have a moment? I need to.. discuss something with you.”
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White knuckles holding firm to the handle of Falchion as her head peaked in to the room she had last been told her mother was in, the princesses face found itself forming in to the almost frown that she obtained whenever she turned serious. It’d only been several weeks from the war she had dedicated herself to stopping’s end, and yet the peace that had seem to fall over every other member of the shepherds had all but evaded her. Eyes widening slightly at the actual sight of the tactician , she took no time to launch in to the continuation of her speech before her mother could object.
“I didn’t know how to approach father on the topic.. and you seemed like the natural best candidate for it next to him. It’s been.. a month? Since the war’s ended, and yet I can’t even begin to figure out what to do with myself. Do you really think there’s a place for a foreign princess in this time mother?”
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   “I’m not scared!!” She said, perhaps a little too quickly. “I’m... trepidatious, that’s all.”
“…Mr. Cloud? That don’t sound right at all. It’ll be fine, don’t tell me you’re scared.”
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Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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   “Geez, you old folks get so touchy.”
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『♜』–– ❝ Am I laughing right now? ❞ 
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   “Depends, is it working?”
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『♜』–– ❝ Are you trying to be funny? ❞ 
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   “Fourteen!? My goodness but you’re old!” She’s teasing. Of course she’s teasing.
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『♜』–– ❝ I-I have no idea when these things have been released… I didn’t read books about them! Also, my game is 14 years old, it’s normal for people to forget. And it’s been a hit in Japan, so the fans over there are more inclined to remember it! ❞ 
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you’ve {always} had me…
…what i mean is {kind of} different
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   ((Officially also using Erza as fc. Holla.))
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   “Good gods, is this a national pastime or what!?” Myrie grabbed a robe and threw it on, her mind now frantically (against her better judgement) trying t figure out why he’d be waiting for someone in here. He honestly didn’t look the peeping sort, not that they ever really did.
   Her eyes narrowed in his direction. “And what makes you think they’ll show? This someone else? And why do you think I’ll just let you peep on them!?” Myreid kept her voice low, so as not to arouse suspicion from the rooms around them.
   How long had that hole been there, anyway?
@theamnesiactactician wanted some Dick: 
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❝ I know what you’re thinking but I am NOT a peeping Tom…well right now technically I am, but not at you, I’m WATCHING for someone else so if you excuse me…I’m going to go keep looking through this hole in the wall…mum’s the word ❞
Nailed it.
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“what do you mean you’re fine? You are not fine!”
Hurt meme
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   “What are you talking about?” Ignore it, Myrie, ignore it. You’re almost there. “I’m perfectly...” That was only a little stumble, it wasn’t like she was suddenly feeling dizzy or anything. She paused, trying to get her eyes to focus, but to no avail. “Ah, yes, well. Perhaps a slight miscalculation. That suddenly... kind of hurts.” There was a sudden rushing sensation and then the next three or so seconds were a bit of a blur.
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