theartofdyingrp · 4 years
The following roles have been reopened:
Adrian Solano
Phoebe Marques
Due to personal reasons, I’ve decided to drop two of my roles and reopen them for applications. I don’t want to hold up plots or character development and with everything going on in my life at the moment, I don’t think I can do all three of my characters justice at the moment.
I do apologize to our members who currently have threads going with these two characters. I just don’t want to hoard these roles for myself further, when there’s the potential for them to be taken up by players with more time on their hands.
Thanks for understanding!
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
Who is more wanted, Reid or Delaney?
Tough question! Both bring different attitudes to the table...hm. Personally, I’d say Reid! Having a member of the Navarro Security team would be an asset!
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
do you have any new characters coming?
Yes! I have two characters in my drafts, waiting to be written. Kennedy Coppola (Nico Tortorella FC) and Shoshana Chaikin (Zoe Kravitz FC) will be coming soon! Kennedy is a Navarro loyalist, they’ll be a DJ at Diablo; Shoshana will be a Ross loyalist, specifically a thief and forger.
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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Welcome, C! You’ve been accepted as Henry Solano, with Jamie Dornan as his FC. I may be biased, but I’m certainly excited to see your portrayal of Henry on the dash! This app really captured the complexities of his character.
Please send in your account to the main within 24 hours and be sure to read our New Member Welcome Page.
C, She/Her
A C T I V I T Y  L E V E L
A N Y T H I N G  E L S E
D E S I R E D  R O L E
Henry Solano
W H O  A R E  T H E Y  T O  Y O U
Henry would be the complex, anti-thesis of what one might consider a second-in-command/underboss. Although naturally predisposed to violence, vengeance, and evening scores (as is anyone truly worth of belonging to the Solano clan), his experiences have colored his persona greatly. The injury he sustained has forced him to think of power and fear in a new light. Without the physical prowess he once boasted, he’s had to change the way he comes onto his enemies and leverage his position. Even if he is no longer the fastest or strongest, Henry spent decades studying the Solano’s systems and the art of getting what one wants. With that in mind, he now acts as the ‘coach’ of the Solano’s muscle. Where he lacks physical strength, he more than makes up for in ruthlessness and precision. Adrian is the ‘head’ of the organization, but Henry? He is the hand that acts on his will. Never the less, his injury and the loss of the Solano patriarch are still matters that play into his psyche, and the source of his growing bloodlust as of late.
Raindrops splattered on the windowsill, as the dark clouds loomed over the sun-soaked city of Los Angeles. Fitting, Henry thought, as he pulled himself into an upright position. Days following his operation, and the City of Angels saw nothing but pitiful rain. Henry Solano was hardly the metaphorical or suspicious sort, but even he could not help but notice the irony. It seemed the weather added wonderful, grey context to his current predicament. Slowly, he places his dominant leg on the floor, grunting as he settled the weight upon it. Stubbornly, he attempted to push forward. Just a few steps, Henry reasoned. Nothing that a young man, at the pinnacle of health, could not accomplish. But the searing pain follows, his dominant leg quaking at the pressure. With a reluctant huff, he drops back to the edge of his bed.
The road to recovery, as Lissa explained it, would be a slow and arduous one. But even in the best of cases, the damage was done. The once-ferocious and quick Henry Solano, would forever be reduced to the defect of his left foot. It was a reality that, for all of his determination, seemed unlikely to change. No matter the second, third, or fourth opinion. No matter the will and sheer work he put in. The case was, and would be, closed. And for a man like Henry, who lived and died by the pulse of his heart and the adrenaline of his work, it was a devastating result. He kissed his teeth, refusing to even cast a glance at the crutches the nurse had set by his bedside. Until physiotherapy, it was intended to be his main source of movement.
Yet the proud, lion of a man would choose to remain in bed (where he had been for over a week) than reach for it. Even in the haze of disappointment, rage, and a need to enact vengeance – he knew there was no point in resisting change. Life and its trickery endured no weakness, or resistance to the changing tide. But it didn’t mean he had to succumb to the crutches, a personification of his failure as both Solano and collector. His steely, blue eyes break from the rain-splattered window. The timid knock on the door, followed by his grunt of acknowledgement, presented a young nurse carrying a wooden box. The dark wood was embellished with an understated, green ribbon.
“Just put it there.” He gestures to the foot of the bed. Henry waits until she’s made herself scarce, before tugging at the white envelope tucked into the ribbon. The Solano seal, imprinted on an emblem behind it. His finger reaches for the seal, pushing it open until his father’s handwriting is clear. In heavy-handed, black ink, it said;
“We all have a choice to make, son. We either adapt, or we perish. But you lived, and therefore, you will adapt. The best in you, Henry, is still yet to come. - Father”
As his hands unclasp the gold plate, he opens the wooden box to reveal a lion-head cane. Silver in design, with a dark wood end. His hands grip the lion head, until he feels it move with the twist of his hand. As he pulls it backwards, a sharp blade reveals itself. A hot tear resists falling down his cheek, as he marvels at the craftsmanship and lethal nature of it all. With a low chuckle, he seals it shut, and pushes it against the floor. Henry Solano did not perish, and therefore, he would adapt.
He comes to his feet, grip tight on the lion’s head, as a smirk settles into place.
One foot forward, and no looking back.
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
Are there acceptance days?
I don’t have set days, I typically play it by ear! However, with that said, I will be going through applications in a few hours tonight! After that, I’ll probably wait until we receive more applications to set the next acceptance date.
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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+ 1 for Henry Solano
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
you've been listening to evermore havent you?
Ahaha, I guess Este’s bio gave that away, didn’t it?
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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      E S T E  S A L A Z A R  -
age: twenty-four years old occupation: escort  affiliation: solano faceclaim: anya taylor-joy availability: open
Este Salazar’s up-bringing was terribly normal. Disastrously so. Her parents worked their 9-5 office jobs, perfectly content to stay average; even as a child, Este craved more. She wanted adventure and excitement, riches beyond imagination, a life worth living and remembering. Este slowly developed a resentment towards her parents for settling for a life so mundane, therefore instilling the same mundane life on their daughter. Image was also very important to a young Este, always wanting to portray the best version of herself possible. Her parents supported their daughter, but Este was sure to get as far away from their grasp as soon as she could. 
Eighteen and a high school graduate, Este packed up her life in Wisconsin for New York City. She had every intention of attending NYU, but her summer alone in the city made the girl put her academics on hold for the spotlight. Loud parties and networking with strangers in the entertainment industry, Este said screw her education. She didn’t need to waste her time in classrooms just because people said that was how one got ahead in life. Este just wanted fun. 
It was easy for her to coax and tease rich old men to shower her with wealth and gifts. Her parents told her that her lifestyle wasn’t sustainable. She needed to get a real job, not just manipulate others to pay for her rent. Este disagreed. Eventually, one of her sugar daddies decided to kick their relationship up a notch. He wanted a trophy wife to wear on his arm and Este knew she’d make the perfect accessory. 
Barely twenty years old at the time, Este signed her life away to this man who gave her everything she wanted. Trips around the world and riches beyond imagination was just the tip of the iceberg. However, their relationship ran its course and in less than a year, Este’s husband was found dead. 
No one can prove it, but all signs point to Este as the sinister culprit in the man’s demise. With no evidence against her, Este walked free with all of her husband’s assets and wealth transferred to her name. Though, she couldn’t mingle in her social circle anymore without being topic of every conversation. I think she did it. Didn’t you know he was going to leave her? She’s psycho. Of course, she did kill her husband but she didn’t want to constantly hear the theories others had. She didn’t want to relieve the event day-in, day out. She wanted to put the man to rest for good, not that she felt particularly guilty. So, she packed up and moved cross-country, wanting a clean slate. 
Los Angeles was a town of glitz and glamour; Este fit in perfectly from the moment she arrived. Surrounded by equally opportunistic people, Este was quick to make friends. No one knew her history and she could be whomever she wanted to be. Escorting just made sense; it was a way to get in front of powerful men she could manipulate and use, the way they wanted to use her. 
Il Salone became her life and the Solanos became her family. Este spent her life looking out for herself and she still did the same now, but she had people who supported her, no matter how sinister her intentions may be. They understood her desire and cut-throat nature. They encouraged it. Nurtured it. When she stabbed clients for crossing a line, the applauded her and helped clean up the mess. Este was living the life she always wanted, feeling power course through her veins. Though, nothing gold could stay. Luis died, his brother got arrested and his son was fucking his mother’s assistant; the family was crumbling. Maybe it was time for her to get out and find something more stable. After all, Este always had to look out for number one.
   C O N N E C T I O N S   -
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
would victoria pedretti work for zelda?
Oh, yes. I think Victoria Pedretti would make an excellent alt for Zelda!
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
Our most wanted characters include (but definitely not limited to) Isaac and Lydia Ross, Amelia and Henry Solano, Zelda Quinn, Elijah De Luca and Cruz Navarro!
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
would you accept priscilla quintana or otmara marrero as alts for phoebe? (i think priscilla has confirmed via her twitter that she is latina)
Hi, sorry, but Phoebe is actually a taken role, not open for applications.
xx. Admin Merlyn
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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       J A M E S  M O L I N A  -
age: forty-five years old occupation: prosecutor, mayoral candidate  affiliation: unaffiliated faceclaim: pedro pascal availability: open
James Molina was born with a hunger in his soul. Much like his parents before him, he always sought out bigger and better things, even from a young age. His parents instilled a strong work ethic in their son and their lower middle class neighborhood served as James’ motivation. Though, he didn’t want to escape his circumstances; he wanted to work to improve them. When James was ten years old he started a fundraiser to aid the homeless population in his area, which slowly grew over time into the Molina Foundation by the time he reached high school. Smart and well informed, James was frustrated by politics and the corrupt nature of business. 
James involved himself heavily in after-school activities, including student government, in order to build a strong resume for college applications. He set goals and developed a road map to get there. High school was just the starting point; an Ivy League Education would follow, then law school coupled with a prestigious internship with a District Attorney. He’d become a prosecutor, putting the most dangerous criminals behind bars all to build up good will with the public. Law would be his path to political office. 
On that path, James met Jess. He’d had girlfriends before, but he knew the moment he heard her speak that they were meant to be together. James loved her and she loved him. Jess was his biggest supporter in life and encouraged him to be better each day. Of course he married her. Of course he wanted a family with her. Though, life couldn’t be that easy. Despite their efforts, Jess couldn’t get pregnant. While James’ law career thrived, the couple felt there was something missing in their lives. A child. So, they decided to foster someone in need. Thus, Monica came into their home. 
For the next few years, everything seemed perfect. James worked to clean up the street while building a public profile and support from Los Angeles residents. Soon enough, he’d announce his political ambitions with his wife and foster daughter at his side. Jess even got pregnant. It was a miracle. Everything was falling into place. 
Too good to be true. Something had to give.
Jess’ untimely death set James on a path of revenge. The driver that killed her was stoned, no doubt thanks to the product supplied by the various gangs that littered the streets. Since, James made it his mission to punish organized crime heavily, destroy the corruption that would ruin Los Angeles. Three years he fought, putting low level thugs behind bars. James knew, however, he’d need more than just the law backing him if he really wanted to make a difference. While he wanted Jessica by his side when he announced his political campaign, that wish wouldn’t come to fruition. Still, he had Monica and wouldn’t let her down. 
To the general public, James was running for mayor on a clear platform: he wanted to take care of crime. Behind closed doors, however, he knew people in power wouldn’t let someone so straight-laced in without a fight. So, James had a plan up his sleeve. He’d make deals with the devil to get him into office. Solano, Ross and Navarro had influence James needed, even if he wanted to destroy them. He’d use and abuse the crime syndicates to get ahead, all to betray the families in the end. 
    C O N N E C T I O N S   -
monica doe: foster daughter
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
The following roles have been reopened:
Nicholas Harper (Dropped by Player)
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
are you still accepting tonight if we get in a last minute app?
Sure! I don’t see why not!
xx. Admin Merlyn
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