theawkwardbrand · 4 months
Hiatus. Life getting in the way, and zero momentum. 😕
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theawkwardbrand · 5 months
No results after a paid promotional thing through fivvr . It was just a series of posts using hashtags but didn’t target anything, meaning no paid boosting. The few posts that I did boost did not result in anything either. Maybe a couple of followers. 
Have not really put any time into it for the last few weeks because of other things going on.
May just switch to Etsy reduced expenses. Will need to tweak the product image so you can read what it says otherwise it’s just a T-shirt with rather small type.
But for now have other priorities and less motivation due to lack of any progress.
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theawkwardbrand · 7 months
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One of two sample shirts I got. Did not realize they would have so much synthetic material. The other was 100% cotton is pretty nice. This shirt shows the final type face for the brand. The other one was in bold and threw off the lines.
Removed the shirts with a lot of synthetic fabric from Spotify not Instagram yet though
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theawkwardbrand · 7 months
First week
The website is now up and running with a handful of designs on Shopify. Fulfillment is through Printful. I have connected with Instagram, with its own shop to sell products directly. Using the Meta Business Suite, and have run a test ad on Instagram. There is a Google account with email and phone, and analytics. Also set up accounts on here, Tiktok, Reddit, YouTube, X and Threads. Not a Tiktok user, but figuring out how to post. Not sure what to do with Reddit, Youtube or X.
Did change to The Awkward Brand as the name and website address. It initially was The Awkward Shoppe and awkwardis.com, and had to go back and make the change in the accounts.
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theawkwardbrand · 7 months
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