thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
“What it all amounted to, oddly enough, was that in his finally so simplified world this garden of death gave him the few square feet of earth on which he could still most live”
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
“She was dying and he would lose her; she was dying and his life would end.”
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
“… and if the fog is brown outside the fire is red within. I like the quiet of this season; the glowing chimney-corner, in the midst of the December mirk, makes me think, as I sit by it, of all sorts of things.”
– Henry James, The Path of Duty
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
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“Spring drew on…and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.” — Charlotte Brontë
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
Her mouth, however, is her strong point. It is very large, and contains the finest row of teeth in all this weary world. Her smile is eminently intelligent.
Henry James, A Landscape Painter (via a-quiet-green-agreement)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
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 A mix of vintage hardcover books Henry James, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Camus, Aristophanes
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
Do not mind anything anyone tells you about anyone else. Judge everyone and everything yourself.
Henry James (via quotemadness)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
Henry James (via goodreadss)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
It has made me better, loving you.
Henry James (via quotemadness)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
I’ve always been interested in people, but I’ve never liked them.
Henry James (via quotemadness)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
She feels in italics and thinks in capitals.
Henry James (via germmagazine)
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
You were to suffer your fate. That was not necessarily to know it.
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
whose face, a reminder, yet not quite a remembrance
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
The escape would have been to love her; then, then he would have lived.
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
When the possibilities themselves had accordingly turned stale, when the secret of the gods had grown faint, had perhaps even quite evaporated, that, and that only, was failure. It wouldn’t have been failure to be bankrupt, dishonoured, pilloried, hanged; it was failure not to be anything.
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
It had become suddenly, from her movement and attitude, beautiful and vivid to him that she had something more to give him; her wasted face delicately shone with it—it glittered almost as with the white lustre of silver in her expression.
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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thebeastinthejungle · 7 years
So while they grew older together she did watch with him, and so she let this association give shape and colour to her own existence.
Henry James, The Beast in the Jungle
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