raincheckdaisy · 7 months
be soft because your softness is someone's safe place.
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raincheckdaisy · 7 months
On of the less intuitive things about love, I've found, of any kind, is the importance of needing things.
I didn't realize it until recently, but I've always seen love as something requiring sacrifice, selflessness, patience, and generosity- to ask for nothing is to be the best person I can be, small and quiet and never in the way, always happy and helpful, self-sufficient and present when desired.
It's only as an adult, now, that I'm beginning to see the selfishness of wanting nothing.
I cut my friend's hair in my kitchen the other day. They wanted a trim and I had the skills, so I offered, and was genuinely excited when they stopped hesitating over "bothering me" and took me up on it. It was a peaceful afternoon, and we had tea and chatted for an hour or more.
My brother and I shared popcorn at the movies a while ago. When I came time to pay, I pulled my card out like a wild western sheriff and slapped it on the machine before he could fight me for it first. The satisfaction was delightful.
Someone called me crying on the phone the other day. Kept apologizing for disturbing me at work, talking about how they were bothering me on my lunch break. I was telling the truth when I told them that really, I was flattered and honored and relieved, knowing that if they were hurting I would know, that I didn't have to worry in silence. It felt good to hear them slowly come down, and to know that they knew it would be better soon, and to hear them laugh wetly on the other end. We're getting together for a visit next week.
It's hard to need things, if you've trained yourself not to. It's hard to want things, when you don't know how to want anymore. Trusting people is difficult, and so is relying on them, but I don't know where I'd be without the people who rely on me.
I've heard a lot of people say, "Nobody will love you unless you love yourself". I've had a lot of thoughts about it. It's not right, but it's not wrong, either, I think.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... I've always taken that to mean, "You will not be lovable until you develop a positive view of yourself as a person".
Now, I think it's sort of inside-out.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... because nobody can show their love to you in a way that you can accept until you treat yourself kindly, and learn what you need, and what you want, and how to ask for it, and then give that vulnerability away.
Love, for me, is someone I ask for a ride to the airport. Whether they end up doing this or not is irrelevant.
It's not needy, or selfish, or taking up energy. It's giving the gift of being wanted, and needed, and thought of. It's giving someone the security of being part of someone's life.
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raincheckdaisy · 7 months
Having a traumatic childhood means you cannot talk even objectively about your basic foundational experiences without it being "venting", even if you're not actually venting. You just straight up have a huge chunk of your life you can't talk about, full stop, without it being trauma dumping.
And it not being socially acceptable to talk about your own childhood is super alienating. Sometimes people want to know why, and any answer you can give them is going to be off putting.
It's to the point I get irritated when something I said is framed as venting when I'm literally just talking about my life experiences, doing my best to keep emotion out of it.
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raincheckdaisy · 7 months
I’m 28 and I feel incapable of anything. Anything I’ve ever dreamed in life has not worked out. All my relationships with everyone are at the cause of mostly my people pleasing. If I didn’t set yes or didn’t do what I do now for the people around me no one would bat an eye in my direction.
I’m a failure, always have been, always will be.
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
You only love me when it is convenient to you
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
When something bothered me, I didn’t talk with anyone about it. I thought it over all by myself, came to a conclusion, and took action alone. Not that I really felt lonely. I thought that’s just the way things are. Human beings, in the final analysis, have to survive on their own.
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
Two souls growing together with appreciation for each other. That’s the most beautiful kind of love.
— I wish I had that love
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
fuck it *vanishes under mysterious and highly suspicious circumstances and is never seen or heard from again*
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
I deserve the pain I’m putting myself though
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
I deserve this pain
I deserve it
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
I’m just crazy
I imagine things
If only I could imagine a life where nothing bad happens
Where I feel safe
But I’m crazy
I imagine things
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
For a bleak moment, I thought I found my soulmate
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
I'm so tired
But I don't want to sleep anymore
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
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raincheckdaisy · 4 years
This is one of the first things I have been able to write in months. I apologise for the grammar and punctuation, it's not perfect, it's also really late. I just want to tell my story on a platform where nobody knows who I am. Even if its just the smallest part of my story.
I'm so scared.
Of everything..
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