thebedesrp · 11 months
21 July 1977 - London U.K. 
LN - Lily had been driving her ancient Ford Cortina for the last four years, and it was its way out. 
For the last few weeks the car had been giving her trouble, it would start hard and sound like the engine wasn’t getting enough power to maintain itself while running. 
She took it to the shop it had been going to for the last four years for its annual MOT inspection for repairs. They did a throttle body service and cleaned the heads and spark plugs, and assured her that should sort the problem with the car. 
On her drive home from work one afternoon the dashboard flickered and the car stalled, thankfully she was at a stop light and didn’t get into a crash. Her heart was beating fast as she switched on the hazard lights and turned the key off. She put the car in neutral, and was prepared to steer the car out of traffic. Other drivers went past, and some even flipped her off. 
Once the car was over to the side of the road, she tried again to turn the engine over and it did start. She drove the car back to her flat and parked it on the street where she could see it from her bedroom window. 
When she was in her flat, she called the shop again and made an appointment to bring the car back. They told her it most likely needed a new ignition switch, and it would cost £300 as it was a special order part for a car this old. She would need to dip into her savings as she needed her car, the city bus didn’t run until 5:30 and she needed to be to work at 5:00 am. 
Unfortunately she would need to continue driving this ancient sodding piece of rubbish a bit longer, she didn’t have enough money saved yet to put a down payment on the car she had wanted - a new silver Toyota Corolla. This ancient heap had to survive a few more months. 
The next morning she got up to drive the car to work, and she was scheduled to be in at 10 rather than at 5. It was a weekend shift and she was staying to close. 
On the drive in, the car appeared to be fine until she heard the engine loose power and the dashboard flickered. The car stalled again, right in front of where she worked as she went to turn the corner. 
All of her coworkers watched from behind the counter, her boss running outside to help. 
JB - Joseph had been at the auto shop, standing in his empty bay watching traffic. 
He watched the ancient Cortina turn the corner and appeared to die in traffic. The coffee mug he had been holding he set on his tool box and he ran outside, across two lanes of oncoming traffic. He stood in front of her car, looking at her with concern in his eyes. 
LN - Lily looked up in fright, her heart beating fast and tears streaming down her face as she thought she had just hit Joseph with her car. 
Not only was she concerned that she might have just seriously injured him, the thought in the back of her mind was that she was going to loose her driving license. 
She had been talking to him regularly now, and had been developing feelings for him that she had yet to even tell him about. 
JB - Joseph stood at the front of her car, walking around to the driver side. He seen the tears on her cheeks and he wanted to hold her tightly, in an attempt to comfort her. “I’m alright, you didn’t just hit me with your car. Put it in neutral, you steer and I’ll push the car into the car park.”
He looked at her boss, “I’ll sort the car and I’ll bring her over in a few minutes. I know she’s shaken up from this.” Her boss nodded and walked back inside the restaurant, the weekend queue was beginning to form. 
LN - Lily looked at Joseph, standing beside her car. She nodded and moved the gear shift into neutral and already had the hazard lights on. Her heart was still beating fast, and she was shaking like a leaf. She had truly thought she’d just hit him with her car when it stalled. 
JB - He walked to the rear of the car and placed his hands on the trunk lid, pushing the car while she steered. Other drivers waited for them to get the car out of traffic, though some had honked while others cursed at them. 
Joseph glared at one and shook his head, knowing enough to not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. He was more concerned with her safety than he was their rush to be nowhere on a Saturday morning. 
LN - She steered the car into the car park of the auto shop, still shaking like a leaf. When the car was in a parking space she switched the engine off and got out, closing the door after she locked it. 
JB - Joseph brushed his hands off on his trousers, walking to her and hugging her in an attempt to comfort her. “Love, you need to get rid of this death trap. I’ll fix it, just tell me what’s wrong with it.”
LN - She held Joseph tightly, resting her head against his chest. “Joseph, it needs an ignition switch. It’s £300, and hopefully the shop has it in stock though I doubt they do for a car this old.”
JB - He held her close and gently rubbed her back, “I’ll handle it. If this shop doesn’t have the part there are five other shops on this street that might.”
LN - She looked up into his eyes, “I’ll buy the part at least, it is my heap you’ll be fixing. Thank you, Joe.” She remembered that he was a mechanic, and was thankful that he wasn’t a creep and willing to help. She handed him her car key for the Cortina. 
JB - He looked at her car again while he held her, and seen the quarter panels had been screwed back on. The driver side door hung slightly off its hinges and he remembered seeing the massive rot hole when she opened the door to get out of the car. There was rust where it shouldn’t have been, and he would look at the car when he replaced the faulty ignition switch and wiring. 
He took her hand and led her across the street to where she worked, knowing she was going to be worried about the ancient heap. He knew she needed her car, and he didn’t feel right letting her continue to drive it without sorting the problem with the car. 
LN - She walked across the street with him, holding his hand. When they arrived at the shop she worked at, she hugged Joseph again before she walked inside. “Hopefully I’ll see you again, for a cup of car sludge.” 
JB - He hugged her close and smiled, “Of course. I’ll be over around 11 when I’m on break.”
LN - She felt better that Joseph would be working on her car, it had taken the shop a month to even see the car when the issue first started. She wasn’t willing to go another month with the car not being able to be driven. 
JB - At 11 Joseph walked across the street to the shop, and joined the long queue to wait his turn to order a cup of coffee. He listened to the other customers, and wanted to smack someone of them upside their heads when he heard how rude and entitled they spoke to the employees. 
LN - She stood at the counter, ringing up orders and brewing more coffee. When she noticed Joseph in the queue she smiled, she was happy there was one person who wasn’t an asshole in the queue. Some of them looked for problems that didn’t exist, just to be assholes. 
JB - Joseph walked to the counter, “I’ll just have coffee, and they do have your part across the street.” He took out his wallet to pay for the coffee. 
LN - Lily shook her head, taking out her credit card and paying for his coffee. “Thank you for fixing my car, Joe.”
JB - He took the cup of coffee, “It isn’t that complicated to fix, and I won’t have to take apart the entire steering column.” 
LN - She smiled at him, watching more people walk in through the door and join the queue. 
JB - He walked to the table to add cream and sugar to his coffee, continuing to observe the other people. He left the restaurant to walk back across the street to the car shop to pick up the part for her car and complete the repairs.
LN - Lily watched from the counter as he walked across the street, and continued to work while he was working on her car. 
JB - He took the car around the block before he returned the car to her, he wanted to be absolutely sure the car was sorted properly. He brought the car to the car park where she worked, and dropped off her key with Janet. The queue had begun to slow down, now there were only a few people there while the employees began to clean and restock near the end of shift. 
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thebedesrp · 11 months
11 July 1977 - London U.K.
LN - Lily stood behind the counter of the restaurant, brewing the coffee a few minutes before the lights would be turned on inside and the door unlocked. 
She wore an orange shirt and khaki trousers, that even in her size were ill fitting and unflattering. Underneath the orange shirt she wore a tan long sleeve shirt, the restaurant could be cold up front due to the ancient heating system which needed repair. 
Occasionally she would glance across the street, watching the few cars drive past in the early morning. She walked to the door with the key and unlocked it, flipping the sign to open.
The first few hours would be slow; she would stand behind the counter and watch traffic drive past, other businesses open. The chemists and the auto parts shop opened at 8, followed by the bank and the insurance firm at 9.
JB - Joseph arrived at the auto shop at 8:00. He parked his Dad’s blue pickup truck in the employee parking area, and walked inside the office. 
He walked to the office coffeemaker and seen a note taped to it that it was broken again. “Bugger me.” He swore under his breath though he was currently the only employee there.
He looked across the street, noticing the restaurant. Now he had a reason to walk across the street later in the morning. 
LN - At 9 she heard the bell chime, and she looked up. She rarely gave any of the customers more than a passing glance. He was tall and gorgeous. She couldn’t help herself but look at this man.
Josh, one of her coworkers, walked over and stood by her side. He lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, “Did you see that man that just walked in? He’s handsome.”
She nodded, feeling her throat go dry and her ability to speak English momentarily left her mind. 
Their manager, Janet, stood at the other end of the counter shaking her head. “Are you going to help him?” She asked them. Josh returned to the counter, while she stayed at the register. 
JB - Joseph smiled and approached the register, all he wanted was a takeaway cup of coffee. “Good morning. How is the coffee here?” He greeted, looking at her and feeling instantly drawn to her. He thought she was beautiful. 
LN - Janet left the counter to walk in the kitchen and Josh went to use the loo. She glanced around and lowered her voice, “It’s horrid, like car sludge. You’ll need a lot of cream and sugar.” She answered him honestly, and she rarely voiced her opinion about what was served at work. 
JB - He took out his wallet, and decided to order a takeaway cup anyway. He went to sit at a table for two, and watched as the sky turned grey. It was about to rain.
LN - She stood at the register, brewing another pot of coffee as the morning rush began. There were only four employees on that day, and she held her breath for a moment. They were about to take a beating, the queue would be unrelenting for at least an hour through. It would last until at least Noon, as people were placing large orders for takeaway to bring to work. 
JB - Joseph sat there, drinking the worst cup of coffee he ever had in his life, mesmerised by her. 
She handled the queue with kindness and grace, even dealing with two upset customers. One had been upset over the ancient ceiling tiles that needed to be replaced, and he didn’t blame the restaurant employees for not wanting to climb a large ladder all the way up to the ceiling and replace the tiles. Building maintenance should sort that. 
She was everything that he wanted to have by his side, for the rest of his life. 
He approached the register last, to order another cup of that terrible coffee and he passed her a folded £20 note along with the auto shop business card from the firm across the street. He smiled at her, “Well done, you had grace under extreme pressure. You’re a diamond, don’t ever forget it.” 
LN - She stood behind the register, breathless while trying to brew another pot of coffee. She refilled his takeaway cup, and passed it to him. 
When he spoke she listened and nodded, taking the note he passed to her and looking at his business card. “Well Mr Bede, I do need to get my brakes sorted, I’ll stop by.” She said to him. 
While she found him very attractive, she wasn’t sure yet if he was another creepy bloke on the avenue or not. She wasn’t very trusting of people, and she had to get to know them and let the trust develop. 
JB - This had been the most expensive cup of takeaway coffee he had ever had, but he hoped she would stop by the auto shop to see him. She had his business card, and he already would do anything she would ever ask of him. If she wanted the moon and stars, he would find a way to give them to her. 
He went to leave, glancing at her from the door. His mind was made up, he would return tomorrow for the flame haired beauty and the terrible coffee. He then walked across the street, back to the auto shop. 
LN - In the few quiet moments they had, before the queue formed again for the next round; her coworkers gathered around her. “So how much did he tip you?” Josh said. She listened to the question asked before she spoke, “£20.”
They returned to the counter as the next queue formed, and she remained at the register. 
She looked at his business card, and then across the street. He definitely made her heart skip a beat, when he first walked in the restaurant. She hoped she would see him again, and not just for business.
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thebedesrp · 11 months
21 June 1977 - London U.K.
LN - Lily stood behind the counter at work, staring off into space as her coworkers had been talking about their romantic relationships during a few minutes of quiet time. 
She would much rather be run over by a London bus, or a rubbish lorry than endure the questions they would ask of her as to why she had remained single. 
Sipping her tea, she exhaled slowly. “The bloke I’d fancy simply doesn’t exist. He’ll respect me and my intelligence, won’t expect me to quit my job and be a housewife; he’ll be kind and soft spoken, able to sort anything wrong with a car.”
Her coworker Josh smiled, “Perhaps he does exist, most blokes now don’t cling to that dark ages mentality.”
She sighed, “He can’t break my heart if he doesn’t exist.” Mentally she thought of what he might look like; that he’d be tall and slender though muscular, he’d have dark chestnut brown hair and ice blue eyes, and for good measure large ears. 
A few minutes later a group of blokes walked into the restaurant, standing back from the counter as they read the menu on the wall. 
Her coworker walked over and nudged her, “He’s gorgeous, look at him.” They tilted their head toward a tall slender bloke who seemed to fit the description of what she had daydreamed a few minutes ago. 
She smiled softly, “He is, though I doubt I’d know what to say if he spoke to me.” As much as she did hope he would try to speak to her, her mind turned to mush as she looked at him. 
The blokes walked closer the counter now, and she waited to see whom would approach first. Her hearts kept skipping a beat as she looked at the tall bloke with the large ears. 
JB - He had walked to the counter, picking up a blueberry muffin and a bottle of chocolate milk. 
While he stood with his coworkers from the auto repair shop across the street he couldn’t decide on ordering anything else because he’d been looking at a woman who was working behind the counter. 
Hopefully the next time he came here, he could work up the nerve to try to start a conversation with her. She was beautiful, she appeared to glow like starlight and had ginger hair. When he stepped closer he noticed her eyes were a shade of sapphire he hadn’t ever seen before. 
While his coworkers stood near him, one of the other blokes caught him staring at someone behind the counter and smiled. “Ask her out, Joe.” Steven nudged him. 
Joe sighed, “I’d have a better chance of actually working on a car in Hell, than I would of her having any interest in me.” He hoped he would be wrong, though he’d already been judged for his appearance and from being from a council estate in Salford. He’d been told he was awkwardly tall and his ears were funny. 
His coworker shook his head, “Mate, the answer will always be no if you never ask. I’ve seen her looking at you.”
He took a few napkins before the group left, and he looked at his coworker again. “Right. While I doubt she would be interested in me, I’ll try to work up the nerve to ask.”
Before he left, he stood by the door and looked at her one last time before he turned to leave to walk back across the street to the shop.
LN - After the group had left it was quiet again for a few minutes. Josh walked back to where she had been standing, following her line of sight as she looked at the four bay auto shop across the street. 
He smiled at her, “I seen how you looked at him, and how he looked at you.”
She looked at her coworker, hoping that no one had caught her glancing at the bloke. She smiled, “I doubt he’d be interested in me. He’s gorgeous, I’m sure he’s seeing someone.”
He nudged her again, “Just talk to him. You won’t ever know if you don’t try.”
JB - He stood in his bay, looking across the street for a moment before he turned to the car that had the bonnet up. For a moment he’d been lost in his own thoughts, that had wandered back across the street. 
Steven had smiled when he caught Joe staring across the street. “Mate, ask her out for tea. Otherwise you’ll be waiting for her to bring her car here for an oil change.”
He looked up from the car and then glanced across the street again, “I still need to actually talk to her first, I don’t want her to think I’m some sort of dodgy bloke.”
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thebedesrp · 11 months
2 September 1968 - London U.K.
Romana had grown tired of living like a hermit, known as the recluse of Broadchurch. 
She had waited since 2 September 1899, and he still had not returned as he had promised. She assumed he had been lost to the war, and now only she remained. 
August was spent searching for a job and a flat in London, a city she had only been to a few times over the years. During the last human war, fought in part on British soil, she hid in the beach house along the River Brit. 
She had found a employment as a waitress in a cafe, and a flat in a newly built council estate. She paid the rent on the flat for the first year in full, and decided she was ready to attempt living again. At the moment she felt like she was solely existing, but not truly living. He would have wanted her to live again, on his beloved blue marble. 
She waited for the car to arrive to drive her to London, and her new flat in the Powell Estate. Her trunk had been packed with what little she had to bring to London, her important paperwork and other items. 
Once again she looked at herself in the mirror, wearing a white pinstripe dress suit from 1912. It was the only thing she could wear that didn’t look too funny in the current year, 1968. She pulled closed around herself her long pink coat, that had ornate embroidery around the collar and hems of the sleeves. She knew she would look out of place in 1968, and would need a trip to a shop in London to purchase some new clothes. 
When the car pulled up to the house she stepped outside and locked the door, waving to them. The driver helped load her steamer trunk in the boot of the car, and thankfully they didn’t comment on her clothes. They opened the door for her, and she paid them her fare for the drive to London. 
While they drove along the motorway, she read over her lease again and her employment paperwork. She would start her job at the cafe on 7 October, and her rent was paid so she wasn’t concerned about her bills. She could use this time to adjust, and observe humans as they lived now. 
Admittedly she felt a little nervous, in the last 69 years since she arrived on Earth she had limited interactions with humans. While in Broadchurch she stayed in her house and kept to herself, and her neighbours found her odd for it. She hadn’t expected to be here for this long, and she barely traveled though she had the means to. 
They arrived in London during golden hour, just before twilight. The city shined as they drove across Westminster Bridge, to her the world looked brand new. She didn’t feel nearly as scared but hopeful, this was a new beginning. A chance to live again. 
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thebedesrp · 1 year
21 September 1941 - London, U.K.
Lily had been on Earth now for exactly 42 years, and so many odd days…
Slowly she started to venture out from her tiny beach house along the River Brit in Dorset, having travelled to London. 
Humanity was terrifying to her, though she was an alien amongst aliens as Earth wasn’t her home planet. Thankfully she appeared human so she didn’t attract unnecessary attention to herself. 
Now she was witness to yet another war, on this planet. Leaving her home to collect rations was terrifying, staying home listening to the news on the radio was equally terrifying. 
Every night she’d have nightmares, a mixture of her own memories of the Time War and the global wars on Earth. 
She’d continued waiting, for the Doctor to return from Gallifrey and for the Earth wars to end. 
Whilst in London she’d discovered a bookshop in Mayfair London, and every time she attempted to visit she’d found the shop was closed. Since it was a rare book shop, she hoped there might be a book from her home world regarding the war - provided the shop owner was also not human. 
She never had the nerve to knock on the door despite the sign always being turned to closed. There were flats above, and she assumed the shop owner might live there. 
While standing by the door one day, she’d seen a large black Bentley drive up and park along the curb. The driver was a bloke with flame red hair, and they wore dark glasses. 
When the driver got out of the car and approached the shop, she thought for a moment regarding what she would say. 
Anthony Crowley stood by his car for a moment, observing the lady standing by the door of the bookshop. “Romana! How are you? I’ve not seen you in ages.” They greeted, walking towards her. 
She paused, her hearts beating rapidly in her chest. “Ant!” She smiled, “It’s so good to see you.”
He opened the door to the bookshop, holding it open for her and walking inside after she did. Once they were inside, he spoke slowly. “The war ended, all that’s left is rocks and dust in the constellation of Kasterbourus. I’m sorry I don’t have better news.”
She nodded and turned to hug Ant, resting her head against his chest and letting the tears stream silently down her face. “Any news regarding my husband, my daughter?”
He hugged her close, listening as she asked a question. “Unfortunately not at this time. I will keep checking.” He truly wished he had more information for her, and he hadn’t seen her since she’d been on Gallifrey. 
Wiping her tears she turned to look at Ant, “Would you be able to drive me back to Dorset? It’s where I’ve been living since I’d arrived here. I’ve been debating on moving to London, though I don’t want him to return to an empty house.” 
He nodded, “Of course. I’d be a poor guardian angel otherwise.” Even though he’d fell ages ago, and that wasn’t something he would freely discuss he would always be her guardian angel. “I’d suggest waiting out the war before you move, and you could always leave him a note explaining where you’ve gone. Now that I know where you are, I’ll visit more often to check on you.” 
Ant walked behind the counter, taking a note pad and leaving a note prior to addressing her again. “Ready when you are, and I do hope you’ll visit more often too.”
She nodded, buttoning her long pink coat and waiting for Ant before walked to the door with him. It would be a long drive back to Dorset, and would give them time to catch up since they’d last seen each other. Now she felt less alone, on a new planet. 
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thebedesrp · 1 year
21 September 1899 - Dorset, U.K.
Lily stood alone by the kitchen window in her beach house, having newly arrived on Earth. 
For her, the Time War had ended to a degree. She was no longer living in the Citadel on Gallifrey, constantly hearing explosions and seeing fires. The Daleks were not swarming the skies of Earth like a plague of flies, destroying everything in sight. 
She was alone on a new planet, 250 million light years from home. Even though she still had a Tardis, she knew that she would never be able to return home again. 
Her home was destroyed in the war, all but one of her children had survived. Esme, her youngest daughter was the only survivor of her family aside from herself. As much as she tried to hold onto hope, she doubted her husband had survived the war. At the moment all she could do was wait, wait for them both to arrive on Earth. 
She would have remained and kept fighting, though all were growing tired of the war. Both the High Council and War Council had been fighting amongst themselves, Rassilon never relented and would have kept the war going as long as there’d been people to continue fighting it. 
The Doctor, tired from a war he had wanted no part of from the beginning and having lost just as much as she did; deemed her far too important to himself to loose. He’d brought her to Earth, to a small seaside village in Dorset on 2 September 1899 with a promise to return when the war finally ended. 
Another day passed, the colours of sunset painting the sky and the very first stars becoming visible. She waited another night, still he didn’t return. 
She would continue to wait, holding onto hope. Hope was all she’d had left at this point. Hope and an empty beach house.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
Amas Veritas
@Lily_Bede & @Joseph_Bede
London - 5 May 2011
LN - Lily sat on the leather sofa with Joseph, the evening news on the telly and they each had a glass of white wine. The curtains were closed against the late afternoon light outside. 
She held his hand as he slumped against the sofa, exhausted from a day at work. 
Her thoughts wandered across time, thinking of Gallifrey - long since lost in a brutal, seemingly unending war. When she first arrived here she was frightened, though she looked human she wasn’t actually human. 
While she had briefly met humans before, she had never lived alongside them. She did everything she could to blend in - she got a job as a waitress at a restaurant across from an auto shop, she dressed as human women did, she learned how to drive a car. 
When she met Joseph she felt lost, alone in the dark. Human blokes occasionally creeped her out as much as Gallifreyan blokes. 
He was different, he was a gentleman. Whenever he came to the restaurant he was always polite and left a decent tip. The coffee was horrid but he would sit there for his entire hour break before he would walk back across the street to the auto shop. 
She developed a crush on him, eagerly anticipating the time when she would see him walk out of the auto shop and cross the street. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and ice blue eyes. He had manners and was very polite and kind. When she would see him her mind would turn to mush and she would smile ear to ear like a fool. Her coworkers occasionally would tease her about this, though if anyone would say his name she couldn’t help but smile.
She loved cars, and had an ancient rusty Ford Cortina. It was nearly beyond repair, but she kept getting it fixed as she thought she couldn’t afford a car off a dealership lot. Joseph took a look at the car for her a few times, replacing the faulty ignition wiring and told her to attempt to trade in the death trap she was driving. 
Over the summer she had finally listened to reason and traded the ancient Ford Cortina for a new Toyota Corolla. She had been surprised when they approved her for the car loan, and that she could afford the payments.
At night she would look up at the stars, wishing for love. She didn’t realise it at the time but she had been wishing for him. Things progressed between them quickly and within two years of dating he’d proposed.
JB - Now he no longer worked as an accountant for the insurance firm but for a bloke named Harvey Wratten. He was Harvey’s personal accountant, he cleaned Harvey’s money through the flower shop he had opened in London with £1.5 million pounds sterling of his own money. They had to endure Harvey’s unhinged nephew, Jay, who would harass and menace them both - all the while Joseph was unable to do anything about this as Harvey protected Jay from everyone, though Jay desperately needed to get his arse beat. 
LN - She returned from her thoughts, looking at the telly as Joseph sat up straighter. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. 
“Why is Harvey Wratten on the telly?” She asked him. She remembered when he and Jay had been arrested for drugs trafficking, and now he was being granted a very rare Royal Pardon. It simply didn’t make any sense, and that meant they would be seeing Jay soon. 
Suddenly she felt very frightened of humans again, and she jumped when she heard the phone ringing. She looked at Joseph as he stood up, “You’ll be coming back?” She asked him. 
Joseph had been threatened before, and she worried that he would taken from her. He was the brightest star in her sky, without him there was no light - only the inky blackness of unending darkness.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
// ⚠️ CW/TW - Organised Crime, Violence
In 2006 I opened a florists shop in Central London, mainly because Harvey Wratten wanted a clean line to launder money.
I was already up to my ears keeping his books on a slow simmer, also laundering his money.
I earned more working for Wratten than I did at the accounting firm I was working for, though it came with the risk of prison time if I were ever caught.
Looking back I’m not sure what motivated me to quit my job and work for Wratten.
I was earning more than enough to cover my expenses and live comfortably, though I wasn’t nearly as wealthy before.
Harvey and his psychotic nephew Jay had both gone to prison within a month of my opening the business, and it remained legitimate until they both got released early on a Royal Pardon.
I had called my barrister to ask about the Royal Pardon, and he explained how it worked. One of them talked and cooperated while in prison, to qualify for release.
Jay wanted to use my completely legal and legitimate business for his drugs dealing, and I refused unless he were to buy me out.
I invested £1.5 million pounds sterling of my own money, and needed income to provide for Julie during the last year of her life. I couldn’t risk going to prison when she was vulnerable and unable to care for herself.
Once this mess with the Wratten’s was sorted, I also intended to retire from working for them.
In 2011 when Lily returned home from her last correspondent assignment, I found her again.
She was made redundant for dating me, everyone in the U.K. knew my name and associated it with the Wratten’s and my employment with them.
I offered her a job managing my florists shop, and she later had an idea to open a tea room.
While she was working on the menus I was shot by Jay. Thankfully Jay assumed he succeeded, and when I left hospital we moved to Mayfair. Julie passed while I was in a medically induced coma after surgery to repair the injuries caused by Jay.
Lily also purchased an investment property in Dublin, I admit I encouraged her to do so after seeing how well she managed my shop and the tea room she wanted to open.
Currently I work as an accountant, I’m my own boss. I’d never again accept a job like I had with the Wratten’s, that’s not what I want for the rest of my life.
I kept my word and stuck to my plan to retire, and I haven’t looked back since.
// Canon - Episodes 4, 7, and 8 discuss Joseph’s intention to retire from organised crime.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
// ⚠️ CW/TW - Unemployment, Organised Crime
I had spent 30 years working for the BBC as a correspondent photojournalist, and eventually became an editor.
My last post was covering Organised Crime.
I had sorted out the whole Wratten mess, and been made redundant before I could break that story.
They also said I was in bed with organised crime, a low blow towards @Joseph_Bede .
I’d given up so much for that job, and walked away with a tarnished professional reputation.
Joseph offered me a job running his flower shop, and made me an equal partner in the business that he built by himself.
I accepted his offer, and made him an equal partner in the pub and distillery I own in Dublin. Joe encouraged me to purchase the property.
There is always light following the darkest night.
Never give up, and never give in. Hope is a choice.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
I’m assuming everyone thinks our relationship is perfect…
Christmas ‘78 she broke my heart when I asked her to marry me.
We were both starting new jobs in January, and planning to move out of the council estate.
I got a job at an insurance firm, and she was going to be working for the BBC as a correspondent photojournalist.
I assured her we would make it work, that we would be alright.
She didn’t think it would be, and thought leaving was better. She gave back my ring, and moved out of our flat. I was shattered.
I later met Julie. While I did love her, she seen me as security. I stayed with her until she passed.
// I highly recommend watching the series Joe is from, it will help our overall story make sense.
We met again in 2011 when Lily came back from her last correspondent assignment in Egypt.
I wasn’t going to let her get away again, and I started seeing her.
I asked her to marry me a second time, and she accepted.
We were married 11 July 2017, 38 years later.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
I assure you we were all young and stupid at one point, maybe even done something regrettable.
My only regret was leaving @Joseph_Bede when I was younger.
I accepted the job as a correspondent photojournalist, and travelled the world.
I rarely came back to London for more than a few days, and never dated again. I simply didn’t want to, and I was rather harsh turning down blokes.
Joe and I did write to each other, a few times a year when he could figure out where they sent me.
In 2011 I came home from last assignment, before my desk job as an editor. My post was covering organised crime.
I started seeing Joe again, and the directors found out because the tabloids had been photographing us together.
They were asking me to choose between them and him, threatening me with an inquiry before they made me redundant.
I wasn’t going to make the same choice twice, and I left the BBC.
I was loosing my mind being newly unemployed. I had my job for 30 years at the time.
Joe offered me a job managing his flower shop, while he worked as an accountant.
When he asked me to marry him a second time, at first I hesitated but I did accept. We got married 7 years later.
It’s ok to be young and stupid, it’s the only way to be old and smart. Learn from past mistakes, and do better.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
This is the old Powell Estate in South London.
When I moved to London from Salford, my first flat was here. It was rough in the late 1970’s.
I still have my father’s 1957 Ford F100, I finished restoring it in October. The photos of the truck were taken at the pumpkin patch when we renewed our vows.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
When I first moved to London from West Bay, Bridport in September of ‘68 - I moved to the Powell Estate and bought a used Ford Cortina. In July of ‘78 I bought a ‘68 Toyota Corolla, I still have that car.
// Her Corolla is the same colour as the old Cortina.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
Here’s an old photo, from when we were much younger.
I was working as an auto mechanic then, taking accounting classes, and dreaming of everything I have now. It may have taken 30 years, but my dreams came true.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
Here’s an old photo of me, from summer of ‘78.
At the time I was living in South London, in the Powell Estate. I was working as a waitress and going to university for photography and journalism.
Everyone told me I should aspire to get married and be a housewife, but I wanted more than that.
I didn’t get married until 2017, 38 years to the day we had planned in ‘79.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
// OOC Writer’s Note
Threads will be starting today, please read my pinned tweet. Happy reading! x
~ Lily
✨ Threads will be posted on Thursday.
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thebedesrp · 1 year
20 June 2023
Happy Birthday @Lily_Bede xx
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